mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
- Fixed (common) issue when AI found neutral stacks infinitely strong
- Fixed non-fuzzy performance of some functions. Now AI really considers all options and uses multiple heroes, who don't spend their time wandering a lot.
This commit is contained in:
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ namespace fl {
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRuleBlocks(); ++i) {
ss << ruleBlock(i)->toString() << "\n\n";
ss << "Block " << i << " " << ruleBlock(i)->toString() << "\n\n";
@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ FuzzyHelper::FuzzyHelper()
logAi->infoStream() << engine.toString();
void FuzzyHelper::initBank()
@ -102,11 +104,12 @@ void FuzzyHelper::initBank()
//Trivial bank estimation
bankInput = new fl::InputLVar("BankInput");
bankDanger = new fl::OutputLVar("BankDanger");
bankInput->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm ("SET"));
bankInput->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm ("SET", 0.5));
engine.addRuleBlock (&bankBlock); //have to be added before the rules are parsed
engine.addInputLVar (bankInput);
engine.addOutputLVar (bankDanger);
engine.addRuleBlock (&bankBlock);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
bankDanger->addTerm(new fl::TriangularTerm ("Bank" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i), 0, 1));
@ -126,7 +129,6 @@ void FuzzyHelper::initTacticalAdvantage()
//Tactical advantage calculation
std::vector<fl::InputLVar*> helper;
//TODO: delete all that stuff upon destruction
ta.ourShooters = new fl::InputLVar("OurShooters");
ta.ourWalkers = new fl::InputLVar("OurWalkers");
ta.ourFlyers = new fl::InputLVar("OurFlyers");
@ -138,9 +140,9 @@ void FuzzyHelper::initTacticalAdvantage()
for (auto val : helper)
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("FEW", 0, 0.75, true));
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("MANY", 0.25, 1, false));
@ -151,33 +153,38 @@ void FuzzyHelper::initTacticalAdvantage()
for (auto val : helper)
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 3, 8.1, true));
val->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 6.9, 13.1));
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 10.5, 16, false));
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 3, 6.5, true));
val->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 5.5, 10.5));
val->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 8.5, 16, false));
ta.castleWalls = new fl::InputLVar("CastleWalls");
ta.castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("NONE", CGTownInstance::NONE));
ta.castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::TrapezoidalTerm("MEDIUM", CGTownInstance::FORT, 2.5));
ta.castleWalls->addTerm(new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", CGTownInstance::CITADEL - 0.1, CGTownInstance::CASTLE, false));
ta.bankPresent = new fl::InputLVar("Bank");
ta.bankPresent->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("FALSE", 0));
ta.bankPresent->addTerm(new fl::SingletonTerm("TRUE", 1));
ta.threat = new fl::OutputLVar("Threat");
ta.threat->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("LOW", MIN_AI_STRENGHT, 1));
ta.threat->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", MIN_AI_STRENGHT, 1, true));
ta.threat->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 0.8, 1.2));
ta.threat->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 1, 1.5, false));
engine.addRuleBlock (&ta.tacticalAdvantage);
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemySpeed is LOW then Threat is very LOW", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurSpeed is LOW and OurShooters is FEW and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is very HIGH", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if (OurShooters is MANY and OurFlyers is MANY) and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemySpeed is HIGH then Threat is somewhat HIGH", engine));
//tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is MEDIUM", engine));
//just to cover all cases
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if EnemySpeed is MEDIUM then Threat is MEDIUM", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if EnemySpeed is LOW and OurShooters is FEW then Threat is MEDIUM", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if Bank is TRUE and OurShooters is MANY then Threat is somewhat HIGH", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if Bank is TRUE and EnemyShooters is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine));
@ -186,7 +193,6 @@ void FuzzyHelper::initTacticalAdvantage()
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if CastleWalls is HIGH and OurFlyers is MANY and OurShooters is MANY then Threat is MEDIUM", engine));
ta.tacticalAdvantage.addRule(new fl::MamdaniRule("if CastleWalls is MEDIUM and OurShooters is MANY and EnemyWalkers is MANY then Threat is LOW", engine));
engine.addRuleBlock (&ta.tacticalAdvantage);
catch(fl::ParsingException & pe)
@ -217,9 +223,10 @@ ui64 FuzzyHelper::estimateBankDanger (int ID)
//comparison purposes
//int averageValue = (evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][0]) + evaluateBankConfig (VLC->objh->banksInfo[ID][3])) * 0.5;
bankInput->setInput (0.5);
engine.process (BANK_DANGER);
val = bankDanger->output().defuzzify(); //some expected value of this bank
catch (fl::FuzzyException & fe)
@ -275,6 +282,7 @@ float FuzzyHelper::getTacticalAdvantage (const CArmedInstance *we, const CArmedI
engine.process (TACTICAL_ADVANTAGE);
output = ta.threat->output().defuzzify();
catch (fl::FuzzyException & fe)
@ -339,62 +347,76 @@ FuzzyHelper::EvalVisitTile::~EvalVisitTile()
void FuzzyHelper::initVisitTile()
std::vector<fl::InputLVar*> helper;
vt.strengthRatio = new fl::InputLVar("strengthRatio"); //hero must be strong enough to defeat guards
vt.heroStrength = new fl::InputLVar("heroStrength"); //we want to use weakest possible hero
vt.tileDistance = new fl::InputLVar("tileDistance"); //we want to use hero who is near
vt.missionImportance = new fl::InputLVar("lockedMissionImportance"); //we may want to preempt hero with low-priority mission
vt.movement = new fl::InputLVar("movement");
vt.value = new fl::OutputLVar("Value");
helper += vt.strengthRatio, vt.heroStrength, vt.tileDistance, vt.missionImportance, vt.movement;
vt.strengthRatio->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0.9, SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT, true));
vt.strengthRatio->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT, SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT * 3, false));
//strength compared to our main hero
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0.01, 0.2, true));
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 0.1, 0.6));
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 0.5, 0.99, false));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("SMALL", 0, 3.5, true));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 3, 10.5));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LONG", 10, 50, false));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0, 3.1, true));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 2, 9.5));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 4.5, 10, false));
vt.value->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0, 1.1, true));
vt.value->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 1, 5, false));
vt.movement->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 1, 200, true));
vt.movement->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 1000, 2000, false));
for (auto val : helper)
std::vector<fl::InputLVar*> helper;
vt.strengthRatio = new fl::InputLVar("strengthRatio"); //hero must be strong enough to defeat guards
vt.heroStrength = new fl::InputLVar("heroStrength"); //we want to use weakest possible hero
vt.tileDistance = new fl::InputLVar("tileDistance"); //we want to use hero who is near
vt.missionImportance = new fl::InputLVar("lockedMissionImportance"); //we may want to preempt hero with low-priority mission
vt.movement = new fl::InputLVar("movement");
vt.value = new fl::OutputLVar("Value");
helper += vt.strengthRatio, vt.heroStrength, vt.tileDistance, vt.missionImportance, vt.movement;
for (auto val : helper)
engine.addOutputLVar (vt.value);
vt.strengthRatio->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0.9, SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT, true));
vt.strengthRatio->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT, 101, false));
//strength compared to our main hero
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0.1, 0.2, true));
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 0.2, 0.8));
vt.heroStrength->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 0.5, 0.99, false));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("SMALL", 0, 3.5, true));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 3, 10.5));
vt.tileDistance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LONG", 10, 50, false));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0, 3.1, true));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 2, 9.5));
vt.missionImportance->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 4.5, 10, false));
vt.movement->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 1, 201, true));
vt.movement->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 199, 1500));
vt.movement->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 1000, 2000, false));
vt.value->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("LOW", 0, 3, true));
vt.value->addTerm (new fl::TriangularTerm("MEDIUM", 1, 3));
vt.value->addTerm (new fl::ShoulderTerm("HIGH", 2.5, 5, false));
engine.addRuleBlock (&vt.rules);
//use unarmed scouts if possible
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is HIGH and heroStrength is LOW then Value is very HIGH", engine));
//we may want to use secondary hero(es) rather than main hero
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is HIGH and heroStrength is MEDIUM then Value is somewhat HIGH", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is HIGH and heroStrength is HIGH then Value is somewhat LOW", engine));
//don't assign targets to heroes who are too weak, but prefer targets of our main hero (in case we need to gather army)
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is LOW and heroStrength is LOW then Value is very LOW", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is LOW and heroStrength is HIGH then Value is LOW", engine));
//do not cancel important goals
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if lockedMissionImportance is HIGH then Value is very LOW", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if lockedMissionImportance is MEDIUM then Value is somewhat LOW", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if lockedMissionImportance is LOW then Value is HIGH", engine));
//pick nearby objects if it's easy, avoid long walks
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if tileDistance is SMALL then Value is HIGH", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if tileDistance is MEDIUM then Value is MEDIUM", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if tileDistance is LONG then Value is LOW", engine));
//use heroes with movement points first
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if movement is LOW then Value is somewhat LOW", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if movement is MEDIUM then Value is MEDIUM", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if movement is HIGH then Value is somewhat HIGH", engine));
catch (fl::FuzzyException & fe)
logAi->errorStream() << "visitTile " << fe.name() << ": " << fe.message();
engine.addOutputLVar (vt.value);
//vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if OurShooters is MANY and EnemySpeed is LOW then Threat is very LOW", engine));
//use unarmed scouts if possible
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is HIGH and heroStrength is LOW then Value is very HIGH", engine));
//don't assign targets to heroes who are too weak
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is very LOW then Value is very LOW", engine));
//if medium heroes can't scratch enemy, don't try to arm them
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if strengthRatio is LOW and heroStrength is MEDIUM then Value is LOW", engine));
//do not cancel important goals
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if lockedMissionImportance is HIGH then Value is very LOW", engine));
//pick nearby objects if it's easy, avoid long walks
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if tileDistance is SMALL then Value is HIGH", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if tileDistance is LONG then Value is LOW", engine));
//use heroes with movement points first
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if movement is LOW then Value is somewhat LOW", engine));
vt.rules.addRule (new fl::MamdaniRule("if movement is HIGH then Value is somewhat HIGH", engine));
engine.addRuleBlock (&vt.rules);
float FuzzyHelper::evaluate (Goals::VisitTile & g)
@ -412,16 +434,17 @@ float FuzzyHelper::evaluate (Goals::VisitTile & g)
float strengthRatio = 100; //we are much stronger than enemy
ui64 danger = evaluateDanger (g.tile, g.hero.h);
if (danger)
strengthRatio = g.hero.h->getTotalStrength() / danger;
strengthRatio = (fl::flScalar)g.hero.h->getTotalStrength() / danger;
vt.strengthRatio->setInput (strengthRatio);
vt.heroStrength->setInput (g.hero->getTotalStrength()/ai->primaryHero()->getTotalStrength());
vt.heroStrength->setInput ((fl::flScalar)g.hero->getTotalStrength()/ai->primaryHero()->getTotalStrength());
vt.tileDistance->setInput (distance);
vt.missionImportance->setInput (missionImportance);
engine.process (VISIT_TILE);
g.priority = vt.value->output().defuzzify();
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ class FuzzyHelper
} vt;
enum RuleBlocks {BANK_DANGER, TACTICAL_ADVANTAGE, VISIT_TILE}; //where is it used and why it's needed?
//blocks should be initialized in this order, which may be confusing :/
void initBank();
@ -1329,23 +1329,23 @@ void VCAI::wander(HeroPtr h)
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Of all %d destinations, object oid=%d seems nice") % dests.size() % dest.id.getNum();
if(!goVisitObj(dest, h))
//TODO: refactor removing deleted objects from the list
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> hlp;
retreiveVisitableObjs(hlp, true);
auto shouldBeErased = [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) -> bool
if(!vstd::contains(hlp, obj))
return true;
return false;
erase_if(dests, shouldBeErased);
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Visit attempt made the object (id=%d) gone...") % dest.id.getNum();
//TODO: refactor removing deleted objects from the list
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> hlp;
retreiveVisitableObjs(hlp, true);
auto shouldBeErased = [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) -> bool
if(!vstd::contains(hlp, obj))
return true;
return false;
erase_if(dests, shouldBeErased);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user