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Faction Format

This page tells you what you need to do to make your faction work. For help, tips and advices, read the faction help.

Required data

In order to make functional town, you also need:


  • Creature backgrounds images, 120x100 and 130x100 versions (2 images)

  • Set of puzzle map pieces (48 images)

  • Background scenery (1 image)

  • Mage guild window view (1 image)

  • Town hall background (1 image)

  • Set of town icons, consists from all possible combinations of: (8 images total)

    • small and big icons
    • village and fort icons
    • built and normal icons
  • Set for castle siege screen, consists from:

    • Background (1 image)
    • Destructible towers (3 parts, 3 images each)
    • Destructible walls (4 parts, 3 images each)
    • Static walls (3 images)
    • Town gates (5 images)
    • Moat (2 images)


  • Adventure map images for village, town and capitol (3 def files)


  • Town theme music track (at least 1 music file)


Each town requires a set of buildings (Around 30-45 buildings)

  • Town animation file (1 animation file)
  • Selection highlight (1 image)
  • Selection area (1 image)
  • Town hall icon (1 image)

Faction node (root entry for town configuration)

// Unique faction identifier.
"myFaction" :
	// Main part of town description, see below
	// Optional but it should be present for playable faction
	"town" : { ... },

	// Native terrain for creatures. Creatures fighting on native terrain receive several bonuses
	"nativeTerrain" : "grass",

	// Localizable faction name, e.g. "Rampart"
	"name" : "", 

	// Description of town (e.g. history or story about town)
	"description" : "",

	// Faction alignment. Can be good, neutral (default) or evil.
	"alignment" : "",

	// Backgrounds for creature screen, two versions: 120px-height and 130-px height
		// Paths to background images
		"120px" : "",
		"130px" : ""
	// Identifier of boat type that is produced by shipyard and used by heroes in water taverns or prisons
	"boat" : "boatFortress",
	// Random map generator places player/cpu-owned towns underground if true is specified and on the ground otherwise. Parameter is unused for maps without underground.
	"preferUndergroundPlacement" : false
	// Optional, if set to true then faction cannot be selected on game start and will not be used for "random town" object
	"special" : false

	// Town puzzle map
	"puzzleMap" :
		// Prefix for image names, e.g. "PUZCAS" for name "PUZCAS12.png"
		"prefix" : "", 
		// List of map pieces. First image will have name <prefix>00, second - <prefix>01 and so on
		"pieces" :
				// Position of image on screen
				"x" : 0
				"y" : 0

				//indicates order in which this image will be opened
				"index" : 0 

Town node

	// Field that describes behavior of map object part of town. Town-specific part of object format
	"mapObject" : 
		// Optional, controls what template will be used to display this object.
		// Whenever player builds a building in town game will test all applicable templates using
		// tests with matching name and on success - set such template as active.
		// There are 3 predefined filters: "village", "fort" and "capitol" that emulate H3 behavior
		"filter" : {
			"capitol" : [ "anyOf", [ "capitol" ], [ "castle" ] ]

		// List of templates that represent this object. For towns only animation is required
		// See object template description for other fields that can be used.
		"templates" : {
			"village" : { "animation" : "" },
			"castle"  : { "animation" : "" },
			"capitol" : { "animation" : "" }

	//icons, small and big. Built versions indicate constructed during this turn building.
	"icons" : 
		"village" : {
			"normal" : {
				"small" : "modname/icons/hall-small.bmp",
				"large" : "modname/icons/hall-big.bmp"
			"built" : {
				"small" : "modname/icons/hall-builded-small.bmp",
				"large" : "modname/icons/hall-builded-big.bmp"
		"fort" : {
			"normal" : {
				"small" : "modname/icons/fort-small.bmp",
				"large" : "modname/icons/fort-big.bmp"
			"built" : {
				"small" : "modname/icons/fort-builded-small.bmp",
				"large" : "modname/icons/fort-builded-big.bmp"
	// List of town music themes, e.g. [ "music/castleTheme" ]
	// At least one music file is required
	"musicTheme" : [ "" ],

	// List of structures which represents visible graphical objects on town screen.
	// See detailed description below
	"structures" : 
		"building1" : { ... },
		"building9" : { ... } 

	// List of names for towns on adventure map e.g. "Dunwall", "Whitestone"
	// Does not have any size limitations
	"names" : [ "", ""],

	// Background scenery for town screen, size must be 800x374
	"townBackground": "",

	// Small scenery for window in mage guild screen
	"guildWindow": "",

	// Background image for window in mage guild screen
	"guildBackground" : "",

	// Video for tavern window
	"tavernVideo" : "",
	// Path to building icons for town hall
	"buildingsIcons": "HALLCSTL.DEF", 

	// Background image for town hall window
	"hallBackground": "",

	// List of buildings available in each slot of town hall window
	// Note that size of gui is limited to 5 rows and 4 columns
		[ [ "buildingID1" ], [ "buildingID2", "buildingID3" ] ],
	// List of creatures available on each tier. Number of creatures on each tier
	// is not hardcoded but it should match with number of dwelling for each level.
	// For example structure below would need buildings with these id's:
	// first tier: 30 and 37, second tier: 31, third tier: 32, 39, 46
	"creatures" :
		["centaur", "captainCentaur"],
		["elf", "grandElf", "sharpshooter"],

	// Buildings, objects in town that affect mechanics. See detailed description below
	"buildings" : 
		"building1" : { ... },
		"building9" : { ... } 
	// Description of siege screen, see below
	"siege" : { ... },

	// Chance for a hero class to appear in this town, creates pair with same field in class format 
	// Used for situations where chance was not set in "tavern" field, chance will be determined as:
	// square root( town tavern chance * hero class tavern chance )
	"defaultTavern" : 5,

	// Chance of specific hero class to appear in this town
	// Mirrored version of field "tavern" from hero class format
	"tavern" :
		"knight" : 5,
		"druid"  : 6

	// Chance of specific spell to appear in mages guild of this town
	// If spell is missing or set to 0 it will not appear unless set as "always present" in editor
	// Spells from unavailable levels are not required to be in this list
	"guildSpells" :
		"magicArrow" : 30,
		"bless"  : 10

	// Which tiers in this town have creature hordes. Set to -1 to disable horde(s)
	"horde" : [ 2, -1 ], 

	// Resource given by starting bonus. If not set silo will produce wood + ore
	"primaryResource" : "gems", 

	// maximum level of mage guild
	"mageGuild" : 4,

	// Identifier of spell that will create effects for town moat during siege
	"moatAbility" : "castleMoat"

Siege node

// Describes town siege screen
// Comments in the end of each graphic position indicate specify required suffix for image
// Note: one not included image is battlefield background with suffix "BACK"
	// shooter creature name
	"shooter" : "archer",

	// Large icon of towers, for use in battle queue
	"towerIconLarge" : "",

	// (Small icon of towers, for use in battle queue
	"towerIconSmall" : "",

	// Prefix for all siege images. Final name will be composed as <prefix><suffix>
	"imagePrefix" : "SGCS",

	// Descriptions for towers. Each tower consist from 3 parts:
	// tower itself - two images with untouched and destroyed towers
	// battlement or creature cover - section displayed on top of creature
	// creature using type from "shooter" field above
		// Top tower description
		"top" :
			"tower" :      { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "TW21" ... "TW22"
			"battlement" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "TW2C"
			"creature" :   { "x": 0, "y": 0}
		// Central keep description
		"keep" :
			"tower" :      { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "MAN1" ... "MAN2"
			"battlement" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "MANC"
			"creature" :   { "x": 0, "y": 0}
		// Bottom tower description
		"bottom" :
			"tower" :      { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "TW11" ... "TW12"
			"battlement" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "TW1C"
			"creature" :   { "x": 0, "y": 0}
	// Two parts of gate: gate itself and arch above it
	"gate" :
		"gate" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "DRW1" ... "DRW3" and "DRWC" (rope)
		"arch" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}  // "ARCH"
	// Destructible walls. In this example they are ordered from top to bottom
	// Each of them consist from 3 files: undestroyed, damaged, destroyed
	"walls" : 
		"upper"     : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "WA61" ... "WA63"
		"upperMid"  : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "WA41" ... "WA43"
		"bottomMid" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "WA31" ... "WA33"
		"bottom"    : { "x": 0, "y": 0}  // "WA11" ... "WA13"

	// Two pieces for moat: moat itself and moat bank
	"moat" :
		"bank" : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 }, // "MOAT"
		"moat" : { "x" : 0, "y" : 0 }  // "MLIP"

	// Static non-destructible walls. All of them have only one piece
	"static" : 
		// Section between two bottom destructible walls
		"bottom" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "WA2"

		// Section between two top destructible walls
		"top" : { "x": 0, "y": 0}, // "WA5"

		// Topmost wall located behind hero
		"background" : { "x": 0, "y": 0} // "TPWL"

Building node

See Town Building Format

Structure node

See Town Building Format