mirror of https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser.git synced 2025-03-25 21:29:14 +02:00
Carlos Alexandro Becker c49c771220
feat: builds. no_unique_dist_dir (#2280)
* Implemented build option output_path

* feat: output path renamed to dist_path

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>

* fix: CR

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>

* fix: binary name

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>

Co-authored-by: Thomas Meckel <tmeckel@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-06-06 19:44:24 -03:00

8.4 KiB


Builds can be customized in multiple ways. You can specify for which GOOS, GOARCH and GOARM binaries are built (goreleaser will generate a matrix of all combinations), and you can change the name of the binary, flags, environment variables, hooks and etc.

Here is a commented builds section with all fields specified:

# .goreleaser.yml
  # You can have multiple builds defined as a yaml list
    # ID of the build.
    # Defaults to the project name.
    id: "my-build"

    # Path to project's (sub)directory containing Go code.
    # This is the working directory for the Go build command(s).
    # Default is `.`.
    dir: go

    # Path to main.go file or main package.
    # Notice: when used with `gomod.proxy`, this must be a package.
    # Default is `.`.
    main: ./cmd/my-app

    # Binary name.
    # Can be a path (e.g. `bin/app`) to wrap the binary in a directory.
    # Default is the name of the project directory.
    binary: program

    # Custom flags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - -tags=dev
      - -v

    # Custom asmflags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - -D mysymbol
      - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}

    # Custom gcflags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - all=-trimpath={{.Env.GOPATH}}
      - ./dontoptimizeme=-N

    # Custom ldflags templates.
    # Default is `-s -w -X main.version={{.Version}} -X main.commit={{.Commit}} -X main.date={{.Date}} -X main.builtBy=goreleaser`.
      - -s -w -X main.build={{.Version}}
      - ./usemsan=-msan

    # Custom build tags templates.
    # Default is empty.
      - osusergo
      - netgo
      - static_build
      - feature

    # Custom environment variables to be set during the builds.
    # Default is empty.
      - CGO_ENABLED=0

    # GOOS list to build for.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Defaults are darwin and linux.
      - freebsd
      - windows

    # GOARCH to build for.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Defaults are 386, amd64 and arm64.
      - amd64
      - arm
      - arm64

    # GOARM to build for when GOARCH is arm.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Default is only 6.
      - 6
      - 7

    # GOMIPS and GOMIPS64 to build when GOARCH is mips, mips64, mipsle or mips64le.
    # For more info refer to: https://golang.org/doc/install/source#environment
    # Default is only hardfloat.
      - hardfloat
      - softfloat

    # List of combinations of GOOS + GOARCH + GOARM to ignore.
    # Default is empty.
      - goos: darwin
        goarch: 386
      - goos: linux
        goarch: arm
        goarm: 7
      - goarm: mips64
        gomips: hardfloat

    # Set a specific go binary to use when building. It is safe to ignore
    # this option in most cases.
    # Default is "go"
    gobinary: "go1.13.4"

    # Set the modified timestamp on the output binary, typically
    # you would do this to ensure a build was reproducible. Pass
    # empty string to skip modifying the output.
    # Default is empty string.
    mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'

    # Hooks can be used to customize the final binary,
    # for example, to run generators.
    # Those fields allow templates.
    # Default is both hooks empty.
      pre: rice embed-go
      post: ./script.sh {{ .Path }}

    # If true, skip the build.
    # Useful for library projects.
    # Default is false
    skip: false

    # By default, GoRelaser will create your binaries inside `dist/${BuildID}_${BuildTarget}`, which is an unique directory per build target in the matrix.
    # You are able to set subdirs within that folder using the `binary` property.
    # However, if for some reason you don't want that unique directory to be created, you can set this property.
    # If you do, you are responsible of keeping different builds from overriding each other.
    # Defaults to `false`.
    no_unique_dist_dir: true

!!! tip Learn more about the name template engine.

Here is an example with multiple binaries:

# .goreleaser.yml
  - main: ./cmd/cli
    id: "cli"
    binary: cli
      - linux
      - darwin
      - windows

  - main: ./cmd/worker
    id: "worker"
    binary: worker
      - linux
      - darwin
      - windows

  - main: ./cmd/tracker
    id: "tracker"
    binary: tracker
      - linux
      - darwin
      - windows

The binary name field supports templating. The following build details are exposed:

Key Description
.Ext Extension, e.g. .exe
.Target Build target, e.g. darwin_amd64

Passing environment variables to ldflags

You can do that by using {{ .Env.VARIABLE_NAME }} in the template, for example:

  - ldflags:
   - -s -w -X "main.goversion={{.Env.GOVERSION}}"

Then you can run:

GOVERSION=$(go version) goreleaser

Build Hooks

Both pre and post hooks run for each build target, regardless of whether these targets are generated via a matrix of OSes and architectures or defined explicitly.

In addition to simple declarations as shown above multiple hooks can be declared to help retaining reusability of config between different build environments.

    id: "with-hooks"
     - "darwin_amd64"
     - "windows_amd64"
       - first-script.sh
       - second-script.sh
       - upx "{{ .Path }}"
       - codesign -project="{{ .ProjectName }}" "{{ .Path }}"

Each hook can also have its own work directory and environment variables:

    id: "with-hooks"
     - "darwin_amd64"
     - "windows_amd64"
       - cmd: first-script.sh
         dir: "{{ dir .Dist}}"
          - HOOK_SPECIFIC_VAR={{ .Env.GLOBAL_VAR }}
       - second-script.sh

All properties of a hook (cmd, dir and env) support templating with post hooks having binary artifact available (as these run after the build). Additionally the following build details are exposed to both pre and post hooks:

Key Description
.Name Filename of the binary, e.g. bin.exe
.Ext Extension, e.g. .exe
.Path Absolute path to the binary
.Target Build target, e.g. darwin_amd64

Environment variables are inherited and overridden in the following order:

  • global (env)
  • build (builds[].env)
  • hook (builds[].hooks.pre[].env and builds[].hooks.post[].env)

Go Modules

If you use Go 1.11+ with go modules or vgo, when GoReleaser runs it may try to download the dependencies. Since several builds run in parallel, it is very likely to fail.

You can solve this by running go mod tidy before calling goreleaser or by adding a hook doing that on your .goreleaser.yml file:

  - go mod tidy
# rest of the file...

Define Build Tag

GoReleaser uses git describe to get the build tag. You can set a different build tag using the environment variable GORELEASER_CURRENT_TAG. This is useful in scenarios where two tags point to the same commit.

Reproducible Builds

To make your releases, checksums, and signatures reproducible, you will need to make some (if not all) of the following modifications to the build defaults in GoReleaser:

  • Modify ldflags: by default main.Date is set to the time GoReleaser is run ({{.Date}}), you can set this to {{.CommitDate}} or just not pass the variable.
  • Modify mod_timestamp: by default this is empty string, set to {{.CommitTimestamp}} or a constant value instead.
  • If you do not run your builds from a consistent directory structure, pass -trimpath to flags.
  • Remove uses of the time template function. This function returns a new value on every call and is not deterministic.