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synced 2025-03-11 14:49:23 +02:00
Addresses several related problems: * Propagation / unpropagation of duplicate bonuses is inconsistent, causing bugs * Duplicate bonuses never stack, which is not always intended behaviour (e.g. multiple copies of resource generating artifacts) * Different bonuses always stack, which is not always intended behaviour (e.g. Angel + Archangel morale bonuses) This is addressed as follows: * Duplicate bonuses are never eliminated during propagation/inheritance. * Unpropagation eliminates only a single copy of duplicated bonus * Bonus receives a new field stacking that determines stacking behaviour: * * empty string = no stacking with duplicates (default) * * "ALWAYS" = stacks with duplicates & everything else * * some other value = no stacking with bonuses with same stacking value Also Morale/Luck window now hides non-stacking bonuses.
384 lines
6.0 KiB
384 lines
6.0 KiB
"pikeman" :
"index": 0,
"level": 1,
"faction": "castle",
"upgrades": ["halberdier"],
"cavalryChargeImmunity" :
"graphics" :
"animation": "CPKMAN.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "PIKEATTK.wav",
"defend": "PIKEDFND.wav",
"killed": "PIKEKILL.wav",
"move": "PIKEMOVE.wav",
"wince": "PIKEWNCE.wav"
"halberdier" :
"index": 1,
"level": 1,
"faction": "castle",
"cavalryChargeImmunity" :
"graphics" :
"animation": "CHALBD.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "HALBATTK.wav",
"defend": "HALBDFND.wav",
"killed": "HALBKILL.wav",
"move": "HALBMOVE.wav",
"wince": "HALBWNCE.wav"
"archer" :
"index": 2,
"level": 2,
"extraNames": [ "lightCrossbowman" ],
"faction": "castle",
"upgrades": ["marksman"],
"graphics" :
"animation": "CLCBOW.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "PLCBOWX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "LCRSATTK.wav",
"defend": "LCRSDFND.wav",
"killed": "LCRSKILL.wav",
"move": "LCRSMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "LCRSSHOT.wav",
"wince": "LCRSWNCE.wav"
"marksman" :
"index": 3,
"level": 2,
"faction": "castle",
"abilities": {
"extraAttack" :
"val" : 1,
"effectRange": "ONLY_DISTANCE_FIGHT"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CHCBOW.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "PLCBOWX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "HCRSATTK.wav",
"defend": "HCRSDFND.wav",
"killed": "HCRSKILL.wav",
"move": "HCRSMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "HCRSSHOT.wav",
"wince": "HCRSWNCE.wav"
"griffin" :
"index": 4,
"level": 3,
"faction": "castle",
"extraRetaliation" :
"val" : 1
"upgrades": ["royalGriffin"],
"hasDoubleWeek": true,
"graphics" :
"animation": "CGRIFF.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "GRIFATTK.wav",
"defend": "GRIFDFND.wav",
"killed": "GRIFKILL.wav",
"move": "GRIFMOVE.wav",
"wince": "GRIFWNCE.wav"
"royalGriffin" :
"index": 5,
"level": 3,
"faction": "castle",
"unlimitedRetaliation" :
"graphics" :
"animation": "CRGRIF.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "RGRFATTK.wav",
"defend": "RGRFDFND.wav",
"killed": "RGRFKILL.wav",
"move": "RGRFMOVE.wav",
"wince": "RGRFWNCE.wav"
"swordsman" :
"index": 6,
"level": 4,
"faction": "castle",
"upgrades": ["crusader"],
"graphics" :
"animation": "CSWORD.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "SWRDATTK.wav",
"defend": "SWRDDFND.wav",
"killed": "SWRDKILL.wav",
"move": "SWRDMOVE.wav",
"wince": "SWRDWNCE.wav"
"crusader" :
"index": 7,
"level": 4,
"faction": "castle",
"extraAttack" :
"val" : 1
"graphics" :
"animation": "CCRUSD.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "CRUSATTK.wav",
"defend": "CRUSDFND.wav",
"killed": "CRUSKILL.wav",
"move": "CRUSMOVE.wav",
"wince": "CRUSWNCE.wav"
"monk" :
"index": 8,
"level": 5,
"faction": "castle",
"upgrades": ["zealot"],
"graphics" :
"animation": "CMONKK.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "CPRZEAX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "MONKATTK.wav",
"defend": "MONKDFND.wav",
"killed": "MONKKILL.wav",
"move": "MONKMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "MONKSHOT.wav",
"wince": "MONKWNCE.wav"
"zealot" :
"index": 9,
"level": 5,
"faction": "castle",
"graphics" :
"animation": "CZEALT.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "CPRZEAX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "ZELTATTK.wav",
"defend": "ZELTDFND.wav",
"killed": "ZELTKILL.wav",
"move": "ZELTMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "ZELTSHOT.wav",
"wince": "ZELTWNCE.wav"
"cavalier" :
"index": 10,
"level": 6,
"faction": "castle",
"upgrades": ["champion"],
"graphics" :
"animation": "CCAVLR.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "CAVAATTK.wav",
"defend": "CAVADFND.wav",
"killed": "CAVAKILL.wav",
"move": "CAVAMOVE.wav",
"wince": "CAVAWNCE.wav"
"champion" :
"index": 11,
"level": 6,
"faction": "castle",
"graphics" :
"animation": "CCHAMP.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "CHMPATTK.wav",
"defend": "CHMPDFND.wav",
"killed": "CHMPKILL.wav",
"move": "CHMPMOVE.wav",
"wince": "CHMPWNCE.wav"
"angel" :
"index": 12,
"level": 7,
"faction": "castle",
"hateDevils" :
"type" : "HATE",
"subtype" : "creature.devil",
"val" : 50
"hateArchDevils" :
"type" : "HATE",
"subtype" : "creature.archDevil",
"val" : 50
"const_raises_morale" :
"stacking" : "Angels"
"upgrades": ["archangel"],
"graphics" :
"animation": "CANGEL.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "ANGLATTK.wav",
"defend": "ANGLDFND.wav",
"killed": "ANGLKILL.wav",
"move": "ANGLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "ANGLWNCE.wav"
"archangel" :
"index": 13,
"level": 7,
"faction": "castle",
"resurrection100hp" :
"subtype" : "spell.resurrection",
"val" : 100
"resurrects" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.resurrection",
"val" : 3
"spellpoints" :
"type" : "CASTS",
"val" : 1
"hateDevils" :
"type" : "HATE",
"subtype" : "creature.devil",
"val" : 50
"hateArchDevils" :
"type" : "HATE",
"subtype" : "creature.archDevil",
"val" : 50
"const_raises_morale" :
"stacking" : "Angels"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CRANGL.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "AAGLATTK.wav",
"defend": "AAGLDFND.wav",
"killed": "AAGLKILL.wav",
"move": "AAGLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "AAGLWNCE.wav"