mirror of https://github.com/goreleaser/goreleaser.git synced 2025-03-21 21:07:19 +02:00
Carlos Alexandro Becker c1965923b0
docs: improve wording/formatting in several places (#3384)
this just improves docs wording and formatting in several places.

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-09-17 00:13:09 -03:00

3.6 KiB

Custom Publishers

GoReleaser supports publishing artifacts by executing a custom publisher.

How it works

You can declare multiple publishers instances. Each publisher will be executed for each (filtered) artifact. For example, there will be a total of 6 executions for 2 publishers with 3 artifacts.

Publishers run sequentially in the order they're defined and executions are parallelized between all artifacts. In other words the publisher is expected to be safe to run in multiple instances in parallel.

If you have only one publishers instance, the configuration is as easy as adding the command to your .goreleaser.yaml file:

  - name: my-publisher
    cmd: custom-publisher -version={{ .Version }} {{ abs .ArtifactPath }}


Commands, which are executed as custom publishers only inherit a subset of the system environment variables (unlike existing hooks) as a precaution to avoid leaking sensitive data accidentally and provide better control of the environment for each individual process where variable names may overlap unintentionally.

Environment variables that are kept:

  • HOME
  • USER
  • TMP
  • TEMP
  • PATH

You can however use .Env.NAME templating syntax, which enables more explicit inheritance.

- cmd: custom-publisher

The publisher explicit environment variables take precedence over the inherited set of variables as well.


Command (cmd), workdir (dir) and environment variables (env) support templating

  - name: production
    cmd: |
      custom-publisher \
      -product={{ .ProjectName }} \
      -version={{ .Version }} \
      {{ .ArtifactName }}
    dir: "{{ dir .ArtifactPath }}"

so the above example will execute:

custom-publisher -product=goreleaser -version=1.0.0 goreleaser_1.0.0_linux_amd64.zip

in /path/to/dist with TOKEN=token, assuming that GoReleaser is executed with CUSTOM_PUBLISHER_TOKEN=token.

Supported variables:

  • Version
  • Tag
  • ProjectName
  • ArtifactName
  • ArtifactPath
  • Os
  • Arch
  • Arm


Of course, you can customize a lot of things:

# .goreleaser.yaml
    # Unique name of your publisher. Used for identification
    name: "custom"

    # IDs of the artifacts you want to publish
     - foo
     - bar

    # Publish checksums (defaults to false)
    checksum: true

    # Publish signatures (defaults to false)
    signature: true

    # Working directory in which to execute the command
    dir: "/utils"

    # Command to be executed
    cmd: custom-publisher -product={{ .ProjectName }} -version={{ .Version }} {{ .ArtifactPath }}

    # Environment variables
      - API_TOKEN=secret-token

    # You can publish extra pre-existing files.
    # The filename published will be the last part of the path (base).
    # If another file with the same name exists, the last one found will be used.
    # These globs can also include templates.
    # Defaults to empty.
      - glob: ./path/to/file.txt
      - glob: ./glob/**/to/**/file/**/*
      - glob: ./glob/foo/to/bar/file/foobar/override_from_previous
      - glob: ./single_file.txt
        name_template: file.txt # note that this only works if glob matches 1 file only

These settings should allow you to push your artifacts to any number of endpoints, which may require non-trivial authentication or has otherwise complex requirements.

!!! tip Learn more about the name template engine.