mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:08:05 +02:00
Added request logger middleware which helps to use custom logger library for logging requests (#1980)
Added request logger middleware which helps to use custom logger library for logging requests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -357,6 +357,11 @@ func (e *Echo) Routers() map[string]*Router {
// DefaultHTTPErrorHandler is the default HTTP error handler. It sends a JSON response
// with status code.
// NOTE: In case errors happens in middleware call-chain that is returning from handler (which did not return an error).
// When handler has already sent response (ala c.JSON()) and there is error in middleware that is returning from
// handler. Then the error that global error handler received will be ignored because we have already "commited" the
// response and status code header has been sent to the client.
func (e *Echo) DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(err error, c Context) {
if c.Response().Committed {
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ require (
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golang.org/x/text v0.3.3/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.6 h1:aRYxNxv6iGQlyVaZmk6ZgYEDa+Jg18DxebPSrd6bg1M=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.6/go.mod h1:5Zoc/QRtKVWzQhOtBMvqHzDpF6irO9z98xDceosuGiQ=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.7 h1:olpwvP2KacW1ZWvsR7uQhoyTYvKAupfQrRGBFM352Gk=
golang.org/x/text v0.3.7/go.mod h1:u+2+/6zg+i71rQMx5EYifcz6MCKuco9NR6JIITiCfzQ=
golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20201208040808-7e3f01d25324 h1:Hir2P/De0WpUhtrKGGjvSb2YxUgyZ7EFOSLIcSSpiwE=
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@ -171,3 +171,76 @@ func TestLoggerCustomTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
_, err := time.Parse(customTimeFormat, loggedTime)
assert.Error(t, err)
func BenchmarkLoggerWithConfig_withoutMapFields(b *testing.B) {
e := echo.New()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
mw := LoggerWithConfig(LoggerConfig{
Format: `{"time":"${time_rfc3339_nano}","id":"${id}","remote_ip":"${remote_ip}","host":"${host}","user_agent":"${user_agent}",` +
`"method":"${method}","uri":"${uri}","status":${status}, "latency":${latency},` +
`"latency_human":"${latency_human}","bytes_in":${bytes_in}, "path":"${path}", "referer":"${referer}",` +
`"bytes_out":${bytes_out}, "protocol":"${protocol}"}` + "\n",
Output: buf,
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
c.FormValue("to force parse form")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
f := make(url.Values)
f.Set("csrf", "token")
f.Add("multiple", "1")
f.Add("multiple", "2")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", strings.NewReader(f.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "curl/7.68.0")
req.Header.Add(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationForm)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
func BenchmarkLoggerWithConfig_withMapFields(b *testing.B) {
e := echo.New()
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
mw := LoggerWithConfig(LoggerConfig{
Format: `{"time":"${time_rfc3339_nano}","id":"${id}","remote_ip":"${remote_ip}","host":"${host}","user_agent":"${user_agent}",` +
`"method":"${method}","uri":"${uri}","status":${status}, "latency":${latency},` +
`"latency_human":"${latency_human}","bytes_in":${bytes_in}, "path":"${path}", "referer":"${referer}",` +
`"bytes_out":${bytes_out},"ch":"${header:X-Custom-Header}", "protocol":"${protocol}"` +
`"us":"${query:username}", "cf":"${form:csrf}", "Referer2":"${header:Referer}"}` + "\n",
Output: buf,
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
c.FormValue("to force parse form")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
f := make(url.Values)
f.Set("csrf", "token")
f.Add("multiple", "1")
f.Add("multiple", "2")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", strings.NewReader(f.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "curl/7.68.0")
req.Header.Add(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationForm)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
package middleware
import (
// Example for `fmt.Printf`
// e.Use(middleware.RequestLoggerWithConfig(middleware.RequestLoggerConfig{
// LogStatus: true,
// LogURI: true,
// LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, v middleware.RequestLoggerValues) error {
// fmt.Printf("REQUEST: uri: %v, status: %v\n", v.URI, v.Status)
// return nil
// },
// }))
// Example for Zerolog (https://github.com/rs/zerolog)
// logger := zerolog.New(os.Stdout)
// e.Use(middleware.RequestLoggerWithConfig(middleware.RequestLoggerConfig{
// LogURI: true,
// LogStatus: true,
// LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, v middleware.RequestLoggerValues) error {
// logger.Info().
// Str("URI", v.URI).
// Int("status", v.Status).
// Msg("request")
// return nil
// },
// }))
// Example for Zap (https://github.com/uber-go/zap)
// logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
// e.Use(middleware.RequestLoggerWithConfig(middleware.RequestLoggerConfig{
// LogURI: true,
// LogStatus: true,
// LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, v middleware.RequestLoggerValues) error {
// logger.Info("request",
// zap.String("URI", v.URI),
// zap.Int("status", v.Status),
// )
// return nil
// },
// }))
// Example for Logrus (https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus)
// log := logrus.New()
// e.Use(middleware.RequestLoggerWithConfig(middleware.RequestLoggerConfig{
// LogURI: true,
// LogStatus: true,
// LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values middleware.RequestLoggerValues) error {
// log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
// "URI": values.URI,
// "status": values.Status,
// }).Info("request")
// return nil
// },
// }))
// RequestLoggerConfig is configuration for Request Logger middleware.
type RequestLoggerConfig struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper Skipper
// BeforeNextFunc defines a function that is called before next middleware or handler is called in chain.
BeforeNextFunc func(c echo.Context)
// LogValuesFunc defines a function that is called with values extracted by logger from request/response.
// Mandatory.
LogValuesFunc func(c echo.Context, v RequestLoggerValues) error
// LogLatency instructs logger to record duration it took to execute rest of the handler chain (next(c) call).
LogLatency bool
// LogProtocol instructs logger to extract request protocol (i.e. `HTTP/1.1` or `HTTP/2`)
LogProtocol bool
// LogRemoteIP instructs logger to extract request remote IP. See `echo.Context.RealIP()` for implementation details.
LogRemoteIP bool
// LogHost instructs logger to extract request host value (i.e. `example.com`)
LogHost bool
// LogMethod instructs logger to extract request method value (i.e. `GET` etc)
LogMethod bool
// LogURI instructs logger to extract request URI (i.e. `/list?lang=en&page=1`)
LogURI bool
// LogURIPath instructs logger to extract request URI path part (i.e. `/list`)
LogURIPath bool
// LogRoutePath instructs logger to extract route path part to which request was matched to (i.e. `/user/:id`)
LogRoutePath bool
// LogRequestID instructs logger to extract request ID from request `X-Request-ID` header or response if request did not have value.
LogRequestID bool
// LogReferer instructs logger to extract request referer values.
LogReferer bool
// LogUserAgent instructs logger to extract request user agent values.
LogUserAgent bool
// LogStatus instructs logger to extract response status code. If handler chain returns an echo.HTTPError,
// the status code is extracted from the echo.HTTPError returned
LogStatus bool
// LogError instructs logger to extract error returned from executed handler chain.
LogError bool
// LogContentLength instructs logger to extract content length header value. Note: this value could be different from
// actual request body size as it could be spoofed etc.
LogContentLength bool
// LogResponseSize instructs logger to extract response content length value. Note: when used with Gzip middleware
// this value may not be always correct.
LogResponseSize bool
// LogHeaders instructs logger to extract given list of headers from request. Note: request can contain more than
// one header with same value so slice of values is been logger for each given header.
// Note: header values are converted to canonical form with http.CanonicalHeaderKey as this how request parser converts header
// names to. For example, the canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
LogHeaders []string
// LogQueryParams instructs logger to extract given list of query parameters from request URI. Note: request can
// contain more than one query parameter with same name so slice of values is been logger for each given query param name.
LogQueryParams []string
// LogFormValues instructs logger to extract given list of form values from request body+URI. Note: request can
// contain more than one form value with same name so slice of values is been logger for each given form value name.
LogFormValues []string
timeNow func() time.Time
// RequestLoggerValues contains extracted values from logger.
type RequestLoggerValues struct {
// Latency is duration it took to execute rest of the handler chain (next(c) call).
Latency time.Duration
// Protocol is request protocol (i.e. `HTTP/1.1` or `HTTP/2`)
Protocol string
// RemoteIP is request remote IP. See `echo.Context.RealIP()` for implementation details.
RemoteIP string
// Host is request host value (i.e. `example.com`)
Host string
// Method is request method value (i.e. `GET` etc)
Method string
// URI is request URI (i.e. `/list?lang=en&page=1`)
URI string
// URIPath is request URI path part (i.e. `/list`)
URIPath string
// RoutePath is route path part to which request was matched to (i.e. `/user/:id`)
RoutePath string
// RequestID is request ID from request `X-Request-ID` header or response if request did not have value.
RequestID string
// Referer is request referer values.
Referer string
// UserAgent is request user agent values.
UserAgent string
// Status is response status code. Then handler returns an echo.HTTPError then code from there.
Status int
// Error is error returned from executed handler chain.
Error error
// ContentLength is content length header value. Note: this value could be different from actual request body size
// as it could be spoofed etc.
ContentLength string
// ResponseSize is response content length value. Note: when used with Gzip middleware this value may not be always correct.
ResponseSize int64
// Headers are list of headers from request. Note: request can contain more than one header with same value so slice
// of values is been logger for each given header.
// Note: header values are converted to canonical form with http.CanonicalHeaderKey as this how request parser converts header
// names to. For example, the canonical key for "accept-encoding" is "Accept-Encoding".
Headers map[string][]string
// QueryParams are list of query parameters from request URI. Note: request can contain more than one query parameter
// with same name so slice of values is been logger for each given query param name.
QueryParams map[string][]string
// FormValues are list of form values from request body+URI. Note: request can contain more than one form value with
// same name so slice of values is been logger for each given form value name.
FormValues map[string][]string
// RequestLoggerWithConfig returns a RequestLogger middleware with config.
func RequestLoggerWithConfig(config RequestLoggerConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
mw, err := config.ToMiddleware()
if err != nil {
return mw
// ToMiddleware converts RequestLoggerConfig into middleware or returns an error for invalid configuration.
func (config RequestLoggerConfig) ToMiddleware() (echo.MiddlewareFunc, error) {
if config.Skipper == nil {
config.Skipper = DefaultSkipper
now = time.Now
if config.timeNow != nil {
now = config.timeNow
if config.LogValuesFunc == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing LogValuesFunc callback function for request logger middleware")
logHeaders := len(config.LogHeaders) > 0
headers := append([]string(nil), config.LogHeaders...)
for i, v := range headers {
headers[i] = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v)
logQueryParams := len(config.LogQueryParams) > 0
logFormValues := len(config.LogFormValues) > 0
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
if config.Skipper(c) {
return next(c)
req := c.Request()
res := c.Response()
start := now()
if config.BeforeNextFunc != nil {
err := next(c)
v := RequestLoggerValues{}
if config.LogLatency {
v.Latency = now().Sub(start)
if config.LogProtocol {
v.Protocol = req.Proto
if config.LogRemoteIP {
v.RemoteIP = c.RealIP()
if config.LogHost {
v.Host = req.Host
if config.LogMethod {
v.Method = req.Method
if config.LogURI {
v.URI = req.RequestURI
if config.LogURIPath {
p := req.URL.Path
if p == "" {
p = "/"
v.URIPath = p
if config.LogRoutePath {
v.RoutePath = c.Path()
if config.LogRequestID {
id := req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderXRequestID)
if id == "" {
id = res.Header().Get(echo.HeaderXRequestID)
v.RequestID = id
if config.LogReferer {
v.Referer = req.Referer()
if config.LogUserAgent {
v.UserAgent = req.UserAgent()
if config.LogStatus {
v.Status = res.Status
if err != nil {
if httpErr, ok := err.(*echo.HTTPError); ok {
v.Status = httpErr.Code
if config.LogError && err != nil {
v.Error = err
if config.LogContentLength {
v.ContentLength = req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderContentLength)
if config.LogResponseSize {
v.ResponseSize = res.Size
if logHeaders {
v.Headers = map[string][]string{}
for _, header := range headers {
if values, ok := req.Header[header]; ok {
v.Headers[header] = values
if logQueryParams {
queryParams := c.QueryParams()
v.QueryParams = map[string][]string{}
for _, param := range config.LogQueryParams {
if values, ok := queryParams[param]; ok {
v.QueryParams[param] = values
if logFormValues {
v.FormValues = map[string][]string{}
for _, formValue := range config.LogFormValues {
if values, ok := req.Form[formValue]; ok {
v.FormValues[formValue] = values
if errOnLog := config.LogValuesFunc(c, v); errOnLog != nil {
return errOnLog
return err
}, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
package middleware
import (
func TestRequestLoggerWithConfig(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var expect RequestLoggerValues
LogRoutePath: true,
LogURI: true,
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return nil
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code)
assert.Equal(t, "/test", expect.RoutePath)
func TestRequestLoggerWithConfig_missingOnLogValuesPanics(t *testing.T) {
assert.Panics(t, func() {
LogValuesFunc: nil,
func TestRequestLogger_skipper(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
loggerCalled := false
Skipper: func(c echo.Context) bool {
return true
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
loggerCalled = true
return nil
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code)
assert.False(t, loggerCalled)
func TestRequestLogger_beforeNextFunc(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var myLoggerInstance int
BeforeNextFunc: func(c echo.Context) {
c.Set("myLoggerInstance", 42)
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
myLoggerInstance = c.Get("myLoggerInstance").(int)
return nil
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code)
assert.Equal(t, 42, myLoggerInstance)
func TestRequestLogger_logError(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var expect RequestLoggerValues
LogError: true,
LogStatus: true,
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return nil
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotAcceptable, "nope")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusNotAcceptable, rec.Code)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusNotAcceptable, expect.Status)
assert.EqualError(t, expect.Error, "code=406, message=nope")
func TestRequestLogger_LogValuesFuncError(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var expect RequestLoggerValues
LogError: true,
LogStatus: true,
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotAcceptable, "LogValuesFuncError")
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
// NOTE: when global error handler received error returned from middleware the status has already
// been written to the client and response has been "commited" therefore global error handler does not do anything
// and error that bubbled up in middleware chain will not be reflected in response code.
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, expect.Status)
func TestRequestLogger_ID(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
name string
whenFromRequest bool
expect string
name: "ok, ID is provided from request headers",
whenFromRequest: true,
expect: "123",
name: "ok, ID is from response headers",
whenFromRequest: false,
expect: "321",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var expect RequestLoggerValues
LogRequestID: true,
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return nil
e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "321")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test", nil)
if tc.whenFromRequest {
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
e.ServeHTTP(rec, req)
assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expect, expect.RequestID)
func TestRequestLogger_headerIsCaseInsensitive(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
var expect RequestLoggerValues
mw := RequestLoggerWithConfig(RequestLoggerConfig{
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return nil
LogHeaders: []string{"referer", "User-Agent"},
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
c.FormValue("to force parse form")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", nil)
req.Header.Set("referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
err := mw(c)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Len(t, expect.Headers, 1)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"https://echo.labstack.com/"}, expect.Headers["Referer"])
func TestRequestLogger_allFields(t *testing.T) {
e := echo.New()
isFirstNowCall := true
var expect RequestLoggerValues
mw := RequestLoggerWithConfig(RequestLoggerConfig{
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
expect = values
return nil
LogLatency: true,
LogProtocol: true,
LogRemoteIP: true,
LogHost: true,
LogMethod: true,
LogURI: true,
LogURIPath: true,
LogRoutePath: true,
LogRequestID: true,
LogReferer: true,
LogUserAgent: true,
LogStatus: true,
LogError: true,
LogContentLength: true,
LogResponseSize: true,
LogHeaders: []string{"accept-encoding", "User-Agent"},
LogQueryParams: []string{"lang", "checked"},
LogFormValues: []string{"csrf", "multiple"},
timeNow: func() time.Time {
if isFirstNowCall {
isFirstNowCall = false
return time.Unix(1631045377, 0)
return time.Unix(1631045377+10, 0)
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
c.FormValue("to force parse form")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
f := make(url.Values)
f.Set("csrf", "token")
f.Set("multiple", "1")
f.Add("multiple", "2")
reader := strings.NewReader(f.Encode())
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", reader)
req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "curl/7.68.0")
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentLength, strconv.Itoa(int(reader.Size())))
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationForm)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRealIP, "")
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
err := mw(c)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, 10*time.Second, expect.Latency)
assert.Equal(t, "HTTP/1.1", expect.Protocol)
assert.Equal(t, "", expect.RemoteIP)
assert.Equal(t, "example.com", expect.Host)
assert.Equal(t, http.MethodPost, expect.Method)
assert.Equal(t, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", expect.URI)
assert.Equal(t, "/test", expect.URIPath)
assert.Equal(t, "/test*", expect.RoutePath)
assert.Equal(t, "123", expect.RequestID)
assert.Equal(t, "https://echo.labstack.com/", expect.Referer)
assert.Equal(t, "curl/7.68.0", expect.UserAgent)
assert.Equal(t, 418, expect.Status)
assert.Equal(t, nil, expect.Error)
assert.Equal(t, "32", expect.ContentLength)
assert.Equal(t, int64(2), expect.ResponseSize)
assert.Len(t, expect.Headers, 1)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"curl/7.68.0"}, expect.Headers["User-Agent"])
assert.Len(t, expect.QueryParams, 2)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"en"}, expect.QueryParams["lang"])
assert.Equal(t, []string{"1", "2"}, expect.QueryParams["checked"])
assert.Len(t, expect.FormValues, 2)
assert.Equal(t, []string{"token"}, expect.FormValues["csrf"])
assert.Equal(t, []string{"1", "2"}, expect.FormValues["multiple"])
func BenchmarkRequestLogger_withoutMapFields(b *testing.B) {
e := echo.New()
mw := RequestLoggerWithConfig(RequestLoggerConfig{
Skipper: nil,
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
return nil
LogLatency: true,
LogProtocol: true,
LogRemoteIP: true,
LogHost: true,
LogMethod: true,
LogURI: true,
LogURIPath: true,
LogRoutePath: true,
LogRequestID: true,
LogReferer: true,
LogUserAgent: true,
LogStatus: true,
LogError: true,
LogContentLength: true,
LogResponseSize: true,
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/test?lang=en", nil)
req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "curl/7.68.0")
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
func BenchmarkRequestLogger_withMapFields(b *testing.B) {
e := echo.New()
mw := RequestLoggerWithConfig(RequestLoggerConfig{
LogValuesFunc: func(c echo.Context, values RequestLoggerValues) error {
return nil
LogLatency: true,
LogProtocol: true,
LogRemoteIP: true,
LogHost: true,
LogMethod: true,
LogURI: true,
LogURIPath: true,
LogRoutePath: true,
LogRequestID: true,
LogReferer: true,
LogUserAgent: true,
LogStatus: true,
LogError: true,
LogContentLength: true,
LogResponseSize: true,
LogHeaders: []string{"accept-encoding", "User-Agent"},
LogQueryParams: []string{"lang", "checked"},
LogFormValues: []string{"csrf", "multiple"},
})(func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Request().Header.Set(echo.HeaderXRequestID, "123")
c.FormValue("to force parse form")
return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OK")
f := make(url.Values)
f.Set("csrf", "token")
f.Add("multiple", "1")
f.Add("multiple", "2")
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/test?lang=en&checked=1&checked=2", strings.NewReader(f.Encode()))
req.Header.Set("Referer", "https://echo.labstack.com/")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "curl/7.68.0")
req.Header.Add(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationForm)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
rec := httptest.NewRecorder()
c := e.NewContext(req, rec)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user