mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00

VCMIDirs update #1

- Class VCMIDirs is now deprecated.
- VCMIDirs now is an namespace, not an singletone.
- VCMIDirs uses now boost::filesystem::path, not a std::string.
This commit is contained in:
Karol 2014-08-09 17:22:37 +02:00
parent fd9aae60f1
commit ebc8c9d077
2 changed files with 559 additions and 267 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "VCMIDirs.h"
* VCMIDirs.cpp, part of VCMI engine
@ -11,241 +8,470 @@
static VCMIDirs VCMIDirsGlobal;
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "VCMIDirs.h"
namespace bfs = boost::filesystem;
namespace VCMIDirs
// initialize local directory and create folders to which VCMI needs write access
VCMIDirs & VCMIDirs::get()
return VCMIDirsGlobal;
//FIXME: find way to at least decrease size of this ifdef (along with cleanup in CMake)
#if defined(_WIN32)
std::string VCMIDirs::userCachePath() const
return userDataPath();
std::string VCMIDirs::userConfigPath() const
return userDataPath() + "/config";
std::string VCMIDirs::userSavePath() const
return userDataPath() + "/Games";
std::string VCMIDirs::userDataPath() const
const std::string homeDir = std::getenv("userprofile");
return homeDir + "\\vcmi";
//return dataPaths()[0];
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryPath() const
return ".";
std::string VCMIDirs::clientPath() const
return libraryPath() + "\\" + "VCMI_client.exe";
std::string VCMIDirs::serverPath() const
return libraryPath() + "\\" + "VCMI_server.exe";
std::vector<std::string> VCMIDirs::dataPaths() const
return std::vector<std::string>(1, ".");
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryName(std::string basename) const
return basename + ".dll";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
std::string VCMIDirs::userCachePath() const
return userDataPath();
std::string VCMIDirs::userConfigPath() const
return userDataPath() + "/config";
std::string VCMIDirs::userSavePath() const
return userDataPath() + "/Games";
std::string VCMIDirs::userDataPath() const
// This is Cocoa code that should be normally used to get path to Application Support folder but can't use it here for now...
// NSArray* urls = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask];
// UserPath = path([urls[0] path] + "/vcmi").string();
// ...so here goes a bit of hardcode instead
std::string home_dir = ".";
if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr )
home_dir = getenv("HOME");
return boost::filesystem::path(home_dir + "/Library/Application Support/vcmi").string();
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryPath() const
return ".";
std::string VCMIDirs::clientPath() const
return "./vcmiclient";
std::string VCMIDirs::serverPath() const
return "./vcmiserver";
std::vector<std::string> VCMIDirs::dataPaths() const
return std::vector<std::string>(1, "../Data");
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryName(std::string basename) const
return "lib" + basename + ".dylib";
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryName(std::string basename) const
return "lib" + basename + ".so";
std::string VCMIDirs::libraryPath() const
return M_LIB_DIR;
std::string VCMIDirs::clientPath() const
return std::string(M_BIN_DIR) + "/" + "vcmiclient";
std::string VCMIDirs::serverPath() const
return std::string(M_BIN_DIR) + "/" + "vcmiserver";
// $XDG_DATA_HOME, default: $HOME/.local/share
std::string VCMIDirs::userDataPath() const
#ifdef __ANDROID__
// on Android HOME will be set to something like /sdcard/data/Android/is.xyz.vcmi/files/
return std::string(getenv("HOME"));
if (getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")) + "/vcmi";
if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.local/share" + "/vcmi";
return ".";
std::string VCMIDirs::userSavePath() const
return userDataPath() + "/Saves";
// $XDG_CACHE_HOME, default: $HOME/.cache
std::string VCMIDirs::userCachePath() const
#ifdef __ANDROID__
return userDataPath() + "/cache";
if (getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")) + "/vcmi";
if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.cache" + "/vcmi";
return ".";
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, default: $HOME/.config
std::string VCMIDirs::userConfigPath() const
#ifdef __ANDROID__
return userDataPath() + "/config";
if (getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) + "/vcmi";
if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr )
return std::string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.config" + "/vcmi";
return ".";
// $XDG_DATA_DIRS, default: /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
std::vector<std::string> VCMIDirs::dataPaths() const
// construct list in reverse.
// in specification first directory has highest priority
// in vcmi fs last directory has highest priority
std::vector<std::string> ret;
#ifdef __ANDROID__
if (getenv("HOME") != nullptr ) // compatibility, should be removed after 0.96
ret.push_back(std::string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.vcmi");
if (getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") != nullptr)
namespace detail
std::string dataDirsEnv = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
std::vector<std::string> dataDirs;
boost::split(dataDirs, dataDirsEnv, boost::is_any_of(":"));
for (auto & entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(dataDirs))
ret.push_back(entry + "/vcmi");
bfs::path g_user_data_path;
bfs::path g_user_cache_path;
bfs::path g_user_config_path;
bfs::path g_user_save_path;
bfs::path g_library_path;
bfs::path g_client_path;
bfs::path g_server_path;
std::vector<bfs::path> g_data_paths;
std::string g_help_string;
extern bfs::path GetDataPath();
extern bfs::path GetCachePath();
extern bfs::path GetConfigPath();
extern bfs::path GetUserSavePath();
extern bfs::path GetLibraryPath();
extern bfs::path GetClientPath();
extern bfs::path GetServerPath();
extern std::vector<bfs::path> GetDataPaths();
extern std::string GetHelpString();
void InitAllPathes(void)
detail::g_user_data_path = detail::GetDataPath();
detail::g_user_cache_path = detail::GetCachePath();
detail::g_user_config_path = detail::GetConfigPath();
detail::g_user_save_path = detail::GetUserSavePath();
detail::g_library_path = detail::GetLibraryPath();
detail::g_client_path = detail::GetClientPath();
detail::g_server_path = detail::GetServerPath();
detail::g_data_paths = detail::GetDataPaths();
detail::g_help_string = detail::GetHelpString();
// initialize local directory and create folders to which VCMI needs write access
namespace detail
struct InitAllPathes_ctor
InitAllPathes_ctor() { InitAllPathes(); }
} InitAllPathes_ctor_global_obj;
// TODO: Remove _VCMIDirs
static _VCMIDirs _VCMIDirsGlobal;
_VCMIDirs & get()
puts("VCMIDirs::get() - used of deprecated function :#");
return _VCMIDirsGlobal;
return ret;
// FIXME: find way to at least decrease size of this ifdef (along with cleanup in CMake)
#ifdef _WIN32
// This part should be moved into separate file (for example: VCMIDirs_win32.cpp)
// WinAPI
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Shlobj.h>
std::string VCMIDirs::genHelpString() const
namespace VCMIDirs
" game data: " + boost::algorithm::join(dataPaths(), ":") + "\n" +
" libraries: " + libraryPath() + "\n" +
" server: " + serverPath() + "\n" +
"\n" +
" user data: " + userDataPath() + "\n" +
" user cache: " + userCachePath() + "\n" +
" user config: " + userConfigPath() + "\n" +
" user saves: " + userSavePath() + "\n";
namespace detail
bfs::path GetDataPath()
const char* profile_dir_a;
wchar_t profile_dir_w[MAX_PATH];
// The user's profile folder. A typical path is C:\Users\username.
// FIXME: Applications should not create files or folders at this level;
// they should put their data under the locations referred to by CSIDL_APPDATA or CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.
if (SHGetSpecialFolderPathW(nullptr, profile_dir_w, CSIDL_PROFILE, FALSE) == FALSE) // WinAPI way failed
if (profile_dir_a = std::getenv("userprofile")) // STL way succeed
return bfs::path(profile_dir_a) / "vcmi";
return "."; // Every thing failed, return current directory.
return bfs::path(profile_dir_w) / "vcmi";
//return dataPaths()[0] ???;
bfs::path GetCachePath()
return GetDataPath();
bfs::path GetConfigPath()
return GetDataPath() / "config";
bfs::path GetUserSavePath()
return GetDataPath() / "Games";
bfs::path GetLibraryPath()
return ".";
bfs::path GetClientPath()
return GetLibraryPath() / "VCMI_client.exe";
bfs::path GetServerPath()
return GetLibraryPath() / "VCMI_server.exe";
std::vector<bfs::path> GetDataPaths()
return std::vector<bfs::path>(1, bfs::path("."));
std::string GetHelpString()
// I think this function should have multiple versions
// 1. For various arguments
// 2. Inverse functions
// and should be moved to vstd
// or use http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/
auto utf8_convert = [](const bfs::path& path) -> std::string
const auto& path_string = path.native();
auto perform_convert = [&path_string](LPSTR output, int output_size)
return WideCharToMultiByte(
CP_UTF8, // Use wchar_t -> utf8 char_t
WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, // Fails when invalid char occur
path_string.c_str(), // String to convert
path_string.size(), // String to convert size
output, // Result
output_size, // Result size
nullptr, nullptr); // For the ... CP_UTF8 settings for CodePage, this parameter must be set to NULL
int char_count = perform_convert(nullptr, 0); // Result size (0 - obtain size)
if (char_count > 0)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[char_count]);
if ((char_count = perform_convert(buffer.get(), char_count)) > 0)
return std::string(buffer.get(), char_count);
// Conversion failed :C
return path.string();
std::vector<std::string> temp_vec;
for (const bfs::path& path : GetDataPaths())
std::string gd_string_a = boost::algorithm::join(temp_vec, L";");
" game data: " + gd_string_a + "\n" +
" libraries: " + utf8_convert(GetLibraryPath()) + "\n" +
" server: " + utf8_convert(GetServerPath()) + "\n" +
"\n" +
" user data: " + utf8_convert(GetDataPath()) + "\n" +
" user cache: " + utf8_convert(GetCachePath()) + "\n" +
" user config: " + utf8_convert(GetConfigPath()) + "\n" +
" user saves: " + utf8_convert(GetUserSavePath()) + "\n"; // Should end without new-line?
std::string libraryName(const std::string& basename)
return basename + ".dll";
#elif defined (__APPLE__)
// This part should be moved to separate file (for example: VCMIDirs_apple.cpp)
namespace VCMIDirs
namespace detail
bfs::path GetDataPath()
// This is Cocoa code that should be normally used to get path to Application Support folder but can't use it here for now...
// NSArray* urls = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask];
// UserPath = path([urls[0] path] + "/vcmi").string();
// ...so here goes a bit of hardcode instead
const char* home_dir = getenv("HOME"); // Should be std::getenv?
if (home_dir == nullptr)
home_dir = ".";
return bfs::path(home_dir) / "Library" / "Application Support" / "vcmi";
bfs::path GetCachePath()
return GetDataPath();
bfs::path GetConfigPath()
return GetDataPath() / "config";
bfs::path GetUserSavePath()
return GetDataPath() / "Games";
bfs::path GetLibraryPath()
return ".";
bfs::path GetClientPath()
return "./vcmiclient";
bfs::path GetServerPath()
return "./vcmiserver";
std::vector<bfs::path> GetDataPaths()
return std::vector<std::string>(1, "../Data");
std::string GetHelpString()
std::vector<std::string> temp_vec;
for (const bfs::path& path : GetDataPaths())
" game data: " + boost::algorithm::join(temp_vec, ":") + "\n" +
" libraries: " + GetLibraryPath().string() + "\n" +
" server: " + GetServerPath().string() + "\n" +
"\n" +
" user data: " + GetDataPath().string() + "\n" +
" user cache: " + GetCachePath().string() + "\n" +
" user config: " + GetConfigPath().string() + "\n" +
" user saves: " + GetUserSavePath().string() + "\n"; // Should end without new-line?
std::string libraryName(const std::string& basename)
return "lib" + basename + ".dylib";
#elif defined __ANDROID__
// This part should be moved to separate file (for example: VCMIDirs_android.cpp)
namespace VCMIDirs
namespace detail
bfs::path GetDataPath()
// on Android HOME will be set to something like /sdcard/data/Android/is.xyz.vcmi/files/
return getenv("HOME");
bfs::path GetCachePath()
return GetDataPath() / "cache";
bfs::path GetConfigPath()
return GetDataPath() / "config";
bfs::path GetUserSavePath()
return GetDataPath() / "Saves"; // Why different than other platforms???
bfs::path GetLibraryPath()
return M_LIB_DIR;
bfs::path GetClientPath()
return bfs::path(M_BIN_DIR) / "vcmiclient";
bfs::path GetServerPath()
return bfs::path(M_BIN_DIR) / "vcmiserver";
std::vector<bfs::path> GetDataPaths()
return std::vector<bfs::path>(1, GetDataPath());
std::string GetHelpString()
std::vector<std::string> temp_vec;
for (const bfs::path& path : GetDataPaths())
" game data: " + boost::algorithm::join(temp_vec, ":") + "\n" +
" libraries: " + GetLibraryPath().string() + "\n" +
" server: " + GetServerPath().string() + "\n" +
"\n" +
" user data: " + GetDataPath().string() + "\n" +
" user cache: " + GetCachePath().string() + "\n" +
" user config: " + GetConfigPath().string() + "\n" +
" user saves: " + GetUserSavePath().string() + "\n"; // Should end without new-line?
std::string libraryName(const std::string& basename)
return "lib" + basename + ".so";
// This part should be moved to separate file (for example: VCMIDirs_default.cpp)
namespace VCMIDirs
namespace detail
// $XDG_DATA_HOME, default: $HOME/.local/share
bfs::path GetDataPath()
const char* home_dir;
if (home_dir = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"))
return = home_dir;
else if (home_dir = getenv("HOME"))
return = bfs::path(home_dir) / ".local" / "share" / "vcmi";
return ".";
// $XDG_CACHE_HOME, default: $HOME/.cache
bfs::path GetCachePath()
const char* home_dir;
if (home_dir = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"))
return bfs::path(home_dir) / "vcmi";
else if (home_dir = getenv("HOME"))
return bfs::path(home_dir) / ".cache" / "vcmi";
return ".";
// $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, default: $HOME/.config
bfs::path GetConfigPath()
const char* home_dir;
if (home_dir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))
return bfs:path(home_dir) / "vcmi";
else if (home_dir = getenv("HOME"))
return bfs::path(home_dir) / ".config" / "vcmi";
return ".";
bfs::path GetUserSavePath()
return GetDataPath() / "Saves"; // Why different than other platforms???
bfs::path GetLibraryPath()
return M_LIB_DIR;
bfs::path GetClientPath()
return bfs::path(M_BIN_DIR) / "vcmiclient";
bfs::path GetServerPath()
return bfs::path(M_BIN_DIR) / "vcmiserver";
std::vector<bfs::path> GetDataPaths()
// $XDG_DATA_DIRS, default: /usr/local/share/:/usr/share/
// construct list in reverse.
// in specification first directory has highest priority
// in vcmi fs last directory has highest priority
std::vector<bfs::path> ret;
const char* home_dir;
if (home_dir = getenv("HOME")) // compatibility, should be removed after 0.96
ret.push_back(bfs::path(home_dir) / ".vcmi");
if (home_dir = getenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS") != nullptr)
std::string dataDirsEnv = home_dir;
std::vector<std::string> dataDirs;
boost::split(dataDirs, dataDirsEnv, boost::is_any_of(":"));
for (auto & entry : boost::adaptors::reverse(dataDirs))
ret.push_back(entry + "/vcmi");
return ret;
std::string GetHelpString()
std::vector<std::string> temp_vec;
for (const bfs::path& path : GetDataPaths())
" game data: " + boost::algorithm::join(temp_vec, ":") + "\n" +
" libraries: " + GetLibraryPath().string() + "\n" +
" server: " + GetServerPath().string() + "\n" +
"\n" +
" user data: " + GetDataPath().string() + "\n" +
" user cache: " + GetCachePath().string() + "\n" +
" user config: " + GetConfigPath().string() + "\n" +
" user saves: " + GetUserSavePath().string() + "\n"; // Should end without new-line?
std::string libraryName(const std::string& basename)
return "lib" + basename + ".so";

View File

@ -1,52 +1,118 @@
* VCMIDirs.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "GameConstants.h"
// Boost
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
* VCMIDirs.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
// STL C++
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/// Where to find the various VCMI files. This is mostly useful for linux.
// TODO: Remove _VCMIDirs
class _VCMIDirs;
// Where to find the various VCMI files. This is mostly useful for linux.
namespace VCMIDirs
namespace detail
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_user_data_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_user_cache_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_user_config_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_user_save_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_library_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_client_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE boost::filesystem::path g_server_path;
extern DLL_LINKAGE std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> g_data_paths;
extern DLL_LINKAGE std::string g_help_string;
/// deprecated: get singleton instance
extern DLL_LINKAGE _VCMIDirs & get();
// Path to user-specific data directory
inline const boost::filesystem::path& userDataPath() { return detail::g_user_data_path; }
// Path to "cache" directory, can be used for any non-essential files
inline const boost::filesystem::path& userCachePath() { return detail::g_user_cache_path; }
// Path to writeable directory with user configs
inline const boost::filesystem::path& userConfigPath() { return detail::g_user_config_path; }
// Path to saved games
inline const boost::filesystem::path& userSavePath() { return detail::g_user_save_path; }
// Paths to global system-wide data directories. First items have higher priority
inline const std::vector<boost::filesystem::path>& dataPaths() { return detail::g_data_paths; }
// Full path to client executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiclient)
inline const boost::filesystem::path& clientPath() { return detail::g_client_path; }
// Full path to server executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiserver)
inline const boost::filesystem::path& serverPath() { return detail::g_server_path; }
// Path where vcmi libraries can be found (in AI and Scripting subdirectories)
inline const boost::filesystem::path& libraryPath() { return detail::g_library_path; }
// Returns system-specific name for dynamic libraries ( StupidAI => "libStupidAI.so" or "StupidAI.dll")
extern DLL_LINKAGE std::string libraryName(const std::string& basename);
//extern DLL_LINKAGE std::string libraryName(const char* basename);
//extern DLL_LINKAGE std::string libraryName(std::string&& basename);
inline const std::string& genHelpString() { return detail::g_help_string; }
// TODO: Remove _VCMIDirs
// This class is deprecated
/// deprecated: Path to user-specific data directory
std::string userDataPath() const { return VCMIDirs::userDataPath().string(); }
/// get singleton instance
static VCMIDirs & get();
/// deprecated: Path to "cache" directory, can be used for any non-essential files
std::string userCachePath() const { return VCMIDirs::userCachePath().string(); }
/// Path to user-specific data directory
std::string userDataPath() const;
/// deprecated: Path to writeable directory with user configs
std::string userConfigPath() const { return VCMIDirs::userConfigPath().string(); }
/// Path to "cache" directory, can be used for any non-essential files
std::string userCachePath() const;
/// deprecated: Path to saved games
std::string userSavePath() const { return VCMIDirs::userSavePath().string(); }
/// Path to writeable directory with user configs
std::string userConfigPath() const;
/// deprecated: Paths to global system-wide data directories. First items have higher priority
std::vector<std::string> dataPaths() const
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto& path : VCMIDirs::dataPaths())
return result;
/// Path to saved games
std::string userSavePath() const;
/// deprecated: Full path to client executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiclient)
std::string clientPath() const { return VCMIDirs::clientPath().string(); }
/// Paths to global system-wide data directories. First items have higher priority
std::vector<std::string> dataPaths() const;
/// deprecated: Full path to server executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiserver)
std::string serverPath() const { return VCMIDirs::serverPath().string(); }
/// Full path to client executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiclient)
std::string clientPath() const;
/// deprecated: Path where vcmi libraries can be found (in AI and Scripting subdirectories)
std::string libraryPath() const { return VCMIDirs::libraryPath().string(); }
/// Full path to server executable, including server name (e.g. /usr/bin/vcmiserver)
std::string serverPath() const;
/// deprecated: Returns system-specific name for dynamic libraries ( StupidAI => "libStupidAI.so" or "StupidAI.dll")
std::string libraryName(std::string basename) const { return VCMIDirs::libraryName(basename); }
/// Path where vcmi libraries can be found (in AI and Scripting subdirectories)
std::string libraryPath() const;
/// Returns system-specific name for dynamic libraries ( StupidAI => "libStupidAI.so" or "StupidAI.dll")
std::string libraryName(std::string basename) const;
std::string genHelpString() const;
/// deprecated:
std::string genHelpString() const { return VCMIDirs::genHelpString(); }