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Carlos Alexandro Becker 367c6c0d1d
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2019-03-24 20:10:30 -03:00

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Name Templates customization true 25

Several fields in GoReleaser's config file support templating.

Those fields are often suffixed with _template, but sometimes they may not be. The documentation of each section should explicit in which fields templating is available.

On fields that support templating, this fields are always available:

Key Description
.ProjectName the project name
.Version the version being released (v prefix stripped)
.Tag the current git tag
.ShortCommit the git commit short hash
.FullCommit the git commit full hash
.Commit the git commit hash (deprecated)
.GitURL the git remote url
.Major the major part of the version
.Minor the minor part of the version
.Patch the patch part of the version
.Env a map with system's environment variables
.Date current UTC date in RFC3339 format
.Timestamp current UTC time in Unix format

On fields that are related to a single artifact (e.g., the binary name), you may have some extra fields:

Key Description
.Os GOOS (usually allow replacements)
.Arch GOARCH (usually allow replacements)
.Arm GOARM (usually allow replacements)
.Binary Binary name
.ArtifactName Archive name

On all fields, you have these available functions:

Usage Description
time "01/02/2006" current UTC time in the specified format

With all those fields, you may be able to compose the name of your artifacts pretty much the way you want:

example_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Env.USER }}_{{ time "2006" }}'

For example, if you want to add the go version to some artifact:

foo_template: 'foo_{{ .Env.GOVERSION }}'

And then you can run:

GOVERSION_NR=$(go version | awk '{print $3;}') goreleaser

Note that those are hypothetical examples and the fields foo_template and example_template are not valid GoReleaser configurations.