mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-19 21:10:12 +02:00

* a bit of pathfinder interface redesign

* a few fixes for sieges
* better wall parts' positions by Ivan
This commit is contained in:
mateuszb 2009-08-28 09:03:58 +00:00
parent 90c31d5cd5
commit fceeb05e16
6 changed files with 279 additions and 104 deletions

View File

@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ const CGTownInstance *CCallback::battleGetDefendedTown()
if(!gs->curB || gs->curB->tid == -1)
return NULL;
return gs->map->towns[gs->curB->tid];
return static_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(gs->map->objects[gs->curB->tid]);
ui8 CCallback::battleGetWallState(int partOfWall)

View File

@ -3234,7 +3234,17 @@ std::string CBattleInterface::SiegeHelper::getSiegeName(ui16 what, ui16 additInf
case 0: //background
return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "BACK.BMP";
case 1: //background wall
return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TPW1.BMP";
case 5: case 4: case 1: case 6:
return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TPW1.BMP";
case 0: case 2: case 3: case 7: case 8:
return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "TPWL.BMP";
return "";
case 2: //keep
return "SG" + townTypeInfixes[town->town->typeID] + "MAN" + addit + ".BMP";
case 3: //bottom tower

View File

@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
//this file is a description of positions of wall parts' positions, following lines contain positions of: bottom tower, bottom wall, wall below gate, wall over gate, upper wall, upper tower, gate, gate arch, bottom static wall and upper static wall (x, y)
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
602 494
557 469
474 300
491 188
544 57
567 16
391 260
471 164
518 305
500 54
601 500
528 350
468 291
469 127
523 32
568 35
399 274
476 238
511 347
488 79
593 511
548 451
468 309
468 186
529 57
565 31
403 271
459 220
509 364
491 103
591 516
547 452
474 298
487 190
546 66
579 36
400 253
470 187
516 365
513 79
594 514
560 451
484 316
479 151
531 71
568 27
408 254
476 221
521 376
501 92
591 512
535 445
477 323
486 164
542 66
560 26
401 262
473 240
508 372
503 97
599 495
558 448
470 296
476 180
522 56
564 15
395 260
470 164
521 305
493 53
585 508
552 440
482 304
475 189
533 69
567 30
407 266
477 235
510 380
498 107
599 505
545 441
486 306
497 184
525 80
547 27
392 253
482 236
521 382
507 130
607 505
508 346
467 299
470 147
520 41
575 28
408 254
485 232
508 346
489 97

View File

@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ unsigned int CGHeroInstance::getTileCost(const TerrainTile &dest, const TerrainT
ret = std::max(type->heroClass->terrCosts[dest.tertype],type->heroClass->terrCosts[from.tertype]); //take cost of worse of two tiles
ret = type->heroClass->terrCosts[from.tertype];
ret = std::max(ret - 25*unsigned(getSecSkillLevel(0)), 100u); //reduce 25% of terrain penalty for each pathfinding level
return ret;

View File

@ -1590,10 +1590,10 @@ int CGameState::getMovementCost(const CGHeroInstance *h, int3 src, int3 dest, in
//get basic cost
int ret = h->getTileCost(d,s);
if(src.x!=dest.x && src.y!=dest.y) //it's diagonal move
if(src.x != dest.x && src.y != dest.y) //it's diagonal move
int old = ret;
ret *= 1.414;
ret *= 1.414213;
//diagonal move costs too much but normal move is possible - allow diagonal move for remaining move points
if(ret > remainingMovePoints && remainingMovePoints > old)
@ -1831,6 +1831,147 @@ bool CGameState::getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CGHeroInstance * hero, CPath
return true;
//void CGameState::calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out, const int3 &src)
// if(!map->isInTheMap(src)/* || !map->isInTheMap(dest)*/) //check input
// //todo: distater
// return;
// int3 hpos = hero->getPosition(false);
// tribool blockLandSea; //true - blocks sea, false - blocks land, indeterminate - allows all
// if (!hero->canWalkOnSea())
// blockLandSea = (map->getTile(hpos).tertype != TerrainTile::water); //block land if hero is on water and vice versa
// else
// blockLandSea = boost::logic::indeterminate;
// const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ui8> > > &FoW = getPlayer(hero->tempOwner)->fogOfWarMap;
// //graph initialization
// CGPathNode ***graph = out.nodes;
// for(size_t i=0; i < out.sizes.x; ++i)
// {
// for(size_t j=0; j < out.sizes.y; ++j)
// {
// for(size_t k=0; k < out.sizes.z; ++k)
// {
// const TerrainTile *tinfo = &map->terrain[i][j][k];
// CGPathNode &node = graph[i][j][k];
// node.accessible = (tinfo->blocked ? CGPathNode::BLOCKED : CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE);
// node.visited = false;
// node.turns = 0xff;
// node.moveRemains = 0;
// node.coord.x = i;
// node.coord.y = j;
// node.coord.z = k;
// node.land = tinfo->tertype == TerrainTile::water;
// if ((tinfo->tertype == TerrainTile::rock) //it's rock
// || ((blockLandSea) && () //it's sea and we cannot walk on sea
// || ((!blockLandSea) && (tinfo->tertype != TerrainTile::water)) //it's land and we cannot walk on land
// || !FoW[i][j][k] //tile is covered by the FoW
// )
// {
// node.accessible = CGPathNode::BLOCKED;
// }
// else if(tinfo->visitable)
// {
// for(size_t ii = 0; ii < tinfo->visitableObjects.size(); ii++)
// {
// if(tinfo->visitableObjects[ii]->blockVisit)
// {
// node.accessible = CGPathNode::BLOCKVIS;
// break;
// }
// else
// node.accessible = CGPathNode::VISITABLE;
// }
// }
// if(blockLandSea && tinfo->tertype == TerrainTile::water) //hero can walk only on land and tile lays on the water
// {
// size_t i = 0;
// for(; i < tinfo->visitableObjects.size(); i++)
// if(tinfo->visitableObjects[i]->ID == 8 || tinfo->visitableObjects[i]->ID == HEROI_TYPE) //it's a Boat
// break;
// if(i < tinfo->visitableObjects.size())
// node.accessible = CGPathNode::BLOCKVIS; //dest is accessible only if there is boat/hero
// }
// else if(!blockLandSea && tinfo->tertype != TerrainTile::water) //hero is moving by water
// {
// if((tinfo->siodmyTajemniczyBajt & 64) && !tinfo->blocked)
// node.accessible = CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE; //tile is accessible if it's coastal and not blocked
// }
// }
// }
// }
// //graph initialized
// //initial tile - set cost on 0 and add to the queue
// graph[src.x][src.y][src.z].turns = 0;
// graph[src.x][src.y][src.z].moveRemains = hero->movement;
// std::queue<CGPathNode*> mq;
// mq.push(&graph[src.x][src.y][src.z]);
// ui32 curDist = 0xffffffff; //total cost of path - init with max possible val
// std::vector<int3> neighbours;
// neighbours.reserve(8);
// while(!mq.empty())
// {
// CGPathNode *cp = graph[mq.front()->coord.x][mq.front()->coord.y];
// mq.pop();
// //add accessible neighbouring nodes to the queue
// getNeighbours(cp->coord, neighbours, boost::logic::indeterminate);
// for(unsigned int i=0; i < neighbours.size(); i++)
// {
// const int3 &n = neighbours[i]; //current neighbour
// CGPathNode & dp = graph[n.x][n.y][n.z];
// if(!cp->moveRemains)
// {
// cp->turns++;
// cp->moveRemains = hero->maxMovePoints(
// }
// if(dp.accessible != CGPathNode::BLOCKVIS)
// {
// int cost = getMovementCost(hero,cp->coord,dp.coord,hero->movement - cp->dist);
// if((dp.turns==0xff || (dp.dist > cp->dist + cost)) && dp.accesible && checkForVisitableDir(cp->coord, dp.coord) && checkForVisitableDir(dp.coord, cp->coord))
// {
// dp.moveRemains = cp.moveRemains - cost;
// dp.theNodeBefore = &cp;
// if(dp.accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE)
// {
// mq.push(dp);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// CPathNode *curNode = &graph[dest.x][dest.y];
// if(!curNode->theNodeBefore) //destination is not accessible
// return false;
// //fill ret with found path
// ret.nodes.clear();
// while(curNode->coord != graph[src.x][src.y].coord)
// {
// ret.nodes.push_back(*curNode);
// curNode = curNode->theNodeBefore;
// }
// ret.nodes.push_back(graph[src.x][src.y]);
// return true;
bool CGameState::isVisible(int3 pos, int player)
if(player == 255) //neutral player

View File

@ -241,6 +241,19 @@ struct CPathNode
bool visited;
struct CGPathNode
enum {ACCESSIBLE=1, VISITABLE, BLOCKVIS, BLOCKED}; //BLOCKVIS - visitable from neighbourign tile but not passable
ui8 land;
ui8 accessible; //the enum above
ui8 turns;
ui32 moveRemains;
CPathNode * theNodeBefore;
int3 coord; //coordiantes
struct DLL_EXPORT CPath
std::vector<CPathNode> nodes; //just get node by node
@ -250,6 +263,16 @@ struct DLL_EXPORT CPath
void convert(ui8 mode); //mode=0 -> from 'manifest' to 'object'
struct CPathsInfo
int3 sizes;
CGPathNode ***nodes; //[w][h][level]
void getPath(const int3 &src, const int3 &dst, CPath &out);
CPathsInfo(const int3 &sizes);
class DLL_EXPORT CGameState
@ -299,6 +322,7 @@ public:
int canBuildStructure(const CGTownInstance *t, int ID);// 0 - no more than one capitol, 1 - lack of water, 2 - forbidden, 3 - Add another level to Mage Guild, 4 - already built, 5 - cannot build, 6 - cannot afford, 7 - build, 8 - lack of requirements
bool checkForVisitableDir(const int3 & src, const int3 & dst) const; //check if dst tile is visitable from dst tile
bool getPath(int3 src, int3 dest, const CGHeroInstance * hero, CPath &ret); //calculates path between src and dest; returns pointer to newly allocated CPath or NULL if path does not exists
void calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out, const int3 &src = int3(-1,-1,-1)); //calculates path between src and dest; returns pointer to newly allocated CPath or NULL if path does not exists
bool isVisible(int3 pos, int player);
bool isVisible(const CGObjectInstance *obj, int player);