mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00

- AI will now use SectorMap to find a way to guarded / covered objects.

- Improvements to SectorMap needed for use of multiple heroes
This commit is contained in:
DjWarmonger 2014-02-15 16:38:51 +00:00
parent d01b84b460
commit d8933b5c36
4 changed files with 97 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ float FuzzyHelper::evaluate (Goals::GatherArmy & g)
//the more army we need, the more important goal
//the more army we lack, the less important goal
float army = g.hero->getArmyStrength();
return g.value / std::min(g.value - army, 1000.0f);
return g.value / std::max(g.value - army, 1000.0f);
float FuzzyHelper::evaluate (Goals::BuildThis & g)

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@ -407,11 +407,12 @@ TGoalVec ClearWayTo::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
SectorMap sm;
int3 tileToHit = sm.firstTileToGet(hero ? hero : h, tile);
//if our hero is trapped, make sure we request clearing the way from OUR perspective
if (!tileToHit.valid())
if (isBlockedBorderGate(tileToHit))
{ //FIXME: this way we'll not visit gate and activate quest :?
@ -510,42 +511,35 @@ TGoalVec Explore::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
for (auto obj : objs) //double loop, performance risk?
if (ai->isAccessibleForHero(obj->visitablePos(), h) && isSafeToVisit(h, obj->visitablePos()))
SectorMap sm; //seems to depend on hero
auto t = sm.firstTileToGet(h, obj->visitablePos()); //we assume that no more than one tile on the way is guarded
if (t.valid())
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(obj->visitablePos()).sethero(h)));
//auto topObj = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(t));
//if (topObj && topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && topObj != h)
// continue; //if the tile is occupied by another hero, we are not interested in going there
if (isSafeToVisit(h, t))
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(t).sethero(h)));
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::GatherArmy(evaluateDanger(t, h)*SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT).
int3 t = whereToExplore(h);
if (cb->isInTheMap(t)) //valid tile was found - could be invalid (none)
if (t.valid())
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(t).sethero(h)));
//we either don't have hero yet or none of heroes can explore
if ((!hero || ret.empty()) && ai->canRecruitAnyHero())
ret.push_back (sptr(Goals::RecruitHero()));
if (ret.empty())
HeroPtr h;
if (hero) //there is some hero set and it's us
if (hero == ai->primaryHero())
h = hero;
else //no hero is set, so we choose our main
h = ai->primaryHero();
//we may need to gather big army to break!
if (h.h)
//FIXME: it never finds anything :?
int3 t = ai->explorationNewPoint(h->getSightRadious(), h, true);
if (cb->isInTheMap(t))
ret.push_back (sptr(ClearWayTo(t).setisAbstract(true).sethero(h)));
else //just in case above fails - gather army if no further exploration possible
ret.push_back (sptr(GatherArmy(h->getArmyStrength() + 1).sethero(h)));
//do not set abstract to keep our hero free once he gets reinforcements
if (ret.empty())
throw goalFulfilledException (sptr(Goals::Explore().sethero(hero)));
@ -790,31 +784,50 @@ TGoalVec Conquer::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
TGoalVec ret;
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> objs; //here we'll gather enemy towns and heroes
erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj)
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> objs;
for (auto obj : ai->visitableObjs)
return (obj->ID != Obj::TOWN && obj->ID != Obj::HERO && //not town/hero
obj->ID != Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 && obj->ID != Obj::MINE) //not dwelling or mine
|| cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES; //only enemy objects are interesting
erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj)
return vstd::contains (ai->reservedObjs, obj);
//no need to capture same object twice
if (!vstd::contains (ai->reservedObjs, obj) && //no need to capture same object twice
cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) //only enemy objects are interesting
switch (obj->ID.num)
case Obj::TOWN:
case Obj::HERO:
case Obj::MINE: //TODO: check ai->knownSubterraneanGates
objs.push_back (obj);
for (auto h : cb->getHeroesInfo())
for (auto obj : objs) //double loop, performance risk?
if (ai->isAccessibleForHero(obj->visitablePos(), h) && isSafeToVisit(h, obj->visitablePos()))
SectorMap sm; //seems to depend on hero
auto t = sm.firstTileToGet(h, obj->visitablePos()); //we assume that no more than one tile on the way is guarded
if (t.valid())
if (obj->ID == Obj::HERO)
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitHero(obj->id.getNum()).sethero(h).setisAbstract(true)));
//track enemy hero
//auto topObj = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(t));
//if (topObj && topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && topObj != h)
// continue; //if the tile is occupied by another hero, we are not interested in going there
//FIXME: should firstTileToGet return position of our other hero?
if (isSafeToVisit(h, t))
if (obj->ID == Obj::HERO)
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitHero(obj->id.getNum()).sethero(h).setisAbstract(true)));
//track enemy hero
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(t).sethero(h)));
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(obj->visitablePos()).sethero(h)));
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::GatherArmy(evaluateDanger(t,h)*SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT).sethero(h).setisAbstract(true)));
@ -917,7 +930,7 @@ TGoalVec GatherArmy::getAllPossibleSubgoals()
for (auto obj : objs)
{ //find safe dwelling
auto pos = obj->visitablePos();
if (shouldVisit (h, obj) && isSafeToVisit(h, pos) && ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, h))
if (ai->isGoodForVisit(obj, h))
ret.push_back (sptr (Goals::VisitTile(pos).sethero(h)));

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@ -2770,7 +2770,14 @@ bool shouldVisit(HeroPtr h, const CGObjectInstance * obj)
int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
this functions returns one target tile or invalid tile. We will use it to poll possible destinations
For ship construction etc, another function (goal?) is needed
int3 ret(-1,-1,-1);
int sourceSector = retreiveTile(h->visitablePos()),
destinationSector = retreiveTile(dst);
@ -2806,7 +2813,9 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
ai->completeGoal (sptr(Goals::Explore(h))); //if we can't find the way, seemingly all tiles were explored
//TODO: more organized way?
throw cannotFulfillGoalException(boost::str(boost::format("Cannot find connection between sectors %d and %d") % src->id % dst->id));
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException(boost::str(boost::format("Cannot find connection between sectors %d and %d") % src->id % dst->id));
std::vector<const Sector*> toTraverse;
@ -2861,7 +2870,9 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
//TODO consider possibility of building shipyard in a town
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("There is no known shipyard!");
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException("There is no known shipyard!");
//we have only shipyards that possibly can build ships onto the appropriate EP
@ -2878,13 +2889,15 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
int3 ret = s->bestLocation();
cb->buildBoat(s); //TODO: move actions elsewhere
return ret;
//TODO gather res
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Not enough resources to build a boat");
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Not enough resources to build a boat");
@ -2898,17 +2911,20 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
return ret;
//transition between two land/water sectors. Monolith? Whirlpool? ...
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Land-land and water-water inter-sector transitions are not implemented!");
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Land-land and water-water inter-sector transitions are not implemented!");
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Inter-sector route detection failed: not connected sectors?");
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Inter-sector route detection failed: not connected sectors?");
@ -2917,6 +2933,12 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
int3 curtile = dst;
while(curtile != h->visitablePos())
auto topObj = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(curtile));
if (topObj && topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && topObj != h.h)
logAi->warnStream() << ("Another allied hero stands in our way");
return ret;
return curtile;
@ -2930,13 +2952,17 @@ int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
curtile = i->second;
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Unreachable tile in sector? Should not happen!");
return ret;
//throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Unreachable tile in sector? Should not happen!");
throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Impossible happened.");
//FIXME: find out why this line is reached
logAi->errorStream() << ("Impossible happened at SectorMap::firstTileToGet");
return ret;
void SectorMap::makeParentBFS(crint3 source)

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@ -84,6 +84,10 @@ public:
" " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(y) +
" " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(z) + ")";
inline bool valid() const
return z >= 0; //minimal condition that needs to be fulfilled for tiles in the map
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & x & y & z;