- There are two methods `configure` and `configureDefault` of the class `CBasicLogConfigurator` to initialize and setup the logging system. The latter one setups default logging and isn't dependent on VCMI's filesystem, whereas the first one setups logging based on the user's settings which can be configured in the settings.json.
- The methods `isDebugEnabled` and `isTraceEnabled` return true if a log record of level debug respectively trace will be logged. This can be useful if composing the log message is a expensive task and performance is important.
The above code is an example on how to configure logging. It sets the log level to debug globally and the log level of the domain ai to trace. In addition, it tells the console to log debug messages as well with the threshold attribute. Finally, it configures the console so that it logs network trace messages in magenta.
If `configureDefault` or `configure` won't be called, then logs aren't written either to the console or to the file. The default logging setups a system like this:
There exist only one logger object per domain. A logger object cannot be copied. You can get access to a logger object by using the globally defined ones like `logGlobal` or `logAi`, etc... or by getting one manually:
- error -\> for errors, e.g. if resource is not available, if a initialization fault has occurred, if a exception has been thrown (can result in program termination)
- warn -\> for warnings, e.g. if sth. is wrong, but the program can continue execution "normally"
- info -\> informational messages, e.g. Filesystem initialized, Map loaded, Server started, etc...
- debug -\> for debugging, e.g. hero moved to (12,3,0), direction 3', 'following artifacts influence X: .. or pattern detected at pos (10,15,0), p-nr. 30, flip 1, repl. 'D'
- trace -\> for logging the control flow, the execution progress or fine-grained events, e.g. hero movement completed, entering CMapEditManager::updateTerrainViews: posx '10', posy '5', width '10', height '10', mapLevel '0',...
The program execution can be traced by using the macros TRACE_BEGIN, TRACE_END and their \_PARAMS counterparts. This can be important if you want to analyze the operations/internal workings of the AI or the communication of the client-server. In addition, it can help you to find bugs on a foreign VCMI installation with a custom mod configuration.
int calculateMovementPointsForPath(int3 start, int3 end, CHero * hero) // This is just an example, the function is fictive
TRACE_BEGIN_PARAMS(logGlobal, "start '%s', end '%s', hero '%s'", start.toString() % end.toString() % hero.getName()); // toString is fictive as well and returns a string representation of the int3 pos, ....
In addition to these domains, there exist always a super domain called "global". Sub-domains can be created with "ai.battle" or "ai.adventure" for example. The dot between the "ai" and "battle" is important and notes the parent-child relationship of those two domains. A few examples how the log level will be inherited:
The same technique is applied to the console colors. If you want to have another debug color for the domain ai, you can explicitly set a color for that domain and level.