mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
Use the same cost value in Pathfinder and fuzzy evaluations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -191,15 +191,7 @@ bool CDistanceSorter::operator()(const CGObjectInstance * lhs, const CGObjectIns
const CGPathNode * ln = ai->myCb->getPathsInfo(hero)->getPathInfo(lhs->visitablePos());
const CGPathNode * rn = ai->myCb->getPathsInfo(hero)->getPathInfo(rhs->visitablePos());
if(ln->turns != rn->turns)
return ln->turns < rn->turns;
return (ln->moveRemains > rn->moveRemains);
bool compareMovement(HeroPtr lhs, HeroPtr rhs)
return lhs->movement > rhs->movement;
return ln->cost < rn->cost;
ui64 evaluateDanger(crint3 tile)
@ -410,6 +402,7 @@ bool isBlockedBorderGate(int3 tileToHit) //TODO: is that function needed? should
auto gate = dynamic_cast<const CGKeys *>(cb->getTile(tileToHit)->topVisitableObj());
return !gate->passableFor(ai->playerID);
bool isBlockVisitObj(const int3 & pos)
if(auto obj = cb->getTopObj(pos))
@ -439,7 +432,6 @@ creInfo infoFromDC(const dwellingContent & dc)
return ci;
ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(const CArmedInstance * h, const CGDwelling * t)
ui64 aivalue = 0;
@ -529,14 +521,3 @@ bool compareArtifacts(const CArtifactInstance * a1, const CArtifactInstance * a2
return false;
uint32_t distanceToTile(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int3 pos)
auto pathInfo = cb->getPathsInfo(hero)->getPathInfo(pos);
uint32_t totalMovementPoints = pathInfo->turns * hero->maxMovePoints(true) + hero->movement;
if(totalMovementPoints < pathInfo->moveRemains) // should not be but who knows
return 0;
return totalMovementPoints - pathInfo->moveRemains;
@ -172,13 +172,11 @@ bool isObjectRemovable(const CGObjectInstance * obj); //FIXME FIXME: move logic
bool isSafeToVisit(HeroPtr h, uint64_t dangerStrength);
bool isSafeToVisit(HeroPtr h, crint3 tile);
bool compareMovement(HeroPtr lhs, HeroPtr rhs);
bool compareHeroStrength(HeroPtr h1, HeroPtr h2);
bool compareArmyStrength(const CArmedInstance * a1, const CArmedInstance * a2);
bool compareArtifacts(const CArtifactInstance * a1, const CArtifactInstance * a2);
ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(const CArmedInstance * h, const CGDwelling * t);
ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const CArmedInstance * h, const CGTownInstance * t);
uint32_t distanceToTile(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int3 pos);
class CDistanceSorter
@ -89,14 +89,15 @@ armyStructure evaluateArmyStructure(const CArmedInstance * army)
float HeroMovementGoalEngineBase::calculateTurnDistanceInputValue(const Goals::AbstractGoal & goal) const
const float maxMovePoints = (float)goal.hero->maxMovePoints(true);
if(goal.evaluationContext.movementCost != 0)
if(goal.evaluationContext.movementCost > 0)
return goal.evaluationContext.movementCost / maxMovePoints;
return goal.evaluationContext.movementCost;
auto pathInfo = ai->myCb->getPathsInfo(goal.hero.h)->getPathInfo(goal.tile);
return pathInfo->cost;
return distanceToTile(goal.hero.h, goal.tile) / maxMovePoints;
@ -91,12 +91,14 @@ namespace Goals
struct DLL_EXPORT EvaluationContext
uint64_t movementCost;
float movementCost;
int manaCost;
uint64_t danger;
:movementCost(0), danger(0), manaCost(0)
: movementCost(0.0),
@ -253,11 +253,12 @@ TSubgoal Explore::explorationBestNeighbour(int3 hpos, int radius, HeroPtr h) con
if(dstToRevealedTiles.empty()) //yes, it DID happen!
return sptr(Invalid());
auto paths = cb->getPathsInfo(h.get());
auto best = dstToRevealedTiles.begin();
for(auto i = dstToRevealedTiles.begin(); i != dstToRevealedTiles.end(); i++)
const CGPathNode * pn = cb->getPathsInfo(h.get())->getPathInfo(i->first);
//const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(i->first);
const CGPathNode * pn = paths->getPathInfo(i->first);
if(best->second < i->second && pn->reachable() && pn->accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE)
best = i;
@ -336,7 +337,7 @@ TSubgoal Explore::explorationScanRange(HeroPtr h, std::vector<int3> & range) con
auto waysToVisit = aip->ah->howToVisitTile(h, tile, allowGatherArmy);
for(auto goal : waysToVisit)
if(goal->evaluationContext.movementCost == 0) // should not happen
if(goal->evaluationContext.movementCost <= 0.0) // should not happen
float ourValue = (float)tilesDiscovered * tilesDiscovered / goal->evaluationContext.movementCost;
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ TSubgoal Explore::exploreNearestNeighbour(HeroPtr h) const
//look for nearby objs -> visit them if they're close enough
const int DIST_LIMIT = 3;
const int MP_LIMIT = DIST_LIMIT * 150; // approximate cost of diagonal movement
const float COST_LIMIT = .2; //todo: fine tune
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> nearbyVisitableObjs;
for(int x = hpos.x - DIST_LIMIT; x <= hpos.x + DIST_LIMIT; ++x) //get only local objects instead of all possible objects on the map
@ -383,7 +384,7 @@ TSubgoal Explore::exploreNearestNeighbour(HeroPtr h) const
for(auto obj : cb->getVisitableObjs(int3(x, y, hpos.z), false))
if(ai->isGoodForVisit(obj, h, MP_LIMIT))
if(ai->isGoodForVisit(obj, h, COST_LIMIT))
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ CGPathNode * AINodeStorage::getInitialNode()
initialNode->turns = 0;
initialNode->moveRemains = hero->movement;
initialNode->danger = 0;
initialNode->cost = 0.0;
return initialNode;
@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ void AINodeStorage::commit(CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathNodeInf
dstNode->moveRemains = destination.movementLeft;
dstNode->turns = destination.turn;
dstNode->cost = destination.cost;
dstNode->danger = srcNode->danger;
dstNode->action = destination.action;
dstNode->theNodeBefore = srcNode->theNodeBefore;
@ -322,8 +324,7 @@ bool AINodeStorage::hasBetterChain(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNode
if(node.danger <= destinationNode->danger && destinationNode->chainMask == 1 && node.chainMask == 0)
if(node.turns < destinationNode->turns
|| (node.turns == destinationNode->turns && node.moveRemains >= destinationNode->moveRemains))
if(node.cost < destinationNode->cost)
@ -343,7 +344,6 @@ bool AINodeStorage::hasBetterChain(const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNode
bool AINodeStorage::isTileAccessible(int3 pos, const EPathfindingLayer layer) const
std::vector<AIPath> paths;
auto chains = nodes[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z][layer];
for(const AIPathNode & node : chains)
@ -376,9 +376,7 @@ std::vector<AIPath> AINodeStorage::getChainInfo(int3 pos, bool isOnLand) const
while(current != nullptr && current->coord != initialPos)
AIPathNodeInfo pathNode;
pathNode.movementPointsLeft = current->moveRemains;
pathNode.movementPointsUsed = (int)(current->turns * hero->maxMovePoints(true) + hero->movement) - (int)current->moveRemains;
pathNode.cost = current->cost;
pathNode.turns = current->turns;
pathNode.danger = current->danger;
pathNode.coord = current->coord;
@ -420,15 +418,15 @@ uint64_t AIPath::getPathDanger() const
return 0;
uint32_t AIPath::movementCost() const
float AIPath::movementCost() const
return nodes.front().movementPointsUsed;
return nodes.front().cost;
// TODO: boost:optional?
return 0;
return 0.0;
uint64_t AIPath::getTotalDanger(HeroPtr hero) const
@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ struct AIPathNode : public CGPathNode
struct AIPathNodeInfo
uint32_t movementPointsLeft;
uint32_t movementPointsUsed;
float cost;
int turns;
int3 coord;
uint64_t danger;
@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ struct AIPath
int3 firstTileToGet() const;
uint32_t movementCost() const;
float movementCost() const;
class AINodeStorage : public INodeStorage
@ -65,31 +65,6 @@ struct SetGlobalState
void foreach_tile(std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char>>> & vectors, std::function<void(unsigned char & in)> foo)
for(auto & vector : vectors)
for(auto j = vector.begin(); j != vector.end(); j++)
for(auto & elem : *j)
struct ObjInfo
int3 pos;
std::string name;
ObjInfo(const CGObjectInstance * obj)
: pos(obj->pos), name(obj->getObjectName())
std::map<const CGObjectInstance *, ObjInfo> helperObjInfo;
@ -1014,13 +989,13 @@ void VCAI::mainLoop()
//remove goals we couldn't decompose
for (auto goal : goalsToRemove)
vstd::erase_if_present(basicGoals, goal);
//add abstract goals
boost::sort(goalsToAdd, [](const Goals::TSubgoal & lhs, const Goals::TSubgoal & rhs) -> bool
return lhs->priority > rhs->priority; //highest priority at the beginning
//max number of goals = 10
int i = 0;
while (basicGoals.size() < 10 && goalsToAdd.size() > i)
@ -1303,12 +1278,12 @@ void VCAI::recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling * d, const CArmedInstance * recruit
bool VCAI::isGoodForVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h, boost::optional<uint32_t> movementCostLimit)
bool VCAI::isGoodForVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h, boost::optional<float> movementCostLimit)
int3 op = obj->visitablePos();
auto paths = ah->getPathsToTile(h, op);
for(auto path : paths)
for(const auto & path : paths)
if(movementCostLimit && movementCostLimit.get() < path.movementCost())
return false;
@ -1424,17 +1399,18 @@ void VCAI::wander(HeroPtr h)
int pass = 0;
std::vector<boost::optional<ui32>> distanceLimits = {
h->movement + h->maxMovePoints(true),
std::vector<boost::optional<float>> distanceLimits =
while(!dests.size() && pass < distanceLimits.size())
boost::optional<ui32> distanceLimit = distanceLimits[pass];
auto & distanceLimit = distanceLimits[pass];
logAi->debug("Looking for wander destination pass=%i, distance limit=%i", pass, distanceLimit.get_value_or(-1));
logAi->debug("Looking for wander destination pass=%i, cost limit=%f", pass, distanceLimit.get_value_or(-1.0));
vstd::copy_if(visitableObjs, std::back_inserter(dests), [&](ObjectIdRef obj) -> bool
@ -1773,7 +1749,6 @@ std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> VCAI::getFlaggedObjects() const
void VCAI::addVisitableObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj)
helperObjInfo[obj] = ObjInfo(obj);
// All teleport objects seen automatically assigned to appropriate channels
auto teleportObj = dynamic_cast<const CGTeleport *>(obj);
@ -2218,8 +2193,8 @@ void VCAI::tryRealize(Goals::BuyArmy & g)
auto ci = infoFromDC(t->creatures[i]);
|| ci.creID == -1
|| ci.creID == -1
|| (g.objid != -1 && ci.creID != g.objid)
|| t->getUpperArmy()->getSlotFor(ci.creID) == SlotID())
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public:
void completeGoal(Goals::TSubgoal goal); //safely removes goal from reserved hero
void recruitHero(const CGTownInstance * t, bool throwing = false);
bool isGoodForVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h, boost::optional<uint32_t> movementCostLimit = boost::none);
bool isGoodForVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h, boost::optional<float> movementCostLimit = boost::none);
bool isGoodForVisit(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h, const AIPath & path) const;
//void recruitCreatures(const CGTownInstance * t);
void recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling * d, const CArmedInstance * recruiter);
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ CGPathNode * NodeStorage::getInitialNode()
initialNode->turns = 0;
initialNode->moveRemains = out.hero->movement;
initialNode->cost = 0.0;
return initialNode;
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ CGPathNode * NodeStorage::getInitialNode()
void NodeStorage::commit(CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathNodeInfo & source)
assert(destination.node != source.node->theNodeBefore); //two tiles can't point to each other
destination.node->cost = destination.cost;
destination.node->moveRemains = destination.movementLeft;
destination.node->turns = destination.turn;
destination.node->theNodeBefore = source.node;
@ -197,24 +199,36 @@ void MovementCostRule::process(
const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig,
CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const
int turnAtNextTile = destination.turn, moveAtNextTile = destination.movementLeft;
float costAtNextTile = destination.cost;
int turnAtNextTile = destination.turn;
int moveAtNextTile = destination.movementLeft;
int cost = pathfinderHelper->getMovementCost(source, destination, moveAtNextTile);
int remains = moveAtNextTile - cost;
int maxMovePoints = pathfinderHelper->getMaxMovePoints(destination.node->layer);
if(remains < 0)
//occurs rarely, when hero with low movepoints tries to leave the road
costAtNextTile += static_cast<float>(moveAtNextTile) / maxMovePoints;//we spent all points of current turn
moveAtNextTile = pathfinderHelper->getMaxMovePoints(destination.node->layer);
maxMovePoints = pathfinderHelper->getMaxMovePoints(destination.node->layer);
moveAtNextTile = maxMovePoints;
cost = pathfinderHelper->getMovementCost(source, destination, moveAtNextTile); //cost must be updated, movement points changed :(
remains = moveAtNextTile - cost;
if(destination.action == CGPathNode::EMBARK || destination.action == CGPathNode::DISEMBARK)
/// FREE_SHIP_BOARDING bonus only remove additional penalty
/// land <-> sail transition still cost movement points as normal movement
remains = pathfinderHelper->movementPointsAfterEmbark(moveAtNextTile, cost, destination.action - 1);
remains = pathfinderHelper->movementPointsAfterEmbark(moveAtNextTile, cost, (destination.action == CGPathNode::DISEMBARK));
cost = moveAtNextTile - remains;
costAtNextTile += static_cast<float>(cost) / maxMovePoints;
destination.cost = costAtNextTile;
destination.turn = turnAtNextTile;
destination.movementLeft = remains;
@ -301,7 +315,10 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
source.node->locked = true;
int movement = source.node->moveRemains, turn = source.node->turns;
int movement = source.node->moveRemains;
uint8_t turn = source.node->turns;
float cost = source.node->cost;
@ -336,7 +353,7 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
destination.turn = turn;
destination.movementLeft = movement;
destination.cost = cost;
destination.guarded = isDestinationGuarded();
destination.isGuardianTile = destination.guarded && isDestinationGuardian();
@ -378,6 +395,7 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
destination.setNode(gs, teleportNode);
destination.turn = turn;
destination.movementLeft = movement;
destination.cost = cost;
@ -951,14 +969,9 @@ bool CPathfinderHelper::addTeleportWhirlpool(const CGWhirlpool * obj) const
return options.useTeleportWhirlpool && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WHIRLPOOL_PROTECTION) && obj;
int CPathfinderHelper::getHeroMaxMovementPoints(EPathfindingLayer layer) const
int CPathfinderHelper::movementPointsAfterEmbark(int movement, int basicCost, bool disembark) const
return hero->maxMovePoints(layer);
int CPathfinderHelper::movementPointsAfterEmbark(int movement, int turn, int action) const
return hero->movementPointsAfterEmbark(movement, turn, action, getTurnInfo());
return hero->movementPointsAfterEmbark(movement, basicCost, disembark, getTurnInfo());
bool CPathfinderHelper::passOneTurnLimitCheck(const PathNodeInfo & source) const
@ -1058,9 +1071,9 @@ int TurnInfo::valOfBonuses(Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype) const
int TurnInfo::getMaxMovePoints(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const
if(maxMovePointsLand == -1)
maxMovePointsLand = hero->maxMovePoints(true, this);
maxMovePointsLand = hero->maxMovePointsCached(true, this);
if(maxMovePointsWater == -1)
maxMovePointsWater = hero->maxMovePoints(false, this);
maxMovePointsWater = hero->maxMovePointsCached(false, this);
return layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL ? maxMovePointsWater : maxMovePointsLand;
@ -1304,15 +1317,6 @@ bool CPathsInfo::getPath(CGPath & out, const int3 & dst) const
return true;
int CPathsInfo::getDistance(const int3 & tile) const
CGPath ret;
if(getPath(ret, tile))
return ret.nodes.size();
return 255;
const CGPathNode * CPathsInfo::getNode(const int3 & coord) const
auto landNode = &nodes[coord.x][coord.y][coord.z][ELayer::LAND];
@ -1344,7 +1348,9 @@ void PathNodeInfo::setNode(CGameState * gs, CGPathNode * n, bool excludeTopObjec
: PathNodeInfo(), blocked(false), action(CGPathNode::ENodeAction::UNKNOWN)
: PathNodeInfo(),
@ -1360,13 +1366,8 @@ bool CDestinationNodeInfo::isBetterWay() const
if(node->turns == 0xff) //we haven't been here before
return true;
else if(node->turns > turn)
return true;
else if(node->turns >= turn && node->moveRemains < movementLeft) //this route is faster
return true;
return false;
return cost < node->cost; //this route is faster
bool PathNodeInfo::isNodeObjectVisitable() const
@ -49,22 +49,24 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE CGPathNode
NOT_SET = 0,
ACCESSIBLE = 1, //tile can be entered and passed
VISITABLE, //tile can be entered as the last tile in path
BLOCKVIS, //visitable from neighbouring tile but not passable
BLOCKVIS, //visitable from neighboring tile but not passable
FLYABLE, //can only be accessed in air layer
BLOCKED //tile can't be entered nor visited
CGPathNode * theNodeBefore;
int3 coord; //coordinates
ui32 moveRemains; //remaining tiles after hero reaches the tile
ui8 turns; //how many turns we have to wait before reachng the tile - 0 means current turn
ELayer layer;
ui32 moveRemains; //remaining movement points after hero reaches the tile
float cost; //total cost of the path to this tile measured in turns with fractions
ui8 turns; //how many turns we have to wait before reaching the tile - 0 means current turn
EAccessibility accessible;
ENodeAction action;
bool locked;
: coord(int3(-1, -1, -1)),
: coord(-1),
@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE CGPathNode
locked = false;
accessible = NOT_SET;
moveRemains = 0;
cost = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
turns = 255;
theNodeBefore = nullptr;
action = UNKNOWN;
@ -126,7 +129,6 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE CPathsInfo
const CGPathNode * getPathInfo(const int3 & tile) const;
bool getPath(CGPath & out, const int3 & dst) const;
int getDistance(const int3 & tile) const;
const CGPathNode * getNode(const int3 & coord) const;
@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE CDestinationNodeInfo : public PathNodeInfo
CGPathNode::ENodeAction action;
int turn;
int movementLeft;
float cost; //same as CGPathNode::cost
bool blocked;
bool isGuardianTile;
@ -414,14 +417,10 @@ private:
struct NodeComparer
bool operator()(const CGPathNode * lhs, const CGPathNode * rhs) const
if(rhs->turns > lhs->turns)
return false;
else if(rhs->turns == lhs->turns && rhs->moveRemains <= lhs->moveRemains)
return false;
return true;
return lhs->cost > rhs->cost;
boost::heap::priority_queue<CGPathNode *, boost::heap::compare<NodeComparer> > pq;
@ -532,7 +531,6 @@ public:
int getHeroMaxMovementPoints(EPathfindingLayer layer) const;
int movementPointsAfterEmbark(int movement, int cost, int action) const;
int movementPointsAfterEmbark(int movement, int basicCost, bool disembark) const;
bool passOneTurnLimitCheck(const PathNodeInfo & source) const;
@ -193,15 +193,14 @@ bool CGHeroInstance::canLearnSkill() const
return secSkills.size() < GameConstants::SKILL_PER_HERO;
int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePoints(bool onLand, const TurnInfo * ti) const
int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePoints(bool onLand) const
bool localTi = false;
localTi = true;
ti = new TurnInfo(this);
TurnInfo ti(this);
return maxMovePointsCached(onLand, &ti);
int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePointsCached(bool onLand, const TurnInfo * ti) const
int base;
@ -225,10 +224,7 @@ int CGHeroInstance::maxMovePoints(bool onLand, const TurnInfo * ti) const
const int subtype = onLand ? SecondarySkill::LOGISTICS : SecondarySkill::NAVIGATION;
const double modifier = ti->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, subtype) / 100.0;
delete ti;
return int(base* (1+modifier)) + bonus;
return int(base * (1 + modifier)) + bonus;
@ -195,7 +195,10 @@ public:
void setSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill which, int val, bool abs);// abs == 0 - changes by value; 1 - sets to value
void levelUp(std::vector<SecondarySkill> skills);
int maxMovePoints(bool onLand, const TurnInfo * ti = nullptr) const;
int maxMovePoints(bool onLand) const;
//cached version is much faster, TurnInfo construction is costly
int maxMovePointsCached(bool onLand, const TurnInfo * ti) const;
int movementPointsAfterEmbark(int MPsBefore, int basicCost, bool disembark = false, const TurnInfo * ti = nullptr) const;
static int3 convertPosition(int3 src, bool toh3m); //toh3m=true: manifest->h3m; toh3m=false: h3m->manifest
@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ void CGameHandler::newTurn()
hth.id = h->id;
auto ti = make_unique<TurnInfo>(h, 1);
// TODO: this code executed when bonuses of previous day not yet updated (this happen in NewTurn::applyGs). See issue 2356
hth.move = h->maxMovePoints(gs->map->getTile(h->getPosition(false)).terType != ETerrainType::WATER, ti.get());
hth.move = h->maxMovePointsCached(gs->map->getTile(h->getPosition(false)).terType != ETerrainType::WATER, ti.get());
hth.mana = h->getManaNewTurn();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user