mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00

Remove no longer needed code

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Savenko 2024-06-07 20:41:54 +00:00
parent b850b6339f
commit f11c5f62e1
7 changed files with 35 additions and 301 deletions

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void CBitmapFont::renderCharacter(SDL_Surface * surface, const BitmapChar & char
posX += character.leftOffset;
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter colorPutter = CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(surface, 0);
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter colorPutter = CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(surface);
uint8_t bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ void CBitmapHanFont::renderCharacter(SDL_Surface * surface, int characterIndex,
Rect clipRect;
CSDL_Ext::getClipRect(surface, clipRect);
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter colorPutter = CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(surface, 0);
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter colorPutter = CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(surface);
uint8_t bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel;
// start of line, may differ from 0 due to end of surface or clipped surface

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<SDLImageConst> SDLImageConst::scaleFast(const Point & size) cons
float scaleX = float(size.x) / dimensions().x;
float scaleY = float(size.y) / dimensions().y;
auto scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceFast(surf, (int)(surf->w * scaleX), (int)(surf->h * scaleY));
auto scaled = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(surf, (int)(surf->w * scaleX), (int)(surf->h * scaleY));
if (scaled->format && scaled->format->palette) // fix color keying, because SDL loses it at this point
CSDL_Ext::setColorKey(scaled, scaled->format->palette->colors[0]);

View File

@ -337,15 +337,16 @@ int CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bppT(const SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & srcRec
uint8_t *colory = (uint8_t*)src->pixels + srcy*src->pitch + srcx;
uint8_t *py = (uint8_t*)dst->pixels + dstRect->y*dst->pitch + dstRect->x*bpp;
for(int y=h; y; y--, colory+=src->pitch, py+=dst->pitch)
for(int y=0; y<h; ++y, colory+=src->pitch, py+=dst->pitch)
uint8_t *color = colory;
uint8_t *p = py;
for(int x = w; x; x--)
for(int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
const SDL_Color &tbc = colors[*color++]; //color to blit
ColorPutter<bpp, +1>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(p, tbc.r, tbc.g, tbc.b, tbc.a);
ColorPutter<bpp>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(p, tbc.r, tbc.g, tbc.b, tbc.a);
p += bpp;
@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ static void drawLineX(SDL_Surface * sur, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const S
uint8_t a = vstd::lerp(color1.a, color2.a, f);
uint8_t *p = CSDL_Ext::getPxPtr(sur, x, y);
ColorPutter<4, 0>::PutColor(p, r,g,b,a);
ColorPutter<4>::PutColor(p, r,g,b,a);
@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ static void drawLineY(SDL_Surface * sur, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const S
uint8_t a = vstd::lerp(color1.a, color2.a, f);
uint8_t *p = CSDL_Ext::getPxPtr(sur, x, y);
ColorPutter<4, 0>::PutColor(p, r,g,b,a);
ColorPutter<4>::PutColor(p, r,g,b,a);
@ -453,7 +454,7 @@ void CSDL_Ext::drawLine(SDL_Surface * sur, const Point & from, const Point & des
if ( width == 0 && height == 0)
uint8_t *p = CSDL_Ext::getPxPtr(sur, from.x, from.y);
ColorPutter<4, 0>::PutColorAlpha(p, color1);
ColorPutter<4>::PutColorAlpha(p, color1);
@ -524,42 +525,18 @@ void CSDL_Ext::drawBorder( SDL_Surface * sur, const Rect &r, const SDL_Color &co
drawBorder(sur, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, color, depth);
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const &dest, int incrementing)
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutter CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const &dest)
#define CASE_BPP(BytesPerPixel) \
case BytesPerPixel: \
if(incrementing > 0) \
return ColorPutter<BytesPerPixel, 1>::PutColor; \
else if(incrementing == 0) \
return ColorPutter<BytesPerPixel, 0>::PutColor; \
else \
return ColorPutter<BytesPerPixel, -1>::PutColor;\
case 3:
return ColorPutter<3>::PutColor;
case 4:
return ColorPutter<4>::PutColor;
logGlobal->error("%d bpp is not supported!", (int)dest->format->BitsPerPixel);
return nullptr;
CSDL_Ext::TColorPutterAlpha CSDL_Ext::getPutterAlphaFor(SDL_Surface * const &dest, int incrementing)
logGlobal->error("%d bpp is not supported!", (int)dest->format->BitsPerPixel);
return nullptr;
#undef CASE_BPP
uint8_t * CSDL_Ext::getPxPtr(const SDL_Surface * const &srf, const int x, const int y)
@ -590,11 +567,10 @@ bool CSDL_Ext::isTransparent( SDL_Surface * srf, int x, int y )
void CSDL_Ext::putPixelWithoutRefresh(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, uint8_t A)
uint8_t *p = getPxPtr(ekran, x, y);
getPutterFor(ekran, false)(p, R, G, B);
getPutterFor(ekran)(p, R, G, B);
case 2: Channels::px<2>::a.set(p, A); break;
case 3: Channels::px<3>::a.set(p, A); break;
case 4: Channels::px<4>::a.set(p, A); break;
@ -638,126 +614,24 @@ void CSDL_Ext::convertToGrayscale( SDL_Surface * surf, const Rect & rect )
case 2: convertToGrayscaleBpp<2>(surf, rect); break;
case 3: convertToGrayscaleBpp<3>(surf, rect); break;
case 4: convertToGrayscaleBpp<4>(surf, rect); break;
template<int bpp>
void scaleSurfaceFastInternal(SDL_Surface *surf, SDL_Surface *ret)
const float factorX = static_cast<float>(surf->w) / static_cast<float>(ret->w);
const float factorY = static_cast<float>(surf->h) / static_cast<float>(ret->h);
for(int y = 0; y < ret->h; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < ret->w; x++)
//coordinates we want to calculate
auto origX = static_cast<int>(floor(factorX * x));
auto origY = static_cast<int>(floor(factorY * y));
// Get pointers to source pixels
uint8_t *srcPtr = (uint8_t*)surf->pixels + origY * surf->pitch + origX * bpp;
uint8_t *destPtr = (uint8_t*)ret->pixels + y * ret->pitch + x * bpp;
memcpy(destPtr, srcPtr, bpp);
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceFast(SDL_Surface *surf, int width, int height)
if (!surf || !width || !height)
return nullptr;
//Same size? return copy - this should more be faster
if (width == surf->w && height == surf->h)
return copySurface(surf);
SDL_Surface *ret = newSurface(width, height, surf);
case 1: scaleSurfaceFastInternal<1>(surf, ret); break;
case 2: scaleSurfaceFastInternal<2>(surf, ret); break;
case 3: scaleSurfaceFastInternal<3>(surf, ret); break;
case 4: scaleSurfaceFastInternal<4>(surf, ret); break;
return ret;
template<int bpp>
void scaleSurfaceInternal(SDL_Surface *surf, SDL_Surface *ret)
const float factorX = float(surf->w - 1) / float(ret->w),
factorY = float(surf->h - 1) / float(ret->h);
for(int y = 0; y < ret->h; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < ret->w; x++)
//coordinates we want to interpolate
float origX = factorX * x,
origY = factorY * y;
float x1 = floor(origX), x2 = floor(origX+1),
y1 = floor(origY), y2 = floor(origY+1);
//assert( x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && x2 < surf->w && y2 < surf->h);//All pixels are in range
// Calculate weights of each source pixel
float w11 = ((origX - x1) * (origY - y1));
float w12 = ((origX - x1) * (y2 - origY));
float w21 = ((x2 - origX) * (origY - y1));
float w22 = ((x2 - origX) * (y2 - origY));
//assert( w11 + w12 + w21 + w22 > 0.99 && w11 + w12 + w21 + w22 < 1.01);//total weight is ~1.0
// Get pointers to source pixels
uint8_t *p11 = (uint8_t*)surf->pixels + int(y1) * surf->pitch + int(x1) * bpp;
uint8_t *p12 = p11 + bpp;
uint8_t *p21 = p11 + surf->pitch;
uint8_t *p22 = p21 + bpp;
// Calculate resulting channels
#define PX(X, PTR) Channels::px<bpp>::X.get(PTR)
int resR = static_cast<int>(PX(r, p11) * w11 + PX(r, p12) * w12 + PX(r, p21) * w21 + PX(r, p22) * w22);
int resG = static_cast<int>(PX(g, p11) * w11 + PX(g, p12) * w12 + PX(g, p21) * w21 + PX(g, p22) * w22);
int resB = static_cast<int>(PX(b, p11) * w11 + PX(b, p12) * w12 + PX(b, p21) * w21 + PX(b, p22) * w22);
int resA = static_cast<int>(PX(a, p11) * w11 + PX(a, p12) * w12 + PX(a, p21) * w21 + PX(a, p22) * w22);
//assert(resR < 256 && resG < 256 && resB < 256 && resA < 256);
#undef PX
uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t*)ret->pixels + y * ret->pitch + x * bpp;
Channels::px<bpp>::r.set(dest, resR);
Channels::px<bpp>::g.set(dest, resG);
Channels::px<bpp>::b.set(dest, resB);
Channels::px<bpp>::a.set(dest, resA);
// scaling via bilinear interpolation algorithm.
// NOTE: best results are for scaling in range 50%...200%.
// And upscaling looks awful right now - should be fixed somehow
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(SDL_Surface *surf, int width, int height)
SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(SDL_Surface * surf, int width, int height)
if (!surf || !width || !height)
if(!surf || !width || !height)
return nullptr;
if (surf->format->palette)
return scaleSurfaceFast(surf, width, height);
SDL_Surface * intermediate = SDL_ConvertSurface(surf, screen->format, 0);
SDL_Surface * ret = newSurface(width, height, intermediate);
//Same size? return copy - this should more be faster
if (width == surf->w && height == surf->h)
return copySurface(surf);
SDL_Surface *ret = newSurface(width, height, surf);
case 2: scaleSurfaceInternal<2>(surf, ret); break;
case 3: scaleSurfaceInternal<3>(surf, ret); break;
case 4: scaleSurfaceInternal<4>(surf, ret); break;
SDL_SoftStretchLinear(intermediate, nullptr, ret, nullptr);
return ret;
@ -851,7 +725,5 @@ void CSDL_Ext::getClipRect(SDL_Surface * src, Rect & other)
other = CSDL_Ext::fromSDL(rect);
template SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::createSurfaceWithBpp<2>(int, int);
template SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::createSurfaceWithBpp<3>(int, int);
template SDL_Surface * CSDL_Ext::createSurfaceWithBpp<4>(int, int);

View File

@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ using TColorPutterAlpha = void (*)(uint8_t *&, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &,
bool isTransparent(SDL_Surface * srf, const Point & position); //checks if surface is transparent at given position
uint8_t * getPxPtr(const SDL_Surface * const & srf, const int x, const int y);
TColorPutter getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const & dest, int incrementing); //incrementing: -1, 0, 1
TColorPutterAlpha getPutterAlphaFor(SDL_Surface * const & dest, int incrementing); //incrementing: -1, 0, 1
TColorPutter getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const & dest);
template<int bpp>
int blit8bppAlphaTo24bppT(const SDL_Surface * src, const Rect & srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const Point & dstPoint); //blits 8 bpp surface with alpha channel to 24 bpp surface
@ -93,10 +92,7 @@ using TColorPutterAlpha = void (*)(uint8_t *&, const uint8_t &, const uint8_t &,
template<int bpp>
SDL_Surface * createSurfaceWithBpp(int width, int height); //create surface with give bits per pixels value
//scale surface to required size.
//nearest neighbour algorithm
SDL_Surface * scaleSurfaceFast(SDL_Surface * surf, int width, int height);
// bilinear filtering. Uses fallback to scaleSurfaceFast in case of indexed surfaces
// bilinear filtering. Always returns rgba surface
SDL_Surface * scaleSurface(SDL_Surface * surf, int width, int height);
template<int bpp>

View File

@ -109,58 +109,29 @@ namespace Channels
struct px<2>
static channel_subpx<5, 0xF800, 11> r;
static channel_subpx<6, 0x07E0, 5 > g;
static channel_subpx<5, 0x001F, 0 > b;
static channel_empty a;
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
template<int bpp>
struct ColorPutter
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlpha(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorRow(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color, size_t count);
template <int incrementPtr>
struct ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlpha(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorRow(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color, size_t count);
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColorAlpha(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color)
template<int bpp>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp>::PutColorAlpha(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color)
PutColor(ptr, Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, Color.a);
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color)
PutColor(ptr, Color.r, Color.g, Color.b);
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
template<int bpp>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
switch (A)
case 0:
ptr += bpp * incrementPtr;
case 255:
PutColor(ptr, R, G, B);
@ -177,124 +148,19 @@ STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
template<int bpp>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
PutColor(ptr, ((((uint32_t)R - (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::r.get(ptr))*(uint32_t)A) >> 8 ) + (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::r.get(ptr),
((((uint32_t)G - (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::g.get(ptr))*(uint32_t)A) >> 8 ) + (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::g.get(ptr),
((((uint32_t)B - (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::b.get(ptr))*(uint32_t)A) >> 8 ) + (uint32_t)Channels::px<bpp>::b.get(ptr));
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B)
template<int bpp>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B)
static_assert(incrementPtr >= -1 && incrementPtr <= +1, "Invalid incrementPtr value!");
if (incrementPtr < 0)
ptr -= bpp;
Channels::px<bpp>::r.set(ptr, R);
Channels::px<bpp>::g.set(ptr, G);
Channels::px<bpp>::b.set(ptr, B);
Channels::px<bpp>::a.set(ptr, 255);
if (incrementPtr > 0)
ptr += bpp;
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<bpp, incrementPtr>::PutColorRow(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color, size_t count)
if (count)
uint8_t *pixel = ptr;
PutColor(ptr, Color.r, Color.g, Color.b);
for (size_t i=0; i<count-1; i++)
memcpy(ptr, pixel, bpp);
ptr += bpp * incrementPtr;
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B)
if(incrementPtr == -1)
ptr -= 2;
auto * const px = (uint16_t *)ptr;
*px = (B>>3) + ((G>>2) << 5) + ((R>>3) << 11); //drop least significant bits of 24 bpp encoded color
if(incrementPtr == 1)
ptr += 2; //bpp
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColorAlphaSwitch(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
switch (A)
case 0:
ptr += 2 * incrementPtr;
case 255:
PutColor(ptr, R, G, B);
PutColor(ptr, R, G, B, A);
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const uint8_t & R, const uint8_t & G, const uint8_t & B, const uint8_t & A)
const int rbit = 5, gbit = 6, bbit = 5; //bits per color
const int rmask = 0xF800, gmask = 0x7E0, bmask = 0x1F;
const int rshift = 11, gshift = 5, bshift = 0;
const uint8_t r5 = (*((uint16_t *)ptr) & rmask) >> rshift,
b5 = (*((uint16_t *)ptr) & bmask) >> bshift,
g5 = (*((uint16_t *)ptr) & gmask) >> gshift;
const uint32_t r8 = (r5 << (8 - rbit)) | (r5 >> (2*rbit - 8)),
g8 = (g5 << (8 - gbit)) | (g5 >> (2*gbit - 8)),
b8 = (b5 << (8 - bbit)) | (b5 >> (2*bbit - 8));
(((R-r8)*A) >> 8) + r8,
(((G-g8)*A) >> 8) + g8,
(((B-b8)*A) >> 8) + b8);
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColorAlpha(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color)
PutColor(ptr, Color.r, Color.g, Color.b, Color.a);
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColor(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color)
PutColor(ptr, Color.r, Color.g, Color.b);
template <int incrementPtr>
STRONG_INLINE void ColorPutter<2, incrementPtr>::PutColorRow(uint8_t *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color, size_t count)
//drop least significant bits of 24 bpp encoded color
uint16_t pixel = (Color.b>>3) + ((Color.g>>2) << 5) + ((Color.r>>3) << 11);
for (size_t i=0; i<count; i++)
memcpy(ptr, &pixel, 2);
if(incrementPtr == -1)
ptr -= 2;
if(incrementPtr == 1)
ptr += 2;

View File

@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ void CWindowObject::setShadow(bool on)
//create base 8x8 piece of shadow
SDL_Surface * shadowCorner = CSDL_Ext::copySurface(shadowCornerTempl);
SDL_Surface * shadowBottom = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceFast(shadowBottomTempl, fullsize.x - size, size);
SDL_Surface * shadowRight = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurfaceFast(shadowRightTempl, size, fullsize.y - size);
SDL_Surface * shadowBottom = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(shadowBottomTempl, fullsize.x - size, size);
SDL_Surface * shadowRight = CSDL_Ext::scaleSurface(shadowRightTempl, size, fullsize.y - size);
blitAlphaCol(shadowBottom, 0);
blitAlphaRow(shadowRight, 0);