mirror of
synced 2024-12-24 22:14:36 +02:00
Merge branch 'develop' into feature/VCMIMapFormat1
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void CEmptyAI::showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<Com
cb->selectionMade(0, askID);
void CEmptyAI::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
void CEmptyAI::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
cb->selectionMade(0, askID);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public:
void heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, PrimarySkill::PrimarySkill pskill, std::vector<SecondarySkill> &skills, QueryID queryID) override;
void commanderGotLevel (const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector<ui32> skills, QueryID queryID) override;
void showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<Component> &components, QueryID askID, const int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) override;
void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
void showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, QueryID queryID) override;
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ VCAI::VCAI(void)
makingTurn = nullptr;
destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID();
destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1);
@ -616,33 +617,46 @@ void VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<Compone
void VCAI::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
void VCAI::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "askID '%i', exits '%s'", askID % exits);
// LOG_TRACE_PARAMS(logAi, "askID '%i', exits '%s'", askID % exits);
status.addQuery(askID, boost::str(boost::format("Teleport dialog query with %d exits")
% exits.size()));
ObjectInstanceID choosenExit;
int choosenExit = -1;
knownTeleportChannels[channel]->passability = TeleportChannel::IMPASSABLE;
else if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && destinationTeleportPos.valid())
auto neededExit = std::make_pair(destinationTeleport, destinationTeleportPos);
if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && vstd::contains(exits, neededExit))
choosenExit = vstd::find_pos(exits, neededExit);
for(auto exit : exits)
if(status.channelProbing() && exit.first == destinationTeleport)
choosenExit = vstd::find_pos(exits, exit);
if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && vstd::contains(exits, destinationTeleport))
choosenExit = destinationTeleport;
// TODO: Implement checking if visiting that teleport will uncovert any FoW
// So far this is the best option to handle decision about probing
auto obj = cb->getObj(exit.first, false);
if(obj == nullptr && !vstd::contains(teleportChannelProbingList, exit.first) &&
exit.first != destinationTeleport)
vstd::copy_if(exits, vstd::set_inserter(teleportChannelProbingList), [&](ObjectInstanceID id) -> bool
return !(vstd::contains(visitableObjs, cb->getObj(id)) || id == choosenExit);
answerQuery(askID, choosenExit.getNum());
answerQuery(askID, choosenExit);
@ -1876,25 +1890,29 @@ bool VCAI::moveHeroToTile(int3 dst, HeroPtr h)
cb->moveHero(*h, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst, true), transit);
auto doTeleportMovement = [&](int3 dst, ObjectInstanceID exitId)
auto doTeleportMovement = [&](ObjectInstanceID exitId, int3 exitPos)
destinationTeleport = exitId;
cb->moveHero(*h, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst, true));
destinationTeleportPos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(exitPos, true);
cb->moveHero(*h, h->pos);
destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID();
destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1);
auto doChannelProbing = [&]() -> void
auto currentExit = getObj(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(h->pos,false), false);
auto currentPos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(h->pos,false);
auto currentExit = getObj(currentPos, true)->id;
for(auto exit : teleportChannelProbingList)
doTeleportMovement(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(h->pos,false), exit);
doTeleportMovement(exit, int3(-1));
doTeleportMovement(CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(h->pos,false), currentExit->id);
doTeleportMovement(currentExit, currentPos);
int i=path.nodes.size()-1;
@ -1907,7 +1925,7 @@ bool VCAI::moveHeroToTile(int3 dst, HeroPtr h)
auto nextObject = getObj(nextCoord, false);
if(CGTeleport::isConnected(currentObject, nextObject))
{ //we use special login if hero standing on teleporter it's mean we need
doTeleportMovement(currentCoord, nextObject->id);
doTeleportMovement(nextObject->id, nextCoord);
@ -2934,7 +2952,7 @@ void AIStatus::setMove(bool ongoing)
void AIStatus::setChannelProbing(bool ongoing)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mx);
ongoingHeroMovement = ongoing;
ongoingChannelProbing = ongoing;
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ public:
std::map<TeleportChannelID, shared_ptr<TeleportChannel> > knownTeleportChannels;
std::map<const CGObjectInstance *, const CGObjectInstance *> knownSubterraneanGates;
ObjectInstanceID destinationTeleport;
int3 destinationTeleportPos;
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> teleportChannelProbingList; //list of teleport channel exits that not visible and need to be (re-)explored
//std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> visitedThisWeek; //only OPWs
std::map<HeroPtr, std::set<const CGTownInstance *> > townVisitsThisWeek;
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ public:
virtual void commanderGotLevel (const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector<ui32> skills, QueryID queryID) override; //TODO
virtual void showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<Component> &components, QueryID askID, const int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) override; //Show a dialog, player must take decision. If selection then he has to choose between one of given components, if cancel he is allowed to not choose. After making choice, CCallback::selectionMade should be called with number of selected component (1 - n) or 0 for cancel (if allowed) and askID.
virtual void showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, QueryID queryID) override; //all stacks operations between these objects become allowed, interface has to call onEnd when done
virtual void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
virtual void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
virtual void saveGame(COSer & h, const int version) override; //saving
virtual void loadGame(CISer & h, const int version) override; //loading
virtual void finish() override;
@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ GENERAL:
* New artifacts supported
- Angel Wings
- Boots of Levitation
* Implemented rumors in tavern window
* Fixed AI trying to go through underground rock
* Fixed several cases causing AI wandering aimlessly
* AI can again pick best artifacts and exchange artifacts between heroes
* AI heroes with patrol enabled won't leave patrol area anymore
* Changed fractalization algorithm so it can create cycles
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ CPlayerInterface::CPlayerInterface(PlayerColor Player)
logGlobal->traceStream() << "\tHuman player interface for player " << Player << " being constructed";
destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID();
destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1);
observerInDuelMode = false;
GH.defActionsDef = 0;
@ -1148,14 +1149,15 @@ void CPlayerInterface::showBlockingDialog( const std::string &text, const std::v
void CPlayerInterface::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
void CPlayerInterface::showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID)
ObjectInstanceID choosenExit;
if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && vstd::contains(exits, destinationTeleport))
choosenExit = destinationTeleport;
int choosenExit = -1;
auto neededExit = std::make_pair(destinationTeleport, destinationTeleportPos);
if(destinationTeleport != ObjectInstanceID() && vstd::contains(exits, neededExit))
choosenExit = vstd::find_pos(exits, neededExit);
cb->selectionMade(choosenExit.getNum(), askID);
cb->selectionMade(choosenExit, askID);
void CPlayerInterface::tileRevealed(const std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &pos)
@ -1415,6 +1417,7 @@ void CPlayerInterface::requestRealized( PackageApplied *pa )
&& stillMoveHero.get() == DURING_MOVE)
{ // After teleportation via CGTeleport object is finished
destinationTeleport = ObjectInstanceID();
destinationTeleportPos = int3(-1);
@ -2663,6 +2666,7 @@ void CPlayerInterface::doMoveHero(const CGHeroInstance * h, CGPath path)
destinationTeleport = nextObject->id;
destinationTeleportPos = nextCoord;
doMovement(h->pos, false);
sh = CCS->soundh->playSound(CCS->soundh->horseSounds[currentTerrain], -1);
@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ class CPlayerInterface : public CGameInterface, public IUpdateable
bool observerInDuelMode;
ObjectInstanceID destinationTeleport; //contain -1 or object id if teleportation
int3 destinationTeleportPos;
//minor interfaces
CondSh<bool> *showingDialog; //indicates if dialog box is displayed
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ public:
void showRecruitmentDialog(const CGDwelling *dwelling, const CArmedInstance *dst, int level) override;
void showShipyardDialog(const IShipyard *obj) override; //obj may be town or shipyard;
void showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector<Component> &components, QueryID askID, int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) override; //Show a dialog, player must take decision. If selection then he has to choose between one of given components, if cancel he is allowed to not choose. After making choice, CCallback::selectionMade should be called with number of selected component (1 - n) or 0 for cancel (if allowed) and askID.
void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) override;
void showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, QueryID queryID) override;
void showPuzzleMap() override;
void viewWorldMap() override;
@ -705,7 +705,9 @@ CTavernWindow::CTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance *TavernObj):
new CLabel(200, 35, FONT_BIG, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[37]);
new CLabel(320, 328, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, "2500");
new CTextBox(LOCPLINT->cb->getTavernGossip(tavernObj), Rect(32, 190, 330, 68), 0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE);
auto rumorText = boost::str(boost::format(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[216]) % LOCPLINT->cb->getTavernRumor(tavernObj));
new CTextBox(rumorText, Rect(32, 190, 330, 68), 0, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE);
new CGStatusBar(new CPicture(*background, Rect(8, pos.h - 26, pos.w - 16, 19), 8, pos.h - 26));
cancel = new CButton(Point(310, 428), "ICANCEL.DEF", CButton::tooltip(CGI->generaltexth->tavernInfo[7]), std::bind(&CTavernWindow::close, this), SDLK_ESCAPE);
@ -1628,9 +1630,9 @@ CThievesGuildWindow::CThievesGuildWindow(const CGObjectInstance * _owner):
int counter = 0;
for(auto & iter : tgi.colorToBestHero)
new CPicture(colorToBox[iter.first.getNum()], 253 + 66 * counter, 334);
if(iter.second.portrait >= 0)
new CPicture(colorToBox[iter.first.getNum()], 253 + 66 * counter, 334);
new CAnimImage("PortraitsSmall", iter.second.portrait, 0, 260 + 66 * counter, 360);
//TODO: r-click info:
// - r-click on hero
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "CGameInfoCallback.h"
#include "CGameState.h" // PlayerState
#include "CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h" // for CGObjectInstance
#include "StartInfo.h" // for StartInfo
#include "BattleState.h" // for BattleInfo
@ -198,7 +199,14 @@ void CGameInfoCallback::getThievesGuildInfo(SThievesGuildInfo & thi, const CGObj
if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN || obj->ID == Obj::TAVERN)
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, gs->players[obj->tempOwner].towns.size());
int taverns = 0;
for(auto town : gs->players[*player].towns)
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, taverns);
else if(obj->ID == Obj::DEN_OF_THIEVES)
@ -566,9 +574,34 @@ EPlayerStatus::EStatus CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerStatus(PlayerColor player, bo
return ps->status;
std::string CGameInfoCallback::getTavernGossip(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
std::string CGameInfoCallback::getTavernRumor(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
return "GOSSIP TEST";
std::string text = "", extraText = "";
if(gs->rumor.type == RumorState::TYPE_NONE) // (version < 755 backward compatability
return text;
auto rumor = gs->rumor.last[gs->rumor.type];
case RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL:
if(rumor.first == RumorState::RUMOR_GRAIL)
extraText = VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[158 + rumor.second];
extraText = VLC->generaltexth->capColors[rumor.second];
text = boost::str(boost::format(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[rumor.first]) % extraText);
case RumorState::TYPE_MAP:
text = gs->map->rumors[rumor.first].text;
case RumorState::TYPE_RAND:
text = VLC->generaltexth->tavernRumors[rumor.first];
return text;
PlayerRelations::PlayerRelations CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerRelations( PlayerColor color1, PlayerColor color2 ) const
@ -855,7 +888,7 @@ std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> CGameInfoCallback::getVisibleTeleportObjects(std::
vstd::erase_if(ids, [&](ObjectInstanceID id) -> bool
auto obj = getObj(id);
auto obj = getObj(id, false);
return player != PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE && (!obj || !isVisible(obj->pos, player));
return ids;
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public:
int howManyTowns(PlayerColor Player) const;
const CGTownInstance * getTownInfo(int val, bool mode)const; //mode = 0 -> val = player town serial; mode = 1 -> val = object id (serial)
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> getAvailableHeroes(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const; //heroes that can be recruited
std::string getTavernGossip(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const;
std::string getTavernRumor(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const;
EBuildingState::EBuildingState canBuildStructure(const CGTownInstance *t, BuildingID ID);//// 0 - no more than one capitol, 1 - lack of water, 2 - forbidden, 3 - Add another level to Mage Guild, 4 - already built, 5 - cannot build, 6 - cannot afford, 7 - build, 8 - lack of requirements
virtual bool getTownInfo(const CGObjectInstance * town, InfoAboutTown & dest, const CGObjectInstance * selectedObject = nullptr) const;
const CTown *getNativeTown(PlayerColor color) const;
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "spells/ViewSpellInt.h"
#include "mapObjects/CObjectHandler.h"
* CGameInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ public:
// all stacks operations between these objects become allowed, interface has to call onEnd when done
virtual void showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, QueryID queryID) = 0;
virtual void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) = 0;
virtual void showTeleportDialog(TeleportChannelID channel, TTeleportExitsList exits, bool impassable, QueryID askID) = 0;
virtual void finish(){}; //if for some reason we want to end
virtual void showWorldViewEx(const std::vector<ObjectPosInfo> & objectPositions){};
@ -2134,6 +2134,76 @@ int3 CGameState::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const
return gs->map->guardingCreaturePositions[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z];
void CGameState::updateRumor()
static std::vector<RumorState::ERumorType> rumorTypes = {RumorState::TYPE_MAP, RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL, RumorState::TYPE_RAND, RumorState::TYPE_RAND};
std::vector<RumorState::ERumorTypeSpecial> sRumorTypes = {
if(map->grailPos.valid()) // Grail should always be on map, but I had related crash I didn't manage to reproduce
int rumorId = -1, rumorExtra = -1;
auto & rand = getRandomGenerator();
rumor.type = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(rumorTypes, rand);
if(!map->rumors.size() && rumor.type == RumorState::TYPE_MAP)
rumor.type = RumorState::TYPE_RAND;
case RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL:
SThievesGuildInfo tgi;
obtainPlayersStats(tgi, 20);
rumorId = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(sRumorTypes, rand);
if(rumorId == RumorState::RUMOR_GRAIL)
rumorExtra = getTile(map->grailPos)->terType;
std::vector<PlayerColor> players = {};
case RumorState::RUMOR_OBELISKS:
players = tgi.obelisks[0];
case RumorState::RUMOR_ARTIFACTS:
players = tgi.artifacts[0];
case RumorState::RUMOR_ARMY:
players = tgi.army[0];
case RumorState::RUMOR_INCOME:
players = tgi.income[0];
rumorExtra = RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(players, rand)->getNum();
case RumorState::TYPE_MAP:
rumorId = rand.nextInt(map->rumors.size() - 1);
case RumorState::TYPE_RAND:
rumorId = rand.nextInt(VLC->generaltexth->tavernRumors.size() - 1);
while(!rumor.update(rumorId, rumorExtra));
bool CGameState::isVisible(int3 pos, PlayerColor player)
if(player == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL)
@ -2455,6 +2525,58 @@ struct statsHLP
return str;
// get total gold income
static int getIncome(const PlayerState * ps)
int totalIncome = 0;
const CGObjectInstance * heroOrTown = nullptr;
//Heroes can produce gold as well - skill, specialty or arts
for(auto & h : ps->heroes)
totalIncome += h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, SecondarySkill::ESTATES));
totalIncome += h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE, Res::GOLD));
heroOrTown = h;
//Add town income of all towns
for(auto & t : ps->towns)
totalIncome += t->dailyIncome()[Res::GOLD];
heroOrTown = t;
/// FIXME: Dirty dirty hack
/// Stats helper need some access to gamestate.
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ownedObjects;
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : heroOrTown->cb->gameState()->map->objects)
if(obj && obj->tempOwner == ps->color)
/// This is code from CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects
/// I'm really need to find out about callback interface design...
for(auto object : ownedObjects)
if ( object->ID == Obj::MINE )
const CGMine *mine = dynamic_cast<const CGMine*>(object);
if (mine->producedResource == Res::GOLD)
totalIncome += mine->producedQuantity;
return totalIncome;
void CGameState::obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level)
@ -2485,20 +2607,22 @@ void CGameState::obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level)
if(level >= 1) //num of towns & num of heroes
if(level >= 0) //num of towns & num of heroes
//num of towns
FILL_FIELD(numOfTowns, g->second.towns.size())
//num of heroes
FILL_FIELD(numOfHeroes, g->second.heroes.size())
//best hero's portrait
if(level >= 1) //best hero's portrait
for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g)
const CGHeroInstance * best = statsHLP::findBestHero(this, g->second.color);
InfoAboutHero iah;
iah.initFromHero(best, level >= 8);
iah.initFromHero(best, level >= 2);
tgi.colorToBestHero[g->second.color] = iah;
@ -2515,27 +2639,27 @@ void CGameState::obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level)
FILL_FIELD(mercSulfCrystGems, g->second.resources[Res::MERCURY] + g->second.resources[Res::SULFUR] + g->second.resources[Res::CRYSTAL] + g->second.resources[Res::GEMS])
if(level >= 4) //obelisks found
if(level >= 3) //obelisks found
FILL_FIELD(obelisks, CGObelisk::visited[gs->getPlayerTeam(g->second.color)->id])
if(level >= 5) //artifacts
if(level >= 4) //artifacts
FILL_FIELD(artifacts, statsHLP::getNumberOfArts(&g->second))
if(level >= 6) //army strength
if(level >= 4) //army strength
FILL_FIELD(army, statsHLP::getArmyStrength(&g->second))
if(level >= 7) //income
if(level >= 5) //income
//TODO:obtainPlayersStats - income
FILL_FIELD(income, statsHLP::getIncome(&g->second))
if(level >= 8) //best hero's stats
if(level >= 2) //best hero's stats
//already set in lvl 1 handling
if(level >= 9) //personality
if(level >= 3) //personality
for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g)
@ -2552,7 +2676,7 @@ void CGameState::obtainPlayersStats(SThievesGuildInfo & tgi, int level)
if(level >= 10) //best creature
if(level >= 4) //best creature
//best creatures belonging to player (highest AI value)
for(auto g = players.cbegin(); g != players.cend(); ++g)
@ -2803,6 +2927,25 @@ std::string PlayerState::nodeName() const
return "Player " + (color.getNum() < VLC->generaltexth->capColors.size() ? VLC->generaltexth->capColors[color.getNum()] : boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(color));
bool RumorState::update(int id, int extra)
if(vstd::contains(last, type))
if(last[type].first != id)
last[type].first = id;
last[type].second = extra;
return false;
last[type] = std::make_pair(id, extra);
return true;
@ -81,6 +81,34 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE SThievesGuildInfo
struct DLL_LINKAGE RumorState
enum ERumorType : ui8
enum ERumorTypeSpecial : ui8
ERumorType type;
std::map<ERumorType, std::pair<int, int>> last;
RumorState(){type = TYPE_NONE; last = {};};
bool update(int id, int extra);
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & type & last;
struct UpgradeInfo
CreatureID oldID; //creature to be upgraded
@ -183,6 +211,7 @@ public:
std::map<PlayerColor, PlayerState> players;
std::map<TeamID, TeamState> teams;
CBonusSystemNode globalEffects;
RumorState rumor;
boost::shared_mutex *mx;
@ -196,6 +225,7 @@ public:
void calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out); //calculates possible paths for hero, by default uses current hero position and movement left; returns pointer to newly allocated CPath or nullptr if path does not exists
int3 guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const;
std::vector<CGObjectInstance*> guardingCreatures (int3 pos) const;
void updateRumor();
// ----- victory, loss condition checks -----
@ -219,6 +249,13 @@ public:
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & scenarioOps & initialOpts & currentPlayer & day & map & players & teams & hpool & globalEffects & rand;
if(version >= 755)
h & rumor;
else if(!h.saving)
rumor = RumorState();
@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ CGeneralTextHandler::CGeneralTextHandler()
readToVector("DATA/PRISKILL.TXT", primarySkillNames);
readToVector("DATA/JKTEXT.TXT", jktexts);
readToVector("DATA/TVRNINFO.TXT", tavernInfo);
readToVector("DATA/RANDTVRN.TXT", tavernRumors);
readToVector("DATA/TURNDUR.TXT", turnDurations);
readToVector("DATA/HEROSCRN.TXT", heroscrn);
readToVector("DATA/TENTCOLR.TXT", tentColors);
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ public:
std::vector<std::string> tcommands, hcommands, fcommands; //texts for town screen, town hall screen and fort screen
std::vector<std::string> tavernInfo;
std::vector<std::string> tavernRumors;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,std::string> > zelp;
std::vector<std::string> lossCondtions;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ CPathfinder::PathfinderOptions::PathfinderOptions()
CPathfinder::CPathfinder(CPathsInfo & _out, CGameState * _gs, const CGHeroInstance * _hero)
: CGameInfoCallback(_gs, boost::optional<PlayerColor>()), out(_out), hero(_hero), FoW(getPlayerTeam(hero->tempOwner)->fogOfWarMap)
: CGameInfoCallback(_gs, boost::optional<PlayerColor>()), out(_out), hero(_hero), FoW(getPlayerTeam(hero->tempOwner)->fogOfWarMap), patrolTiles({})
assert(hero == getHero(hero->id));
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ CPathfinder::CPathfinder(CPathsInfo & _out, CGameState * _gs, const CGHeroInstan
hlp = make_unique<CPathfinderHelper>(hero, options);
@ -96,8 +97,10 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
CGPathNode * initialNode = out.getNode(out.hpos, hero->boat ? ELayer::SAIL : ELayer::LAND);
initialNode->turns = 0;
initialNode->moveRemains = hero->movement;
cp = pq.top();
@ -120,6 +123,9 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
for(auto & neighbour : neighbours)
dt = &gs->map->getTile(neighbour);
dtObj = dt->topVisitableObj();
for(ELayer i = ELayer::LAND; i <= ELayer::AIR; i.advance(1))
@ -216,7 +222,9 @@ void CPathfinder::addNeighbours()
void CPathfinder::addTeleportExits()
/// For now we disable teleports usage for patrol movement
/// VCAI not aware about patrol and may stuck while attempt to use teleport
if(!isSourceVisitableObj() || patrolState == PATROL_RADIUS)
const CGTeleport * objTeleport = dynamic_cast<const CGTeleport *>(ctObj);
@ -257,6 +265,22 @@ void CPathfinder::addTeleportExits()
bool CPathfinder::isHeroPatrolLocked() const
return patrolState == PATROL_LOCKED;
bool CPathfinder::isPatrolMovementAllowed(const int3 & dst) const
if(patrolState == PATROL_RADIUS)
if(!vstd::contains(patrolTiles, dst))
return false;
return true;
bool CPathfinder::isLayerTransitionPossible(const ELayer destLayer) const
/// No layer transition allowed when previous node action is BATTLE
@ -565,6 +589,23 @@ bool CPathfinder::isDestinationGuardian() const
return gs->guardingCreaturePosition(cp->coord) == dp->coord;
void CPathfinder::initializePatrol()
auto state = PATROL_NONE;
if(hero->patrol.patrolling && !getPlayer(hero->tempOwner)->human)
gs->getTilesInRange(patrolTiles, hero->patrol.initialPos, hero->patrol.patrolRadious, boost::optional<PlayerColor>(), 0, true);
patrolState = state;
void CPathfinder::initializeGraph()
auto updateNode = [&](int3 pos, ELayer layer, const TerrainTile * tinfo)
@ -161,6 +161,13 @@ private:
const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ui8> > > &FoW;
unique_ptr<CPathfinderHelper> hlp;
enum EPatrolState {
} patrolState;
std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> patrolTiles;
struct NodeComparer
bool operator()(const CGPathNode * lhs, const CGPathNode * rhs) const
@ -187,6 +194,9 @@ private:
void addNeighbours();
void addTeleportExits();
bool isHeroPatrolLocked() const;
bool isPatrolMovementAllowed(const int3 & dst) const;
bool isLayerTransitionPossible(const ELayer dstLayer) const;
bool isLayerTransitionPossible() const;
bool isMovementToDestPossible() const;
@ -200,6 +210,7 @@ private:
bool isDestinationGuarded(const bool ignoreAccessibility = true) const;
bool isDestinationGuardian() const;
void initializePatrol();
void initializeGraph();
CGPathNode::EAccessibility evaluateAccessibility(const int3 & pos, const TerrainTile * tinfo, const ELayer layer) const;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getFreeTiles (std::vector<int3> &tiles) const
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getTilesInRange( std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, boost::optional<PlayerColor> player/*=uninit*/, int mode/*=0*/ ) const
void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getTilesInRange( std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, boost::optional<PlayerColor> player/*=uninit*/, int mode/*=0*/, bool patrolDistance/*=false*/) const
if(!!player && *player >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT)
@ -63,7 +63,13 @@ void CPrivilagedInfoCallback::getTilesInRange( std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt
for (int yd = std::max<int>(pos.y - radious, 0); yd <= std::min<int>(pos.y + radious, gs->map->height - 1); yd++)
double distance = pos.dist2d(int3(xd,yd,pos.z)) - 0.5;
int3 tilePos(xd,yd,pos.z);
double distance;
distance = pos.mandist2d(tilePos);
distance = pos.dist2d(tilePos) - 0.5;
if(distance <= radious)
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class DLL_LINKAGE CPrivilagedInfoCallback : public CGameInfoCallback
CGameState * gameState();
void getFreeTiles (std::vector<int3> &tiles) const; //used for random spawns
void getTilesInRange(std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, boost::optional<PlayerColor> player = boost::optional<PlayerColor>(), int mode=0) const; //mode 1 - only unrevealed tiles; mode 0 - all, mode -1 - only unrevealed
void getTilesInRange(std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, boost::optional<PlayerColor> player = boost::optional<PlayerColor>(), int mode = 0, bool patrolDistance = false) const; //mode 1 - only unrevealed tiles; mode 0 - all, mode -1 - only unrevealed
void getAllTiles (std::unordered_set<int3, ShashInt3> &tiles, boost::optional<PlayerColor> player = boost::optional<PlayerColor>(), int level=-1, int surface=0) const; //returns all tiles on given level (-1 - both levels, otherwise number of level); surface: 0 - land and water, 1 - only land, 2 - only water
void pickAllowedArtsSet(std::vector<const CArtifact*> &out); //gives 3 treasures, 3 minors, 1 major -> used by Black Market and Artifact Merchant
void getAllowedSpells(std::vector<SpellID> &out, ui16 level);
@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ struct TeleportDialog : public Query//2006
const CGHeroInstance *hero;
TeleportChannelID channel;
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits;
TTeleportExitsList exits;
bool impassable;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
@ -1033,6 +1033,9 @@ DLL_LINKAGE void NewTurn::applyGs( CGameState *gs )
for(CGTownInstance* t : gs->map->towns)
t->builded = 0;
if(gs->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1)
DLL_LINKAGE void SetObjectProperty::applyGs( CGameState *gs )
@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ public:
return std::sqrt((double)dist2dSQ(o));
//manhattan distance used for patrol radius (z coord is not used)
double mandist2d(const int3 & o) const
return abs(o.x - x) + abs(o.y - y);
bool areNeighbours(const int3 & o) const
@ -72,12 +72,23 @@ public:
struct DLL_LINKAGE Patrol
bool patrolling;
int3 initialPos;
ui32 patrolRadious;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & patrolling & patrolRadious;
h & patrolling;
if(version >= 755)
h & initialPos;
else if(!h.saving)
patrolling = false;
initialPos = int3();
h & patrolRadious;
} patrol;
@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ class CGObjectInstance;
struct MetaString;
struct BattleResult;
// This one teleport-specific, but has to be available everywhere in callbacks and netpacks
// For now it's will be there till teleports code refactored and moved into own file
typedef std::vector<std::pair<ObjectInstanceID, int3>> TTeleportExitsList;
class DLL_LINKAGE IObjectInterface
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ bool CGTeleport::isTeleport(const CGObjectInstance * obj)
bool CGTeleport::isConnected(const CGTeleport * src, const CGTeleport * dst)
return src && dst && src != dst && src->isChannelExit(dst->id);
return src && dst && src->isChannelExit(dst->id);
bool CGTeleport::isConnected(const CGObjectInstance * src, const CGObjectInstance * dst)
@ -948,7 +948,13 @@ void CGMonolith::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
if(cb->isTeleportChannelBidirectional(channel) && 1 < cb->getTeleportChannelExits(channel).size())
td.exits = cb->getTeleportChannelExits(channel);
auto exits = cb->getTeleportChannelExits(channel);
for(auto exit : exits)
td.exits.push_back(std::make_pair(exit, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(cb->getObj(exit)->visitablePos(), true)));
@ -964,9 +970,9 @@ void CGMonolith::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
void CGMonolith::teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits) const
void CGMonolith::teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, TTeleportExitsList exits) const
ObjectInstanceID objId(answer);
int3 dPos;
auto realExits = getAllExits(true);
if(!isEntrance() // Do nothing if hero visited exit only object
|| (!exits.size() && !realExits.size()) // Do nothing if there no exits on this channel
@ -974,14 +980,12 @@ void CGMonolith::teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer,
else if(objId == ObjectInstanceID())
objId = getRandomExit(hero);
else if(vstd::isValidIndex(exits, answer))
dPos = exits[answer].second;
assert(vstd::contains(exits, objId)); // Likely cheating attempt: not random teleporter choosen, but it's not from provided list
dPos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(cb->getObj(getRandomExit(hero))->visitablePos(), true);
auto obj = cb->getObj(objId);
cb->moveHero(hero->id,CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(obj->pos,true) - getVisitableOffset(), true);
cb->moveHero(hero->id, dPos, true);
void CGMonolith::initObj()
@ -1021,7 +1025,10 @@ void CGSubterraneanGate::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
td.impassable = true;
auto exit = getRandomExit(h);
td.exits.push_back(std::make_pair(exit, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(cb->getObj(exit)->visitablePos(), true)));
@ -1120,29 +1127,35 @@ void CGWhirlpool::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
cb->changeStackCount(StackLocation(h, targetstack), -countToTake);
td.exits = getAllExits(true);
auto exits = getAllExits();
for(auto exit : exits)
auto blockedPosList = cb->getObj(exit)->getBlockedPos();
for(auto bPos : blockedPosList)
td.exits.push_back(std::make_pair(exit, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(bPos, true)));
void CGWhirlpool::teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits) const
void CGWhirlpool::teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, TTeleportExitsList exits) const
ObjectInstanceID objId(answer);
int3 dPos;
auto realExits = getAllExits();
if(!exits.size() && !realExits.size())
else if(objId == ObjectInstanceID())
objId = getRandomExit(hero);
else if(vstd::isValidIndex(exits, answer))
dPos = exits[answer].second;
assert(vstd::contains(exits, objId)); // Likely cheating attempt: not random teleporter choosen, but it's not from provided list
auto obj = cb->getObj(objId);
auto obj = cb->getObj(getRandomExit(hero));
std::set<int3> tiles = obj->getBlockedPos();
auto & tile = *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(tiles, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator());
cb->moveHero(hero->id, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(tile, true), true);
dPos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(tiles, cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()), true);
cb->moveHero(hero->id, dPos, true);
bool CGWhirlpool::isProtected( const CGHeroInstance * h )
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ public:
bool isEntrance() const;
bool isExit() const;
virtual void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits) const = 0;
virtual void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, TTeleportExitsList exits) const = 0;
static bool isTeleport(const CGObjectInstance * dst);
static bool isConnected(const CGTeleport * src, const CGTeleport * dst);
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ class DLL_LINKAGE CGMonolith : public CGTeleport
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const override;
void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits) const override;
void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, TTeleportExitsList exits) const override;
void initObj() override;
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ public:
class DLL_LINKAGE CGWhirlpool : public CGMonolith
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const override;
void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits) const override;
void teleportDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer, TTeleportExitsList exits) const override;
static bool isProtected( const CGHeroInstance * h );
@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ void CMapLoaderH3M::readObjects()
case Obj::RANDOM_HERO:
case Obj::PRISON:
nobj = readHero(idToBeGiven);
nobj = readHero(idToBeGiven, objPos);
case Obj::MONSTER: //Monster
@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ void CMapLoaderH3M::readCreatureSet(CCreatureSet * out, int number)
CGObjectInstance * CMapLoaderH3M::readHero(ObjectInstanceID idToBeGiven)
CGObjectInstance * CMapLoaderH3M::readHero(ObjectInstanceID idToBeGiven, const int3 & initialPos)
auto nhi = new CGHeroInstance();
@ -1658,6 +1658,7 @@ CGObjectInstance * CMapLoaderH3M::readHero(ObjectInstanceID idToBeGiven)
nhi->patrol.patrolling = true;
nhi->patrol.initialPos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(initialPos, false);
if(map->version > EMapFormat::ROE)
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ private:
* @param idToBeGiven the object id which should be set for the hero
* @return a object instance
CGObjectInstance * readHero(ObjectInstanceID idToBeGiven);
CGObjectInstance * readHero(ObjectInstanceID idToBeGiven, const int3 & initialPos);
* Reads a seer hut.
@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ bool CGameHandler::moveHero( ObjectInstanceID hid, int3 dst, ui8 teleporting, bo
logGlobal->traceStream() << "Player " << asker << " wants to move hero "<< hid.getNum() << " from "<< h->pos << " to " << dst;
const int3 hmpos = dst + int3(-1,0,0);
const int3 hmpos = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst, false);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user