2.1 KiB
Since VCMI 1.4.0 there are more capabilities to configure difficulty parameters. It means, that modders can give different bonuses to AI or human players depending on selected difficulty
Difficulty configuration is located in config/difficulty.json file and can be overridden by mods.
Format summary
"human": //parameters impacting human players only
"pawn": //parameters for specific difficulty
//starting resources
"resources": { "wood" : 30, "mercury": 15, "ore": 30, "sulfur": 15, "crystal": 15, "gems": 15, "gold": 30000, "mithril": 0 },
//bonuses will be given to player globally
"globalBonuses": [],
//bonuses will be given to player every battle
"battleBonuses": []
"knight": {},
"rook": {},
"queen": {},
"king": {},
"ai": //parameters impacting AI players only
"pawn": {}, //parameters for specific difficulty
"knight": {},
"rook": {},
"queen": {},
"king": {},
It's possible to specify bonuses of two types: globalBonuses
and battleBonuses
Both are arrays containing any amount of bonuses, each can be described as usual bonus. See details in bonus documentation.
are given to player on the beginning and depending on bonus configuration, it can behave diffierently.
are given to player during the battles, but only for battles with neutral forces. So it won't be provided to player for PvP battles and battles versus AI heroes/castles/garrisons. To avoid cumulative effects or unexpected behavior it's recommended to specify bonus duration
For both types of bonuses, source
should be specified as OTHER
{ //will give 150% extra health to all players' creatures if specified in "battleBonuses" array
"type" : "STACK_HEALTH",
"val" : 150,
"valueType" : "PERCENT_TO_ALL",
"duration" : "ONE_BATTLE",
"sourceType" : "OTHER"
Starting from VCMI 1.4 startres.json
is not available anymore and will be ignored if present in any mod.
Thus, Resourceful AI
mod of version 1.2 won't work anymore.