mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
Merge pull request #3195 from IvanSavenko/identifier_string_serialization
Serialize Identifiers that can be added by mods as strings
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ TSubgoal Win::whatToDoToAchieve()
return sptr(GetArtOfType(goal.objectType.as<ArtifactID>()));
case EventCondition::DESTROY:
if(goal.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE)
auto obj = cb->getObj(goal.object->id);
auto obj = cb->getObj(goal.objectID);
if(obj->getOwner() == ai->playerID) //we can't capture our own object
return sptr(Conquer());
return sptr(VisitObj(goal.object->id.getNum()));
return sptr(VisitObj(goal.objectID.getNum()));
@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ TSubgoal Win::whatToDoToAchieve()
case EventCondition::CONTROL:
if(goal.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE)
auto objRelations = cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, goal.object->tempOwner);
auto obj = cb->getObj(goal.objectID);
if(objRelations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)
if(obj && cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)
return sptr(VisitObj(goal.object->id.getNum()));
return sptr(VisitObj(goal.objectID.getNum()));
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"vcmi.server.confirmReconnect" : "Do you want to reconnect to the last session?",
"vcmi.server.errors.modNoDependency" : "Failed to load mod {'%s'}!\n It depends on mod {'%s'} which is not active!\n",
"vcmi.server.errors.modConflict" : "Failed to load mod {'%s'}!\n Conflicts with active mod {'%s'}!\n",
"vcmi.server.errors.unknownEntity" : "Failed to load save! Unknown entity '%s' found in saved game! Save may not be compatible with currently installed version of mods!",
"vcmi.settingsMainWindow.generalTab.hover" : "General",
"vcmi.settingsMainWindow.generalTab.help" : "Switches to General Options tab, which contains settings related to general game client behavior.",
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
"vcmi.server.confirmReconnect" : "Підключитися до минулої сесії?",
"vcmi.server.errors.modNoDependency" : "Не вдалося увімкнути мод {'%s'}!\n Модифікація потребує мод {'%s'} який зараз не активний!\n",
"vcmi.server.errors.modConflict" : "Не вдалося увімкнути мод {'%s'}!\n Конфліктує з активним модом {'%s'}!\n",
"vcmi.server.errors.unknownEntity" : "Не вдалося завантажити гру! У збереженій грі знайдено невідомий об'єкт '%s'! Це збереження може бути несумісним зі встановленою версією модифікацій!",
"vcmi.settingsMainWindow.generalTab.hover" : "Загальні",
"vcmi.settingsMainWindow.generalTab.help" : "Перемикає на вкладку загальних параметрів, яка містить налаштування, пов'язані із загальною поведінкою ігрового клієнта",
@ -27,12 +27,33 @@ struct QuestInfo;
struct DLL_LINKAGE PlayerState : public CBonusSystemNode, public Player
struct VisitedObjectGlobal
MapObjectID id;
MapObjectSubID subID;
bool operator < (const VisitedObjectGlobal & other) const
if (id != other.id)
return id < other.id;
return subID < other.subID;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & id;
subID.serializeIdentifier(h, id, version);
PlayerColor color;
bool human; //true if human controlled player, false for AI
TeamID team;
TResources resources;
std::set<ObjectInstanceID> visitedObjects; // as a std::set, since most accesses here will be from visited status checks
std::set<VisitedObjectGlobal> visitedObjectsGlobal;
std::vector<ConstTransitivePtr<CGHeroInstance> > heroes;
std::vector<ConstTransitivePtr<CGTownInstance> > towns;
std::vector<ConstTransitivePtr<CGDwelling> > dwellings; //used for town growth
@ -82,6 +103,7 @@ public:
h & dwellings;
h & quests;
h & visitedObjects;
h & visitedObjectsGlobal;
h & status;
h & daysWithoutCastle;
h & cheated;
@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ std::set<FactionID> CTownHandler::getDefaultAllowed() const
std::set<FactionID> CTownHandler::getAllowedFactions(bool withTown) const
if (!withTown)
if (withTown)
return getDefaultAllowed();
std::set<FactionID> result;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ FactionID PlayerSettings::getCastleValidated() const
if (!castle.isValid())
return FactionID(0);
if (castle.getNum() < VLC->townh->size())
if (castle.getNum() < VLC->townh->size() && VLC->townh->objects[castle.getNum()]->town != nullptr)
return castle;
return FactionID(0);
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
class DLL_LINKAGE BonusCustomSource : public Identifier<BonusCustomSource>
class DLL_LINKAGE BonusCustomSource : public StaticIdentifier<BonusCustomSource>
using Identifier<BonusCustomSource>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<BonusCustomSource>::StaticIdentifier;
static std::string encode(int32_t index);
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ public:
static const BonusCustomSource undeadMoraleDebuff; // -2
class DLL_LINKAGE BonusCustomSubtype : public Identifier<BonusCustomSubtype>
class DLL_LINKAGE BonusCustomSubtype : public StaticIdentifier<BonusCustomSubtype>
using Identifier<BonusCustomSubtype>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<BonusCustomSubtype>::StaticIdentifier;
static std::string encode(int32_t index);
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"//todo: remove
#include "spells/CSpellHandler.h" //todo: remove
#include "CSkillHandler.h"//todo: remove
#include "mapObjectConstructors/AObjectTypeHandler.h"
#include "constants/StringConstants.h"
#include "CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "TerrainHandler.h" //TODO: remove
@ -121,17 +122,27 @@ namespace GameConstants
int32_t IdentifierBase::resolveIdentifier(const std::string & entityType, const std::string identifier)
if (identifier.empty())
return -1;
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType, identifier);
if (rawId)
return rawId.value();
throw IdentifierResolutionException(identifier);
si32 HeroClassID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeMap(), "heroClass", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("heroClass", identifier);
std::string HeroClassID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->heroClasses()->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
@ -162,29 +173,66 @@ std::string CampaignScenarioID::encode(const si32 index)
std::string MapObjectID::encode(int32_t index)
return VLC->objtypeh->getObjectHandlerName(MapObjectID(index));
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->objtypeh->getJsonKey(MapObjectID(index));
si32 MapObjectID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "objects", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("object", identifier);
std::string MapObjectSubID::encode(MapObjectID primaryID, int32_t index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
if(primaryID == Obj::PRISON || primaryID == Obj::HERO)
return HeroTypeID::encode(index);
if (primaryID == Obj::SPELL_SCROLL)
return SpellID::encode(index);
return VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(primaryID, index)->getJsonKey();
si32 MapObjectSubID::decode(MapObjectID primaryID, const std::string & identifier)
if(primaryID == Obj::PRISON || primaryID == Obj::HERO)
return HeroTypeID::decode(identifier);
if (primaryID == Obj::SPELL_SCROLL)
return SpellID::decode(identifier);
return resolveIdentifier(VLC->objtypeh->getJsonKey(primaryID), identifier);
std::string BoatId::encode(int32_t index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(MapObjectID::BOAT, index)->getJsonKey();
si32 BoatId::decode(const std::string & identifier)
return resolveIdentifier("core:boat", identifier);
si32 HeroTypeID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeMap(), "hero", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
if (identifier == "random")
return -2;
return resolveIdentifier("hero", identifier);
std::string HeroTypeID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
if (index == -2)
return "random";
return VLC->heroTypes()->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
@ -205,15 +253,13 @@ const Artifact * ArtifactIDBase::toEntity(const Services * services) const
si32 ArtifactID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "artifact", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("artifact", identifier);
std::string ArtifactID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->artifacts()->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
@ -224,15 +270,13 @@ std::string ArtifactID::entityType()
si32 SecondarySkill::decode(const std::string& identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "secondarySkill", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("secondarySkill", identifier);
std::string SecondarySkill::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->skills()->getById(SecondarySkill(index))->getJsonKey();
@ -263,15 +307,13 @@ const Creature * CreatureIDBase::toEntity(const CreatureService * creatures) con
si32 CreatureID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "creature", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("creature", identifier);
std::string CreatureID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->creatures()->getById(CreatureID(index))->getJsonKey();
@ -312,25 +354,19 @@ const HeroType * HeroTypeID::toEntity(const Services * services) const
si32 SpellID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "spell", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("spell", identifier);
std::string SpellID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->spells()->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
si32 BattleField::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), "spell", identifier);
return rawId.value();
return -1;
return resolveIdentifier("battlefield", identifier);
std::string BattleField::encode(const si32 index)
@ -384,7 +420,7 @@ std::string PlayerColor::entityType()
si32 PrimarySkill::decode(const std::string& identifier)
return *VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType(), identifier);
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string PrimarySkill::encode(const si32 index)
@ -399,15 +435,13 @@ std::string PrimarySkill::entityType()
si32 FactionID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType(), identifier);
return rawId.value();
return FactionID::DEFAULT.getNum();
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string FactionID::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == -1)
return "";
return VLC->factions()->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
@ -423,15 +457,18 @@ const Faction * FactionID::toEntity(const Services * service) const
si32 TerrainId::decode(const std::string & identifier)
auto rawId = VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType(), identifier);
return rawId.value();
return static_cast<si32>(TerrainId::NONE);
if (identifier == "native")
return TerrainId::NATIVE_TERRAIN;
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string TerrainId::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == TerrainId::NONE)
return "";
if (index == TerrainId::NATIVE_TERRAIN)
return "native";
return VLC->terrainTypeHandler->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
@ -440,6 +477,46 @@ std::string TerrainId::entityType()
return "terrain";
si32 RoadId::decode(const std::string & identifier)
if (identifier.empty())
return RoadId::NO_ROAD.getNum();
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string RoadId::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == RoadId::NO_ROAD.getNum())
return "";
return VLC->roadTypeHandler->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
std::string RoadId::entityType()
return "road";
si32 RiverId::decode(const std::string & identifier)
if (identifier.empty())
return RiverId::NO_RIVER.getNum();
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string RiverId::encode(const si32 index)
if (index == RiverId::NO_RIVER.getNum())
return "";
return VLC->riverTypeHandler->getByIndex(index)->getJsonKey();
std::string RiverId::entityType()
return "river";
const TerrainType * TerrainId::toEntity(const Services * service) const
return VLC->terrainTypeHandler->getByIndex(num);
@ -469,7 +546,7 @@ const ObstacleInfo * Obstacle::getInfo() const
si32 SpellSchool::decode(const std::string & identifier)
return *VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType(), identifier);
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string SpellSchool::encode(const si32 index)
@ -487,7 +564,7 @@ std::string SpellSchool::entityType()
si32 GameResID::decode(const std::string & identifier)
return *VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(ModScope::scopeGame(), entityType(), identifier);
return resolveIdentifier(entityType(), identifier);
std::string GameResID::encode(const si32 index)
@ -43,153 +43,50 @@ class CSkill;
class CGameInfoCallback;
class CNonConstInfoCallback;
// Note: use template to force different type, blocking any Identifier<A> <=> Identifier<B> comparisons
template<typename FinalClass>
class Identifier : public IdentifierBase
class ArtifactInstanceID : public StaticIdentifier<ArtifactInstanceID>
using BaseClass = IdentifierBase;
constexpr Identifier()
explicit constexpr Identifier(int32_t value):
constexpr bool operator == (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num == b.num; }
constexpr bool operator <= (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator >= (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator != (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num != b.num; }
constexpr bool operator < (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num < b.num; }
constexpr bool operator > (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num > b.num; }
constexpr FinalClass & operator++()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass & operator--()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass operator--(int)
FinalClass ret(num);
return ret;
constexpr FinalClass operator++(int)
FinalClass ret(num);
return ret;
using StaticIdentifier<ArtifactInstanceID>::StaticIdentifier;
template<typename FinalClass, typename BaseClass>
class IdentifierWithEnum : public BaseClass
using EnumType = typename BaseClass::Type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>, int32_t>, "Entity Identifier must use int32_t");
constexpr EnumType toEnum() const
return static_cast<EnumType>(BaseClass::num);
constexpr IdentifierWithEnum(const EnumType & enumValue)
BaseClass::num = static_cast<int32_t>(enumValue);
constexpr IdentifierWithEnum(int32_t _num = -1)
BaseClass::num = _num;
constexpr bool operator == (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num == static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator <= (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator >= (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator != (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num != static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator < (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num < static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator > (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num > static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator == (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num == b.num; }
constexpr bool operator <= (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator >= (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator != (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num != b.num; }
constexpr bool operator < (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num < b.num; }
constexpr bool operator > (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num > b.num; }
constexpr FinalClass & operator++()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass operator++(int)
FinalClass ret(BaseClass::num);
return ret;
class ArtifactInstanceID : public Identifier<ArtifactInstanceID>
class QueryID : public StaticIdentifier<QueryID>
using Identifier<ArtifactInstanceID>::Identifier;
class QueryID : public Identifier<QueryID>
using Identifier<QueryID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<QueryID>::StaticIdentifier;
DLL_LINKAGE static const QueryID NONE;
DLL_LINKAGE static const QueryID CLIENT;
class BattleID : public Identifier<BattleID>
class BattleID : public StaticIdentifier<BattleID>
using Identifier<BattleID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<BattleID>::StaticIdentifier;
DLL_LINKAGE static const BattleID NONE;
class DLL_LINKAGE ObjectInstanceID : public Identifier<ObjectInstanceID>
class DLL_LINKAGE ObjectInstanceID : public StaticIdentifier<ObjectInstanceID>
using Identifier<ObjectInstanceID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<ObjectInstanceID>::StaticIdentifier;
static const ObjectInstanceID NONE;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
class HeroClassID : public Identifier<HeroClassID>
class HeroClassID : public EntityIdentifier<HeroClassID>
using Identifier<HeroClassID>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<HeroClassID>::EntityIdentifier;
///json serialization helpers
DLL_LINKAGE static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
DLL_LINKAGE static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static std::string entityType();
class DLL_LINKAGE HeroTypeID : public Identifier<HeroTypeID>
class DLL_LINKAGE HeroTypeID : public EntityIdentifier<HeroTypeID>
using Identifier<HeroTypeID>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<HeroTypeID>::EntityIdentifier;
///json serialization helpers
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
@ -207,10 +104,10 @@ public:
class SlotID : public Identifier<SlotID>
class SlotID : public StaticIdentifier<SlotID>
using Identifier<SlotID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<SlotID>::StaticIdentifier;
DLL_LINKAGE static const SlotID SUMMONED_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER; ///<for all summoned creatures, only during battle
@ -223,10 +120,10 @@ public:
class DLL_LINKAGE PlayerColor : public Identifier<PlayerColor>
class DLL_LINKAGE PlayerColor : public StaticIdentifier<PlayerColor>
using Identifier<PlayerColor>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<PlayerColor>::StaticIdentifier;
enum EPlayerColor
@ -249,18 +146,18 @@ public:
static std::string entityType();
class TeamID : public Identifier<TeamID>
class TeamID : public StaticIdentifier<TeamID>
using Identifier<TeamID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<TeamID>::StaticIdentifier;
DLL_LINKAGE static const TeamID NO_TEAM;
class TeleportChannelID : public Identifier<TeleportChannelID>
class TeleportChannelID : public StaticIdentifier<TeleportChannelID>
using Identifier<TeleportChannelID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<TeleportChannelID>::StaticIdentifier;
class SecondarySkillBase : public IdentifierBase
@ -302,10 +199,10 @@ public:
static_assert(GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY == SKILL_SIZE, "Incorrect number of skills");
class SecondarySkill : public IdentifierWithEnum<SecondarySkill, SecondarySkillBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE SecondarySkill : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<SecondarySkill, SecondarySkillBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<SecondarySkill, SecondarySkillBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<SecondarySkill, SecondarySkillBase>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
static std::string entityType();
static si32 decode(const std::string& identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
@ -314,10 +211,10 @@ public:
const Skill * toEntity(const Services * services) const;
class DLL_LINKAGE PrimarySkill : public Identifier<PrimarySkill>
class DLL_LINKAGE PrimarySkill : public StaticIdentifier<PrimarySkill>
using Identifier<PrimarySkill>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<PrimarySkill>::StaticIdentifier;
static const PrimarySkill NONE;
static const PrimarySkill ATTACK;
@ -335,10 +232,10 @@ public:
static std::string entityType();
class DLL_LINKAGE FactionID : public Identifier<FactionID>
class DLL_LINKAGE FactionID : public EntityIdentifier<FactionID>
using Identifier<FactionID>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<FactionID>::EntityIdentifier;
static const FactionID NONE;
static const FactionID DEFAULT;
@ -413,10 +310,10 @@ public:
class DLL_LINKAGE BuildingID : public IdentifierWithEnum<BuildingID, BuildingIDBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE BuildingID : public StaticIdentifierWithEnum<BuildingID, BuildingIDBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<BuildingID, BuildingIDBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using StaticIdentifierWithEnum<BuildingID, BuildingIDBase>::StaticIdentifierWithEnum;
static BuildingID HALL_LEVEL(unsigned int level)
@ -578,10 +475,10 @@ public:
class DLL_LINKAGE MapObjectID : public IdentifierWithEnum<MapObjectID, MapObjectBaseID>
class DLL_LINKAGE MapObjectID : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<MapObjectID, MapObjectBaseID>
using IdentifierWithEnum<MapObjectID, MapObjectBaseID>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<MapObjectID, MapObjectBaseID>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
static std::string encode(int32_t index);
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -593,7 +490,7 @@ public:
class MapObjectSubID : public Identifier<MapObjectSubID>
class DLL_LINKAGE MapObjectSubID : public Identifier<MapObjectSubID>
constexpr MapObjectSubID(const IdentifierBase & value):
@ -615,17 +512,37 @@ public:
return *this;
static si32 decode(MapObjectID primaryID, const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(MapObjectID primaryID, si32 index);
// TODO: Remove
constexpr operator int32_t () const
return num;
template <typename Handler>
void serializeIdentifier(Handler &h, const MapObjectID & primaryID, const int version)
std::string secondaryStringID;
if (h.saving)
secondaryStringID = encode(primaryID, num);
h & secondaryStringID;
if (!h.saving)
num = decode(primaryID, secondaryStringID);
class DLL_LINKAGE RoadId : public Identifier<RoadId>
class DLL_LINKAGE RoadId : public EntityIdentifier<RoadId>
using Identifier<RoadId>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<RoadId>::EntityIdentifier;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static std::string entityType();
static const RoadId NO_ROAD;
static const RoadId DIRT_ROAD;
@ -635,10 +552,13 @@ public:
const RoadType * toEntity(const Services * service) const;
class DLL_LINKAGE RiverId : public Identifier<RiverId>
class DLL_LINKAGE RiverId : public EntityIdentifier<RiverId>
using Identifier<RiverId>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<RiverId>::EntityIdentifier;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static std::string entityType();
static const RiverId NO_RIVER;
static const RiverId WATER_RIVER;
@ -658,10 +578,10 @@ public:
class EPathfindingLayer : public IdentifierWithEnum<EPathfindingLayer, EPathfindingLayerBase>
class EPathfindingLayer : public StaticIdentifierWithEnum<EPathfindingLayer, EPathfindingLayerBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<EPathfindingLayer, EPathfindingLayerBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using StaticIdentifierWithEnum<EPathfindingLayer, EPathfindingLayerBase>::StaticIdentifierWithEnum;
class ArtifactPositionBase : public IdentifierBase
@ -694,10 +614,10 @@ public:
DLL_LINKAGE static std::string encode(const si32 index);
class ArtifactPosition : public IdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactPosition, ArtifactPositionBase>
class ArtifactPosition : public StaticIdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactPosition, ArtifactPositionBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactPosition, ArtifactPositionBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using StaticIdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactPosition, ArtifactPositionBase>::StaticIdentifierWithEnum;
// TODO: Remove
constexpr operator int32_t () const
@ -730,10 +650,10 @@ public:
DLL_LINKAGE const Artifact * toEntity(const Services * service) const;
class ArtifactID : public IdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactID, ArtifactIDBase>
class ArtifactID : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactID, ArtifactIDBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactID, ArtifactIDBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<ArtifactID, ArtifactIDBase>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
///json serialization helpers
DLL_LINKAGE static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -773,10 +693,10 @@ public:
DLL_LINKAGE const Creature * toEntity(const CreatureService * creatures) const;
class DLL_LINKAGE CreatureID : public IdentifierWithEnum<CreatureID, CreatureIDBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE CreatureID : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<CreatureID, CreatureIDBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<CreatureID, CreatureIDBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<CreatureID, CreatureIDBase>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
///json serialization helpers
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -892,10 +812,10 @@ public:
const spells::Spell * toEntity(const spells::Service * service) const;
class DLL_LINKAGE SpellID : public IdentifierWithEnum<SpellID, SpellIDBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE SpellID : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<SpellID, SpellIDBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<SpellID, SpellIDBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<SpellID, SpellIDBase>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
///json serialization helpers
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
@ -904,10 +824,10 @@ public:
class BattleFieldInfo;
class DLL_LINKAGE BattleField : public Identifier<BattleField>
class DLL_LINKAGE BattleField : public EntityIdentifier<BattleField>
using Identifier<BattleField>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<BattleField>::EntityIdentifier;
static const BattleField NONE;
const BattleFieldInfo * getInfo() const;
@ -916,10 +836,13 @@ public:
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
class DLL_LINKAGE BoatId : public Identifier<BoatId>
class DLL_LINKAGE BoatId : public EntityIdentifier<BoatId>
using Identifier<BoatId>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<BoatId>::EntityIdentifier;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static const BoatId NONE;
static const BoatId NECROPOLIS;
@ -950,29 +873,29 @@ public:
class TerrainId : public IdentifierWithEnum<TerrainId, TerrainIdBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE TerrainId : public EntityIdentifierWithEnum<TerrainId, TerrainIdBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<TerrainId, TerrainIdBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using EntityIdentifierWithEnum<TerrainId, TerrainIdBase>::EntityIdentifierWithEnum;
DLL_LINKAGE static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
DLL_LINKAGE static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
static std::string entityType();
const TerrainType * toEntity(const Services * service) const;
class ObstacleInfo;
class Obstacle : public Identifier<Obstacle>
class Obstacle : public EntityIdentifier<Obstacle>
using Identifier<Obstacle>::Identifier;
using EntityIdentifier<Obstacle>::EntityIdentifier;
DLL_LINKAGE const ObstacleInfo * getInfo() const;
class DLL_LINKAGE SpellSchool : public Identifier<SpellSchool>
class DLL_LINKAGE SpellSchool : public StaticIdentifier<SpellSchool>
using Identifier<SpellSchool>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<SpellSchool>::StaticIdentifier;
static const SpellSchool ANY;
static const SpellSchool AIR;
@ -1005,10 +928,10 @@ public:
class DLL_LINKAGE GameResID : public IdentifierWithEnum<GameResID, GameResIDBase>
class DLL_LINKAGE GameResID : public StaticIdentifierWithEnum<GameResID, GameResIDBase>
using IdentifierWithEnum<GameResID, GameResIDBase>::IdentifierWithEnum;
using StaticIdentifierWithEnum<GameResID, GameResIDBase>::StaticIdentifierWithEnum;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(const si32 index);
@ -1029,12 +952,25 @@ public:
FactionID getFaction() const;
using Identifier<BuildingTypeUniqueID>::Identifier;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
FactionID faction = getFaction();
BuildingID building = getBuilding();
h & faction;
h & building;
if (!h.saving)
*this = BuildingTypeUniqueID(faction, building);
class DLL_LINKAGE CampaignScenarioID : public Identifier<CampaignScenarioID>
class DLL_LINKAGE CampaignScenarioID : public StaticIdentifier<CampaignScenarioID>
using Identifier<CampaignScenarioID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<CampaignScenarioID>::StaticIdentifier;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier);
static std::string encode(int32_t index);
@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
#pragma once
class IdentifierResolutionException : public std::runtime_error
const std::string identifierName;
IdentifierResolutionException(const std::string & identifierName )
: std::runtime_error("Failed to resolve identifier " + identifierName)
, identifierName(identifierName)
class IdentifierBase
@ -21,6 +34,11 @@ protected:
~IdentifierBase() = default;
/// Attempts to resolve identifier using provided entity type
/// Returns resolved numeric identifier
/// Throws IdentifierResolutionException on failure
static int32_t resolveIdentifier(const std::string & entityType, const std::string identifier);
int32_t num;
@ -42,11 +60,6 @@ public:
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & num;
constexpr void advance(int change)
num += change;
@ -62,3 +75,180 @@ public:
return os << dt.num;
// Note: use template to force different type, blocking any Identifier<A> <=> Identifier<B> comparisons
template<typename FinalClass>
class Identifier : public IdentifierBase
using BaseClass = IdentifierBase;
constexpr Identifier()
explicit constexpr Identifier(int32_t value):
constexpr bool operator == (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num == b.num; }
constexpr bool operator <= (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator >= (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator != (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num != b.num; }
constexpr bool operator < (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num < b.num; }
constexpr bool operator > (const Identifier & b) const { return BaseClass::num > b.num; }
constexpr FinalClass & operator++()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass & operator--()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass operator--(int)
FinalClass ret(num);
return ret;
constexpr FinalClass operator++(int)
FinalClass ret(num);
return ret;
template<typename FinalClass, typename BaseClass>
class IdentifierWithEnum : public BaseClass
using EnumType = typename BaseClass::Type;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>, int32_t>, "Entity Identifier must use int32_t");
constexpr EnumType toEnum() const
return static_cast<EnumType>(BaseClass::num);
constexpr IdentifierWithEnum(const EnumType & enumValue)
BaseClass::num = static_cast<int32_t>(enumValue);
constexpr IdentifierWithEnum(int32_t _num = -1)
BaseClass::num = _num;
constexpr bool operator == (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num == static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator <= (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator >= (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator != (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num != static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator < (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num < static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator > (const EnumType & b) const { return BaseClass::num > static_cast<int32_t>(b); }
constexpr bool operator == (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num == b.num; }
constexpr bool operator <= (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num <= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator >= (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num >= b.num; }
constexpr bool operator != (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num != b.num; }
constexpr bool operator < (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num < b.num; }
constexpr bool operator > (const IdentifierWithEnum & b) const { return BaseClass::num > b.num; }
constexpr FinalClass & operator++()
return static_cast<FinalClass&>(*this);
constexpr FinalClass operator++(int)
FinalClass ret(BaseClass::num);
return ret;
template<typename FinalClass>
class EntityIdentifier : public Identifier<FinalClass>
using Identifier<FinalClass>::Identifier;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
auto * finalClass = static_cast<FinalClass*>(this);
std::string value;
if (h.saving)
value = FinalClass::encode(finalClass->num);
h & value;
if (!h.saving)
finalClass->num = FinalClass::decode(value);
template<typename FinalClass, typename BaseClass>
class EntityIdentifierWithEnum : public IdentifierWithEnum<FinalClass, BaseClass>
using IdentifierWithEnum<FinalClass, BaseClass>::IdentifierWithEnum;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
auto * finalClass = static_cast<FinalClass*>(this);
std::string value;
if (h.saving)
value = FinalClass::encode(finalClass->num);
h & value;
if (!h.saving)
finalClass->num = FinalClass::decode(value);
template<typename FinalClass>
class StaticIdentifier : public Identifier<FinalClass>
using Identifier<FinalClass>::Identifier;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
auto * finalClass = static_cast<FinalClass*>(this);
h & finalClass->num;
template<typename FinalClass, typename BaseClass>
class StaticIdentifierWithEnum : public IdentifierWithEnum<FinalClass, BaseClass>
using IdentifierWithEnum<FinalClass, BaseClass>::IdentifierWithEnum;
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
auto * finalClass = static_cast<FinalClass*>(this);
h & finalClass->num;
@ -223,11 +223,6 @@ void CGameState::init(const IMapService * mapService, StartInfo * si, Load::Prog
// Explicitly initialize static variables
for(auto & elem : players)
CGKeys::playerKeyMap[elem.first] = std::set<MapObjectSubID>();
for(auto & elem : teams)
CGObelisk::visited[elem.first] = 0;
@ -1411,9 +1406,9 @@ bool CGameState::checkForVictory(const PlayerColor & player, const EventConditio
case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING:
if (condition.object) // specific town
if (condition.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) // specific town
const auto * t = dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(condition.object);
const auto * t = getTown(condition.objectID);
return (t->tempOwner == player && t->hasBuilt(condition.objectType.as<BuildingID>()));
else // any town
@ -1428,12 +1423,12 @@ bool CGameState::checkForVictory(const PlayerColor & player, const EventConditio
case EventCondition::DESTROY:
if (condition.object) // mode A - destroy specific object of this type
if (condition.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) // mode A - destroy specific object of this type
if(const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(condition.object))
if(const auto * hero = getHero(condition.objectID))
return boost::range::find(gs->map->heroesOnMap, hero) == gs->map->heroesOnMap.end();
return getObj(condition.object->id) == nullptr;
return getObj(condition.objectID) == nullptr;
@ -1451,9 +1446,9 @@ bool CGameState::checkForVictory(const PlayerColor & player, const EventConditio
// NOTE: cgameinfocallback specified explicitly in order to get const version
const auto & team = CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam(player)->players;
if (condition.object) // mode A - flag one specific object, like town
if (condition.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE) // mode A - flag one specific object, like town
return team.count(condition.object->tempOwner) != 0;
return team.count(getObjInstance(condition.objectID)->tempOwner) != 0;
@ -1468,7 +1463,7 @@ bool CGameState::checkForVictory(const PlayerColor & player, const EventConditio
case EventCondition::TRANSPORT:
const auto * t = dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(condition.object);
const auto * t = getTown(condition.objectID);
return (t->visitingHero && t->visitingHero->hasArt(condition.objectType.as<ArtifactID>())) ||
(t->garrisonHero && t->garrisonHero->hasArt(condition.objectType.as<ArtifactID>()));
@ -1793,11 +1793,8 @@ bool CGHeroInstance::isMissionCritical() const
auto const & testFunctor = [&](const EventCondition & condition)
if ((condition.condition == EventCondition::CONTROL) && condition.object)
const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(condition.object);
return (hero != this);
if ((condition.condition == EventCondition::CONTROL) && condition.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE)
return (id != condition.objectID);
if(condition.condition == EventCondition::IS_HUMAN)
return true;
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public:
h & subTypeName;
h & pos;
h & ID;
h & subID;
subID.serializeIdentifier(h, ID, version);
h & id;
h & tempOwner;
h & blockVisit;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h"
#include "../GameConstants.h"
#include "../constants/StringConstants.h"
#include "../CPlayerState.h"
#include "../CSkillHandler.h"
#include "../mapping/CMap.h"
#include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h"
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@
std::map <PlayerColor, std::set <MapObjectSubID> > CGKeys::playerKeyMap;
//TODO: Remove constructor
@ -777,24 +776,9 @@ void CGQuestGuard::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat & handler)
quest->serializeJson(handler, "quest");
void CGKeys::reset()
void CGKeys::setPropertyDer (ObjProperty what, ObjPropertyID identifier)
if (what == ObjProperty::KEYMASTER_VISITED)
logGlobal->error("Unexpected properties requested to set: what=%d, val=%d", static_cast<int>(what), identifier.getNum());
bool CGKeys::wasMyColorVisited(const PlayerColor & player) const
return playerKeyMap.count(player) && vstd::contains(playerKeyMap[player], subID);
return cb->getPlayerState(player)->visitedObjectsGlobal.count({ID, subID}) != 0;
std::string CGKeys::getHoverText(PlayerColor player) const
@ -817,7 +801,11 @@ void CGKeymasterTent::onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
int txt_id;
if (!wasMyColorVisited (h->getOwner()) )
cb->setObjPropertyID(id, ObjProperty::KEYMASTER_VISITED, h->tempOwner);
ChangeObjectVisitors cow;
cow.mode = ChangeObjectVisitors::VISITOR_GLOBAL;
cow.hero = h->id;
cow.object = id;
@ -168,11 +168,6 @@ protected:
class DLL_LINKAGE CGKeys : public CGObjectInstance //Base class for Keymaster and guards
static std::map <PlayerColor, std::set <MapObjectSubID> > playerKeyMap; //[players][keysowned]
//SubID 0 - lightblue, 1 - green, 2 - red, 3 - darkblue, 4 - brown, 5 - purple, 6 - white, 7 - black
static void reset();
bool wasMyColorVisited(const PlayerColor & player) const;
std::string getObjectName() const override; //depending on color
@ -182,8 +177,6 @@ public:
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
void setPropertyDer(ObjProperty what, ObjPropertyID identifier) override;
class DLL_LINKAGE CGKeymasterTent : public CGKeys
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
std::map <MapObjectSubID, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> > CGMagi::eyelist;
ui8 CGObelisk::obeliskCount = 0; //how many obelisks are on map
std::map<TeamID, ui8> CGObelisk::visited; //map: team_id => how many obelisks has been visited
@ -1003,26 +1002,27 @@ void CGGarrison::serializeJsonOptions(JsonSerializeFormat& handler)
void CGMagi::reset()
void CGMagi::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand)
if (ID == Obj::EYE_OF_MAGI)
blockVisit = true;
void CGMagi::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const
if (ID == Obj::HUT_OF_MAGI)
if (!eyelist[subID].empty())
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> eyes;
for (auto object : cb->gameState()->map->objects)
if (object && object->ID == Obj::EYE_OF_MAGI && object->subID == this->subID)
if (!eyes.empty())
CenterView cv;
cv.player = h->tempOwner;
@ -1033,10 +1033,8 @@ void CGMagi::onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const
fw.mode = ETileVisibility::REVEALED;
fw.waitForDialogs = true;
for(const auto & it : eyelist[subID])
for(const auto & eye : eyes)
const CGObjectInstance *eye = cb->getObj(it);
cb->getTilesInRange (fw.tiles, eye->pos, 10, ETileVisibility::HIDDEN, h->tempOwner);
cv.pos = eye->pos;
@ -338,10 +338,6 @@ protected:
class DLL_LINKAGE CGMagi : public CGObjectInstance
static std::map <MapObjectSubID, std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> > eyelist; //[subID][id], supports multiple sets as in H5
static void reset();
void initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) override;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const override;
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ public:
h & animationFile;
h & stringID;
h & id;
h & subid;
subid.serializeIdentifier(h, id, version);
h & printPriority;
h & visitDir;
h & editorAnimationFile;
@ -448,19 +448,19 @@ void CMap::checkForObjectives()
case EventCondition::HAVE_BUILDING:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN);
cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN)->id;
case EventCondition::CONTROL:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as<MapObjectID>());
cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as<MapObjectID>())->id;
if (cond.object)
if (cond.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE)
const auto * town = dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(cond.object);
const auto * town = dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(objects[cond.objectID].get());
if (town)
const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(cond.object);
const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(objects[cond.objectID].get());
if (hero)
@ -468,17 +468,17 @@ void CMap::checkForObjectives()
case EventCondition::DESTROY:
if (isInTheMap(cond.position))
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as<MapObjectID>());
cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, cond.objectType.as<MapObjectID>())->id;
if (cond.object)
if (cond.objectID != ObjectInstanceID::NONE)
const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(cond.object);
const auto * hero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(objects[cond.objectID].get());
if (hero)
case EventCondition::TRANSPORT:
cond.object = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN);
cond.objectID = getObjectiveObjectFrom(cond.position, Obj::TOWN)->id;
//break; case EventCondition::DAYS_PASSED:
//break; case EventCondition::IS_HUMAN:
@ -671,8 +671,6 @@ CMapEditManager * CMap::getEditManager()
void CMap::resetStaticData()
@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ public:
h & artInstances;
// static members
h & CGKeys::playerKeyMap;
h & CGMagi::eyelist;
h & CGObelisk::obeliskCount;
h & CGObelisk::visited;
h & CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts;
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ bool PlayerInfo::hasCustomMainHero() const
EventCondition::EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition):
position(-1, -1, -1),
@ -76,7 +75,6 @@ EventCondition::EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition):
EventCondition::EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition, si32 value, TargetTypeID objectType, const int3 & position):
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE EventCondition
EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition = STANDARD_WIN);
EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition, si32 value, TargetTypeID objectType, const int3 & position = int3(-1, -1, -1));
const CGObjectInstance * object; // object that was at specified position or with instance name on start
ObjectInstanceID objectID; // object that was at specified position or with instance name on start
si32 value;
TargetTypeID objectType;
std::string objectInstanceName;
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE EventCondition
template <typename Handler>
void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & object;
h & objectID;
h & value;
h & objectType;
h & position;
@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ void MapIdentifiersH3M::loadMapping(std::map<IdentifierID, IdentifierID> & resul
void MapIdentifiersH3M::loadMapping(const JsonNode & mapping)
if (!mapping["supported"].Bool())
throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported map format!");
for (auto entryFaction : mapping["buildings"].Struct())
FactionID factionID (*VLC->identifiers()->getIdentifier(entryFaction.second.meta, "faction", entryFaction.first));
@ -1061,6 +1061,12 @@ void ChangeObjectVisitors::applyGs(CGameState * gs) const
CGObjectInstance * objectPtr = gs->getObjInstance(object);
gs->getPlayerState(gs->getHero(hero)->tempOwner)->visitedObjectsGlobal.insert({objectPtr->ID, objectPtr->subID});
@ -1215,7 +1221,7 @@ void RemoveObject::applyGs(CGameState *gs)
auto patcher = [&](EventCondition cond) -> EventExpression::Variant
if (cond.object == obj)
if (cond.objectID == obj->id)
if (cond.condition == EventCondition::DESTROY)
@ -1488,7 +1494,7 @@ void NewObject::applyGs(CGameState *gs)
const TerrainTile & t = gs->map->getTile(targetPos);
terrainType = t.terType->getId();
auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID.getNum());
auto handler = VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID);
CGObjectInstance * o = handler->create();
handler->configureObject(o, gs->getRandomGenerator());
@ -1504,7 +1510,7 @@ void NewObject::applyGs(CGameState *gs)
cre->character = 2;
cre->gainedArtifact = ArtifactID::NONE;
cre->identifier = -1;
cre->addToSlot(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(subID.as<CreatureID>(), -1)); //add placeholder stack
cre->addToSlot(SlotID(0), new CStackInstance(subID.getNum(), -1)); //add placeholder stack
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ enum class ObjProperty : int8_t
//creature-bank specific
@ -53,10 +52,10 @@ enum class ObjProperty : int8_t
class NumericID : public Identifier<NumericID>
class NumericID : public StaticIdentifier<NumericID>
using Identifier<NumericID>::Identifier;
using StaticIdentifier<NumericID>::StaticIdentifier;
static si32 decode(const std::string & identifier)
@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE NewObject : public CPackForClient
/// Object ID to create
MapObjectID ID;
/// Object secondary ID to create
VariantIdentifier<MapObjectSubID, HeroTypeID, CreatureID, BoatId> subID;
MapObjectSubID subID;
/// Position of visitable tile of created object
int3 targetPos;
/// Which player initiated creation of this object
@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE NewObject : public CPackForClient
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version)
h & ID;
h & subID;
subID.serializeIdentifier(h, ID, version);
h & targetPos;
h & initiator;
@ -1247,10 +1247,11 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE ChangeObjectVisitors : public CPackForClient
VISITOR_ADD, // mark hero as one that have visited this object
VISITOR_ADD_TEAM, // mark team as one that have visited this object
VISITOR_GLOBAL, // mark player as one that have visited object of this type
VISITOR_REMOVE, // unmark visitor, reversed to ADD
VISITOR_CLEAR // clear all visitors from this object (object reset)
ui32 mode = VISITOR_CLEAR; // uses VisitMode enum
VisitMode mode = VISITOR_CLEAR; // uses VisitMode enum
ObjectInstanceID object;
ObjectInstanceID hero; // note: hero owner will be also marked as "visited" this object
@ -1260,7 +1261,7 @@ struct DLL_LINKAGE ChangeObjectVisitors : public CPackForClient
ChangeObjectVisitors() = default;
ChangeObjectVisitors(ui32 mode, const ObjectInstanceID & object, const ObjectInstanceID & heroID = ObjectInstanceID(-1))
ChangeObjectVisitors(VisitMode mode, const ObjectInstanceID & object, const ObjectInstanceID & heroID = ObjectInstanceID(-1))
: mode(mode)
, object(object)
, hero(heroID)
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
const std::string SAVEGAME_MAGIC = "VCMISVG";
class CHero;
@ -1802,9 +1802,20 @@ bool CGameHandler::load(const std::string & filename)
return false;
catch(const IdentifierResolutionException & e)
logGlobal->error("Failed to load game: %s", e.what());
MetaString errorMsg;
lobby->announceMessage(errorMsg.toString());//FIXME: should be localized on client side
return false;
catch(const std::exception & e)
logGlobal->error("Failed to load game: %s", e.what());
lobby->announceMessage(std::string("Failed to load game: ") + e.what());
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user