mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-02-13 13:18:43 +02:00

- A simple method to break loop in goal decomposition (which consumed time)

- Finally corrected canGetArmy conditions (which also consumed time)
- Removed some unused code, general cleaning
This commit is contained in:
DjWarmonger 2014-02-19 16:23:47 +00:00
parent b5568edcc0
commit 8683b982c7
3 changed files with 101 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -100,6 +100,58 @@ std::string Goals::AbstractGoal::name() const //TODO: virtualize
return desc;
//TODO: virtualize if code gets complex?
bool Goals::AbstractGoal::operator== (AbstractGoal &g)
if (g.goalType != goalType)
return false;
if (g.isElementar != isElementar) //elementar goals fulfill long term non-elementar goals (VisitTile)
return false;
switch (goalType)
//no parameters
case WIN:
case RECRUIT_HERO: //recruit any hero, as yet
return true;
//assigned to hero, no parameters
case GATHER_ARMY: //actual value is indifferent
return g.hero.h == hero.h; //how comes HeroPtrs are equal for different heroes?
//assigned hero and tile
return (g.hero.h == hero.h && g.tile == tile);
//assigned hero and object
case GET_OBJ:
case FIND_OBJ: //TODO: use subtype?
return (g.hero.h == hero.h && g.objid == objid);
//no check atm
case BUILD: //TODO: should be decomposed to build specific structures
return false;
//TODO: find out why the following are not generated automatically on MVS?
namespace Goals
@ -476,9 +528,8 @@ TGoalVec Explore::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
TGoalVec ret;
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> heroes;
//std::vector<HeroPtr> heroes;
if (hero)
@ -486,9 +537,8 @@ TGoalVec Explore::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo();
erase_if (heroes, [](const HeroPtr h)
if (vstd::contains(ai->lockedHeroes, h))
if (ai->lockedHeroes[h]->goalType == Goals::EXPLORE) //do not reassign hero who is already explorer
return true;
if (ai->getGoal(h)->goalType == Goals::EXPLORE) //do not reassign hero who is already explorer
return true;
return !h->movement; //saves time, immobile heroes are useless anyway

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@ -112,10 +112,7 @@ public:
virtual void accept (VCAI * ai); //unhandled goal will report standard error
virtual float accept (FuzzyHelper * f);
virtual bool operator== (AbstractGoal &g)
return false;
virtual bool operator== (AbstractGoal &g);
virtual bool fulfillsMe (Goals::TSubgoal goal) //TODO: multimethod instead of type check
return false;
@ -142,7 +139,6 @@ public:
tile = int3(-1, -1, -1);
town = nullptr;
//virtual TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override; //can't have virtual and template class at once
OSETTER(bool, isElementar)
OSETTER(bool, isAbstract)
@ -158,7 +154,6 @@ public:
void accept (VCAI * ai) override;
float accept (FuzzyHelper * f) override;
//float importanceWhenLocked() const override;
CGoal<T> * clone() const override
@ -306,7 +301,7 @@ public:
VisitHero(int hid) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_HERO){objid = hid; priority = 4;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override {return TGoalVec();};
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (VisitHero &g) {return g.objid == objid;}
//bool operator== (VisitHero &g) {return g.objid == objid;}
bool fulfillsMe (TSubgoal goal) override;
std::string completeMessage() const override;
@ -328,7 +323,7 @@ public:
VisitTile(int3 Tile) : CGoal (Goals::VISIT_TILE) {tile = Tile; priority = 5;};
TGoalVec getAllPossibleSubgoals() override;
TSubgoal whatToDoToAchieve() override;
bool operator== (VisitTile &g) {return g.tile == tile;}
//bool operator== (VisitTile &g) {return g.tile == tile;}
std::string completeMessage() const override;
class ClearWayTo : public CGoal<ClearWayTo>

View File

@ -209,16 +209,6 @@ void VCAI::gameOver(PlayerColor player, const EVictoryLossCheckResult & victoryL
logAi->debugStream() << "VCAI: Player " << player << " lost. It's me. What a disappointment! :(";
// //let's make Impossible difficulty finally standing to its name :>
// if(myCb->getStartInfo()->difficulty == 4 && !victory)
// {
// //play dirty: crash the whole engine to avoid lose
// //that way AI is unbeatable!
// *(int*)nullptr = 666;
// }
// TODO - at least write some insults on stdout
@ -372,25 +362,6 @@ void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj)
//AI should reconsider strategy when spawning monsters block the way and free reserved objects
//FIXME: AI tends to freeze forever on a week of double growth if this code is active
//auto safeCopy = reservedHeroesMap;
//for (auto hero : safeCopy)
// auto h = hero.first;
// for (auto reservedObj : hero.second)
// {
// auto pos = reservedObj->visitablePos();
// if (!(isAccessibleForHero(pos, h) && isSafeToVisit(h, pos)))
// {
// erase_if_present (reservedObjs, reservedObj);
// for(auto &p : reservedHeroesMap)
// erase_if_present (p.second, reservedObj);
// }
// }
void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance *obj)
@ -838,8 +809,7 @@ void VCAI::moveCreaturesToHero(const CGTownInstance * t)
bool VCAI::canGetArmy (const CGHeroInstance * army, const CGHeroInstance * source)
{ //TODO: merge with pickBestCreatures
if (ai->primaryHero().h == source)
return false; //TODO: allow exchange back and forth
//if (ai->primaryHero().h == source)
if(army->tempOwner != source->tempOwner)
@ -849,17 +819,17 @@ bool VCAI::canGetArmy (const CGHeroInstance * army, const CGHeroInstance * sourc
const CArmedInstance *armies[] = {army, source};
int armySize = 0;
//we calculate total strength for each creature type available in armies
std::map<const CCreature*, int> creToPower;
for(auto armyPtr : armies)
for(auto &i : armyPtr->Slots())
++armySize;//TODO: allow splitting stacks?
//TODO: allow splitting stacks?
creToPower[i.second->type] += i.second->getPower();
//TODO - consider more than just power (ie morale penalty, hero specialty in certain stacks, etc)
int armySize = creToPower.size();
armySize = std::min ((source->needsLastStack() ? armySize - 1 : armySize), GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); //can't move away last stack
std::vector<const CCreature *> bestArmy; //types that'll be in final dst army
for (int i = 0; i < armySize; i++) //pick the creatures from which we can get most power, as many as dest can fit
@ -882,8 +852,13 @@ bool VCAI::canGetArmy (const CGHeroInstance * army, const CGHeroInstance * sourc
for (int j = 0; j < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; j++)
if(armyPtr->getCreature(SlotID(j)) == bestArmy[i] && armyPtr != army) //it's a searched creature not in dst ARMY
if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1 && armyPtr != army)) //can't take away last creature
//FIXME: line below is useless when simulating exchange between two non-singular armies
if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1)) //can't take away last creature
return true; //at least one exchange will be performed
return false; //no further exchange possible
return false;
@ -893,16 +868,16 @@ void VCAI::pickBestCreatures(const CArmedInstance * army, const CArmedInstance *
//TODO - what if source is a hero (the last stack problem) -> it'd good to create a single stack of weakest cre
const CArmedInstance *armies[] = {army, source};
int armySize = 0;
//we calculate total strength for each creature type available in armies
std::map<const CCreature*, int> creToPower;
for(auto armyPtr : armies)
for(auto &i : armyPtr->Slots())
++armySize;//TODO: allow splitting stacks?
{//TODO: allow splitting stacks?
creToPower[i.second->type] += i.second->getPower();
//TODO - consider more than just power (ie morale penalty, hero specialty in certain stacks, etc)
int armySize = creToPower.size();
armySize = std::min ((source->needsLastStack() ? armySize - 1 : armySize), GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); //can't move away last stack
std::vector<const CCreature *> bestArmy; //types that'll be in final dst army
@ -926,7 +901,7 @@ void VCAI::pickBestCreatures(const CArmedInstance * army, const CArmedInstance *
for (int j = 0; j < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; j++)
if(armyPtr->getCreature(SlotID(j)) == bestArmy[i] && (i != j || armyPtr != army)) //it's a searched creature not in dst SLOT
if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1 && armyPtr != army))
if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1)) //can't take away last creature
cb->mergeOrSwapStacks(armyPtr, army, SlotID(j), SlotID(i));
@ -1945,7 +1920,7 @@ void VCAI::striveToGoal(Goals::TSubgoal ultimateGoal)
if (abstractGoal->invalid())
//we received abstratc goal, need to find concrete goals
//we received abstract goal, need to find concrete goals
striveToGoalInternal (abstractGoal, true);
//TODO: save abstract goals not related to hero
@ -1953,13 +1928,15 @@ void VCAI::striveToGoal(Goals::TSubgoal ultimateGoal)
Goals::TSubgoal VCAI::striveToGoalInternal(Goals::TSubgoal ultimateGoal, bool onlyAbstract)
const int searchDepth = 30;
const int searchDepth2 = searchDepth-2;
Goals::TSubgoal abstractGoal = sptr(Goals::Invalid());
Goals::TSubgoal goal = ultimateGoal;
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Striving to goal of type %s") % ultimateGoal->name();
int maxGoals = 30; //preventing deadlock for mutually dependent goals
int maxGoals = searchDepth; //preventing deadlock for mutually dependent goals
while(!goal->isElementar && maxGoals && (onlyAbstract || !goal->isAbstract))
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Considering goal %s") % goal->name();
@ -1968,11 +1945,19 @@ Goals::TSubgoal VCAI::striveToGoalInternal(Goals::TSubgoal ultimateGoal, bool on
goal = goal->whatToDoToAchieve();
if (*goal == *ultimateGoal) //compare objects by value
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Goal dependency loop detected!");
catch(goalFulfilledException &e)
//it is impossible to continue some goals (like exploration, for example)
completeGoal (goal);
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Goal %s decomposition failed: goal was completed as much as possible") % goal->name();
return sptr(Goals::Invalid());
catch(std::exception &e)
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Goal %s decomposition failed: %s") % goal->name() % e.what();
//setGoal (goal.hero, INVALID); //test: if we don't know how to realize goal, we should abandon it for now
return sptr(Goals::Invalid());
@ -2020,8 +2005,10 @@ Goals::TSubgoal VCAI::striveToGoalInternal(Goals::TSubgoal ultimateGoal, bool on
catch(goalFulfilledException &e)
//the goal was completed successfully
completeGoal (goal);
if (ultimateGoal->fulfillsMe(goal) || maxGoals > 28) //completed goal was main goal //TODO: find better condition
//completed goal was main goal //TODO: find better condition
if (ultimateGoal->fulfillsMe(goal) || maxGoals > searchDepth2)
return sptr(Goals::Invalid());
catch(std::exception &e)
@ -2268,43 +2255,6 @@ int3 VCAI::explorationNewPoint(HeroPtr h)
//if (!bestValue) //no free spot, we need to fight
// SectorMap sm(h);
// ui64 lowestDanger = -1;
// for (int i = 1; i < radius; i++)
// {
// getVisibleNeighbours(tiles[i-1], tiles[i]);
// removeDuplicates(tiles[i]);
// for(const int3 &tile : tiles[i])
// {
// if (cb->getTile(tile)->blocked) //does it shorten the time?
// continue;
// if (!howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(tile, radius)) //avoid costly checks of tiles that don't reveal much
// continue;
// auto t = sm.firstTileToGet(h, tile);
// if (t.valid())
// {
// ui64 ourDanger = evaluateDanger(tile, h.h);
// if (ourDanger < lowestDanger)
// {
// if(!isBlockedBorderGate(tile))
// {
// if (!ourDanger) //at least one safe place found
// return tile;
// bestTile = tile;
// lowestDanger = ourDanger;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
return bestTile;
@ -3127,19 +3077,19 @@ void SectorMap::makeParentBFS(crint3 source)
parent[neighPos] = curPos;
//this code is unused, as tiles on both sides of game are different sectors
//const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(curPos);
//if(t->topVisitableId() == Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE)
// //try finding the exit gate
// auto it = ai->knownSubterraneanGates.find(t->topVisitableObj());
// if (it != ai->knownSubterraneanGates.end())
// {
// const int3 outPos = it->second->visitablePos();
// parent[outPos] = curPos; //TODO: is it only one tile?
// }
//this code is unused, as tiles on both sides of game are different sectors
//const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(curPos);
//if(t->topVisitableId() == Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE)
// //try finding the exit gate
// auto it = ai->knownSubterraneanGates.find(t->topVisitableObj());
// if (it != ai->knownSubterraneanGates.end())
// {
// const int3 outPos = it->second->visitablePos();
// parent[outPos] = curPos; //TODO: is it only one tile?
// }