mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-02-03 13:01:33 +02:00

Separated battlefield background&hexes handling into a new class

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Savenko 2022-11-17 23:57:51 +02:00
parent 9c2a6dc9fc
commit 3c5858f01e
13 changed files with 766 additions and 670 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ set(client_SRCS
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ set(client_HEADERS

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "windows/CAdvmapInterface.h"
#include "battle/CBattleInterface.h"
#include "battle/CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "battle/CBattleInterfaceClasses.h"
#include "../CCallback.h"
#include "windows/CCastleInterface.h"
@ -794,8 +795,6 @@ void CPlayerInterface::battleObstaclesChanged(const std::vector<ObstacleChanges>
bool needUpdate = false;
for(auto & change : obstacles)
if(change.operation == BattleChanges::EOperation::ADD)
@ -808,13 +807,9 @@ void CPlayerInterface::battleObstaclesChanged(const std::vector<ObstacleChanges>
needUpdate = true;
//update accessible hexes
void CPlayerInterface::battleCatapultAttacked(const CatapultAttack & ca)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "CBattleInterface.h"
#include "CBattleProjectileController.h"
#include "CBattleSiegeController.h"
#include "CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "CCreatureAnimation.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
@ -1056,7 +1057,7 @@ bool CEffectAnimation::init()
be.y = y;
Rect & tilePos = owner->bfield[destTile]->pos;
Rect tilePos = owner->fieldController->hexPosition(destTile);
if(x == -1)
be.x = tilePos.x + tilePos.w/2 - first->width()/2;
if(y == -1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
* CBattleFieldController.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "CBattleInterface.h"
#include "CBattleInterfaceClasses.h"
#include "CBattleSiegeController.h"
#include "CBattleObstacleController.h"
#include "../CBitmapHandler.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
#include "../../CCallback.h"
#include "../gui/SDL_Extensions.h"
#include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h"
#include "../CPlayerInterface.h"
#include "../gui/CCursorHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/BattleFieldHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CStack.h"
#include "../../lib/spells/ISpellMechanics.h"
CBattleFieldController::CBattleFieldController(CBattleInterface * owner):
pos.w = owner->pos.w;
pos.h = owner->pos.h;
//preparing cells and hexes
cellBorder = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLGRD.BMP");
cellShade = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLSHD.BMP");
auto bfieldType = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetBattlefieldType();
if(bfieldType == BattleField::NONE)
logGlobal->error("Invalid battlefield returned for current battle");
background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(bfieldType.getInfo()->graphics, false);
std::string backgroundName = owner->siegeController->getBattleBackgroundName();
background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(backgroundName, false);
//preparing graphic with cell borders
cellBorders = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, cellBorder);
//copying palette
for (int g=0; g<cellBorder->format->palette->ncolors; ++g) //we assume that cellBorders->format->palette->ncolors == 256
cellBorders->format->palette->colors[g] = cellBorder->format->palette->colors[g];
//palette copied
for (int i=0; i<GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT; ++i) //rows
for (int j=0; j<GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-2; ++j) //columns
int x = 58 + (i%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*j;
int y = 86 + 42 *i;
for (int cellX = 0; cellX < cellBorder->w; ++cellX)
for (int cellY = 0; cellY < cellBorder->h; ++cellY)
if (y+cellY < cellBorders->h && x+cellX < cellBorders->w)
* ((Uint8*)cellBorders->pixels + (y+cellY) *cellBorders->pitch + (x+cellX)) |= *((Uint8*)cellBorder->pixels + cellY *cellBorder->pitch + cellX);
backgroundWithHexes = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, screen);
for (int h = 0; h < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++h)
auto hex = std::make_shared<CClickableHex>();
hex->myNumber = h;
hex->pos = hexPosition(h);
hex->myInterface = owner;
//for(auto hex : bfield)
// addChild(hex.get());
void CBattleFieldController::showBackgroundImage(SDL_Surface *to)
blitAt(background, owner->pos.x, owner->pos.y, to);
if (settings["battle"]["cellBorders"].Bool())
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, nullptr, to, &owner->pos);
void CBattleFieldController::showBackgroundImageWithHexes(SDL_Surface *to)
blitAt(backgroundWithHexes, owner->pos.x, owner->pos.y, to);
void CBattleFieldController::redrawBackgroundWithHexes(const CStack *activeStack)
if (activeStack)
occupyableHexes = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, true, &attackableHexes);
auto accessibility = owner->curInt->cb->getAccesibility();
for(int i = 0; i < accessibility.size(); i++)
stackCountOutsideHexes[i] = (accessibility[i] == EAccessibility::ACCESSIBLE);
//prepare background graphic with hexes and shaded hexes
blitAt(background, 0, 0, backgroundWithHexes);
if (settings["battle"]["stackRange"].Bool())
std::vector<BattleHex> hexesToShade = occupyableHexes;
hexesToShade.insert(hexesToShade.end(), attackableHexes.begin(), attackableHexes.end());
for (BattleHex hex : hexesToShade)
int i = hex.getY(); //row
int j = hex.getX()-1; //column
int x = 58 + (i%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*j;
int y = 86 + 42 *i;
SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellShade, nullptr, backgroundWithHexes, &temp_rect);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, nullptr, backgroundWithHexes, nullptr);
void CBattleFieldController::showHighlightedHex(SDL_Surface *to, BattleHex hex, bool darkBorder)
int x = 14 + (hex.getY() % 2 == 0 ? 22 : 0) + 44 *(hex.getX()) + owner->pos.x;
int y = 86 + 42 *hex.getY() + owner->pos.y;
SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect (cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp (cellShade, nullptr, to, &temp_rect);
if(!darkBorder && settings["battle"]["cellBorders"].Bool())
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorder, nullptr, to, &temp_rect); //redraw border to make it light green instead of shaded
void CBattleFieldController::showHighlightedHexes(SDL_Surface *to)
bool delayedBlit = false; //workaround for blitting enemy stack hex without mouse shadow with stack range on
if(owner->activeStack && settings["battle"]["stackRange"].Bool())
std::set<BattleHex> set = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAttackedHexes(owner->activeStack, currentlyHoveredHex, attackingHex);
for(BattleHex hex : set)
if(hex != currentlyHoveredHex)
showHighlightedHex(to, hex, false);
// display the movement shadow of the stack at b (i.e. stack under mouse)
const CStack * const shere = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(currentlyHoveredHex, false);
if(shere && shere != owner->activeStack && shere->alive())
std::vector<BattleHex> v = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(shere, true, nullptr);
for(BattleHex hex : v)
if(hex != currentlyHoveredHex)
showHighlightedHex(to, hex, false);
else if(!settings["battle"]["mouseShadow"].Bool())
delayedBlit = true; //blit at the end of method to avoid graphic artifacts
showHighlightedHex(to, hex, true); //blit now and blit 2nd time later for darker shadow - avoids graphic artifacts
for(int b=0; b<GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++b)
if(bfield[b]->strictHovered && bfield[b]->hovered)
if(previouslyHoveredHex == -1)
previouslyHoveredHex = b; //something to start with
if(currentlyHoveredHex == -1)
currentlyHoveredHex = b; //something to start with
if(currentlyHoveredHex != b) //repair hover info
previouslyHoveredHex = currentlyHoveredHex;
currentlyHoveredHex = b;
if(settings["battle"]["mouseShadow"].Bool() || delayedBlit)
const spells::Caster *caster = nullptr;
const CSpell *spell = nullptr;
spells::Mode mode = spells::Mode::HERO;
if(owner->spellToCast)//hero casts spell
spell = SpellID(owner->spellToCast->actionSubtype).toSpell();
caster = owner->getActiveHero();
else if(owner->creatureSpellToCast >= 0 && owner->stackCanCastSpell && owner->creatureCasting)//stack casts spell
spell = SpellID(owner->creatureSpellToCast).toSpell();
caster = owner->activeStack;
mode = spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE;
if(caster && spell) //when casting spell
// printing shaded hex(es)
spells::BattleCast event(owner->curInt->cb.get(), caster, mode, spell);
auto shaded = spell->battleMechanics(&event)->rangeInHexes(currentlyHoveredHex);
for(BattleHex shadedHex : shaded)
if((shadedHex.getX() != 0) && (shadedHex.getX() != GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1))
showHighlightedHex(to, shadedHex, true);
else if(owner->active || delayedBlit) //always highlight pointed hex, keep this condition last in this method for correct behavior
if(currentlyHoveredHex.getX() != 0
&& currentlyHoveredHex.getX() != GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1)
showHighlightedHex(to, currentlyHoveredHex, true); //keep true for OH3 behavior: hovered hex frame "thinner"
Rect CBattleFieldController::hexPosition(BattleHex hex) const
int x = 14 + ((hex.getY())%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*hex.getX() + owner->pos.x;
int y = 86 + 42 *hex.getY() + owner->pos.y;
int w = cellShade->w;
int h = cellShade->h;
return Rect(x, y, w, h);
bool CBattleFieldController::isPixelInHex(Point const & position)
return CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(cellShade, position.x, position.y) != 0;
BattleHex CBattleFieldController::getHoveredHex()
for ( auto const & hex : bfield)
if (hex->hovered && hex->strictHovered)
return hex->myNumber;
return BattleHex::INVALID;
void CBattleFieldController::setBattleCursor(BattleHex myNumber)
Rect hoveredHexPos = hexPosition(myNumber);
CCursorHandler *cursor = CCS->curh;
const double subdividingAngle = 2.0*M_PI/6.0; // Divide a hex into six sectors.
const double hexMidX = hoveredHexPos.x + hoveredHexPos.w/2.0;
const double hexMidY = hoveredHexPos.y + hoveredHexPos.h/2.0;
const double cursorHexAngle = M_PI - atan2(hexMidY - cursor->ypos, cursor->xpos - hexMidX) + subdividingAngle/2; //TODO: refactor this nightmare
const double sector = fmod(cursorHexAngle/subdividingAngle, 6.0);
const int zigzagCorrection = !((myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2); // Off-by-one correction needed to deal with the odd battlefield rows.
std::vector<int> sectorCursor; // From left to bottom left.
const bool doubleWide = owner->activeStack->doubleWide();
bool aboveAttackable = true, belowAttackable = true;
// Exclude directions which cannot be attacked from.
// Check to the left.
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - 1))
sectorCursor[0] = -1;
// Check top left, top right as well as above for 2-hex creatures.
if (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == 0)
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
aboveAttackable = false;
if (doubleWide)
bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true};
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[0] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[1] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[2] = false;
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[3] = false;
if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1]))
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2]))
aboveAttackable = false;
if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3]))
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
// Check to the right.
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + 1))
sectorCursor[3] = -1;
// Check bottom right, bottom left as well as below for 2-hex creatures.
if (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT - 1)
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
belowAttackable = false;
if (doubleWide)
bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true};
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[0] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[1] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[2] = false;
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[3] = false;
if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1]))
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2]))
belowAttackable = false;
if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3]))
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
// Determine index from sector.
int cursorIndex;
if (doubleWide)
sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 5, belowAttackable ? 13 : -1);
sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 2, aboveAttackable ? 14 : -1);
if (sector < 1.5)
cursorIndex = static_cast<int>(sector);
else if (sector >= 1.5 && sector < 2.5)
cursorIndex = 2;
else if (sector >= 2.5 && sector < 4.5)
cursorIndex = (int) sector + 1;
else if (sector >= 4.5 && sector < 5.5)
cursorIndex = 6;
cursorIndex = (int) sector + 2;
cursorIndex = static_cast<int>(sector);
// Generally should NEVER happen, but to avoid the possibility of having endless loop below... [#1016]
if (!vstd::contains_if (sectorCursor, [](int sc) { return sc != -1; }))
logGlobal->error("Error: for hex %d cannot find a hex to attack from!", myNumber);
attackingHex = -1;
// Find the closest direction attackable, starting with the right one.
// FIXME: Is this really how the original H3 client does it?
int i = 0;
while (sectorCursor[(cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size()] == -1) //Why hast thou forsaken me?
i = i <= 0 ? 1 - i : -i; // 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3 etc..
int index = (cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size(); //hopefully we get elements from sectorCursor
cursor->changeGraphic(ECursor::COMBAT, sectorCursor[index]);
switch (index)
case 0:
attackingHex = myNumber - 1; //left
case 1:
attackingHex = myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection; //top left
case 2:
attackingHex = myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection; //top right
case 3:
attackingHex = myNumber + 1; //right
case 4:
attackingHex = myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection; //bottom right
case 5:
attackingHex = myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection; //bottom left
BattleHex hex(attackingHex);
if (!hex.isValid())
attackingHex = -1;
BattleHex CBattleFieldController::fromWhichHexAttack(BattleHex myNumber)
//TODO far too much repeating code
BattleHex destHex;
case 12: //from bottom right
bool doubleWide = owner->activeStack->doubleWide();
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH+1 ) +
(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER && doubleWide ? 1 : 0);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 7: //from bottom left
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH );
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 8: //from left
if(owner->activeStack->doubleWide() && owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::DEFENDER)
std::vector<BattleHex> acc = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(owner->activeStack);
if (vstd::contains(acc, myNumber))
return myNumber - 1;
return myNumber - 2;
return myNumber - 1;
case 9: //from top left
destHex = myNumber - ((myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH) % 2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 10: //from top right
bool doubleWide = owner->activeStack->doubleWide();
destHex = myNumber - ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 ) +
(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER && doubleWide ? 1 : 0);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 11: //from right
if(owner->activeStack->doubleWide() && owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
std::vector<BattleHex> acc = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(owner->activeStack);
if(vstd::contains(acc, myNumber))
return myNumber + 1;
return myNumber + 2;
return myNumber + 1;
case 13: //from bottom
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH+1 );
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 14: //from top
destHex = myNumber - ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 );
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(owner->activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
return -1;
bool CBattleFieldController::isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const
for (auto & elem : occupyableHexes)
if (BattleHex::mutualPosition(elem, number) != -1 || elem == number)
return true;
return false;
bool CBattleFieldController::stackCountOutsideHex(const BattleHex & number) const
return stackCountOutsideHexes[number];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* CBattleFieldController.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../../lib/battle/BattleHex.h"
#include "../gui/CIntObject.h"
struct SDL_Surface;
struct Rect;
struct Point;
class CClickableHex;
class CStack;
class CBattleInterface;
class CBattleFieldController : public CIntObject
CBattleInterface * owner;
SDL_Surface *background;
SDL_Surface *backgroundWithHexes;
SDL_Surface *cellBorders;
SDL_Surface *cellBorder;
SDL_Surface *cellShade;
BattleHex previouslyHoveredHex; //number of hex that was hovered by the cursor a while ago
BattleHex currentlyHoveredHex; //number of hex that is supposed to be hovered (for a while it may be inappropriately set, but will be renewed soon)
BattleHex attackingHex; //hex from which the stack would perform attack with current cursor
std::vector<BattleHex> occupyableHexes; //hexes available for active stack
std::vector<BattleHex> attackableHexes; //hexes attackable by active stack
std::array<bool, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> stackCountOutsideHexes; // hexes that when in front of a unit cause it's amount box to move back
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CClickableHex>> bfield; //11 lines, 17 hexes on each
CBattleFieldController(CBattleInterface * owner);
void showBackgroundImage(SDL_Surface *to);
void showBackgroundImageWithHexes(SDL_Surface *to);
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes(const CStack *activeStack);
void showHighlightedHexes(SDL_Surface *to);
void showHighlightedHex(SDL_Surface *to, BattleHex hex, bool darkBorder);
Rect hexPosition(BattleHex hex) const;
bool isPixelInHex(Point const & position);
BattleHex getHoveredHex();
void setBattleCursor(BattleHex myNumber);
BattleHex fromWhichHexAttack(BattleHex myNumber);
bool isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const;
bool stackCountOutsideHex(const BattleHex & number) const;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "CBattleProjectileController.h"
#include "CBattleObstacleController.h"
#include "CBattleSiegeController.h"
#include "CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "../CBitmapHandler.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
@ -107,9 +108,9 @@ CBattleInterface::CBattleInterface(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet
const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2,
const SDL_Rect & myRect,
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> att, std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> defen, std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> spectatorInt)
: background(nullptr), attackingHeroInstance(hero1), defendingHeroInstance(hero2), animCount(0),
activeStack(nullptr), mouseHoveredStack(nullptr), stackToActivate(nullptr), selectedStack(nullptr), previouslyHoveredHex(-1),
currentlyHoveredHex(-1), attackingHex(-1), stackCanCastSpell(false), creatureCasting(false), spellDestSelectMode(false), spellToCast(nullptr), sp(nullptr),
: attackingHeroInstance(hero1), defendingHeroInstance(hero2), animCount(0),
activeStack(nullptr), mouseHoveredStack(nullptr), stackToActivate(nullptr), selectedStack(nullptr),
stackCanCastSpell(false), creatureCasting(false), spellDestSelectMode(false), spellToCast(nullptr), sp(nullptr),
attackerInt(att), defenderInt(defen), curInt(att), animIDhelper(0),
myTurn(false), moveStarted(false), moveSoundHander(-1), bresult(nullptr), battleActionsStarted(false)
@ -180,19 +181,7 @@ CBattleInterface::CBattleInterface(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet
//preparing menu background and terrain
auto bfieldType = curInt->cb->battleGetBattlefieldType();
if(bfieldType == BattleField::NONE)
logGlobal->error("Invalid battlefield returned for current battle");
background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap(bfieldType.getInfo()->graphics, false);
fieldController.reset( new CBattleFieldController(this));
//preparing graphics for displaying amounts of creatures
amountNormal = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP");
@ -289,58 +278,8 @@ CBattleInterface::CBattleInterface(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet
defendingHero->pos = genRect(img->height(), img->width(), pos.x + 693, pos.y - 19);
//preparing cells and hexes
cellBorder = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLGRD.BMP");
cellShade = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("CCELLSHD.BMP");
for (int h = 0; h < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++h)
auto hex = std::make_shared<CClickableHex>();
hex->myNumber = h;
hex->pos = hexPosition(h);
hex->accessible = true;
hex->myInterface = this;
//locking occupied positions on batlefield
for(const CStack * s : stacks) //stacks gained at top of this function
if(s->initialPosition >= 0) //turrets have position < 0
bfield[s->getPosition()]->accessible = false;
//preparing graphic with cell borders
cellBorders = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, cellBorder);
//copying palette
for (int g=0; g<cellBorder->format->palette->ncolors; ++g) //we assume that cellBorders->format->palette->ncolors == 256
cellBorders->format->palette->colors[g] = cellBorder->format->palette->colors[g];
//palette copied
for (int i=0; i<GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT; ++i) //rows
for (int j=0; j<GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-2; ++j) //columns
int x = 58 + (i%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*j;
int y = 86 + 42 *i;
for (int cellX = 0; cellX < cellBorder->w; ++cellX)
for (int cellY = 0; cellY < cellBorder->h; ++cellY)
if (y+cellY < cellBorders->h && x+cellX < cellBorders->w)
* ((Uint8*)cellBorders->pixels + (y+cellY) *cellBorders->pitch + (x+cellX)) |= *((Uint8*)cellBorder->pixels + cellY *cellBorder->pitch + cellX);
backgroundWithHexes = CSDL_Ext::newSurface(background->w, background->h, screen);
obstacleController.reset(new CBattleObstacleController(this));
for(auto hex : bfield)
@ -374,18 +313,11 @@ CBattleInterface::~CBattleInterface()
//TODO: play AI tracks if battle was during AI turn
//if (!curInt->makingTurn)
@ -404,7 +336,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::setPrintCellBorders(bool set)
Settings cellBorders = settings.write["battle"]["cellBorders"];
cellBorders->Bool() = set;
@ -413,7 +345,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::setPrintStackRange(bool set)
Settings stackRange = settings.write["battle"]["stackRange"];
stackRange->Bool() = set;
@ -445,8 +377,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::activate()
if (defendingHero)
for (auto hex : bfield)
if (settings["battle"]["showQueue"].Bool())
@ -477,8 +408,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::deactivate()
for (auto hex : bfield)
if (attackingHero)
@ -525,185 +455,9 @@ void CBattleInterface::keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key)
void CBattleInterface::mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent)
auto hexItr = std::find_if(bfield.begin(), bfield.end(), [](std::shared_ptr<CClickableHex> hex)
return hex->hovered && hex->strictHovered;
BattleHex selectedHex = fieldController->getHoveredHex();
handleHex(hexItr == bfield.end() ? -1 : (*hexItr)->myNumber, MOVE);
void CBattleInterface::setBattleCursor(const int myNumber)
const CClickableHex & hoveredHex = *bfield[myNumber];
CCursorHandler *cursor = CCS->curh;
const double subdividingAngle = 2.0*M_PI/6.0; // Divide a hex into six sectors.
const double hexMidX = hoveredHex.pos.x + hoveredHex.pos.w/2.0;
const double hexMidY = hoveredHex.pos.y + hoveredHex.pos.h/2.0;
const double cursorHexAngle = M_PI - atan2(hexMidY - cursor->ypos, cursor->xpos - hexMidX) + subdividingAngle/2; //TODO: refactor this nightmare
const double sector = fmod(cursorHexAngle/subdividingAngle, 6.0);
const int zigzagCorrection = !((myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2); // Off-by-one correction needed to deal with the odd battlefield rows.
std::vector<int> sectorCursor; // From left to bottom left.
const bool doubleWide = activeStack->doubleWide();
bool aboveAttackable = true, belowAttackable = true;
// Exclude directions which cannot be attacked from.
// Check to the left.
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - 1))
sectorCursor[0] = -1;
// Check top left, top right as well as above for 2-hex creatures.
if (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == 0)
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
aboveAttackable = false;
if (doubleWide)
bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true};
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[0] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[1] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[2] = false;
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[3] = false;
if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1]))
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2]))
aboveAttackable = false;
if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3]))
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[1] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[2] = -1;
// Check to the right.
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + 1))
sectorCursor[3] = -1;
// Check bottom right, bottom left as well as below for 2-hex creatures.
if (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT - 1)
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
belowAttackable = false;
if (doubleWide)
bool attackRow[4] = {true, true, true, true};
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH <= 1 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[0] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[1] = false;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[2] = false;
if (myNumber%GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH >= GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 || !vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 + zigzagCorrection))
attackRow[3] = false;
if (!(attackRow[0] && attackRow[1]))
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
if (!(attackRow[1] && attackRow[2]))
belowAttackable = false;
if (!(attackRow[2] && attackRow[3]))
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[4] = -1;
if (!vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection))
sectorCursor[5] = -1;
// Determine index from sector.
int cursorIndex;
if (doubleWide)
sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 5, belowAttackable ? 13 : -1);
sectorCursor.insert(sectorCursor.begin() + 2, aboveAttackable ? 14 : -1);
if (sector < 1.5)
cursorIndex = static_cast<int>(sector);
else if (sector >= 1.5 && sector < 2.5)
cursorIndex = 2;
else if (sector >= 2.5 && sector < 4.5)
cursorIndex = (int) sector + 1;
else if (sector >= 4.5 && sector < 5.5)
cursorIndex = 6;
cursorIndex = (int) sector + 2;
cursorIndex = static_cast<int>(sector);
// Generally should NEVER happen, but to avoid the possibility of having endless loop below... [#1016]
if (!vstd::contains_if (sectorCursor, [](int sc) { return sc != -1; }))
logGlobal->error("Error: for hex %d cannot find a hex to attack from!", myNumber);
attackingHex = -1;
// Find the closest direction attackable, starting with the right one.
// FIXME: Is this really how the original H3 client does it?
int i = 0;
while (sectorCursor[(cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size()] == -1) //Why hast thou forsaken me?
i = i <= 0 ? 1 - i : -i; // 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3 etc..
int index = (cursorIndex + i)%sectorCursor.size(); //hopefully we get elements from sectorCursor
cursor->changeGraphic(ECursor::COMBAT, sectorCursor[index]);
switch (index)
case 0:
attackingHex = myNumber - 1; //left
case 1:
attackingHex = myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection; //top left
case 2:
attackingHex = myNumber - GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection; //top right
case 3:
attackingHex = myNumber + 1; //right
case 4:
attackingHex = myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + zigzagCorrection; //bottom right
case 5:
attackingHex = myNumber + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1 + zigzagCorrection; //bottom left
BattleHex hex(attackingHex);
if (!hex.isValid())
attackingHex = -1;
handleHex(selectedHex, MOVE);
void CBattleInterface::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState)
@ -949,7 +703,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::stackRemoved(uint32_t stackID)
//todo: ensure that ghost stack animation has fadeout effect
@ -1077,17 +831,6 @@ void CBattleInterface::sendCommand(BattleAction *& command, const CStack * actor
bool CBattleInterface::isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const
for (auto & elem : occupyableHexes)
if (BattleHex::mutualPosition(elem, number) != -1 || elem == number)
return true;
return false;
const CGHeroInstance * CBattleInterface::getActiveHero()
const CStack *attacker = activeStack;
@ -1254,7 +997,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::spellCast(const BattleSpellCast * sc)
void CBattleInterface::battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse)
if(activeStack != nullptr)
void CBattleInterface::setHeroAnimation(ui8 side, int phase)
@ -1491,7 +1234,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::activateStack()
//set casting flag to true if creature can use it to not check it every time
const auto spellcaster = s->getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::type()(Bonus::SPELLCASTER)),
@ -1691,7 +1434,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::endAction(const BattleAction* action)
if(action->actionType == EActionType::HERO_SPELL) //we have activated next stack after sending request that has been just realized -> blockmap due to movement has changed
if (activeStack && !animsAreDisplayed.get() && pendingAnims.empty() && !active)
@ -1989,10 +1732,10 @@ void CBattleInterface::handleHex(BattleHex myNumber, int eventType)
if(curInt->cb->battleCanAttack(activeStack, shere, myNumber))
if (isTileAttackable(myNumber)) // move isTileAttackable to be part of battleCanAttack?
if (fieldController->isTileAttackable(myNumber)) // move isTileAttackable to be part of battleCanAttack?
setBattleCursor(myNumber); // temporary - needed for following function :(
BattleHex attackFromHex = fromWhichHexAttack(myNumber);
fieldController->setBattleCursor(myNumber); // temporary - needed for following function :(
BattleHex attackFromHex = fieldController->fromWhichHexAttack(myNumber);
if (attackFromHex >= 0) //we can be in this line when unreachable creature is L - clicked (as of revision 1308)
legalAction = true;
@ -2154,14 +1897,14 @@ void CBattleInterface::handleHex(BattleHex myNumber, int eventType)
case PossiblePlayerBattleAction::WALK_AND_ATTACK:
case PossiblePlayerBattleAction::ATTACK_AND_RETURN: //TODO: allow to disable return
setBattleCursor(myNumber); //handle direction of cursor and attackable tile
fieldController->setBattleCursor(myNumber); //handle direction of cursor and attackable tile
setCursor = false; //don't overwrite settings from the call above //TODO: what does it mean?
bool returnAfterAttack = currentAction == PossiblePlayerBattleAction::ATTACK_AND_RETURN;
realizeAction = [=]()
BattleHex attackFromHex = fromWhichHexAttack(myNumber);
BattleHex attackFromHex = fieldController->fromWhichHexAttack(myNumber);
if(attackFromHex.isValid()) //we can be in this line when unreachable creature is L - clicked (as of revision 1308)
auto command = new BattleAction(BattleAction::makeMeleeAttack(activeStack, myNumber, attackFromHex, returnAfterAttack));
@ -2426,163 +2169,6 @@ bool CBattleInterface::isCastingPossibleHere(const CStack *sactive, const CStack
return isCastingPossible;
BattleHex CBattleInterface::fromWhichHexAttack(BattleHex myNumber)
//TODO far too much repeating code
BattleHex destHex;
case 12: //from bottom right
bool doubleWide = activeStack->doubleWide();
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH+1 ) +
(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER && doubleWide ? 1 : 0);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 7: //from bottom left
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH );
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 8: //from left
if(activeStack->doubleWide() && activeStack->side == BattleSide::DEFENDER)
std::vector<BattleHex> acc = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack);
if (vstd::contains(acc, myNumber))
return myNumber - 1;
return myNumber - 2;
return myNumber - 1;
case 9: //from top left
destHex = myNumber - ((myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH) % 2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH + 1 : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 10: //from top right
bool doubleWide = activeStack->doubleWide();
destHex = myNumber - ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 ) +
(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER && doubleWide ? 1 : 0);
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 11: //from right
if(activeStack->doubleWide() && activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
std::vector<BattleHex> acc = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack);
if(vstd::contains(acc, myNumber))
return myNumber + 1;
return myNumber + 2;
return myNumber + 1;
case 13: //from bottom
destHex = myNumber + ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH+1 );
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
case 14: //from top
destHex = myNumber - ( (myNumber/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH)%2 ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH : GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH-1 );
if (vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex))
return destHex;
else if(activeStack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex+1))
return destHex+1;
else //if we are defender
if(vstd::contains(occupyableHexes, destHex-1))
return destHex-1;
return -1;
Rect CBattleInterface::hexPosition(BattleHex hex) const
int x = 14 + ((hex.getY())%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*hex.getX() + pos.x;
int y = 86 + 42 *hex.getY() + pos.y;
int w = cellShade->w;
int h = cellShade->h;
return Rect(x, y, w, h);
void CBattleInterface::obstaclePlaced(const CObstacleInstance & oi)
@ -2662,7 +2248,20 @@ void CBattleInterface::show(SDL_Surface *to)
if (activeStack != nullptr && creAnims[activeStack->ID]->isIdle()) //show everything with range
// FIXME: any *real* reason to keep this separate? Speed difference can't be that big
if ( siegeController )
@ -2684,126 +2283,6 @@ void CBattleInterface::show(SDL_Surface *to)
void CBattleInterface::showBackground(SDL_Surface *to)
if (activeStack != nullptr && creAnims[activeStack->ID]->isIdle()) //show everything with range
// FIXME: any *real* reason to keep this separate? Speed difference can't be that big
blitAt(backgroundWithHexes, pos.x, pos.y, to);
if ( siegeController )
void CBattleInterface::showBackgroundImage(SDL_Surface *to)
blitAt(background, pos.x, pos.y, to);
if (settings["battle"]["cellBorders"].Bool())
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, nullptr, to, &pos);
void CBattleInterface::showHighlightedHexes(SDL_Surface *to)
bool delayedBlit = false; //workaround for blitting enemy stack hex without mouse shadow with stack range on
if(activeStack && settings["battle"]["stackRange"].Bool())
std::set<BattleHex> set = curInt->cb->battleGetAttackedHexes(activeStack, currentlyHoveredHex, attackingHex);
for(BattleHex hex : set)
if(hex != currentlyHoveredHex)
showHighlightedHex(to, hex);
// display the movement shadow of the stack at b (i.e. stack under mouse)
const CStack * const shere = curInt->cb->battleGetStackByPos(currentlyHoveredHex, false);
if(shere && shere != activeStack && shere->alive())
std::vector<BattleHex> v = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(shere, true, nullptr);
for(BattleHex hex : v)
if(hex != currentlyHoveredHex)
showHighlightedHex(to, hex);
else if(!settings["battle"]["mouseShadow"].Bool())
delayedBlit = true; //blit at the end of method to avoid graphic artifacts
showHighlightedHex(to, hex, true); //blit now and blit 2nd time later for darker shadow - avoids graphic artifacts
for(int b=0; b<GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++b)
if(bfield[b]->strictHovered && bfield[b]->hovered)
if(previouslyHoveredHex == -1)
previouslyHoveredHex = b; //something to start with
if(currentlyHoveredHex == -1)
currentlyHoveredHex = b; //something to start with
if(currentlyHoveredHex != b) //repair hover info
previouslyHoveredHex = currentlyHoveredHex;
currentlyHoveredHex = b;
if(settings["battle"]["mouseShadow"].Bool() || delayedBlit)
const spells::Caster *caster = nullptr;
const CSpell *spell = nullptr;
spells::Mode mode = spells::Mode::HERO;
if(spellToCast)//hero casts spell
spell = SpellID(spellToCast->actionSubtype).toSpell();
caster = getActiveHero();
else if(creatureSpellToCast >= 0 && stackCanCastSpell && creatureCasting)//stack casts spell
spell = SpellID(creatureSpellToCast).toSpell();
caster = activeStack;
mode = spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE;
if(caster && spell) //when casting spell
// printing shaded hex(es)
spells::BattleCast event(curInt->cb.get(), caster, mode, spell);
auto shaded = spell->battleMechanics(&event)->rangeInHexes(currentlyHoveredHex);
for(BattleHex shadedHex : shaded)
if((shadedHex.getX() != 0) && (shadedHex.getX() != GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1))
showHighlightedHex(to, shadedHex, true);
else if(active || delayedBlit) //always highlight pointed hex, keep this condition last in this method for correct behavior
if(currentlyHoveredHex.getX() != 0
&& currentlyHoveredHex.getX() != GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 1)
showHighlightedHex(to, currentlyHoveredHex, true); //keep true for OH3 behavior: hovered hex frame "thinner"
void CBattleInterface::showHighlightedHex(SDL_Surface *to, BattleHex hex, bool darkBorder)
int x = 14 + (hex.getY() % 2 == 0 ? 22 : 0) + 44 *(hex.getX()) + pos.x;
int y = 86 + 42 *hex.getY() + pos.y;
SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect (cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp (cellShade, nullptr, to, &temp_rect);
if(!darkBorder && settings["battle"]["cellBorders"].Bool())
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorder, nullptr, to, &temp_rect); //redraw border to make it light green instead of shaded
void CBattleInterface::showBattlefieldObjects(SDL_Surface *to)
auto showHexEntry = [&](BattleObjectsByHex::HexData & hex)
@ -2915,7 +2394,7 @@ void CBattleInterface::showAliveStacks(SDL_Surface *to, std::vector<const CStack
const int reverseSideShift = stack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER ? -1 : 1;
const BattleHex nextPos = stack->getPosition() + sideShift;
const bool edge = stack->getPosition() % GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH == (stack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER ? GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2 : 1);
const bool moveInside = !edge && !stackCountOutsideHexes[nextPos];
const bool moveInside = !edge && !fieldController->stackCountOutsideHex(nextPos);
int xAdd = (stack->side == BattleSide::ATTACKER ? 220 : 202) +
(stack->doubleWide() ? 44 : 0) * sideShift +
(moveInside ? amountNormal->w + 10 : 0) * reverseSideShift;
@ -3120,44 +2599,3 @@ void CBattleInterface::updateBattleAnimations()
void CBattleInterface::redrawBackgroundWithHexes(const CStack *activeStack)
if (activeStack)
occupyableHexes = curInt->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(activeStack, true, &attackableHexes);
auto fillStackCountOutsideHexes = [&]()
auto accessibility = curInt->cb->getAccesibility();
for(int i = 0; i < accessibility.size(); i++)
stackCountOutsideHexes.at(i) = (accessibility[i] == EAccessibility::ACCESSIBLE);
//prepare background graphic with hexes and shaded hexes
blitAt(background, 0, 0, backgroundWithHexes);
if (settings["battle"]["stackRange"].Bool())
std::vector<BattleHex> hexesToShade = occupyableHexes;
hexesToShade.insert(hexesToShade.end(), attackableHexes.begin(), attackableHexes.end());
for (BattleHex hex : hexesToShade)
int i = hex.getY(); //row
int j = hex.getX()-1; //column
int x = 58 + (i%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*j;
int y = 86 + 42 *i;
SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellShade, nullptr, backgroundWithHexes, &temp_rect);
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, nullptr, backgroundWithHexes, nullptr);

View File

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ class IImage;
class CBattleProjectileController;
class CBattleSiegeController;
class CBattleObstacleController;
class CBattleFieldController;
/// Small struct which contains information about the id of the attacked stack, the damage dealt,...
struct StackAttackedInfo
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ enum class MouseHoveredHexContext
class CBattleInterface : public WindowBase
SDL_Surface *background, *menu, *amountNormal, *amountNegative, *amountPositive, *amountEffNeutral, *cellBorders, *backgroundWithHexes;
SDL_Surface *menu, *amountNormal, *amountNegative, *amountPositive, *amountEffNeutral;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> bOptions;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> bSurrender;
@ -147,12 +148,6 @@ private:
const CStack *stackToActivate; //when animation is playing, we should wait till the end to make the next stack active; nullptr of none
const CStack *selectedStack; //for Teleport / Sacrifice
void activateStack(); //sets activeStack to stackToActivate etc. //FIXME: No, it's not clear at all
std::vector<BattleHex> occupyableHexes, //hexes available for active stack
attackableHexes; //hexes attackable by active stack
std::array<bool, GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE> stackCountOutsideHexes; // hexes that when in front of a unit cause it's amount box to move back
BattleHex previouslyHoveredHex; //number of hex that was hovered by the cursor a while ago
BattleHex currentlyHoveredHex; //number of hex that is supposed to be hovered (for a while it may be inappropriately set, but will be renewed soon)
int attackingHex; //hex from which the stack would perform attack with current cursor
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> tacticianInterface; //used during tactics mode, points to the interface of player with higher tactics (can be either attacker or defender in hot-seat), valid onloy for human players
bool tacticsMode;
@ -186,8 +181,6 @@ private:
void giveCommand(EActionType action, BattleHex tile = BattleHex(), si32 additional = -1);
void sendCommand(BattleAction *& command, const CStack * actor = nullptr);
bool isTileAttackable(const BattleHex & number) const; //returns true if tile 'number' is neighboring any tile from active stack's range or is one of these tiles
std::list<BattleEffect> battleEffects; //different animations to display on the screen like spell effects
std::shared_ptr<CPlayerInterface> attackerInt, defenderInt; //because LOCPLINT is not enough in hotSeat
@ -195,11 +188,6 @@ private:
const CGHeroInstance *getActiveHero(); //returns hero that can currently cast a spell
/** Methods for displaying battle screen */
void showBackground(SDL_Surface *to);
void showBackgroundImage(SDL_Surface *to);
void showHighlightedHexes(SDL_Surface *to);
void showHighlightedHex(SDL_Surface *to, BattleHex hex, bool darkBorder = false);
void showInterface(SDL_Surface *to);
void showBattlefieldObjects(SDL_Surface *to);
@ -212,7 +200,6 @@ private:
BattleObjectsByHex sortObjectsByHex();
void updateBattleAnimations();
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes(const CStack *activeStack);
/** End of battle screen blitting methods */
void setHeroAnimation(ui8 side, int phase);
@ -220,6 +207,7 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<CBattleProjectileController> projectilesController;
std::unique_ptr<CBattleSiegeController> siegeController;
std::unique_ptr<CBattleObstacleController> obstacleController;
std::unique_ptr<CBattleFieldController> fieldController;
static CondSh<bool> animsAreDisplayed; //for waiting with the end of battle for end of anims
static CondSh<BattleAction *> givenCommand; //data != nullptr if we have i.e. moved current unit
@ -241,9 +229,6 @@ public:
CPlayerInterface *getCurrentPlayerInterface() const;
bool shouldRotate(const CStack * stack, const BattleHex & oldPos, const BattleHex & nextHex);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CClickableHex>> bfield; //11 lines, 17 hexes on each
SDL_Surface *cellBorder, *cellShade;
bool myTurn; //if true, interface is active (commands can be ordered)
bool moveStarted; //if true, the creature that is already moving is going to make its first step
@ -310,18 +295,14 @@ public:
void displaySpellHit(SpellID spellID, BattleHex destinationTile); //displays spell`s affected animation
void battleTriggerEffect(const BattleTriggerEffect & bte);
void setBattleCursor(const int myNumber); //really complex and messy, sets attackingHex
void endAction(const BattleAction* action);
void hideQueue();
void showQueue();
Rect hexPosition(BattleHex hex) const;
void handleHex(BattleHex myNumber, int eventType);
bool isCastingPossibleHere (const CStack *sactive, const CStack *shere, BattleHex myNumber);
bool canStackMoveHere (const CStack *sactive, BattleHex MyNumber); //TODO: move to BattleState / callback
BattleHex fromWhichHexAttack(BattleHex myNumber);
void obstaclePlaced(const CObstacleInstance & oi);
void gateStateChanged(const EGateState state);
@ -350,4 +331,5 @@ public:
friend class CBattleProjectileController;
friend class CBattleSiegeController;
friend class CBattleObstacleController;
friend class CBattleFieldController;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "CBattleInterface.h"
#include "CBattleSiegeController.h"
#include "CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "../CBitmapHandler.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
@ -206,11 +207,11 @@ void CBattleHero::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState)
if(myOwner->getCurrentPlayerInterface()->cb->battleCanCastSpell(myHero, spells::Mode::HERO) == ESpellCastProblem::OK) //check conditions
for(int it=0; it<GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++it) //do nothing when any hex is hovered - hero's animation overlaps battlefield
if(myOwner->bfield[it]->hovered && myOwner->bfield[it]->strictHovered)
BattleHex hoveredHex = myOwner->fieldController->getHoveredHex();
//do nothing when any hex is hovered - hero's animation overlaps battlefield
if ( hoveredHex != BattleHex::INVALID )
CCS->curh->changeGraphic(ECursor::ADVENTURE, 0);
GH.pushIntT<CSpellWindow>(myHero, myOwner->getCurrentPlayerInterface());
@ -631,24 +632,14 @@ void CClickableHex::hover(bool on)
CClickableHex::CClickableHex() : setAlterText(false), myNumber(-1), accessible(true), strictHovered(false), myInterface(nullptr)
CClickableHex::CClickableHex() : setAlterText(false), myNumber(-1), strictHovered(false), myInterface(nullptr)
addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER | MOVE);
void CClickableHex::mouseMoved(const SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent)
if(CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(myInterface->cellShade, sEvent.x-pos.x, sEvent.y-pos.y) == 0) //hovered pixel is outside hex
strictHovered = false;
else //hovered pixel is inside hex
strictHovered = true;
strictHovered = myInterface->fieldController->isPixelInHex(Point(sEvent.x-pos.x, sEvent.y-pos.y));
if(hovered && strictHovered) //print attacked creature to console

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ private:
bool setAlterText; //if true, this hex has set alternative text in console and will clean it
ui32 myNumber; //number of hex in commonly used format
bool accessible; //if true, this hex is accessible for units
//bool accessible; //if true, this hex is accessible for units
//CStack * ourStack;
bool strictHovered; //for determining if hex is hovered by mouse (this is different problem than hex's graphic hovering)
CBattleInterface * myInterface; //interface that owns me

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CBattleObstacleController.h"
#include "CBattleInterface.h"
#include "CBattleFieldController.h"
#include "../CPlayerInterface.h"
#include "../../CCallback.h"
#include "../../lib/battle/CObstacleInstance.h"
@ -194,13 +195,13 @@ Point CBattleObstacleController::getObstaclePosition(std::shared_ptr<IImage> ima
int offset = obstacle.getAnimationYOffset(image->height());
Rect r = owner->hexPosition(obstacle.pos);
Rect r = owner->fieldController->hexPosition(obstacle.pos);
r.y += 42 - image->height() + offset;
return r.topLeft();
void CBattleObstacleController::redrawBackgroundWithHexes()
void CBattleObstacleController::redrawBackgroundWithHexes(SDL_Surface * to)
//draw absolute obstacles (cliffs and so on)
for(auto & oi : owner->curInt->cb->battleGetAllObstacles())
@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ void CBattleObstacleController::redrawBackgroundWithHexes()
auto img = getObstacleImage(*oi);
img->draw(owner->backgroundWithHexes, oi->getInfo().width, oi->getInfo().height);
img->draw(to, oi->getInfo().width, oi->getInfo().height);

View File

@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ public:
Point getObstaclePosition(std::shared_ptr<IImage> image, const CObstacleInstance & obstacle);
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes();
void redrawBackgroundWithHexes(SDL_Surface * to);

View File

@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ CBattleSiegeController::~CBattleSiegeController()
if (g != EWallVisual::GATE || (gateState != EGateState::NONE && gateState != EGateState::CLOSED && gateState != EGateState::BLOCKED))
std::string CBattleSiegeController::getSiegeName(ui16 what) const
@ -144,31 +147,19 @@ void CBattleSiegeController::printPartOfWall(SDL_Surface *to, int what)
std::string CBattleSiegeController::getBattleBackgroundName()
return getSiegeName(0);
CBattleSiegeController::CBattleSiegeController(CBattleInterface * owner, const CGTownInstance *siegeTown):
owner->background = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( getSiegeName(0), false );
ui8 siegeLevel = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetSiegeLevel();
if (siegeLevel >= 2) //citadel or castle
//print moat/mlip
SDL_Surface *moat = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( getSiegeName(13) ),
* mlip = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( getSiegeName(14) );
assert(owner->fieldController.get() == nullptr); // must be created after this
auto & info = town->town->clientInfo;
Point moatPos(info.siegePositions[13].x, info.siegePositions[13].y);
Point mlipPos(info.siegePositions[14].x, info.siegePositions[14].y);
if (moat) //eg. tower has no moat
blitAt(moat, moatPos.x,moatPos.y, owner->background);
if (mlip) //eg. tower has no mlip
blitAt(mlip, mlipPos.x, mlipPos.y, owner->background);
moatSurface = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( getSiegeName(13) );
mlipSurface = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap( getSiegeName(14) );
for (int g = 0; g < ARRAY_COUNT(walls); ++g)
@ -247,13 +238,26 @@ void CBattleSiegeController::gateStateChanged(const EGateState state)
void CBattleSiegeController::showAbsoluteObstacles(SDL_Surface * to)
if (town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL))
ui8 siegeLevel = owner->curInt->cb->battleGetSiegeLevel();
if (siegeLevel >= 2) //citadel or castle
//print moat/mlip
auto & info = town->town->clientInfo;
Point moatPos(info.siegePositions[13].x, info.siegePositions[13].y);
Point mlipPos(info.siegePositions[14].x, info.siegePositions[14].y);
if (moatSurface) //eg. tower has no moat
blitAt(moatSurface, moatPos.x + owner->pos.x, moatPos.y + owner->pos.y, to);
if (mlipSurface) //eg. tower has no mlip
blitAt(mlipSurface, mlipPos.x + owner->pos.x, mlipPos.y + owner->pos.y, to);
printPartOfWall(to, EWallVisual::BACKGROUND_MOAT);
void CBattleSiegeController::sortObjectsByHex(BattleObjectsByHex & sorted)

View File

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ class CBattleSiegeController
CBattleInterface * owner;
SDL_Surface *moatSurface;
SDL_Surface *mlipSurface;
SDL_Surface* walls[18];
const CGTownInstance *town; //besieged town
@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ public:
void showPiecesOfWall(SDL_Surface *to, std::vector<int> pieces);
std::string getBattleBackgroundName();
const CCreature *turretCreature();
Point turretCreaturePosition( BattleHex position );