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See also: Client Commands

Similar to H3, VCMI provides cheat codes to make testing game more convenient.

To use cheat code, press Tab key or click/tap on status bar to open game chat and enter code. Most cheat codes have several alternative names, including name of this cheat code in H3:SoD

List of cheat codes


nwcthereisnospoon or vcmiistari or vcmispells - give a spell book, all spells and 999 mana to currently selected hero


nwctrinity or vcmiainur or vcmiarchangel - give 5 Archangels in every empty slot (to currently selected hero)
nwcagents or vcmiangband or vcmiblackknight - give 10 black knight in every empty slot
vcmiglaurung or vcmicrystal - give 5000 crystal dragons in every empty slot
vcmiazure - give 5000 azure dragons in every empty slot
vcmifaerie - give 5000 faerie dragons in every empty slot

Alternative usage: vcmiarmy <creatureID> <amount> Gives specific creature in every slot, with optional amount. Examples: vcmiarmy imp - give 5, 50, 500... 500k imps in every free slot vcmiarmy grandElf 100 - gives 100 grand elves in every free slot

Town buildings

nwczion or vcmiarmenelos or vcmibuild - build all buildings in currently selected town


nwclotsofguns or vcminoldor or vcmimachines - give ballista, ammo cart and first aid tent
vcmiforgeofnoldorking or vcmiartifacts - give all artifacts, except spell book, spell scrolls and war machines. Artifacts added via mods included

Movement points

nwcnebuchadnezzar or vcminahar or vcmimove - give 1000000 movement points and free ship boarding for 1 day
Alternative usage: vcmimove <amount> - gives specified amount of movement points


nwctheconstruct or vcmiformenos or vcmiresources - give resources (100000 gold, 100 of wood, ore and rare resources)
Alternative usage: vcmiresources <amount> - gives specified amount of all resources and x1000 of gold

Fog of War

nwcwhatisthematrix or vcmieagles or vcmimap - reveal Fog of War
nwcignoranceisbliss or vcmiungoliant or vcmihidemap - conceal Fog of War


nwcneo or vcmiglorfindel or vcmilevel - advances currently selected hero to the next level Alternative usage: vcmilevel <amount> - advances hero by specified number of levels

  • vcmiolorin or vcmiexp - gives selected hero 10000 experience Alternative usage: vcmiexp <amount> - gives selected hero specified amount of experience

Finishing the game

nwcredpill or vcmisilmaril or vcmiwin - player wins
nwcbluepill or vcmimelkor or vcmilose - player loses

Using cheat codes on other players

By default, all cheat codes apply to current player. Alternatively, it is possible to specify player that you want to target:

  • Specific players: red/blue/green...
  • Only AI players: ai
  • All players: all


vcmieagles blue - reveal FoW only for blue player
vcmieagles ai - reveal FoW only for AI players
vcmieagles all - reveal FoW for all players on map
vcminahar ai - give 1000000 movement points to each hero of every AI player

Multiplayer chat commands

Note: These commands are not a cheats, and can be used in multiplayer by host player to control the session

  • game exit/quit/end - finish the game
  • game save <filename> - save the game into the specified file
  • game kick red/blue/tan/green/orange/purple/teal/pink - kick player of specified color from the game
  • game kick 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 - kick player of specified ID from the game (zero indexed!) (0: red, 1: blue, tan: 2, green: 3, orange: 4, purple: 5, teal: 6, pink: 7)