* fixed crash on sea battles (obstacles data got corrupted during conversion)
* fixed crash when StupidAI had a catapult
* minor fixes and refactorings (typename for bonus list under shared ptr)
* lib/ERMScriptModule.cpp
* lib/ERMScriptModule.h
* lib/CObstacleInstance.h
More jugglery with callbacks. Moving stuff from CGameState to CGameInfoCallback. Work on unified game events interface for player (AI or GUI) and script module. Directing events to ERM interpretetr, first attempts of calling some triggers. Crashy, if there any scripts.
Some other changes, including fighting amount of includes in includes and tracking of hero visits (need further work).
* THex for battle positions
* towards removal of battleGetStackByID
investigate the necessity of putting implementation of BattleAction CGlobalAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) in CGeniusAI.cpp