mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00

Mainly refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Michał W. Urbańczyk 2008-07-29 09:53:27 +00:00
parent 3247a9a4dd
commit 08b6796545
11 changed files with 187 additions and 342 deletions

View File

@ -146,9 +146,9 @@ void CMinimap::redraw(int level)// (level==-1) => redraw all levels
int mx=(CGI->mh->sizes.x*x)/pos.w;
int my=(CGI->mh->sizes.y*y)/pos.h;
if (CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].blocked && (!CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].visitable))
else SDL_PutPixel(pom,x,y,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].terType].r,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].terType].g,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].terType].b);
if (CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].tileInfo->blocked && (!CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].tileInfo->visitable))
else SDL_PutPixel(pom,x,y,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].tileInfo->tertype].r,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].tileInfo->tertype].g,colors[CGI->mh->ttiles[mx][my][i].tileInfo->tertype].b);

View File

@ -93,107 +93,6 @@ bool CCallback::moveHero(int ID, CPath * path, int idtype, int pathType)
return false;
// if(hero->movement >= (ourPath->nodes.size()>=2 ? (*(ourPath->nodes.end()-2)).dist : 0) - ourPath->nodes[i].dist || player==-1)
// { //performing move
// hero->movement -= (ourPath->nodes.size()>=2 ? (*(ourPath->nodes.end()-2)).dist : 0) - ourPath->nodes[i].dist;
// ourPath->nodes.pop_back();
// std::vector< CGObjectInstance * > vis = CGI->mh->getVisitableObjs(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(curd.dst,false));
// bool blockvis = false;
// for (int pit = 0; pit<vis.size();pit++)
// if (vis[pit]->blockVisit)
// blockvis = true;
// if (!blockvis)
// {
// curd.successful = true;
// hero->pos = curd.dst;
// //inform leaved objects
// std::vector< CGObjectInstance * > leave = CGI->mh->getVisitableObjs(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(curd.src,false));
// for (int iii=0; iii<leave.size(); iii++) //if object is visitable we call onHeroVisit
// {
// //TODO: allow to handle this in LUA
// if(leave[iii]->state) //hard-coded function
// leave[iii]->state->onHeroLeave(leave[iii],curd.ho->subID);
// }
// //reveal fog of war
// int heroSight = hero->getSightDistance();
// int xbeg = stpos.x - heroSight - 2;
// if(xbeg < 0)
// xbeg = 0;
// int xend = stpos.x + heroSight + 2;
// if(xend >= CGI->mh->map->width)
// xend = CGI->mh->map->width;
// int ybeg = stpos.y - heroSight - 2;
// if(ybeg < 0)
// ybeg = 0;
// int yend = stpos.y + heroSight + 2;
// if(yend >= CGI->mh->map->height)
// yend = CGI->mh->map->height;
// for(int xd=xbeg; xd<xend; ++xd) //revealing part of map around heroes
// {
// for(int yd=ybeg; yd<yend; ++yd)
// {
// int deltaX = (hero->getPosition(false).x-xd)*(hero->getPosition(false).x-xd);
// int deltaY = (hero->getPosition(false).y-yd)*(hero->getPosition(false).y-yd);
// if(deltaX+deltaY<hero->getSightDistance()*hero->getSightDistance())
// {
// if(gs->players[player].fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][hero->getPosition(false).z] == 0)
// {
// cl->playerint[player]->tileRevealed(int3(xd, yd, hero->getPosition(false).z));
// }
// gs->players[player].fogOfWarMap[xd][yd][hero->getPosition(false).z] = 1;
// }
// }
// }
// //notify interfacesabout move
// int nn=0; //number of interfece of currently browsed player
// for(std::map<ui8, PlayerState>::iterator j=CGI->state->players.begin(); j!=CGI->state->players.end(); ++j)//CGI->state->players.size(); ++j) //for testing
// {
// if (j->first > PLAYER_LIMIT)
// break;
// if(j->second.fogOfWarMap[stpos.x-1][stpos.y][stpos.z] || j->second.fogOfWarMap[endpos.x-1][endpos.y][endpos.z])
// { //player should be notified
// cl->playerint[j->second.color]->heroMoved(curd);
// }
// ++nn;
// }
// //call objects if they arevisited
// for (int iii=0; iii<vis.size(); iii++) //if object is visitable we call onHeroVisit
// {
// if(gs->checkFunc(vis[iii]->ID,"heroVisit")) //script function
// gs->objscr[vis[iii]->ID]["heroVisit"]->onHeroVisit(vis[iii],curd.ho->subID);
// if(vis[iii]->state) //hard-coded function
// vis[iii]->state->onHeroVisit(vis[iii],curd.ho->subID);
// }
// }
// else //interaction with blocking object (like resources)
// {
// curd.successful = false;
// cl->playerint[gs->players[hero->getOwner()].color]->heroMoved(curd);
// for (int iii=0; iii<vis.size(); iii++) //if object is visitable we call onHeroVisit
// {
// if (vis[iii]->blockVisit)
// {
// if(gs->checkFunc(vis[iii]->ID,"heroVisit")) //script function
// gs->objscr[vis[iii]->ID]["heroVisit"]->onHeroVisit(vis[iii],curd.ho->subID);
// if(vis[iii]->state) //hard-coded function
// vis[iii]->state->onHeroVisit(vis[iii],curd.ho->subID);
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
// }
return true;
@ -393,12 +292,30 @@ int CCallback::getDate(int mode)
return gs->getDate(mode);
std::vector < std::string > CCallback::getObjDescriptions(int3 pos)
std::vector<std::string> ret;
//BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance * obj, gs->map->terrain[i][j]
// if( (5-(objs[g].first->pos.y-pos.y)) >= 0 && (5-(objs[g].first->pos.y-pos.y)) < 6 && (objs[g].first->pos.x-pos.x) >= 0 && (objs[g].first->pos.x-pos.x)<7 && objs[g].first->defInfo &&
// (((objs[g].first->defInfo->blockMap[5-(objs[g].first->pos.y-pos.y)])>>((objs[g].first->pos.x-pos.x)))&1)==0
// ) //checking position blocking
// {
// //unsigned char * blm = objs[g].first->defInfo->blockMap;
// if (objs[g].first->state)
// ret.push_back(objs[g].first->state->hoverText(objs[g].first));
// else
// ret.push_back(CGI->objh->objects[objs[g].first->ID].name);
// }
return ret;
bool CCallback::verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea)
for (int i=0;i<path->nodes.size();i++)
if ( CGI->mh->ttiles[path->nodes[i].coord.x][path->nodes[i].coord.y][path->nodes[i].coord.z].blocked
&& (! (CGI->mh->ttiles[path->nodes[i].coord.x][path->nodes[i].coord.y][path->nodes[i].coord.z].visitable)))
if ( CGI->mh->ttiles[path->nodes[i].coord.x][path->nodes[i].coord.y][path->nodes[i].coord.z].tileInfo->blocked
&& (! (CGI->mh->ttiles[path->nodes[i].coord.x][path->nodes[i].coord.y][path->nodes[i].coord.z].tileInfo->visitable)))
return false; //path is wrong - one of the tiles is blocked
if (blockSea)
@ -407,15 +324,15 @@ bool CCallback::verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea)
if (
return false;
@ -426,13 +343,6 @@ bool CCallback::verifyPath(CPath * path, bool blockSea)
return true;
std::vector < std::string > CCallback::getObjDescriptions(int3 pos)
return CGI->mh->getObjDescriptions(pos);
else return std::vector< std::string > ();
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > > & CCallback::getVisibilityMap()
return gs->players[player].fogOfWarMap;
@ -654,7 +564,7 @@ bool CCallback::buildBuilding(const CGTownInstance *town, int buildingID)
int CCallback::battleGetBattlefieldType()
return CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->state->curB->tile.x][CGI->state->curB->tile.y][CGI->state->curB->tile.z].terType;
return CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->state->curB->tile.x][CGI->state->curB->tile.y][CGI->state->curB->tile.z].tileInfo->tertype;
int CCallback::battleGetObstaclesAtTile(int tile) //returns bitfield

View File

@ -100,34 +100,34 @@ int internalFunc(void * callback)
// //LOCPLINT->adventureInt->terrain.currentPath = CGI->pathf->getPath(src,dst,CGI->heroh->heroInstances[0]);
// break;
// }
case 'D': //pos description
case 'I':
SDL_Surface * temp = LOCPLINT->infoWin(NULL);
case 'T': //test rect
for(int g=0; g<8; ++g)
for(int v=0; v<8; ++v)
int3 csrc = src;
//case 'D': //pos description
// readed>>src;
// CGI->mh->getObjDescriptions(src);
// break;
//case 'I':
// {
// SDL_Surface * temp = LOCPLINT->infoWin(NULL);
// blitAtWR(temp,605,389);
// SDL_FreeSurface(temp);
// break;
// }
//case 'T': //test rect
// readed>>src;
// for(int g=0; g<8; ++g)
// {
// for(int v=0; v<8; ++v)
// {
// int3 csrc = src;
// csrc.y+=g;
// csrc.x+=v;
// if(CGI->mh->getObjDescriptions(csrc).size())
// std::cout<<'x';
// else
// std::cout<<'o';
// }
// std::cout<<std::endl;
// }
// break;
//case 'A': //hide everything from map
// for(int c=0; c<CGI->objh->objInstances.size(); ++c)
// {

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ vector<Coordinate>* CPathfinder::GetPath(const CGHeroInstance* hero)
int3 hpos = Hero->getPosition(false);
if (!Hero->canWalkOnSea())
if (CGI->mh->ttiles[hpos.x][hpos.y][hpos.z].terType==EterrainType::water)
if (CGI->mh->ttiles[hpos.x][hpos.y][hpos.z].tileInfo->tertype==EterrainType::water)
@ -192,11 +192,11 @@ void CPathfinder::CalcH(Coordinate* node)
* If there is fog of war on the node.
* => Impossible to move there.
if( (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].blocked && !(node->x==End.x && node->y==End.y && CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].visitable)) ||
(CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].terType==EterrainType::rock) ||
((blockLandSea) && (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].terType==EterrainType::water)) ||
if( (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].tileInfo->blocked && !(node->x==End.x && node->y==End.y && CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].tileInfo->visitable)) ||
(CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].tileInfo->tertype==EterrainType::rock) ||
((blockLandSea) && (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].tileInfo->tertype==EterrainType::water)) ||
(!CGI->state->players[Hero->tempOwner].fogOfWarMap[node->x][node->y][node->z]) ||
((!blockLandSea) && (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].terType!=EterrainType::water)))
((!blockLandSea) && (CGI->mh->ttiles[node->x][node->y][node->z].tileInfo->tertype!=EterrainType::water)))
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ void CPathfinder::CalcH(Coordinate* node)
y = CGI->mh->map->height-1;
//Get the movement cost.
ret = Hero->getTileCost(CGI->mh->ttiles[x][y][node->z].terType, CGI->mh->map->terrain[x][y].malle,CGI->mh->map->terrain[x][y].nuine);
ret = Hero->getTileCost(CGI->mh->ttiles[x][y][node->z].tileInfo->tertype, CGI->mh->map->terrain[x][y].malle,CGI->mh->map->terrain[x][y].nuine);
node->h = ret;

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ extern boost::mutex eventsM;
bool operator ()(const std::pair<CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> & a, const std::pair<CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> & b) const
bool operator ()(const std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> & a, const std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> & b) const
return (*a.first)<(*b.first);

View File

@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ public:
// 8 4
// 765
bool isStanding;
bool flagPrinted;
CHero * type;
int exp; //experience point
int level; //current level of hero

View File

@ -2316,7 +2316,10 @@ borderguardend:
curt.visitable = true;
if(!((objects[f]->defInfo->blockMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
curt.blocked = true;

View File

@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ struct DLL_EXPORT TerrainTile
bool blocked; //false = free; true = blocked;
std::vector <CGObjectInstance*> visitableObjects; //pointers to objects hero can visit while being on this tile
std::vector <CGObjectInstance*> blockingObjects; //pointers to objects that are blocking this tile
struct DLL_EXPORT SheroName //name of starting hero

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ std::string nameFromType (EterrainType typ)
class OCM_HLP
bool operator ()(const std::pair<CGObjectInstance*, SDL_Rect> & a, const std::pair<CGObjectInstance*, SDL_Rect> & b)
bool operator ()(const std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*, SDL_Rect> & a, const std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*, SDL_Rect> & b)
return (*a.first)<(*b.first);
@ -227,37 +227,23 @@ void CMapHandler::roadsRiverTerrainInit()
for (int k=0; k<=map->twoLevel; ++k)
TerrainTile** pomm = map->terrain; ;
if (k==0)
pomm = map->terrain;
pomm = map->undergroungTerrain;
TerrainTile2 &pom(ttiles[i][j][k]);
pom.pos = int3(i, j, k);
pom.tileInfo = &( k ? map->undergroungTerrain[i][j] : map->terrain[i][j] );
int cDir;
bool rotV, rotH;
int roadpom = map->terrain[i][j].malle-1,
impom = map->terrain[i][j].roadDir;
SDL_Surface *pom1 = roadDefs[roadpom]->ourImages[impom].bitmap;
cDir = map->terrain[i][j].roadDir;
rotH = (map->terrain[i][j].siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 5) & 1;
rotV = (map->terrain[i][j].siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 4) & 1;
int pom111 = map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].malle-1,
pom777 = map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].roadDir;
SDL_Surface *pom1 = roadDefs[pom111]->ourImages[pom777].bitmap;
cDir = map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].roadDir;
int roadpom = pom.tileInfo->malle-1,
impom = pom.tileInfo->roadDir;
SDL_Surface *pom1 = roadDefs[roadpom]->ourImages[impom].bitmap;
cDir = pom.tileInfo->roadDir;
rotH = (pom.tileInfo->siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 5) & 1;
rotV = (pom.tileInfo->siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 4) & 1;
rotH = (map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 5) & 1;
rotV = (map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].siodmyTajemniczyBajt >> 4) & 1;
ttiles[i][j][k].roadbitmap[0] = CSDL_Ext::hFlip(ttiles[i][j][k].roadbitmap[0]);
@ -275,32 +261,6 @@ void CMapHandler::roadsRiverTerrainInit()
//initializing simple values
for (int i=0; i<CGI->mh->map->width; i++) //jest po szerokoœci
for (int j=0; j<CGI->mh->map->height;j++) //po wysokoœci
for(int k=0; k<ttiles[0][0].size(); ++k)
ttiles[i][j][k].pos = int3(i, j, k);
ttiles[i][j][k].blocked = false;
ttiles[i][j][k].visitable = false;
if(i<0 || j<0 || i>=CGI->mh->map->width || j>=CGI->mh->map->height)
ttiles[i][j][k].blocked = true;
ttiles[i][j][k].terType = (k==0 ? CGI->mh->map->terrain[i][j].tertype : CGI->mh->map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].tertype);
ttiles[i][j][k].malle = (k==0 ? CGI->mh->map->terrain[i][j].malle : CGI->mh->map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].malle);
ttiles[i][j][k].nuine = (k==0 ? CGI->mh->map->terrain[i][j].nuine : CGI->mh->map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].nuine);
ttiles[i][j][k].rivdir = (k==0 ? CGI->mh->map->terrain[i][j].rivDir : CGI->mh->map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].rivDir);
ttiles[i][j][k].roaddir = (k==0 ? CGI->mh->map->terrain[i][j].roadDir : CGI->mh->map->undergroungTerrain[i][j].roadDir);
//simple values initialized
for (int i=0; i<map->width; i++) //jest po szerokoœci
for (int j=0; j<map->height;j++) //po wysokoœci
@ -517,29 +477,29 @@ void CMapHandler::initObjectRects()
void CMapHandler::calculateBlockedPos()
for(int f=0; f<map->objects.size(); ++f) //calculationg blocked / visitable positions
CDefHandler * curd = map->objects[f]->defInfo->handler;
for(int fx=0; fx<8; ++fx)
for(int fy=0; fy<6; ++fy)
int xVal = map->objects[f]->pos.x + fx - 7;
int yVal = map->objects[f]->pos.y + fy - 5;
int zVal = map->objects[f]->pos.z;
if(xVal>=0 && xVal<ttiles.size()-Woff && yVal>=0 && yVal<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
TerrainTile2 & curt = ttiles[xVal][yVal][zVal];
if(((map->objects[f]->defInfo->visitMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
curt.visitable = true;
if(!((map->objects[f]->defInfo->blockMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
curt.blocked = true;
//for(int f=0; f<map->objects.size(); ++f) //calculationg blocked / visitable positions
// if(!map->objects[f]->defInfo)
// continue;
// CDefHandler * curd = map->objects[f]->defInfo->handler;
// for(int fx=0; fx<8; ++fx)
// {
// for(int fy=0; fy<6; ++fy)
// {
// int xVal = map->objects[f]->pos.x + fx - 7;
// int yVal = map->objects[f]->pos.y + fy - 5;
// int zVal = map->objects[f]->pos.z;
// if(xVal>=0 && xVal<ttiles.size()-Woff && yVal>=0 && yVal<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
// {
// TerrainTile2 & curt = ttiles[xVal][yVal][zVal];
// if(((map->objects[f]->defInfo->visitMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
// curt.tileInfo->visitable = true;
// if(!((map->objects[f]->defInfo->blockMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
// curt.tileInfo->blocked = true;
// }
// }
// }
void processDef (CGDefInfo* def)
@ -714,7 +674,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level,
SDL_Rect pp = ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].objects[h].second;
pp.h = sr.h;
pp.w = sr.w;
CGHeroInstance * themp = (dynamic_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].objects[h].first));
const CGHeroInstance * themp = (dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].objects[h].first));
if(themp && themp->moveDir && !themp->isStanding && themp->ID!=62) //last condition - this is not prison
@ -767,7 +727,6 @@ SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level,
bufr.w = 96;
SDL_BlitSurface(graphics->flags4[themp->getOwner()]->ourImages[ getHeroFrameNum(themp->moveDir, !themp->isStanding) *8+(heroAnim/4)%imgVal].bitmap, NULL, su, &bufr);
themp->flagPrinted = true;
@ -821,7 +780,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level,
if(MARK_BLOCKED_POSITIONS && ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].blocked) //temporary hiding blocked positions
if(MARK_BLOCKED_POSITIONS && ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].tileInfo->blocked) //temporary hiding blocked positions
SDL_Rect sr;
@ -839,7 +798,7 @@ SDL_Surface * CMapHandler::terrainRect(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int level,
if(MARK_VISITABLE_POSITIONS && ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].visitable) //temporary hiding visitable positions
if(MARK_VISITABLE_POSITIONS && ttiles[x+bx][y+by][level].tileInfo->visitable) //temporary hiding visitable positions
SDL_Rect sr;
@ -1128,13 +1087,13 @@ int CMapHandler::getCost(int3 &a, int3 &b, const CGHeroInstance *hero)
int ret=-1;
if(a.x>=CGI->mh->map->width && a.y>=CGI->mh->map->height)
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->mh->map->width-1][CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.z].malle];
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->mh->map->width-1][CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.z].tileInfo->malle];
else if(a.x>=CGI->mh->map->width && a.y<CGI->mh->map->height)
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.y][a.z].malle];
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.y][a.z].tileInfo->malle];
else if(a.x<CGI->mh->map->width && a.y>=CGI->mh->map->height)
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[a.x][CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.z].malle];
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[a.x][CGI->mh->map->width-1][a.z].tileInfo->malle];
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[a.x][a.y][a.z].malle];
ret = hero->type->heroClass->terrCosts[CGI->mh->ttiles[a.x][a.y][a.z].tileInfo->malle];
if(!(a.x==b.x || a.y==b.y))
@ -1142,37 +1101,17 @@ int CMapHandler::getCost(int3 &a, int3 &b, const CGHeroInstance *hero)
return ret;
std::vector < std::string > CMapHandler::getObjDescriptions(int3 pos)
std::vector < std::pair<CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect > > objs = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects;
std::vector<std::string> ret;
for(int g=0; g<objs.size(); ++g)
if( (5-(objs[g].first->pos.y-pos.y)) >= 0 && (5-(objs[g].first->pos.y-pos.y)) < 6 && (objs[g].first->pos.x-pos.x) >= 0 && (objs[g].first->pos.x-pos.x)<7 && objs[g].first->defInfo &&
) //checking position blocking
//unsigned char * blm = objs[g].first->defInfo->blockMap;
if (objs[g].first->state)
return ret;
std::vector < CGObjectInstance * > CMapHandler::getVisitableObjs(int3 pos)
std::vector < CGObjectInstance * > ret;
for(int h=0; h<ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects.size(); ++h)
CGObjectInstance * curi = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[h].first;
if(curi->visitableAt(- curi->pos.x + pos.x + curi->getWidth() - 1, -curi->pos.y + pos.y + curi->getHeight() - 1))
return ret;
//std::vector < CGObjectInstance * > CMapHandler::getVisitableObjs(int3 pos)
// std::vector < CGObjectInstance * > ret;
// for(int h=0; h<ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects.size(); ++h)
// {
// CGObjectInstance * curi = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[h].first;
// if(curi->visitableAt(- curi->pos.x + pos.x + curi->getWidth() - 1, -curi->pos.y + pos.y + curi->getHeight() - 1))
// ret.push_back(curi);
// }
// return ret;
std::string CMapHandler::getDefName(int id, int subid)
@ -1221,7 +1160,7 @@ bool CMapHandler::hideObject(CGObjectInstance *obj)
if((obj->pos.x + fx - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.x + fx - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)<ttiles.size()-Woff && (obj->pos.y + fy - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.y + fy - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
std::vector < std::pair<CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > & ctile = ttiles[obj->pos.x + fx - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1][obj->pos.y + fy - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1][obj->pos.z].objects;
std::vector < std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > & ctile = ttiles[obj->pos.x + fx - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1][obj->pos.y + fy - curd->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1][obj->pos.z].objects;
for(int dd=0; dd<ctile.size(); ++dd)
@ -1245,60 +1184,60 @@ bool CMapHandler::removeObject(CGObjectInstance *obj)
bool CMapHandler::recalculateHideVisPos(int3 &pos)
ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].visitable = false;
ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].blocked = false;
for(int i=0; i<ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects.size(); ++i)
CDefHandler * curd = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->handler;
for(int fx=0; fx<8; ++fx)
for(int fy=0; fy<6; ++fy)
int xVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.x + fx - 7;
int yVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.y + fy - 5;
int zVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.z;
if(xVal>=0 && xVal<ttiles.size()-Woff && yVal>=0 && yVal<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
TerrainTile2 & curt = ttiles[xVal][yVal][zVal];
if(((ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->visitMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
curt.visitable = true;
if(!((ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->blockMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
curt.blocked = true;
//ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].tileInfo->visitable = false;
//ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].tileInfo->blocked = false;
//for(int i=0; i<ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects.size(); ++i)
// CDefHandler * curd = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->handler;
// for(int fx=0; fx<8; ++fx)
// {
// for(int fy=0; fy<6; ++fy)
// {
// int xVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.x + fx - 7;
// int yVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.y + fy - 5;
// int zVal = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->pos.z;
// if(xVal>=0 && xVal<ttiles.size()-Woff && yVal>=0 && yVal<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
// {
// TerrainTile2 & curt = ttiles[xVal][yVal][zVal];
// if(((ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->visitMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
// curt.tileInfo->visitable = true;
// if(!((ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z].objects[i].first->defInfo->blockMap[fy] >> (7 - fx)) & 1))
// curt.tileInfo->blocked = true;
// }
// }
// }
return true;
bool CMapHandler::recalculateHideVisPosUnderObj(CGObjectInstance *obj, bool withBorder)
for(int fx=-1; fx<=obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32; ++fx)
for(int fy=-1; fy<=obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32; ++fy)
if((obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)<ttiles.size()-Woff && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
recalculateHideVisPos(int3(obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32 +1, obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32 + 1, obj->pos.z));
for(int fx=0; fx<obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32; ++fx)
for(int fy=0; fy<obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32; ++fy)
if((obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)<ttiles.size()-Woff && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
recalculateHideVisPos(int3(obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32 +1, obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32 + 1, obj->pos.z));
// for(int fx=-1; fx<=obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32; ++fx)
// {
// for(int fy=-1; fy<=obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32; ++fy)
// {
// if((obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)<ttiles.size()-Woff && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
// {
// recalculateHideVisPos(int3(obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32 +1, obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32 + 1, obj->pos.z));
// }
// }
// }
// for(int fx=0; fx<obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32; ++fx)
// {
// for(int fy=0; fy<obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32; ++fy)
// {
// if((obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32+1)<ttiles.size()-Woff && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)>=0 && (obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32+1)<ttiles[0].size()-Hoff)
// {
// recalculateHideVisPos(int3(obj->pos.x + fx - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->w/32 +1, obj->pos.y + fy - obj->defInfo->handler->ourImages[0].bitmap->h/32 + 1, obj->pos.z));
// }
// }
// }
return true;

View File

@ -13,27 +13,17 @@ struct Mapa;
class CGDefInfo;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CDefHandler;
struct TerrainTile;
struct TerrainTile2
int3 pos; //this tile's position
EterrainType terType; //type of terrain tile
Eroad malle; //type of road
unsigned char roaddir; //type of road tile
Eriver nuine; //type of river
unsigned char rivdir; //type of river tile
int3 pos;
const TerrainTile *tileInfo;
std::vector<SDL_Surface *> terbitmap; //frames of terrain animation
std::vector<SDL_Surface *> rivbitmap; //frames of river animation
std::vector<SDL_Surface *> roadbitmap; //frames of road animation
bool visitable; //false = not visitable; true = visitable
bool blocked; //false = free; true = blocked;
std::vector < std::pair<CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > objects; //poiters to objects being on this tile with rects to be easier to blit this tile on screen
std::vector <CGObjectInstance*> visitableObjects; //pointers to objects hero is visiting being on this tile
std::vector < std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > objects; //poiters to objects being on this tile with rects to be easier to blit this tile on screen
@ -93,7 +83,7 @@ public:
int getCost(int3 & a, int3 & b, const CGHeroInstance * hero);
std::vector< std::string > getObjDescriptions(int3 pos); //returns desriptions of objects blocking given position
std::vector< CGObjectInstance * > getVisitableObjs(int3 pos); //returns vector of visitable objects at certain position
//std::vector< CGObjectInstance * > getVisitableObjs(int3 pos); //returns vector of visitable objects at certain position
CGObjectInstance * createObject(int id, int subid, int3 pos, int owner=254); //creates a new object with a certain id and subid
std::string getDefName(int id, int subid); //returns name of def for object with given id and subid
bool printObject(CGObjectInstance * obj); //puts appropriate things to ttiles, so obj will be visible on map

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ boost::condition_variable cTurn;
boost::mutex mTurn;
boost::shared_mutex gsm;
double neighbours(int3 a, int3 b)
double distance(int3 a, int3 b)
return std::sqrt( (double)(a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) );
@ -51,24 +51,25 @@ void CGameHandler::handleConnection(std::set<int> players, CConnection &c)
int3 hmpos = end + int3(-1,0,0);
TerrainTile t = (hmpos.z) ? (gs->map->undergroungTerrain[hmpos.x][hmpos.y]) : (gs->map->terrain[hmpos.x][hmpos.y]);
CGHeroInstance *h = static_cast<CGHeroInstance *>(gs->map->objects[id]);
int cost = (double)h->getTileCost(t.tertype,t.malle,t.nuine) * neighbours(start,end);
int cost = (double)h->getTileCost(t.tertype,t.malle,t.nuine) * distance(start,end);
TryMoveHero tmh;
tmh.id = id;
tmh.start = tmh.end = start;
tmh.start = start;
tmh.end = end;
tmh.result = 0;
tmh.movePoints = h->movement;
if((h->getOwner() != gs->currentPlayer) || //not turn of that hero
(neighbours(start,end)>=1.5) || //tiles are not neighouring
(distance(start,end)>=1.5) || //tiles are not neighouring
(h->movement < cost) || //lack of movement points
(t.tertype == rock) || //rock
(!h->canWalkOnSea() && t.tertype == water) ||
(t.blocked && !t.visitable) ) //tile is blocked andnot visitable
goto fail;
//we start moving
//check if there is blocking visitable object
bool blockvis = false;
tmh.movePoints = h->movement = (h->movement-cost); //take move points
BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects)
@ -80,10 +81,12 @@ void CGameHandler::handleConnection(std::set<int> players, CConnection &c)
//we start moving
if(blockvis)//interaction with blocking object (like resources)
sendToAllClients(&tmh); //failed to move to that tile but we visit object
BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects)
if (obj->blockVisit)