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synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
- Creature window allows to pass stack artifact to hero - Fixes for Mana Drain, including #916
142 lines
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142 lines
4.9 KiB
#pragma once
#include "UIFramework/CIntObject.h"
#include "../lib/HeroBonus.h"
#include "GUIClasses.h"
* CCreatureWindow.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
struct Bonus;
class CCreature;
class CStackInstance;
class CStack;
class ArtifactLocation;
class CCreatureArtifactInstance;
class CAdventureMapButton;
class CBonusItem;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CComponent;
class LRClickableAreaWText;
class MoraleLuckBox;
class CAdventureMapButton;
struct UpgradeInfo;
class CPicture;
class CCreaturePic;
class LRClickableAreaWTextComp;
class CSlider;
class CLabel;
class CAnimImage;
// New creature window
class CCreatureWindow : public CArtifactHolder
enum CreWinType {OTHER = 0, BATTLE = 1, ARMY = 2, HERO = 3}; //only last one should open permanently
//bool active; //TODO: comment me
int type;//0 - rclick popup; 1 - normal window
int bonusRows; //height of skill window
std::string count; //creature count in text format
const CCreature *c; //related creature
const CStackInstance *stack;
const CBonusSystemNode *stackNode;
const CGHeroInstance *heroOwner;
const CArtifactInstance *creatureArtifact; //currently worn artifact
std::vector<CComponent*> upgResCost; //cost of upgrade (if not possible then empty)
std::vector<CBonusItem*> bonusItems;
std::vector<LRClickableAreaWText*> spellEffects;
CPicture *bitmap; //background
CCreaturePic *anim; //related creature's animation
MoraleLuckBox *luck, *morale;
LRClickableAreaWTextComp * expArea; //displays exp details
CSlider * slider; //Abilities
CAdventureMapButton *dismiss, *upgrade, *ok;
CAdventureMapButton * leftArtRoll, * rightArtRoll; //artifact selection
CAdventureMapButton * passArtToHero;
void artifactRemoved (const ArtifactLocation &artLoc);
void artifactMoved (const ArtifactLocation &artLoc, const ArtifactLocation &destLoc);
void artifactDisassembled (const ArtifactLocation &artLoc) {return;};
void artifactAssembled (const ArtifactLocation &artLoc) {return;};
boost::function<void()> dsm; //dismiss button callback
boost::function<void()> Upg; //upgrade button callback
CCreatureWindow(const CStack & stack, int type); //battle c-tor
CCreatureWindow (const CStackInstance &stack, int Type); //pop-up c-tor
CCreatureWindow(const CStackInstance &st, int Type, boost::function<void()> Upg, boost::function<void()> Dsm, UpgradeInfo *ui); //full garrison window
CCreatureWindow(int Cid, int Type, int creatureCount); //c-tor
void init(const CStackInstance *stack, const CBonusSystemNode *stackNode, const CGHeroInstance *heroOwner);
void showAll(SDL_Surface * to);
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
void printLine(int nr, const std::string &text, int baseVal, int val=-1, bool range=false);
void close();
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //call-in
void sliderMoved(int newpos);
~CCreatureWindow(); //d-tor
void recreateSkillList(int pos);
void scrollArt(int dir);
void passArtifactToHero();
class CBonusItem : public LRClickableAreaWTextComp //responsible for displaying creature skill, active or not
std::string name, description;
CPicture * bonusGraphics;
bool visible;
CBonusItem(const Rect &Pos, const std::string &Name, const std::string &Description, const std::string &graphicsName);
void setBonus (const Bonus &bonus);
void showAll (SDL_Surface * to);
/// original creature info window
class CCreInfoWindow : public CIntObject
CPicture * background;
CLabel * creatureCount;
CLabel * creatureName;
CLabel * abilityText;
CCreaturePic * animation;
std::vector<CComponent *> upgResCost; //cost of upgrade (if not possible then empty)
std::vector<CAnimImage *> effects;
std::map<size_t, std::pair<CLabel *, CLabel * > > infoTexts;
MoraleLuckBox * luck, * morale;
CAdventureMapButton * dismiss, * upgrade, * ok;
CCreInfoWindow(const CStackInstance & st, bool LClicked, boost::function<void()> Upg = 0, boost::function<void()> Dsm = 0, UpgradeInfo * ui = NULL);
CCreInfoWindow(const CStack & st, bool LClicked = 0);
CCreInfoWindow(int Cid, bool LClicked, int creatureCount);
void init(const CCreature * cre, const CBonusSystemNode * stackNode, const CGHeroInstance * heroOwner, int creatureCount, bool LClicked);
void printLine(int nr, const std::string & text, int baseVal, int val = -1, bool range = false);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState);
void close();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
CIntObject *createCreWindow(const CStack *s, bool lclick = false);
CIntObject *createCreWindow(int Cid, int Type, int creatureCount);
CIntObject *createCreWindow(const CStackInstance *s, int type, boost::function<void()> Upg = 0, boost::function<void()> Dsm = 0, UpgradeInfo *ui = NULL);