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* CGameInfoCallback.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CGameInfoCallback.h"
#include "gameState/CGameState.h"
#include "gameState/InfoAboutArmy.h"
#include "CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "StartInfo.h" // for StartInfo
#include "battle/BattleInfo.h" // for BattleInfo
#include "NetPacks.h" // for InfoWindow
#include "CModHandler.h"
#include "GameSettings.h"
#include "TerrainHandler.h"
#include "spells/CSpellHandler.h"
#include "mapping/CMap.h"
#include "CPlayerState.h"
//TODO make clean
#define ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(cond, verbose, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){if(verbose)logGlobal->error("%s: %s",BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION, txt); return retVal;}} while(0)
#define ERROR_RET_IF(cond, txt) do {if(cond){logGlobal->error("%s: %s", BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION, txt); return;}} while(0)
#define ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(cond, txt, retVal) do {if(cond){logGlobal->error("%s: %s", BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION, txt); return retVal;}} while(0)
PlayerColor CGameInfoCallback::getOwner(ObjectInstanceID heroID) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(heroID);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!obj, "No such object!", PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE);
return obj->tempOwner;
int CGameInfoCallback::getResource(PlayerColor Player, GameResID which) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayerState(Player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info!", -1);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(p->resources.size() <= which || which < 0, "No such resource!", -1);
return p->resources[which];
const PlayerSettings * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerSettings(PlayerColor color) const
return &gs->scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(color);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isAllowed(int32_t type, int32_t id) const
case 0:
return gs->map->allowedSpell[id];
case 1:
return gs->map->allowedArtifact[id];
case 2:
return gs->map->allowedAbilities[id];
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(1, "Wrong type!", false);
const Player * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayer(PlayerColor color) const
return getPlayerState(color, false);
const PlayerState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerState(PlayerColor color, bool verbose) const
//funtion written from scratch since it's accessed A LOT by AI
return nullptr;
auto player = gs->players.find(color);
if (player != gs->players.end())
if (hasAccess(color))
return &player->second;
if (verbose)
logGlobal->error("Cannot access player %d info!", color);
return nullptr;
if (verbose)
logGlobal->error("Cannot find player %d info!", color);
return nullptr;
const CTown * CGameInfoCallback::getNativeTown(PlayerColor color) const
const PlayerSettings *ps = getPlayerSettings(color);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!ps, "There is no such player!", nullptr);
return (*VLC->townh)[ps->castle]->town;
const CGObjectInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getObjByQuestIdentifier(int identifier) const
//assume that it is VCMI map and quest identifier equals instance identifier
return getObj(ObjectInstanceID(identifier), true);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!vstd::contains(gs->map->questIdentifierToId, identifier), "There is no object with such quest identifier!", nullptr);
return getObj(gs->map->questIdentifierToId[identifier]);
/* */
const CGObjectInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getObj(ObjectInstanceID objid, bool verbose) const
si32 oid = objid.num;
if(oid < 0 || oid >= gs->map->objects.size())
logGlobal->error("Cannot get object with id %d", oid);
return nullptr;
const CGObjectInstance *ret = gs->map->objects[oid];
logGlobal->error("Cannot get object with id %d. Object was removed", oid);
return nullptr;
if(!isVisible(ret, player) && ret->tempOwner != player)
logGlobal->error("Cannot get object with id %d. Object is not visible.", oid);
return nullptr;
return ret;
const CGHeroInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getHero(ObjectInstanceID objid) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false);
return dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(obj);
return nullptr;
const CGTownInstance* CGameInfoCallback::getTown(ObjectInstanceID objid) const
const CGObjectInstance *obj = getObj(objid, false);
return dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance*>(obj);
return nullptr;
void CGameInfoCallback::fillUpgradeInfo(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos, UpgradeInfo &out) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_IF(!canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about not owned object!");
ERROR_RET_IF(!obj->hasStackAtSlot(stackPos), "There is no such stack!");
gs->fillUpgradeInfo(obj, stackPos, out);
//return gs->fillUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(stackPos));
const StartInfo * CGameInfoCallback::getStartInfo(bool beforeRandomization) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->initialOpts;
return gs->scenarioOps;
int32_t CGameInfoCallback::getSpellCost(const spells::Spell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(caster), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1);
//if there is a battle
return gs->curB->battleGetSpellCost(sp, caster);
//if there is no battle
return caster->getSpellCost(sp);
int64_t CGameInfoCallback::estimateSpellDamage(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * hero) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(hero && !canGetFullInfo(hero), "Cannot get info about caster!", -1);
if(hero) //we see hero's spellbook
return sp->calculateDamage(hero);
return 0; //mage guild
void CGameInfoCallback::getThievesGuildInfo(SThievesGuildInfo & thi, const CGObjectInstance * obj)
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_IF(!obj, "No guild object!");
ERROR_RET_IF(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN && !canGetFullInfo(obj), "Cannot get info about town guild object!");
//TODO: advmap object -> check if they're visited by our hero
if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN || obj->ID == Obj::TAVERN)
int taverns = 0;
for(auto town : gs->players[*player].towns)
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, taverns);
else if(obj->ID == Obj::DEN_OF_THIEVES)
gs->obtainPlayersStats(thi, 20);
int CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(PlayerColor Player) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!hasAccess(Player), "Access forbidden!", -1);
return static_cast<int>(gs->players[Player].towns.size());
bool CGameInfoCallback::getTownInfo(const CGObjectInstance * town, InfoAboutTown & dest, const CGObjectInstance * selectedObject) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(town, player), "Town is not visible!", false); //it's not a town or it's not visible for layer
bool detailed = hasAccess(town->tempOwner);
if(town->ID == Obj::TOWN)
if(!detailed && nullptr != selectedObject)
const auto * selectedHero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(selectedObject);
if(nullptr != selectedHero)
detailed = selectedHero->hasVisions(town, 1);
dest.initFromTown(dynamic_cast<const CGTownInstance *>(town), detailed);
else if(town->ID == Obj::GARRISON || town->ID == Obj::GARRISON2)
dest.initFromArmy(dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance *>(town), detailed);
return false;
return true;
int3 CGameInfoCallback::guardingCreaturePosition (int3 pos) const //FIXME: redundant?
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(pos), "Tile is not visible!", int3(-1,-1,-1));
return gs->guardingCreaturePosition(pos);
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance*> CGameInfoCallback::getGuardingCreatures (int3 pos) const
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(pos), "Tile is not visible!", std::vector<const CGObjectInstance*>());
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance*> ret;
for(auto * cr : gs->guardingCreatures(pos))
return ret;
bool CGameInfoCallback::getHeroInfo(const CGObjectInstance * hero, InfoAboutHero & dest, const CGObjectInstance * selectedObject) const
const auto * h = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(hero);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!h, "That's not a hero!", false);
InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel infoLevel = InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::BASIC;
infoLevel = InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::DETAILED;
if (infoLevel == InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::BASIC)
if(gs->curB && gs->curB->playerHasAccessToHeroInfo(*player, h)) //if it's battle we can get enemy hero full data
infoLevel = InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::INBATTLE;
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isVisible(h->visitablePos()), "That hero is not visible!", false);
if( (infoLevel == InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::BASIC) && nullptr != selectedObject)
const auto * selectedHero = dynamic_cast<const CGHeroInstance *>(selectedObject);
if(nullptr != selectedHero)
if(selectedHero->hasVisions(hero, 1))
infoLevel = InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::DETAILED;
dest.initFromHero(h, infoLevel);
//DISGUISED bonus implementation
if(getPlayerRelations(getLocalPlayer(), hero->tempOwner) == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)
//todo: bonus cashing
int disguiseLevel = h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(BonusType::DISGUISED, 0));
auto doBasicDisguise = [](InfoAboutHero & info)
int maxAIValue = 0;
const CCreature * mostStrong = nullptr;
for(auto & elem : info.army)
if(static_cast<int>(elem.second.type->getAIValue()) > maxAIValue)
maxAIValue = elem.second.type->getAIValue();
mostStrong = elem.second.type;
if(nullptr == mostStrong)//just in case
logGlobal->error("CGameInfoCallback::getHeroInfo: Unable to select most strong stack");
for(auto & elem : info.army)
elem.second.type = mostStrong;
auto doAdvancedDisguise = [&doBasicDisguise](InfoAboutHero & info)
for(auto & elem : info.army)
elem.second.count = 0;
auto doExpertDisguise = [this,h](InfoAboutHero & info)
for(auto & elem : info.army)
elem.second.count = 0;
const auto factionIndex = getStartInfo(false)->playerInfos.at(h->tempOwner).castle;
int maxAIValue = 0;
const CCreature * mostStrong = nullptr;
for(auto creature : VLC->creh->objects)
if(creature->getFaction() == factionIndex && static_cast<int>(creature->getAIValue()) > maxAIValue)
maxAIValue = creature->getAIValue();
mostStrong = creature;
if(nullptr != mostStrong) //possible, faction may have no creatures at all
for(auto & elem : info.army)
elem.second.type = mostStrong;
switch (disguiseLevel)
case 0:
//no bonus at all - do nothing
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
//invalid value
logGlobal->error("CGameInfoCallback::getHeroInfo: Invalid DISGUISED bonus value %d", disguiseLevel);
return true;
int CGameInfoCallback::getDate(Date::EDateType mode) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->getDate(mode);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos, const std::optional<PlayerColor> & Player) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->isVisible(pos, Player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(int3 pos) const
return isVisible(pos, player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const std::optional<PlayerColor> & Player) const
return gs->isVisible(obj, Player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isVisible(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return isVisible(obj, player);
// const CCreatureSet* CInfoCallback::getGarrison(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
// {
// //boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
// if()
// const CArmedInstance *armi = dynamic_cast<const CArmedInstance*>(obj);
// if(!armi)
// return nullptr;
// else
// return armi;
// }
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getBlockingObjs( int3 pos ) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret);
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : t->blockingObjects)
return ret;
std::vector <const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getVisitableObjs(int3 pos, bool verbose) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos, verbose);
ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!t, verbose, pos.toString() + " is not visible!", ret);
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : t->visitableObjects)
if(player || obj->ID != Obj::EVENT) //hide events from players
return ret;
const CGObjectInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getTopObj (int3 pos) const
return vstd::backOrNull(getVisitableObjs(pos));
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CGameInfoCallback::getFlaggableObjects(int3 pos) const
std::vector<const CGObjectInstance *> ret;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(pos);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!t, "Not a valid tile requested!", ret);
for(const CGObjectInstance *obj : t->blockingObjects)
if(obj->tempOwner != PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE)
return ret;
int3 CGameInfoCallback::getMapSize() const
return int3(gs->map->width, gs->map->height, gs->map->twoLevel ? 2 : 1);
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> CGameInfoCallback::getAvailableHeroes(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
std::vector<const CGHeroInstance *> ret;
//ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!isOwnedOrVisited(townOrTavern), "Town or tavern must be owned or visited!", ret);
//TODO: town needs to be owned, advmap tavern needs to be visited; to be reimplemented when visit tracking is done
const CGTownInstance * town = getTown(townOrTavern->id);
if(townOrTavern->ID == Obj::TAVERN || (town && town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::TAVERN)))
range::copy(gs->players[*player].availableHeroes, std::back_inserter(ret));
vstd::erase_if(ret, [](const CGHeroInstance * h) {
return h == nullptr;
return ret;
const TerrainTile * CGameInfoCallback::getTile( int3 tile, bool verbose) const
return &gs->map->getTile(tile);
logGlobal->error("\r\n%s: %s\r\n", BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION, tile.toString() + " is not visible!");
return nullptr;
EDiggingStatus CGameInfoCallback::getTileDigStatus(int3 tile, bool verbose) const
return EDiggingStatus::UNKNOWN;
for(const auto & object : gs->map->objects)
if(object && object->ID == Obj::HOLE && object->pos == tile)
return EDiggingStatus::TILE_OCCUPIED;
return getTile(tile)->getDiggingStatus();
//TODO: typedef?
std::shared_ptr<const boost::multi_array<TerrainTile*, 3>> CGameInfoCallback::getAllVisibleTiles() const
const auto * team = getPlayerTeam(player.value());
size_t width = gs->map->width;
size_t height = gs->map->height;
size_t levels = gs->map->levels();
auto * ptr = new boost::multi_array<TerrainTile *, 3>(boost::extents[levels][width][height]);
int3 tile;
for(tile.z = 0; tile.z < levels; tile.z++)
for(tile.x = 0; tile.x < width; tile.x++)
for(tile.y = 0; tile.y < height; tile.y++)
if ((*team->fogOfWarMap)[tile.z][tile.x][tile.y])
(*ptr)[tile.z][tile.x][tile.y] = &gs->map->getTile(tile);
(*ptr)[tile.z][tile.x][tile.y] = nullptr;
return std::shared_ptr<const boost::multi_array<TerrainTile*, 3>>(ptr);
EBuildingState::EBuildingState CGameInfoCallback::canBuildStructure( const CGTownInstance *t, BuildingID ID )
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!canGetFullInfo(t), "Town is not owned!", EBuildingState::TOWN_NOT_OWNED);
return EBuildingState::BUILDING_ERROR;
const CBuilding * building = t->town->buildings.at(ID);
if(t->hasBuilt(ID)) //already built
return EBuildingState::ALREADY_PRESENT;
//can we build it?
if(vstd::contains(t->forbiddenBuildings, ID))
return EBuildingState::FORBIDDEN; //forbidden
auto possiblyNotBuiltTest = [&](const BuildingID & id) -> bool
return ((id == BuildingID::CAPITOL) ? true : !t->hasBuilt(id));
std::function<bool(BuildingID id)> allowedTest = [&](const BuildingID & id) -> bool
return !vstd::contains(t->forbiddenBuildings, id);
if (!t->genBuildingRequirements(ID, true).satisfiable(allowedTest, possiblyNotBuiltTest))
return EBuildingState::FORBIDDEN;
if(ID == BuildingID::CAPITOL)
const PlayerState *ps = getPlayerState(t->tempOwner, false);
for(const CGTownInstance *town : ps->towns)
return EBuildingState::HAVE_CAPITAL; //no more than one capitol
else if(ID == BuildingID::SHIPYARD)
const TerrainTile *tile = getTile(t->bestLocation(), false);
if(!tile || tile->terType->isLand())
return EBuildingState::NO_WATER; //lack of water
auto buildTest = [&](const BuildingID & id) -> bool
return t->hasBuilt(id);
if (!t->genBuildingRequirements(ID).test(buildTest))
return EBuildingState::PREREQUIRES;
if(t->builded >= VLC->settings()->getInteger(EGameSettings::TOWNS_BUILDINGS_PER_TURN_CAP))
return EBuildingState::CANT_BUILD_TODAY; //building limit
//checking resources
return EBuildingState::NO_RESOURCES; //lack of res
return EBuildingState::ALLOWED;
const CMapHeader * CGameInfoCallback::getMapHeader() const
return gs->map;
bool CGameInfoCallback::hasAccess(std::optional<PlayerColor> playerId) const
return !player || player->isSpectator() || gs->getPlayerRelations(*playerId, *player) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES;
EPlayerStatus::EStatus CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerStatus(PlayerColor player, bool verbose) const
const PlayerState *ps = gs->getPlayerState(player, verbose);
ERROR_VERBOSE_OR_NOT_RET_VAL_IF(!ps, verbose, "No such player!", EPlayerStatus::WRONG);
return ps->status;
std::string CGameInfoCallback::getTavernRumor(const CGObjectInstance * townOrTavern) const
std::string text;
std::string extraText;
if(gs->rumor.type == RumorState::TYPE_NONE)
return text;
auto rumor = gs->rumor.last[gs->rumor.type];
case RumorState::TYPE_SPECIAL:
if(rumor.first == RumorState::RUMOR_GRAIL)
extraText = VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[158 + rumor.second];
extraText = VLC->generaltexth->capColors[rumor.second];
text = boost::str(boost::format(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[rumor.first]) % extraText);
case RumorState::TYPE_MAP:
text = gs->map->rumors[rumor.first].text;
case RumorState::TYPE_RAND:
text = VLC->generaltexth->tavernRumors[rumor.first];
return text;
PlayerRelations::PlayerRelations CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerRelations( PlayerColor color1, PlayerColor color2 ) const
return gs->getPlayerRelations(color1, color2);
bool CGameInfoCallback::canGetFullInfo(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return !obj || hasAccess(obj->tempOwner);
int CGameInfoCallback::getHeroCount( PlayerColor player, bool includeGarrisoned ) const
int ret = 0;
const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayerState(player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No such player!", -1);
return static_cast<int>(p->heroes.size());
for(const auto & elem : p->heroes)
return ret;
bool CGameInfoCallback::isOwnedOrVisited(const CGObjectInstance *obj) const
return true;
const TerrainTile *t = getTile(obj->visitablePos()); //get entrance tile
const CGObjectInstance *visitor = t->visitableObjects.back(); //visitong hero if present or the obejct itself at last
return visitor->ID == Obj::HERO && canGetFullInfo(visitor); //owned or allied hero is a visitor
PlayerColor CGameInfoCallback::getCurrentPlayer() const
return gs->currentPlayer;
CGameInfoCallback::CGameInfoCallback(CGameState * GS, std::optional<PlayerColor> Player):
player = std::move(Player);
std::shared_ptr<const boost::multi_array<ui8, 3>> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getVisibilityMap() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
return gs->getPlayerTeam(*player)->fogOfWarMap;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyTowns() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!player, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return CGameInfoCallback::howManyTowns(*player);
std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownsInfo(bool onlyOur) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
std::vector < const CGTownInstance *> ret = std::vector < const CGTownInstance *>();
for(const auto & i : gs->players)
for(const auto & town : i.second.towns)
if(i.first == player || (!onlyOur && isVisible(town, player)))
} // for ( std::map<int, PlayerState>::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroesInfo(bool onlyOur) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
std::vector < const CGHeroInstance *> ret;
for(auto hero : gs->map->heroesOnMap)
// !player || // - why would we even get access to hero not owned by any player?
if((hero->tempOwner == *player) ||
(isVisible(hero->visitablePos(), player) && !onlyOur) )
return ret;
std::optional<PlayerColor> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyColor() const
return player;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroSerial(const CGHeroInstance * hero, bool includeGarrisoned) const
if (hero->inTownGarrison && !includeGarrisoned)
return -1;
size_t index = 0;
auto & heroes = gs->players[*player].heroes;
for (auto & heroe : heroes)
if (includeGarrisoned || !(heroe)->inTownGarrison)
if (heroe == hero)
return static_cast<int>(index);
return -1;
int3 CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getGrailPos( double *outKnownRatio )
if (!player || CGObelisk::obeliskCount == 0)
*outKnownRatio = 0.0;
TeamID t = gs->getPlayerTeam(*player)->id;
double visited = 0.0;
visited = static_cast<double>(CGObelisk::visited[t]);
*outKnownRatio = visited / CGObelisk::obeliskCount;
return gs->map->grailPos;
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyObjects() const
std::vector < const CGObjectInstance * > ret;
for(const CGObjectInstance * obj : gs->map->objects)
if(obj && obj->tempOwner == player)
return ret;
std::vector < const CGDwelling * > CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyDwellings() const
std::vector < const CGDwelling * > ret;
for(CGDwelling * dw : gs->getPlayerState(*player)->dwellings)
return ret;
std::vector <QuestInfo> CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getMyQuests() const
std::vector <QuestInfo> ret;
for(const auto & quest : gs->getPlayerState(*player)->quests)
ret.push_back (quest);
return ret;
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::howManyHeroes(bool includeGarrisoned) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!player, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return getHeroCount(*player,includeGarrisoned);
const CGHeroInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getHeroBySerial(int serialId, bool includeGarrisoned) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayerState(*player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", nullptr);
if (!includeGarrisoned)
for(ui32 i = 0; i < p->heroes.size() && static_cast<int>(i) <= serialId; i++)
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->heroes.size(), "No player info", nullptr);
return p->heroes[serialId];
const CGTownInstance* CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownBySerial(int serialId) const
const PlayerState *p = getPlayerState(*player);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!p, "No player info", nullptr);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(serialId < 0 || serialId >= p->towns.size(), "No player info", nullptr);
return p->towns[serialId];
int CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount(GameResID type) const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!player, "Applicable only for player callbacks", -1);
return getResource(*player, type);
TResources CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getResourceAmount() const
//boost::shared_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock(*gs->mx);
ERROR_RET_VAL_IF(!player, "Applicable only for player callbacks", TResources());
return gs->players[*player].resources;
const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getTeam( TeamID teamID ) const
//rewritten by hand, AI calls this function a lot
auto team = gs->teams.find(teamID);
if (team != gs->teams.end())
const TeamState *ret = &team->second;
if(!player.has_value()) //neutral (or invalid) player
return ret;
if (vstd::contains(ret->players, *player)) //specific player
return ret;
logGlobal->error("Illegal attempt to access team data!");
return nullptr;
logGlobal->error("Cannot find info for team %d", teamID);
return nullptr;
const TeamState * CGameInfoCallback::getPlayerTeam( PlayerColor color ) const
auto player = gs->players.find(color);
if (player != gs->players.end())
return getTeam (player->second.team);
return nullptr;
const CGHeroInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getHeroWithSubid( int subid ) const
return nullptr;
if(subid>= gs->map->allHeroes.size())
return nullptr;
return gs->map->allHeroes.at(subid).get();
PlayerColor CGameInfoCallback::getLocalPlayer() const
return getCurrentPlayer();
bool CGameInfoCallback::isInTheMap(const int3 &pos) const
return gs->map->isInTheMap(pos);
void CGameInfoCallback::getVisibleTilesInRange(std::unordered_set<int3> &tiles, int3 pos, int radious, int3::EDistanceFormula distanceFormula) const
gs->getTilesInRange(tiles, pos, radious, getLocalPlayer(), -1, distanceFormula);
void CGameInfoCallback::calculatePaths(const std::shared_ptr<PathfinderConfig> & config)
void CGameInfoCallback::calculatePaths( const CGHeroInstance *hero, CPathsInfo &out)
gs->calculatePaths(hero, out);
const CArtifactInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getArtInstance( ArtifactInstanceID aid ) const
return gs->map->artInstances[aid.num];
const CGObjectInstance * CGameInfoCallback::getObjInstance( ObjectInstanceID oid ) const
return gs->map->objects[oid.num];
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> CGameInfoCallback::getVisibleTeleportObjects(std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> ids, PlayerColor player) const
vstd::erase_if(ids, [&](const ObjectInstanceID & id) -> bool
const auto * obj = getObj(id, false);
return player != PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE && (!obj || !isVisible(obj->pos, player));
return ids;
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> CGameInfoCallback::getTeleportChannelEntraces(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
return getVisibleTeleportObjects(gs->map->teleportChannels[id]->entrances, player);
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> CGameInfoCallback::getTeleportChannelExits(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
return getVisibleTeleportObjects(gs->map->teleportChannels[id]->exits, player);
ETeleportChannelType CGameInfoCallback::getTeleportChannelType(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> entrances = getTeleportChannelEntraces(id, player);
std::vector<ObjectInstanceID> exits = getTeleportChannelExits(id, player);
if((entrances.empty() || exits.empty()) // impassable if exits or entrances list are empty
|| (entrances.size() == 1 && entrances == exits)) // impassable if only entrance and only exit is same object. e.g bidirectional monolith
return ETeleportChannelType::IMPASSABLE;
auto intersection = vstd::intersection(entrances, exits);
if(intersection.size() == entrances.size() && intersection.size() == exits.size())
return ETeleportChannelType::BIDIRECTIONAL;
else if(intersection.empty())
return ETeleportChannelType::UNIDIRECTIONAL;
return ETeleportChannelType::MIXED;
bool CGameInfoCallback::isTeleportChannelImpassable(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
return ETeleportChannelType::IMPASSABLE == getTeleportChannelType(id, player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isTeleportChannelBidirectional(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
return ETeleportChannelType::BIDIRECTIONAL == getTeleportChannelType(id, player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isTeleportChannelUnidirectional(TeleportChannelID id, PlayerColor player) const
return ETeleportChannelType::UNIDIRECTIONAL == getTeleportChannelType(id, player);
bool CGameInfoCallback::isTeleportEntrancePassable(const CGTeleport * obj, PlayerColor player) const
return obj && obj->isEntrance() && !isTeleportChannelImpassable(obj->channel, player);