mirror of https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser.git synced 2025-03-25 21:29:14 +02:00
Carlos Alexandro Becker bf31227b4e
fix(nfpm): termux platform (#4812)
closes #4810 
closes  #4809


Co-authored-by: rsteube <rsteube@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-04-28 20:20:53 -03:00

16 KiB

Linux packages (via nFPM)

GoReleaser can be wired to nfpm to generate and publish .deb, .rpm, .apk, and Archlinux packages.

Available options:

# .goreleaser.yaml
  # note that this is an array of nfpm configs
  - #
    # ID of the nfpm config, must be unique.
    # Default: 'default'
    id: foo

    # Name of the package.
    # Default: ProjectName
    # Templates: allowed (since v1.18)
    package_name: foo

    # You can change the file name of the package.
    # Default: '{{ .PackageName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}'
    # Templates: allowed
    file_name_template: "{{ .ConventionalFileName }}"

    # Build IDs for the builds you want to create NFPM packages for.
    # Defaults empty, which means no filtering.
      - foo
      - bar

    # Your app's vendor.
    vendor: Drum Roll Inc.

    # Your app's homepage.
    homepage: https://example.com/

    # Your app's maintainer (probably you).
    maintainer: Drummer <drum-roll@example.com>

    # Your app's description.
    description: |-
      Drum rolls installer package.
      Software to create fast and easy drum rolls.

    # Your app's license.
    license: Apache 2.0

    # Formats to be generated.
      - apk
      - deb
      - rpm
      - termux.deb # Since: v1.11
      - archlinux # Since: v1.13

    # Umask to be used on files without explicit mode set. (overridable)
    # Default: 0o002 (will remove world-writable permissions)
    # Since: v1.19
    umask: 0o002

    # Packages your package depends on. (overridable)
      - git
      - zsh

    # Packages it provides. (overridable)
    # Since: v1.11
      - bar

    # Packages your package recommends installing. (overridable)
      - bzr
      - gtk

    # Packages your package suggests installing. (overridable)
      - cvs
      - ksh

    # Packages that conflict with your package. (overridable)
      - svn
      - bash

    # Packages it replaces. (overridable)
      - fish

    # Path that the binaries should be installed.
    # Default: '/usr/bin'
    bindir: /usr/bin

    # Paths to the directories where to put specific types of libraries that
    # GoReleaser built.
    # This should be used together with `builds.buildmode`
    # Since: v1.24.
    # Templates: allowed
      # Default: '/usr/include'
      headers: /usr/include/something

      # Default: '/usr/lib'
      cshared: /usr/lib/foo

      # Default: '/usr/lib'
      carchive: /usr/lib/foobar

    # Version Epoch.
    # Default: extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible
    epoch: 2

    # Version Prerelease.
    # Default: extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible
    prerelease: beta1

    # Version Metadata (previously deb.metadata).
    # Setting metadata might interfere with version comparisons depending on the
    # packager.
    # Default: extracted from `version` if it is semver compatible
    version_metadata: git

    # Version Release.
    release: 1

    # Section.
    section: default

    # Priority.
    priority: extra

    # Makes a meta package - an empty package that contains only supporting
    # files and dependencies.
    # When set to `true`, the `builds` option is ignored.
    meta: true

    # Changelog YAML file, see: https://github.com/goreleaser/chglog
    # You can use goreleaser/chglog to create the changelog for your project,
    # pass that changelog yaml file to GoReleaser,
    # and it should in turn setup it accordingly for the given available
    # formats (deb and rpm at the moment).
    # Experimental.
    # Since: v1.11
    changelog: ./foo.yml

    # Contents to add to the package.
    # GoReleaser will automatically add the binaries.
      # Basic file that applies to all packagers
      - src: path/to/foo
        dst: /usr/bin/foo

      # This will add all files in some/directory or in subdirectories at the
      # same level under the directory /etc. This means the tree structure in
      # some/directory will not be replicated.
      - src: some/directory/
        dst: /etc

      # This will replicate the directory structure under some/directory at
      # /etc, using the "tree" type.
      # Since: v1.17
      # Templates: allowed
      - src: some/directory/
        dst: /etc
        type: tree

      # Simple config file
      - src: path/to/foo.conf
        dst: /etc/foo.conf
        type: config

      # Simple symlink.
      # Corresponds to `ln -s /sbin/foo /usr/local/bin/foo`
      - src: /sbin/foo
        dst: /usr/bin/foo
        type: "symlink"

      # Corresponds to `%config(noreplace)` if the packager is rpm, otherwise it
      # is just a config file
      - src: path/to/local/bar.conf
        dst: /etc/bar.conf
        type: "config|noreplace"

      # The src and dst attributes also supports name templates
      - src: path/{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}/bar.conf
        dst: /etc/foo/bar-{{ .ProjectName }}.conf

    # Additional templated contents to add to the archive.
    # Those files will have their contents pass through the template engine,
    # and its results will be added to the package.
    # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
    # Since: v1.17 (pro)
    # Templates: allowed
      # a more complete example, check the globbing deep dive below
      - src: "LICENSE.md.tpl"
        dst: LICENSE.md

      # These files are not actually present in the package, but the file names
      # are added to the package header. From the RPM directives documentation:
      # "There are times when a file should be owned by the package but not
      # installed - log files and state files are good examples of cases you
      # might desire this to happen."
      # "The way to achieve this, is to use the %ghost directive. By adding this
      # directive to the line containing a file, RPM will know about the ghosted
      # file, but will not add it to the package."
      # For non rpm packages ghost files are ignored at this time.
      - dst: /etc/casper.conf
        type: ghost
      - dst: /var/log/boo.log
        type: ghost

      # You can use the packager field to add files that are unique to a
      # specific packager
      - src: path/to/rpm/file.conf
        dst: /etc/file.conf
        type: "config|noreplace"
        packager: rpm
      - src: path/to/deb/file.conf
        dst: /etc/file.conf
        type: "config|noreplace"
        packager: deb
      - src: path/to/apk/file.conf
        dst: /etc/file.conf
        type: "config|noreplace"
        packager: apk

      # Sometimes it is important to be able to set the mtime, mode, owner, or
      # group for a file that differs from what is on the local build system at
      # build time.
      - src: path/to/foo
        dst: /usr/local/foo
          mode: 0644
          mtime: 2008-01-02T15:04:05Z
          owner: notRoot
          group: notRoot

      # If `dst` ends with a `/`, it'll create the given path and copy the given
      # `src` into it, the same way `cp` works with and without trailing `/`.
      - src: ./foo/bar/*
        dst: /usr/local/myapp/

      # Using the type 'dir', empty directories can be created. When building
      # RPMs, however, this type has another important purpose: Claiming
      # ownership of that directory. This is important because when upgrading or
      # removing an RPM package, only the directories for which it has claimed
      # ownership are removed. However, you should not claim ownership of a
      # directory that is created by the OS or a dependency of your package.
      # A directory in the build environment can optionally be provided in the
      # 'src' field in order copy mtime and mode from that directory without
      # having to specify it manually.
      - dst: /some/dir
        type: dir
          mode: 0700

    # Scripts to execute during the installation of the package. (overridable)
    # Keys are the possible targets during the installation process
    # Values are the paths to the scripts which will be executed.
    # Templates: allowed (since v1.20)
      preinstall: "scripts/preinstall.sh"
      postinstall: "scripts/postinstall.sh"
      preremove: "scripts/preremove.sh"
      postremove: "scripts/postremove.sh"

    # Templated scripts to execute during the installation of the package. (overridable)
    # Keys are the possible targets during the installation process
    # Values are the paths to the scripts which will be executed.
    # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
    # Since: v1.20 (pro)
    # Templates: allowed
      preinstall: "scripts/preinstall.sh"
      postinstall: "scripts/postinstall.sh"
      preremove: "scripts/preremove.sh"
      postremove: "scripts/postremove.sh"

    # All fields above marked as `overridable` can be overridden for a given
    # package format in this section.
      # The dependencies override can for example be used to provide version
      # constraints for dependencies where  different package formats use
      # different versions or for dependencies that are named differently.
          - baz (>= 1.2.3-0)
          - some-lib-dev
        # ...
          - baz >= 1.2.3-0
          - some-lib-devel
        # ...
        # ...

    # Custom configuration applied only to the RPM packager.
      # RPM specific scripts.
        # The pretrans script runs before all RPM package transactions / stages.
        pretrans: ./scripts/pretrans.sh
        # The posttrans script runs after all RPM package transactions / stages.
        posttrans: ./scripts/posttrans.sh

      # The package summary.
      # Default: first line of the description
      summary: Explicit Summary for Sample Package

      # The package group.
      # This option is deprecated by most distros but required by old distros
      # like CentOS 5 / EL 5 and earlier.
      group: Unspecified

      # The packager is used to identify the organization that actually packaged
      # the software, as opposed to the author of the software.
      # `maintainer` will be used as fallback if not specified.
      # This will expand any env var you set in the field, eg packager: ${PACKAGER}
      packager: GoReleaser <staff@goreleaser.com>

      # Compression algorithm (gzip (default), lzma or xz).
      compression: lzma

      # Prefixes for relocatable packages.
      # Since: v1.20
        - /usr/bin

      # The package is signed if a key_file is set
        # PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored).
        # See "Signing key passphrases" below for more information.
        # Templates: allowed
        key_file: "{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}"

    # Custom configuration applied only to the Deb packager.
      # Lintian overrides
        - statically-linked-binary
        - changelog-file-missing-in-native-package

      # Custom deb special files.
        # Deb rules script.
        rules: foo.sh
        # Deb templates file, when using debconf.
        templates: templates

      # Custom deb triggers
        # register interest on a trigger activated by another package
        # (also available: interest_await, interest_noawait)
          - some-trigger-name
        # activate a trigger for another package
        # (also available: activate_await, activate_noawait)
          - another-trigger-name

      # Packages which would break if this package would be installed.
      # The installation of this package is blocked if `some-package`
      # is already installed.
        - some-package

      # Packages which would break if this package would be installed.
      # The installation of this package is blocked if `some-package`
      # is already installed.
      # Since: v1.25.
        - some-package

      # The package is signed if a key_file is set
        # PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored).
        # See "Signing key passphrases" below for more information.
        # Templates: allowed
        key_file: "{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}"

        # The type describes the signers role, possible values are "origin",
        # "maint" and "archive".
        # Default: 'origin'
        type: origin

      # Additional fields for the control file. Empty fields are ignored.
      # This will expand any env vars you set in the field values, e.g. Vcs-Browser: ${CI_PROJECT_URL}
        Bugs: https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm/issues

      # The Debian-specific "predepends" field can be used to ensure the complete installation of a list of
      # packages (including unpacking, pre- and post installation scripts) prior to the installation of the
      # built package.
        - baz (>= 1.2.3-0)

      # APK specific scripts.
        # The preupgrade script runs before APK upgrade.
        preupgrade: ./scripts/preupgrade.sh
        # The postupgrade script runs after APK.
        postupgrade: ./scripts/postupgrade.sh

      # The package is signed if a key_file is set
        # PGP secret key file path (can also be ASCII-armored).
        # See "Signing key passphrases" below for more information.
        # Templates: allowed
        key_file: "{{ .Env.GPG_KEY_PATH }}"

        # The name of the signing key. When verifying a package, the signature
        # is matched to the public key store in /etc/apk/keys/<key_name>.rsa.pub.
        # Default: maintainer's email address
        # Templates: allowed (since v1.15)
        key_name: origin

      # Archlinux-specific scripts
        # The preupgrade script runs before pacman upgrades the package.
        preupgrade: ./scripts/preupgrade.sh
        # The postupgrade script runs after pacman upgrades the package.
        postupgrade: ./scripts/postupgrade.sh

      # The pkgbase can be used to explicitly specify the name to be used to refer
      # to a group of packages. See: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PKGBUILD#pkgbase.
      pkgbase: foo

      # The packager refers to the organization packaging the software, not to be confused
      # with the maintainer, which is the person who maintains the software.
      packager: GoReleaser <staff@goreleaser.com>

!!! tip

Learn more about the [name template engine](/customization/templates/).

!!! info

Fields marked with "overridable" can be overridden for any format.

Signing key passphrases

GoReleaser will try to get the password from the following environment variables, in the following order of preference:


Basically, it'll start from the most specific to the most generic. Also, [ID] is the uppercase id value, and [FORMAT] is the uppercase format (deb, rpm, etc).

So, if your nfpms.id is default, then the deb-specific passphrase will be set $NFPM_DEFAULT_DEB_PASSPHRASE. GoReleaser will try that, then $NFPM_DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE, and finally, $NFPM_PASSPHRASE.

A note about Termux

Termux is the same format as deb, the differences are:

  • it uses a different bindir (prefixed with /data/data/com.termux/files/)
  • it uses slightly different architecture names than Debian
  • it will only package binaries built for Android

Conventional file names, Debian, and ARMv6

On Debian, both ARMv6 and ARMv7 have the same architecture name: armhf.

If you use {{.ConventionalFileName}}, and build for both architectures, you'll get duplicated file names.

You can go around that with something like this:

# .goreleaser.yaml
  - # ...
    file_name_template: >-
      {{- trimsuffix .ConventionalFileName .ConventionalExtension -}}
      {{- if and (eq .Arm "6") (eq .ConventionalExtension ".deb") }}6{{ end -}}
      {{- if not (eq .Amd64 "v1")}}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end -}}
      {{- .ConventionalExtension -}}

    # ...