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Game Identifiers
List of all game identifiers
This is a list of all game identifiers available to modders. Note that only identifiers from base game have been included. For identifiers from mods please look up corresponding mod
- artifact.admiralsHat
- artifact.ambassadorsSash
- artifact.ammoCart
- artifact.amuletOfTheUndertaker
- artifact.angelFeatherArrows
- artifact.angelWings
- artifact.angelicAlliance
- artifact.armageddonsBlade
- artifact.armorOfTheDamned
- artifact.armorOfWonder
- artifact.armsOfLegion
- artifact.badgeOfCourage
- artifact.ballista
- artifact.birdOfPerception
- artifact.blackshardOfTheDeadKnight
- artifact.bootsOfLevitation
- artifact.bootsOfPolarity
- artifact.bootsOfSpeed
- artifact.bowOfElvenCherrywood
- artifact.bowOfTheSharpshooter
- artifact.bowstringOfTheUnicornsMane
- artifact.breastplateOfBrimstone
- artifact.breastplateOfPetrifiedWood
- artifact.bucklerOfTheGnollKing
- artifact.capeOfConjuring
- artifact.capeOfVelocity
- artifact.cardsOfProphecy
- artifact.catapult
- artifact.celestialNecklaceOfBliss
- artifact.centaurAxe
- artifact.charmOfMana
- artifact.cloakOfTheUndeadKing
- artifact.cloverOfFortune
- artifact.collarOfConjuring
- artifact.cornucopia
- artifact.crestOfValor
- artifact.crownOfDragontooth
- artifact.crownOfTheSupremeMagi
- artifact.deadMansBoots
- artifact.diplomatsRing
- artifact.dragonScaleArmor
- artifact.dragonScaleShield
- artifact.dragonWingTabard
- artifact.dragonboneGreaves
- artifact.elixirOfLife
- artifact.emblemOfCognizance
- artifact.endlessBagOfGold
- artifact.endlessPurseOfGold
- artifact.endlessSackOfGold
- artifact.equestriansGloves
- artifact.everflowingCrystalCloak
- artifact.everpouringVialOfMercury
- artifact.eversmokingRingOfSulfur
- artifact.firstAidTent
- artifact.garnitureOfInterference
- artifact.glyphOfGallantry
- artifact.goldenBow
- artifact.grail
- artifact.greaterGnollsFlail
- artifact.headOfLegion
- artifact.hellstormHelmet
- artifact.helmOfChaos
- artifact.helmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment
- artifact.helmOfTheAlabasterUnicorn
- artifact.hourglassOfTheEvilHour
- artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfLumber
- artifact.inexhaustibleCartOfOre
- artifact.ladybirdOfLuck
- artifact.legsOfLegion
- artifact.lionsShieldOfCourage
- artifact.loinsOfLegion
- artifact.mysticOrbOfMana
- artifact.necklaceOfDragonteeth
- artifact.necklaceOfOceanGuidance
- artifact.necklaceOfSwiftness
- artifact.ogresClubOfHavoc
- artifact.orbOfDrivingRain
- artifact.orbOfInhibition
- artifact.orbOfSilt
- artifact.orbOfTempestuousFire
- artifact.orbOfTheFirmament
- artifact.orbOfVulnerability
- artifact.pendantOfCourage
- artifact.pendantOfDeath
- artifact.pendantOfDispassion
- artifact.pendantOfFreeWill
- artifact.pendantOfHoliness
- artifact.pendantOfLife
- artifact.pendantOfNegativity
- artifact.pendantOfSecondSight
- artifact.pendantOfTotalRecall
- artifact.powerOfTheDragonFather
- artifact.quietEyeOfTheDragon
- artifact.recantersCloak
- artifact.redDragonFlameTongue
- artifact.ribCage
- artifact.ringOfConjuring
- artifact.ringOfInfiniteGems
- artifact.ringOfLife
- artifact.ringOfTheMagi
- artifact.ringOfTheWayfarer
- artifact.ringOfVitality
- artifact.sandalsOfTheSaint
- artifact.scalesOfTheGreaterBasilisk
- artifact.seaCaptainsHat
- artifact.sentinelsShield
- artifact.shacklesOfWar
- artifact.shieldOfTheDamned
- artifact.shieldOfTheDwarvenLords
- artifact.shieldOfTheYawningDead
- artifact.skullHelmet
- artifact.speculum
- artifact.spellBook
- artifact.spellScroll
- artifact.spellbindersHat
- artifact.sphereOfPermanence
- artifact.spiritOfOppression
- artifact.spyglass
- artifact.statesmansMedal
- artifact.statueOfLegion
- artifact.stillEyeOfTheDragon
- artifact.stoicWatchman
- artifact.surcoatOfCounterpoise
- artifact.swordOfHellfire
- artifact.swordOfJudgement
- artifact.talismanOfMana
- artifact.targOfTheRampagingOgre
- artifact.thunderHelmet
- artifact.titansCuirass
- artifact.titansGladius
- artifact.titansThunder
- artifact.tomeOfAirMagic
- artifact.tomeOfEarthMagic
- artifact.tomeOfFireMagic
- artifact.tomeOfWaterMagic
- artifact.torsoOfLegion
- artifact.tunicOfTheCyclopsKing
- artifact.unusedArtifact1
- artifact.unusedArtifact2
- artifact.unusedArtifact3
- artifact.vampiresCowl
- artifact.vialOfDragonBlood
- artifact.vialOfLifeblood
- artifact.wizardsWell
- battlefield.clover_field
- battlefield.cursed_ground
- battlefield.dirt_birches
- battlefield.dirt_hills
- battlefield.dirt_pines
- battlefield.evil_fog
- battlefield.fiery_fields
- battlefield.grass_hills
- battlefield.grass_pines
- battlefield.holy_ground
- battlefield.lava
- battlefield.lucid_pools
- battlefield.magic_clouds
- battlefield.magic_plains
- battlefield.rocklands
- battlefield.rough
- battlefield.sand_mesas
- battlefield.sand_shore
- battlefield.ship
- battlefield.ship_to_ship
- battlefield.snow_mountains
- battlefield.snow_trees
- battlefield.subterranean
- battlefield.swamp_trees
- creature.airElemental
- creature.airElementals
- creature.ammoCart
- creature.ancientBehemoth
- creature.angel
- creature.apprenticeGremlin
- creature.archDevil
- creature.archMage
- creature.archangel
- creature.archer
- creature.arrowTower
- creature.azureDragon
- creature.ballista
- creature.basilisk
- creature.battleDwarf
- creature.behemoth
- creature.beholder
- creature.blackDragon
- creature.blackKnight
- creature.boar
- creature.boneDragon
- creature.catapult
- creature.cavalier
- creature.centaur
- creature.centaurCaptain
- creature.cerberus
- creature.champion
- creature.chaosHydra
- creature.crusader
- creature.crystalDragon
- creature.cyclop
- creature.cyclopKing
- creature.demon
- creature.dendroidGuard
- creature.dendroidSoldier
- creature.devil
- creature.diamondGolem
- creature.dragonFly
- creature.dreadKnight
- creature.dwarf
- creature.earthElemental
- creature.efreet
- creature.efreetSultan
- creature.enchanter
- creature.enchanters
- creature.energyElemental
- creature.evilEye
- creature.fairieDragon
- creature.familiar
- creature.fireDragonFly
- creature.fireElemental
- creature.firebird
- creature.firstAidTent
- creature.genie
- creature.ghostDragon
- creature.giant
- creature.gnoll
- creature.gnollMarauder
- creature.goblin
- creature.goblinWolfRider
- creature.goblins
- creature.gog
- creature.goldDragon
- creature.goldGolem
- creature.gorgon
- creature.grandElf
- creature.greaterBasilisk
- creature.greenDragon
- creature.gremlin
- creature.griffin
- creature.halberdier
- creature.halfling
- creature.harpy
- creature.harpyHag
- creature.hellHound
- creature.hobgoblin
- creature.hobgoblinWolfRider
- creature.hornedDemon
- creature.hydra
- creature.iceElemental
- creature.imp
- creature.infernalTroglodyte
- creature.ironGolem
- creature.lich
- creature.lightCrossbowman
- creature.lizardWarrior
- creature.lizardman
- creature.mage
- creature.magicElemental
- creature.magmaElemental
- creature.magog
- creature.manticore
- creature.marksman
- creature.masterGenie
- creature.masterGremlin
- creature.medusa
- creature.medusaQueen
- creature.mightyGorgon
- creature.minotaur
- creature.minotaurKing
- creature.monk
- creature.mummy
- creature.naga
- creature.nagaQueen
- creature.nomad
- creature.obsidianGargoyle
- creature.ogre
- creature.ogreMage
- creature.orc
- creature.orcChieftain
- creature.peasant
- creature.pegasus
- creature.phoenix
- creature.pikeman
- creature.pitFiend
- creature.pitLord
- creature.pixie
- creature.pixies
- creature.powerLich
- creature.primitiveLizardman
- creature.psychicElemental
- creature.redDragon
- creature.roc
- creature.rogue
- creature.royalGriffin
- creature.rustDragon
- creature.scorpicore
- creature.serpentFly
- creature.sharpshooter
- creature.sharpshooters
- creature.silverPegasus
- creature.skeleton
- creature.skeletonWarrior
- creature.sprite
- creature.stoneGargoyle
- creature.stoneGolem
- creature.stormElemental
- creature.swordsman
- creature.thunderbird
- creature.titan
- creature.troglodyte
- creature.troll
- creature.unicorn
- creature.unused122
- creature.unused124
- creature.unused126
- creature.unused128
- creature.vampire
- creature.vampireLord
- creature.walkingDead
- creature.warUnicorn
- creature.waterElemental
- creature.waterElementals
- creature.wight
- creature.woodElf
- creature.wraith
- creature.wyvern
- creature.wyvernMonarch
- creature.zealot
- creature.zombie
- creature.zombieLord
- faction.castle
- faction.conflux
- faction.dungeon
- faction.fortress
- faction.inferno
- faction.necropolis
- faction.neutral
- faction.rampart
- faction.stronghold
- faction.tower
- hero.adela
- hero.adelaide
- hero.adrienne
- hero.aenain
- hero.aeris
- hero.aine
- hero.aislinn
- hero.ajit
- hero.alagar
- hero.alamar
- hero.alkin
- hero.andra
- hero.arlach
- hero.ash
- hero.astral
- hero.axsis
- hero.ayden
- hero.boragus
- hero.brissa
- hero.broghild
- hero.bron
- hero.caitlin
- hero.calh
- hero.calid
- hero.catherine
- hero.charna
- hero.christian
- hero.ciele
- hero.clancy
- hero.clavius
- hero.coronius
- hero.cragHack
- hero.cuthbert
- hero.cyra
- hero.dace
- hero.damacon
- hero.daremyth
- hero.darkstorn
- hero.deemer
- hero.dessa
- hero.dracon
- hero.drakon
- hero.edric
- hero.elleshar
- hero.erdamon
- hero.fafner
- hero.fiona
- hero.fiur
- hero.galthran
- hero.gelare
- hero.gelu
- hero.gem
- hero.geon
- hero.gerwulf
- hero.gird
- hero.gretchin
- hero.grindan
- hero.gundula
- hero.gunnar
- hero.gurnisson
- hero.halon
- hero.ignatius
- hero.ignissa
- hero.ingham
- hero.inteus
- hero.iona
- hero.isra
- hero.ivor
- hero.jabarkas
- hero.jaegar
- hero.jeddite
- hero.jenova
- hero.josephine
- hero.kalt
- hero.kilgor
- hero.korbac
- hero.krellion
- hero.kyrre
- hero.labetha
- hero.lacus
- hero.lordHaart
- hero.lorelei
- hero.loynis
- hero.luna
- hero.malcom
- hero.malekith
- hero.marius
- hero.melodia
- hero.mephala
- hero.merist
- hero.mirlanda
- hero.moandor
- hero.monere
- hero.mutare
- hero.mutareDrake
- hero.nagash
- hero.neela
- hero.nimbus
- hero.nymus
- hero.octavia
- hero.olema
- hero.oris
- hero.orrin
- hero.pasis
- hero.piquedram
- hero.pyre
- hero.rashka
- hero.rion
- hero.rissa
- hero.roland
- hero.rosic
- hero.ryland
- hero.sandro
- hero.sanya
- hero.saurug
- hero.sephinroth
- hero.septienna
- hero.serena
- hero.shakti
- hero.shiva
- hero.sirMullich
- hero.solmyr
- hero.sorsha
- hero.straker
- hero.styg
- hero.sylvia
- hero.synca
- hero.tamika
- hero.tazar
- hero.terek
- hero.thane
- hero.thant
- hero.theodorus
- hero.thorgrim
- hero.thunar
- hero.tiva
- hero.torosar
- hero.tyraxor
- hero.tyris
- hero.ufretin
- hero.uland
- hero.undeadHaart
- hero.valeska
- hero.verdish
- hero.vey
- hero.vidomina
- hero.vokial
- hero.voy
- hero.wystan
- hero.xarfax
- hero.xeron
- hero.xsi
- hero.xyron
- hero.yog
- hero.zubin
- hero.zydar
- heroClass.alchemist
- heroClass.barbarian
- heroClass.battlemage
- heroClass.beastmaster
- heroClass.cleric
- heroClass.deathknight
- heroClass.demoniac
- heroClass.druid
- heroClass.elementalist
- heroClass.heretic
- heroClass.knight
- heroClass.necromancer
- heroClass.overlord
- heroClass.planeswalker
- heroClass.ranger
- heroClass.warlock
- heroClass.witch
- heroClass.wizard
- playerColor.blue
- playerColor.green
- playerColor.orange
- playerColor.pink
- playerColor.purple
- playerColor.red
- playerColor.tan
- playerColor.teal
Deprecated, please use primarySkill instead
- primSkill.attack
- primSkill.defence
- primSkill.knowledge
- primSkill.spellpower
- primarySkill.attack
- primarySkill.defence
- primarySkill.knowledge
- primarySkill.spellpower
- resource.crystal
- resource.gems
- resource.gold
- resource.mercury
- resource.mithril
- resource.ore
- resource.sulfur
- resource.wood
- river.iceRiver
- river.lavaRiver
- river.mudRiver
- river.waterRiver
- road.cobblestoneRoad
- road.dirtRoad
- road.gravelRoad
- secondarySkill.airMagic
- secondarySkill.archery
- secondarySkill.armorer
- secondarySkill.artillery
- secondarySkill.ballistics
- secondarySkill.diplomacy
- secondarySkill.eagleEye
- secondarySkill.earthMagic
- secondarySkill.estates
- secondarySkill.fireMagic
- secondarySkill.firstAid
- secondarySkill.intelligence
- secondarySkill.leadership
- secondarySkill.learning
- secondarySkill.logistics
- secondarySkill.luck
- secondarySkill.mysticism
- secondarySkill.navigation
- secondarySkill.necromancy
- secondarySkill.offence
- secondarySkill.pathfinding
- secondarySkill.resistance
- secondarySkill.scholar
- secondarySkill.scouting
- secondarySkill.sorcery
- secondarySkill.tactics
- secondarySkill.waterMagic
- secondarySkill.wisdom
Deprecated, please use secondarySkill instead
- skill.airMagic
- skill.archery
- skill.armorer
- skill.artillery
- skill.ballistics
- skill.diplomacy
- skill.eagleEye
- skill.earthMagic
- skill.estates
- skill.fireMagic
- skill.firstAid
- skill.intelligence
- skill.leadership
- skill.learning
- skill.logistics
- skill.luck
- skill.mysticism
- skill.navigation
- skill.necromancy
- skill.offence
- skill.pathfinding
- skill.resistance
- skill.scholar
- skill.scouting
- skill.sorcery
- skill.tactics
- skill.waterMagic
- skill.wisdom
- spell.acidBreath
- spell.acidBreathDamage
- spell.age
- spell.airElemental
- spell.airShield
- spell.animateDead
- spell.antiMagic
- spell.armageddon
- spell.berserk
- spell.bind
- spell.bless
- spell.blind
- spell.bloodlust
- spell.castleMoat
- spell.castleMoatTrigger
- spell.catapultShot
- spell.chainLightning
- spell.clone
- spell.counterstrike
- spell.cure
- spell.curse
- spell.cyclopsShot
- spell.deathCloud
- spell.deathRipple
- spell.deathStare
- spell.destroyUndead
- spell.dimensionDoor
- spell.disease
- spell.disguise
- spell.dispel
- spell.dispelHelpful
- spell.disruptingRay
- spell.dungeonMoat
- spell.dungeonMoatTrigger
- spell.earthElemental
- spell.earthquake
- spell.fireElemental
- spell.fireShield
- spell.fireWall
- spell.fireWallTrigger
- spell.fireball
- spell.firstAid
- spell.fly
- spell.forceField
- spell.forgetfulness
- spell.fortressMoat
- spell.fortressMoatTrigger
- spell.fortune
- spell.frenzy
- spell.frostRing
- spell.haste
- spell.hypnotize
- spell.iceBolt
- spell.implosion
- spell.inferno
- spell.infernoMoat
- spell.infernoMoatTrigger
- spell.landMine
- spell.landMineTrigger
- spell.lightningBolt
- spell.magicArrow
- spell.magicMirror
- spell.meteorShower
- spell.mirth
- spell.misfortune
- spell.necropolisMoat
- spell.necropolisMoatTrigger
- spell.paralyze
- spell.poison
- spell.prayer
- spell.precision
- spell.protectAir
- spell.protectEarth
- spell.protectFire
- spell.protectWater
- spell.quicksand
- spell.rampartMoat
- spell.rampartMoatTrigger
- spell.removeObstacle
- spell.resurrection
- spell.sacrifice
- spell.scuttleBoat
- spell.shield
- spell.slayer
- spell.slow
- spell.sorrow
- spell.stoneGaze
- spell.stoneSkin
- spell.strongholdMoat
- spell.strongholdMoatTrigger
- spell.summonBoat
- spell.summonDemons
- spell.teleport
- spell.thunderbolt
- spell.titanBolt
- spell.towerMoat
- spell.townPortal
- spell.viewAir
- spell.viewEarth
- spell.visions
- spell.waterElemental
- spell.waterWalk
- spell.weakness
- spellSchool.air
- spellSchool.any
- spellSchool.earth
- spellSchool.fire
- spellSchool.water
- terrain.dirt
- terrain.grass
- terrain.lava
- terrain.rock
- terrain.rough
- terrain.sand
- terrain.snow
- terrain.subterra
- terrain.swamp
- terrain.water