intlowStack[3],highStack[3];//amount of units; described below
std::stringrefTypeStack[3];//reference names of units appearing in hero's army if he is recruited in tavern
EHeroClassesheroType;//hero class
std::vector<std::pair<ui8,ui8>>secSkillsInit;//initial secondary skills; first - ID of skill, second - level of skill (1 - basic, 2 - adv., 3 - expert)
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>primChance;//primChance[PRIMARY_SKILL_ID] - first is for levels 2 - 9, second for 10+;;; probability (%) of getting point of primary skill when getting new level
std::vector<int>proSec;//probabilities of gaining secondary skills (out of 112), in id order
intselectionProbability[9];//probability of selection in towns
std::vector<int>terrCosts;//default costs of going through terrains: dirt, sand, grass, snow, swamp, rough, subterranean, lava, water, rock; -1 means terrain is imapassable
intchooseSecSkill(conststd::set<int>&possibles)const;//picks secondary skill out from given possibilities
std::vector<int>expPerLevel;//expPerLEvel[i] is amount of exp needed to reach level i; if it is not in this vector, multiplicate last value by 1,2 to get next value
ui8keep,tower,gate,wall;//chance to hit in percent (eg. 87 is 87%)
ui8shots;//how many shots we have
ui8noDmg,oneDmg,twoDmg;//chances for shot dealing certain dmg in percent (eg. 87 is 87%); must sum to 100
ui8sum;//I don't know if it is useful for anything, but it's in config file