mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-02-09 13:14:02 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 2d8a15f27c - all windows except for pregame\battles are now CWindowObject-based
- added simple scaling algorithm that works with indexed surfaces
2012-06-15 17:08:19 +00:00

189 lines
10 KiB

#pragma once
#include <SDL_video.h>
#include <SDL_ttf.h>
#include "../../lib/int3.h"
#include "../FontBase.h"
#include "Geometries.h"
* SDL_Extensions.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
//A macro to force inlining some of our functions. Compiler (at least MSVC) is not so smart here-> without that displaying is MUCH slower
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define STRONG_INLINE __forceinline
#elif __GNUC__
#define STRONG_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#define STRONG_INLINE inline
#define SDL_GetKeyState SDL_GetKeyboardState
struct Rect;
extern SDL_Surface * screen, *screen2, *screenBuf;
void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void blitAt(SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect & pos, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void updateRect (SDL_Rect * rect, SDL_Surface * scr = screen);
bool isItIn(const SDL_Rect * rect, int x, int y);
namespace Colors
SDL_Color createColor(Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a = 0);
const SDL_Color Jasmine = createColor(229, 215, 123, 0); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmine_%28color%29
const SDL_Color Cornsilk = createColor(255, 243, 222, 0); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shades_of_white
const SDL_Color MetallicGold = createColor(173, 142, 66); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_%28color%29
const SDL_Color Maize = createColor(242, 226, 110); // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maize_%28color%29
template<typename IntType>
std::string makeNumberShort(IntType number) //the output is a string containing at most 5 characters [4 if positive] (eg. intead 10000 it gives 10k)
int initialLength;
bool negative = (number < 0);
std::ostringstream ost, rets;
initialLength = ost.str().size();
if(initialLength <= 4)
return ost.str();
if(initialLength <= 5)
return ost.str();
//make the number int
char symbol[] = {'G', 'M', 'k'};
if(negative) number = (-number); //absolute value
for(int divisor = 1000000000, it = 0; divisor > 1; divisor /= 1000, ++it)
if(number >= divisor)
if(negative) rets <<'-';
rets << (number / divisor) << symbol[it];
return rets.str();
throw std::runtime_error("We shouldn't be here - makeNumberShort");
typedef void (*TColorPutter)(Uint8 *&ptr, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B);
typedef void (*TColorPutterAlpha)(Uint8 *&ptr, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, const Uint8 & A);
inline SDL_Rect genRect(const int & hh, const int & ww, const int & xx, const int & yy)
SDL_Rect ret;
return ret;
template<int bpp, int incrementPtr>
struct ColorPutter
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(Uint8 *&ptr, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(Uint8 *&ptr, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, const Uint8 & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlphaSwitch(Uint8 *&ptr, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, const Uint8 & A);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColor(Uint8 *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorAlpha(Uint8 *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color);
static STRONG_INLINE void PutColorRow(Uint8 *&ptr, const SDL_Color & Color, size_t count);
typedef void (*BlitterWithRotationVal)(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect dstRect, ui8 rotation);
namespace CSDL_Ext
void blitSurface(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect);
void fillRect(SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *dstrect, Uint32 color);
void SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefresh(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, Uint8 A = 255);
void SDL_PutPixelWithoutRefreshIfInSurf(SDL_Surface *ekran, const int & x, const int & y, const Uint8 & R, const Uint8 & G, const Uint8 & B, Uint8 A = 255);
SDL_Surface * rotate01(SDL_Surface * toRot); //vertical flip
SDL_Surface * hFlip(SDL_Surface * toRot); //horizontal flip
SDL_Surface * rotate02(SDL_Surface * toRot); //rotate 90 degrees left
SDL_Surface * rotate03(SDL_Surface * toRot); //rotate 180 degrees
SDL_Cursor * SurfaceToCursor(SDL_Surface *image, int hx, int hy); //creates cursor from bitmap
Uint32 SDL_GetPixel(SDL_Surface *surface, const int & x, const int & y, bool colorByte = false);
SDL_Color SDL_GetPixelColor(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y); //returns color of pixel at given position
void alphaTransform(SDL_Surface * src); //adds transparency and shadows (partial handling only; see examples of using for details)
bool isTransparent(SDL_Surface * srf, int x, int y); //checks if surface is transparent at given position
Uint8 *getPxPtr(const SDL_Surface * const &srf, const int x, const int y);
TColorPutter getPutterFor(SDL_Surface * const &dest, int incrementing); //incrementing: -1, 0, 1
TColorPutterAlpha getPutterAlphaFor(SDL_Surface * const &dest, int incrementing); //incrementing: -1, 0, 1
BlitterWithRotationVal getBlitterWithRotation(SDL_Surface *dest);
BlitterWithRotationVal getBlitterWithRotationAndAlpha(SDL_Surface *dest);
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotateClip(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect, ui8 rotation);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests preserving clip_rect
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotateClipVal(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect dstRect, ui8 rotation);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests preserving clip_rect
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotateClipWithAlpha(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect, ui8 rotation);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests preserving clip_rect
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotateClipValWithAlpha(SDL_Surface *src,SDL_Rect srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect dstRect, ui8 rotation);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests preserving clip_rect
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate1(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate2(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate3(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate1WithAlpha(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate2WithAlpha(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp> void blitWithRotate3WithAlpha(const SDL_Surface *src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, const SDL_Rect * dstRect);//srcRect is not used, works with 8bpp sources and 24bpp dests
template<int bpp>
int blit8bppAlphaTo24bppT(const SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect); //blits 8 bpp surface with alpha channel to 24 bpp surface
int blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(const SDL_Surface * src, const SDL_Rect * srcRect, SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstRect); //blits 8 bpp surface with alpha channel to 24 bpp surface
Uint32 colorToUint32(const SDL_Color * color); //little endian only
void printAtWB(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, int charpr, SDL_Color kolor=Colors::Cornsilk, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void printAt(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor=Colors::Cornsilk, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void printTo(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor=Colors::Cornsilk, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void printAtMiddle(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor=Colors::Cornsilk, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void printAtMiddleWB(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, int charpr, SDL_Color kolor=Colors::Jasmine, SDL_Surface * dst=screen);
void update(SDL_Surface * what = screen); //updates whole surface (default - main screen)
void drawBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, int x, int y, int w, int h, const int3 &color);
void drawBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, const SDL_Rect &r, const int3 &color);
void drawDashedBorder(SDL_Surface * sur, const Rect &r, const int3 &color);
void setPlayerColor(SDL_Surface * sur, ui8 player); //sets correct color of flags; -1 for neutral
std::string processStr(std::string str, std::vector<std::string> & tor); //replaces %s in string
SDL_Surface * newSurface(int w, int h, SDL_Surface * mod=screen); //creates new surface, with flags/format same as in surface given
SDL_Surface * copySurface(SDL_Surface * mod); //returns copy of given surface
template<int bpp>
SDL_Surface * createSurfaceWithBpp(int width, int height); //create surface with give bits per pixels value
void VflipSurf(SDL_Surface * surf); //fluipis given surface by vertical axis
//scale surface to required size.
//nearest neighbour algorithm
SDL_Surface * scaleSurfaceFast(SDL_Surface *surf, int width, int height);
// bilinear filtering. Uses fallback to scaleSurfaceFast in case of indexed surfaces
SDL_Surface * scaleSurface(SDL_Surface *surf, int width, int height);
template<int bpp>
void applyEffectBpp( SDL_Surface * surf, const SDL_Rect * rect, int mode );
void applyEffect(SDL_Surface * surf, const SDL_Rect * rect, int mode); //mode: 0 - sepia, 1 - grayscale
std::string trimToFit(std::string text, int widthLimit, EFonts font);