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2023-09-07 12:57:03 +03:00
< [Documentation](../Readme.md) / Building on macOS
2023-09-01 15:25:21 +03:00
# Requirements
1. C++ toolchain, either of:
- Xcode Command Line Tools (aka CLT): `sudo xcode-select --install`
- Xcode IDE: <https://developer.apple.com/xcode/>
- (not tested) other C++ compilers, e.g. gcc/clang from [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/)
2. CMake: `brew install --cask cmake` or get from <https://cmake.org/download/>
3. (optional) Ninja: `brew install ninja` or get from <https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases>
# Obtaining source code
Clone <https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi> with submodules. Example for command line:
`git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git`
# Obtaining dependencies
There're 2 ways to get dependencies automatically.
## Conan package manager
Please find detailed instructions in [VCMI repository](https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/tree/develop/docs/conan.md). Note that the link points to the cutting-edge state in `develop` branch, for the latest release check the same document in the [master branch](https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/tree/master/docs/conan.md).
On the step where you need to replace **PROFILE**, choose:
- if you're on an Intel Mac: `macos-intel`
- if you're on an Apple Silicon Mac: `macos-arm`
Note: if you wish to build 1.0 release in non-`Release` configuration, you should define `USE_CONAN_WITH_ALL_CONFIGS=1` environment variable when executing `conan install`.
## Homebrew
1. [Install Homebrew](https://brew.sh/)
2. Install dependencies:
`brew install boost minizip sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf tbb`
3. If you want to watch in-game videos, also install FFmpeg:
`brew install ffmpeg@4`
4. Install Qt dependency in either of the ways (note that you can skip this if you're not going to build Launcher):
- `brew install qt@5` for Qt 5 or `brew install qt` for Qt 6
- using [Qt Online Installer](https://www.qt.io/download) - choose **Go open source**
# Preparing build environment
This applies only to Xcode-based toolchain. If `xcrun -f clang` prints errors, then use either of the following ways:
- select an Xcode instance from Xcode application - Preferences - Locations - Command Line Tools
- use `xcode-select` utility to set Xcode or Xcode Command Line Tools path: for example,
`sudo xcode-select -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools`
- set `DEVELOPER_DIR` environment variable pointing to Xcode or Xcode Command Line Tools path: for example, `export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode.app`
# Configuring project for building
Note that if you wish to use Qt Creator IDE, you should skip this step and configure respective variables inside the IDE.
1. In Terminal `cd` to the source code directory
2. Start assembling CMake invocation: type `cmake -S . -B BUILD_DIR` where *BUILD_DIR* can be any path, **don't press Return**
3. Decide which CMake generator you want to use:
- Makefiles: no extra option needed or pass `-G 'Unix Makefiles'`
- Ninja (if you have installed it): pass `-G Ninja`
- Xcode IDE (if you have installed it): pass `-G Xcode`
4. If you picked Makefiles or Ninja, pick desired *build type* - either of Debug / RelWithDebInfo / Release / MinSizeRel - and pass it in `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` option, for example: `-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`. If you don't pass this option, `RelWithDebInfo` will be used.
5. If you don't want to build Launcher, pass `-D ENABLE_LAUNCHER=OFF`
6. You can also pass `-Wno-dev` if you're not interested in CMake developer warnings
7. Next step depends on the dependency manager you have picked:
- Conan: pass `-D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=conan-generated/conan_toolchain.cmake` where **conan-generated** must be replaced with your directory choice
- Homebrew: if you installed FFmpeg or Qt 5, you need to pass `-D "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="` variable. See below what you can insert after `=` (but **before the closing quote**), multiple values must be separated with `;` (semicolon):
- if you installed FFmpeg, insert `$(brew --prefix ffmpeg@4)`
- if you installed Qt 5 from Homebrew, insert:`$(brew --prefix qt@5)`
- if you installed Qt from Online Installer, insert your path to Qt directory, for example: `/Users/kambala/dev/Qt-libs/5.15.2/Clang64`
- example for FFmpeg + Qt 5: `-D "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix ffmpeg@4);$(brew --prefix qt@5)"`
8. now press Return
# Building project
2023-09-05 00:52:36 +03:00
You must also install game files to be able to run the built version, see [Installation on macOS](players/Installation_macOS.md).
2023-09-01 15:25:21 +03:00
## From Xcode IDE
Open `VCMI.xcodeproj` from the build directory, select `vcmiclient` scheme and hit Run (Cmd+R). To build Launcher, select `vcmilauncher` scheme instead.
## From command line
`cmake --build `<path to build directory>
- If using Makefiles generator, you'd want to utilize all your CPU cores by appending `-- -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)` to the above
- If using Xcode generator, you can also choose which configuration to build by appending `--config `<configuration name> to the above, for example: `--config Debug`
# Packaging project into DMG file
After building, run `cpack` from the build directory. If using Xcode generator, also pass `-C `<configuration name> with the same configuration that you used to build the project.
2023-09-05 00:52:36 +03:00
If you use Conan, it's expected that you use **conan-generated** directory at step 4 of [Conan package manager](Conan.md).
2023-09-01 15:25:21 +03:00
# Running VCMI
You can run VCMI from DMG, but it's will also work from your IDE be it Xcode or Qt Creator.
Alternatively you can run binaries directly from "bin" directory:
CMake include commands to copy all needed assets from source directory into "bin" on each build. They'll work when you build from Xcode too.
# Some useful debugging tips
Anyone who might want to debug builds, but new to macOS could find following commands useful:
- To attach DMG file from command line use
`hdiutil attach vcmi-1.0.dmg`
- Detach volume:
`hdiutil detach /Volumes/vcmi-1.0`
- To view dependency paths
`otool -L /Volumes/vcmi-1.0/VCMI.app/Contents/MacOS/vcmiclient`
- To display load commands such as LC_RPATH
`otool -l /Volumes/vcmi-1.0/VCMI.app/Contents/MacOS/vcmiclient`
# Troubleshooting
In case of troubles you can always consult our CI build scripts or contact the dev team via slack