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By participating to this project, you agree to abide our code of conduct.
Setup your machine
is written in Go.
Clone goreleaser
from source into $GOPATH
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser
$ cd $_
$ git clone git@github.com:goreleaser/goreleaser.git
$ cd goreleaser
Install the build and lint dependencies:
$ make setup
A good way of making sure everything is all right is running the test suite:
$ make test
Test your change
You can create a branch for your changes and try to build from the source as you go:
$ make build
When you are satisfied with the changes, we suggest you run:
$ make ci
Which runs all the linters and tests.
Create a commit
Commit messages should be well formatted.
Start your commit message with the type. Choose one of the following:
, fix
, docs
, style
, refactor
, perf
, test
, chore
, revert
, add
, remove
, move
, bump
, update
, release
After a colon, you should give the message a title, starting with uppercase and ending without a dot. Keep the width of the text at 72 chars. The title must be followed with a newline, then a more detailed description.
Please reference any GitHub issues on the last line of the commit message (e.g. See #123
, Closes #123
, Fixes #123
An example:
docs: Add example for --release-notes flag
I added an example to the docs of the `--release-notes` flag to make
the usage more clear. The example is an realistic use case and might
help others to generate their own changelog.
See #284
Submit a pull request
Push your branch to your goreleaser
fork and open a pull request against the
master branch.