2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
* VCAI . h , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# pragma once
# include "AIUtility.h"
# include "Goals/AbstractGoal.h"
# include "../../lib/AI_Base.h"
# include "../../CCallback.h"
# include "../../lib/CThreadHelper.h"
# include "../../lib/GameConstants.h"
# include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
# include "../../lib/CBuildingHandler.h"
# include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h"
# include "../../lib/CTownHandler.h"
# include "../../lib/mapObjects/MiscObjects.h"
# include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h"
# include "../../lib/CondSh.h"
# include "Pathfinding/AIPathfinder.h"
struct QuestInfo ;
class AIhelper ;
class AIStatus
boost : : mutex mx ;
boost : : condition_variable cv ;
BattleState battle ;
std : : map < QueryID , std : : string > remainingQueries ;
std : : map < int , QueryID > requestToQueryID ; //IDs of answer-requests sent to server => query ids (so we can match answer confirmation from server to the query)
std : : vector < const CGObjectInstance * > objectsBeingVisited ;
bool ongoingHeroMovement ;
bool ongoingChannelProbing ; // true if AI currently explore bidirectional teleport channel exits
bool havingTurn ;
public :
AIStatus ( ) ;
~ AIStatus ( ) ;
void setBattle ( BattleState BS ) ;
void setMove ( bool ongoing ) ;
void setChannelProbing ( bool ongoing ) ;
bool channelProbing ( ) ;
BattleState getBattle ( ) ;
void addQuery ( QueryID ID , std : : string description ) ;
void removeQuery ( QueryID ID ) ;
int getQueriesCount ( ) ;
void startedTurn ( ) ;
void madeTurn ( ) ;
void waitTillFree ( ) ;
bool haveTurn ( ) ;
void attemptedAnsweringQuery ( QueryID queryID , int answerRequestID ) ;
void receivedAnswerConfirmation ( int answerRequestID , int result ) ;
void heroVisit ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , bool started ) ;
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template < typename Handler > void serialize ( Handler & h )
2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
h & battle ;
h & remainingQueries ;
h & requestToQueryID ;
h & havingTurn ;
} ;
class DLL_EXPORT VCAI : public CAdventureAI
public :
friend class FuzzyHelper ;
friend class ResourceManager ;
friend class BuildingManager ;
std : : map < TeleportChannelID , std : : shared_ptr < TeleportChannel > > knownTeleportChannels ;
std : : map < const CGObjectInstance * , const CGObjectInstance * > knownSubterraneanGates ;
ObjectInstanceID destinationTeleport ;
int3 destinationTeleportPos ;
std : : vector < ObjectInstanceID > teleportChannelProbingList ; //list of teleport channel exits that not visible and need to be (re-)explored
//std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> visitedThisWeek; //only OPWs
std : : map < HeroPtr , std : : set < const CGTownInstance * > > townVisitsThisWeek ;
//part of mainLoop, but accessible from outisde
std : : vector < Goals : : TSubgoal > basicGoals ;
Goals : : TGoalVec goalsToRemove ;
Goals : : TGoalVec goalsToAdd ;
std : : map < Goals : : TSubgoal , Goals : : TGoalVec > ultimateGoalsFromBasic ; //theoreticlaly same goal can fulfill multiple basic goals
std : : set < HeroPtr > invalidPathHeroes ; //FIXME, just a workaround
std : : map < HeroPtr , Goals : : TSubgoal > lockedHeroes ; //TODO: allow non-elementar objectives
std : : map < HeroPtr , std : : set < const CGObjectInstance * > > reservedHeroesMap ; //objects reserved by specific heroes
std : : set < HeroPtr > heroesUnableToExplore ; //these heroes will not be polled for exploration in current state of game
//sets are faster to search, also do not contain duplicates
std : : set < const CGObjectInstance * > visitableObjs ;
std : : set < const CGObjectInstance * > alreadyVisited ;
std : : set < const CGObjectInstance * > reservedObjs ; //to be visited by specific hero
std : : map < HeroPtr , std : : set < HeroPtr > > visitedHeroes ; //visited this turn //FIXME: this is just bug workaround
AIStatus status ;
std : : string battlename ;
std : : shared_ptr < CCallback > myCb ;
std : : unique_ptr < boost : : thread > makingTurn ;
private :
boost : : mutex turnInterruptionMutex ;
public :
ObjectInstanceID selectedObject ;
AIhelper * ah ;
VCAI ( ) ;
virtual ~ VCAI ( ) ;
//TODO: use only smart pointers?
void tryRealize ( Goals : : Explore & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : RecruitHero & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : VisitTile & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : VisitObj & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : VisitHero & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : BuildThis & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : DigAtTile & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : Trade & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : BuyArmy & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : Invalid & g ) ;
void tryRealize ( Goals : : AbstractGoal & g ) ;
bool isTileNotReserved ( const CGHeroInstance * h , int3 t ) const ; //the tile is not occupied by allied hero and the object is not reserved
std : : string getBattleAIName ( ) const override ;
void initGameInterface ( std : : shared_ptr < Environment > ENV , std : : shared_ptr < CCallback > CB ) override ;
void yourTurn ( QueryID queryID ) override ;
void heroGotLevel ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , PrimarySkill pskill , std : : vector < SecondarySkill > & skills , QueryID queryID ) override ; //pskill is gained primary skill, interface has to choose one of given skills and call callback with selection id
void commanderGotLevel ( const CCommanderInstance * commander , std : : vector < ui32 > skills , QueryID queryID ) override ; //TODO
void showBlockingDialog ( const std : : string & text , const std : : vector < Component > & components , QueryID askID , const int soundID , bool selection , bool cancel ) override ; //Show a dialog, player must take decision. If selection then he has to choose between one of given components, if cancel he is allowed to not choose. After making choice, CCallback::selectionMade should be called with number of selected component (1 - n) or 0 for cancel (if allowed) and askID.
void showGarrisonDialog ( const CArmedInstance * up , const CGHeroInstance * down , bool removableUnits , QueryID queryID ) override ; //all stacks operations between these objects become allowed, interface has to call onEnd when done
void showTeleportDialog ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , TeleportChannelID channel , TTeleportExitsList exits , bool impassable , QueryID askID ) override ;
void showMapObjectSelectDialog ( QueryID askID , const Component & icon , const MetaString & title , const MetaString & description , const std : : vector < ObjectInstanceID > & objects ) override ;
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void saveGame ( BinarySerializer & h ) override ; //saving
void loadGame ( BinaryDeserializer & h ) override ; //loading
2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
void finish ( ) override ;
void availableCreaturesChanged ( const CGDwelling * town ) override ;
void heroMoved ( const TryMoveHero & details , bool verbose = true ) override ;
void heroInGarrisonChange ( const CGTownInstance * town ) override ;
void centerView ( int3 pos , int focusTime ) override ;
void tileHidden ( const std : : unordered_set < int3 > & pos ) override ;
void artifactMoved ( const ArtifactLocation & src , const ArtifactLocation & dst ) override ;
void artifactAssembled ( const ArtifactLocation & al ) override ;
void showTavernWindow ( const CGObjectInstance * object , const CGHeroInstance * visitor , QueryID queryID ) override ;
void showThievesGuildWindow ( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) override ;
void playerBlocked ( int reason , bool start ) override ;
void showPuzzleMap ( ) override ;
void showShipyardDialog ( const IShipyard * obj ) override ;
void gameOver ( PlayerColor player , const EVictoryLossCheckResult & victoryLossCheckResult ) override ;
void artifactPut ( const ArtifactLocation & al ) override ;
void artifactRemoved ( const ArtifactLocation & al ) override ;
void artifactDisassembled ( const ArtifactLocation & al ) override ;
void heroVisit ( const CGHeroInstance * visitor , const CGObjectInstance * visitedObj , bool start ) override ;
void availableArtifactsChanged ( const CGBlackMarket * bm = nullptr ) override ;
void heroVisitsTown ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , const CGTownInstance * town ) override ;
void tileRevealed ( const std : : unordered_set < int3 > & pos ) override ;
void heroExchangeStarted ( ObjectInstanceID hero1 , ObjectInstanceID hero2 , QueryID query ) override ;
void heroPrimarySkillChanged ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , PrimarySkill which , si64 val ) override ;
void showRecruitmentDialog ( const CGDwelling * dwelling , const CArmedInstance * dst , int level , QueryID queryID ) override ;
void heroMovePointsChanged ( const CGHeroInstance * hero ) override ;
void garrisonsChanged ( ObjectInstanceID id1 , ObjectInstanceID id2 ) override ;
void newObject ( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) override ;
void showHillFortWindow ( const CGObjectInstance * object , const CGHeroInstance * visitor ) override ;
void playerBonusChanged ( const Bonus & bonus , bool gain ) override ;
void heroCreated ( const CGHeroInstance * ) override ;
void advmapSpellCast ( const CGHeroInstance * caster , SpellID spellID ) override ;
void showInfoDialog ( EInfoWindowMode type , const std : : string & text , const std : : vector < Component > & components , int soundID ) override ;
void requestRealized ( PackageApplied * pa ) override ;
void receivedResource ( ) override ;
void objectRemoved ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , const PlayerColor & initiator ) override ;
void showUniversityWindow ( const IMarket * market , const CGHeroInstance * visitor , QueryID queryID ) override ;
void heroManaPointsChanged ( const CGHeroInstance * hero ) override ;
void heroSecondarySkillChanged ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , int which , int val ) override ;
void battleResultsApplied ( ) override ;
void beforeObjectPropertyChanged ( const SetObjectProperty * sop ) override ;
void objectPropertyChanged ( const SetObjectProperty * sop ) override ;
void buildChanged ( const CGTownInstance * town , BuildingID buildingID , int what ) override ;
void heroBonusChanged ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , const Bonus & bonus , bool gain ) override ;
void showMarketWindow ( const IMarket * market , const CGHeroInstance * visitor , QueryID queryID ) override ;
void showWorldViewEx ( const std : : vector < ObjectPosInfo > & objectPositions , bool showTerrain ) override ;
void battleStart ( const BattleID & battleID , const CCreatureSet * army1 , const CCreatureSet * army2 , int3 tile , const CGHeroInstance * hero1 , const CGHeroInstance * hero2 , bool side , bool replayAllowed ) override ;
void battleEnd ( const BattleID & battleID , const BattleResult * br , QueryID queryID ) override ;
std : : optional < BattleAction > makeSurrenderRetreatDecision ( const BattleID & battleID , const BattleStateInfoForRetreat & battleState ) override ;
void makeTurn ( ) ;
void mainLoop ( ) ;
void performTypicalActions ( ) ;
void buildArmyIn ( const CGTownInstance * t ) ;
void striveToGoal ( Goals : : TSubgoal ultimateGoal ) ;
Goals : : TSubgoal decomposeGoal ( Goals : : TSubgoal ultimateGoal ) ;
void endTurn ( ) ;
void wander ( HeroPtr h ) ;
void setGoal ( HeroPtr h , Goals : : TSubgoal goal ) ;
void evaluateGoal ( HeroPtr h ) ; //evaluates goal assigned to hero, if any
void completeGoal ( Goals : : TSubgoal goal ) ; //safely removes goal from reserved hero
void recruitHero ( const CGTownInstance * t , bool throwing = false ) ;
bool isGoodForVisit ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , HeroPtr h , std : : optional < float > movementCostLimit = std : : nullopt ) ;
bool isGoodForVisit ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , HeroPtr h , const AIPath & path ) const ;
//void recruitCreatures(const CGTownInstance * t);
void recruitCreatures ( const CGDwelling * d , const CArmedInstance * recruiter ) ;
void pickBestCreatures ( const CArmedInstance * army , const CArmedInstance * source ) ; //called when we can't find a slot for new stack
void pickBestArtifacts ( const CGHeroInstance * h , const CGHeroInstance * other = nullptr ) ;
void moveCreaturesToHero ( const CGTownInstance * t ) ;
void performObjectInteraction ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , HeroPtr h ) ;
bool moveHeroToTile ( int3 dst , HeroPtr h ) ;
void buildStructure ( const CGTownInstance * t , BuildingID building ) ; //TODO: move to BuildingManager
void lostHero ( HeroPtr h ) ; //should remove all references to hero (assigned tasks and so on)
void waitTillFree ( ) ;
void addVisitableObj ( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) ;
void markObjectVisited ( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) ;
void reserveObject ( HeroPtr h , const CGObjectInstance * obj ) ; //TODO: reserve all objects that heroes attempt to visit
void unreserveObject ( HeroPtr h , const CGObjectInstance * obj ) ;
void markHeroUnableToExplore ( HeroPtr h ) ;
void markHeroAbleToExplore ( HeroPtr h ) ;
bool isAbleToExplore ( HeroPtr h ) ;
void clearPathsInfo ( ) ;
void validateObject ( const CGObjectInstance * obj ) ; //checks if object is still visible and if not, removes references to it
void validateObject ( ObjectIdRef obj ) ; //checks if object is still visible and if not, removes references to it
void validateVisitableObjs ( ) ;
void retrieveVisitableObjs ( std : : vector < const CGObjectInstance * > & out , bool includeOwned = false ) const ;
void retrieveVisitableObjs ( ) ;
virtual std : : vector < const CGObjectInstance * > getFlaggedObjects ( ) const ;
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const CGObjectInstance * lookForArt ( ArtifactID aid ) const ;
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bool isAccessible ( const int3 & pos ) const ;
HeroPtr getHeroWithGrail ( ) const ;
const CGObjectInstance * getUnvisitedObj ( const std : : function < bool ( const CGObjectInstance * ) > & predicate ) ;
bool isAccessibleForHero ( const int3 & pos , HeroPtr h , bool includeAllies = false ) const ;
//optimization - use one SM for every hero call
const CGTownInstance * findTownWithTavern ( ) const ;
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bool canRecruitAnyHero ( const CGTownInstance * t = nullptr ) const ;
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Goals : : TSubgoal getGoal ( HeroPtr h ) const ;
bool canAct ( HeroPtr h ) const ;
std : : vector < HeroPtr > getUnblockedHeroes ( ) const ;
std : : vector < HeroPtr > getMyHeroes ( ) const ;
HeroPtr primaryHero ( ) const ;
void checkHeroArmy ( HeroPtr h ) ;
void requestSent ( const CPackForServer * pack , int requestID ) override ;
void answerQuery ( QueryID queryID , int selection ) ;
//special function that can be called ONLY from game events handling thread and will send request ASAP
void requestActionASAP ( std : : function < void ( ) > whatToDo ) ;
#if 0
//disabled due to issue 2890
template < typename Handler > void registerGoals ( Handler & h )
//h.template registerType<Goals::AbstractGoal, Goals::BoostHero>();
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : Build > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : BuildThis > ( ) ;
//h.template registerType<Goals::AbstractGoal, Goals::CIssueCommand>();
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : ClearWayTo > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : CollectRes > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : Conquer > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : DigAtTile > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : Explore > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : FindObj > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : GatherArmy > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : GatherTroops > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : GetArtOfType > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : VisitObj > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : Invalid > ( ) ;
//h.template registerType<Goals::AbstractGoal, Goals::NotLose>();
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : RecruitHero > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : VisitHero > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : VisitTile > ( ) ;
h . template registerType < Goals : : AbstractGoal , Goals : : Win > ( ) ;
# endif
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template < typename Handler > void serializeInternal ( Handler & h )
2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
h & knownTeleportChannels ;
h & knownSubterraneanGates ;
h & destinationTeleport ;
h & townVisitsThisWeek ;
#if 0
//disabled due to issue 2890
h & lockedHeroes ;
# else
ui32 length = 0 ;
h & length ;
if ( ! h . saving )
std : : set < ui32 > loadedPointers ;
lockedHeroes . clear ( ) ;
for ( ui32 index = 0 ; index < length ; index + + )
HeroPtr ignored1 ;
h & ignored1 ;
ui8 flag = 0 ;
h & flag ;
if ( flag )
ui32 pid = 0xffffffff ;
h & pid ;
if ( ! vstd : : contains ( loadedPointers , pid ) )
loadedPointers . insert ( pid ) ;
ui16 typeId = 0 ;
//this is the problem requires such hack
//we have to explicitly ignore invalid goal class type id
h & typeId ;
Goals : : AbstractGoal ignored2 ;
2024-01-20 20:34:51 +02:00
ignored2 . serialize ( h ) ;
2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
# endif
h & reservedHeroesMap ; //FIXME: cannot instantiate abstract class
h & visitableObjs ;
h & alreadyVisited ;
h & reservedObjs ;
h & status ;
h & battlename ;
h & heroesUnableToExplore ;
//myCB is restored after load by init call
} ;
class cannotFulfillGoalException : public std : : exception
std : : string msg ;
public :
explicit cannotFulfillGoalException ( crstring _Message )
: msg ( _Message )
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const char * what ( ) const noexcept override
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return msg . c_str ( ) ;
} ;
class goalFulfilledException : public std : : exception
std : : string msg ;
public :
Goals : : TSubgoal goal ;
explicit goalFulfilledException ( Goals : : TSubgoal Goal )
: goal ( Goal )
msg = goal - > name ( ) ;
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const char * what ( ) const noexcept override
2023-10-19 16:19:09 +02:00
return msg . c_str ( ) ;
} ;
void makePossibleUpgrades ( const CArmedInstance * obj ) ;