mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:47:32 +02:00
factor out code for loading models
This commit is contained in:
@ -201,62 +201,6 @@ func findDotGitDir(stat func(string) (os.FileInfo, error), readFile func(filenam
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(fileContent, "gitdir: ")), nil
func (c *GitCommand) getUnfilteredStashEntries() []*models.StashEntry {
unescaped := "git stash list --pretty='%gs'"
rawString, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(unescaped)
stashEntries := []*models.StashEntry{}
for i, line := range utils.SplitLines(rawString) {
stashEntries = append(stashEntries, stashEntryFromLine(line, i))
return stashEntries
// GetStashEntries stash entries
func (c *GitCommand) GetStashEntries(filterPath string) []*models.StashEntry {
if filterPath == "" {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
unescaped := fmt.Sprintf("git stash list --name-only")
rawString, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(unescaped)
if err != nil {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
stashEntries := []*models.StashEntry{}
var currentStashEntry *models.StashEntry
lines := utils.SplitLines(rawString)
isAStash := func(line string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(line, "stash@{") }
re := regexp.MustCompile(`stash@\{(\d+)\}`)
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
if !isAStash(lines[i]) {
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(lines[i])
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
if err != nil {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
currentStashEntry = stashEntryFromLine(lines[i], idx)
for i+1 < len(lines) && !isAStash(lines[i+1]) {
if lines[i] == filterPath {
stashEntries = append(stashEntries, currentStashEntry)
continue outer
return stashEntries
func stashEntryFromLine(line string, index int) *models.StashEntry {
return &models.StashEntry{
Name: line,
Index: index,
// GetStashEntryDiff stash diff
func (c *GitCommand) ShowStashEntryCmdStr(index int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("git stash show -p --stat --color=%s stash@{%d}", c.colorArg(), index)
@ -273,53 +217,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) GetConfigValue(key string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(output)
func (c *GitCommand) GetStatusFiles(opts GetStatusFileOptions) []*models.File {
// check if config wants us ignoring untracked files
untrackedFilesSetting := c.GetConfigValue("status.showUntrackedFiles")
if untrackedFilesSetting == "" {
untrackedFilesSetting = "all"
untrackedFilesArg := fmt.Sprintf("--untracked-files=%s", untrackedFilesSetting)
statusOutput, err := c.GitStatus(GitStatusOptions{NoRenames: opts.NoRenames, UntrackedFilesArg: untrackedFilesArg})
if err != nil {
statusStrings := utils.SplitLines(statusOutput)
files := []*models.File{}
for _, statusString := range statusStrings {
if strings.HasPrefix(statusString, "warning") {
c.Log.Warningf("warning when calling git status: %s", statusString)
change := statusString[0:2]
stagedChange := change[0:1]
unstagedChange := statusString[1:2]
filename := c.OSCommand.Unquote(statusString[3:])
untracked := utils.IncludesString([]string{"??", "A ", "AM"}, change)
hasNoStagedChanges := utils.IncludesString([]string{" ", "U", "?"}, stagedChange)
hasMergeConflicts := utils.IncludesString([]string{"DD", "AA", "UU", "AU", "UA", "UD", "DU"}, change)
hasInlineMergeConflicts := utils.IncludesString([]string{"UU", "AA"}, change)
file := &models.File{
Name: filename,
DisplayString: statusString,
HasStagedChanges: !hasNoStagedChanges,
HasUnstagedChanges: unstagedChange != " ",
Tracked: !untracked,
Deleted: unstagedChange == "D" || stagedChange == "D",
HasMergeConflicts: hasMergeConflicts,
HasInlineMergeConflicts: hasInlineMergeConflicts,
Type: c.OSCommand.FileType(filename),
ShortStatus: change,
files = append(files, file)
return files
// StashDo modify stash
func (c *GitCommand) StashDo(index int, method string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git stash %s stash@{%d}", method, index)
@ -331,41 +228,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) StashSave(message string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git stash save %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(message))
// MergeStatusFiles merge status files
func (c *GitCommand) MergeStatusFiles(oldFiles, newFiles []*models.File, selectedFile *models.File) []*models.File {
if len(oldFiles) == 0 {
return newFiles
appendedIndexes := []int{}
// retain position of files we already could see
result := []*models.File{}
for _, oldFile := range oldFiles {
for newIndex, newFile := range newFiles {
if includesInt(appendedIndexes, newIndex) {
// if we just staged B and in doing so created 'A -> B' and we are currently have oldFile: A and newFile: 'A -> B', we want to wait until we come across B so the our cursor isn't jumping anywhere
waitForMatchingFile := selectedFile != nil && newFile.IsRename() && !selectedFile.IsRename() && newFile.Matches(selectedFile) && !oldFile.Matches(selectedFile)
if oldFile.Matches(newFile) && !waitForMatchingFile {
result = append(result, newFile)
appendedIndexes = append(appendedIndexes, newIndex)
// append any new files to the end
for index, newFile := range newFiles {
if !includesInt(appendedIndexes, index) {
result = append(result, newFile)
return result
func includesInt(list []int, a int) bool {
for _, b := range list {
if b == a {
@ -510,11 +372,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) DeleteBranch(branch string, force bool) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("%s %s", command, branch)
// ListStash list stash
func (c *GitCommand) ListStash() (string, error) {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git stash list")
type MergeOpts struct {
FastForwardOnly bool
@ -642,21 +499,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) UnStageFile(fileName string, tracked bool) error {
return nil
// GitStatus returns the plaintext short status of the repo
type GitStatusOptions struct {
NoRenames bool
UntrackedFilesArg string
func (c *GitCommand) GitStatus(opts GitStatusOptions) (string, error) {
noRenamesFlag := ""
if opts.NoRenames {
noRenamesFlag = "--no-renames"
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git status %s --porcelain %s", opts.UntrackedFilesArg, noRenamesFlag)
// IsInMergeState states whether we are still mid-merge
func (c *GitCommand) IsInMergeState() (bool, error) {
return c.OSCommand.FileExists(filepath.Join(c.DotGitDir, "MERGE_HEAD"))
@ -1120,48 +962,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) CherryPickCommits(commits []*models.Commit) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunPreparedCommand(cmd)
// GetFilesInDiff get the specified commit files
func (c *GitCommand) GetFilesInDiff(from string, to string, reverse bool, patchManager *patch.PatchManager) ([]*models.CommitFile, error) {
reverseFlag := ""
if reverse {
reverseFlag = " -R "
filenames, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git diff --submodule --no-ext-diff --name-status %s %s %s", reverseFlag, from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.GetCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames, to, patchManager), nil
// filenames string is something like "file1\nfile2\nfile3"
func (c *GitCommand) GetCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames string, parent string, patchManager *patch.PatchManager) []*models.CommitFile {
commitFiles := make([]*models.CommitFile, 0)
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(filenames, "\n"), "\n") {
// typical result looks like 'A my_file' meaning my_file was added
if line == "" {
changeStatus := line[0:1]
name := line[2:]
status := patch.UNSELECTED
if patchManager != nil && patchManager.To == parent {
status = patchManager.GetFileStatus(name)
commitFiles = append(commitFiles, &models.CommitFile{
Parent: parent,
Name: name,
ChangeStatus: changeStatus,
PatchStatus: status,
return commitFiles
// ShowFileDiff get the diff of specified from and to. Typically this will be used for a single commit so it'll be 123abc^..123abc
// but when we're in diff mode it could be any 'from' to any 'to'. The reverse flag is also here thanks to diff mode.
func (c *GitCommand) ShowFileDiff(from string, to string, reverse bool, fileName string, plain bool) (string, error) {
@ -1378,51 +1178,6 @@ func (c *GitCommand) FetchRemote(remoteName string) error {
return c.OSCommand.RunCommand("git fetch %s", remoteName)
// GetReflogCommits only returns the new reflog commits since the given lastReflogCommit
// if none is passed (i.e. it's value is nil) then we get all the reflog commits
func (c *GitCommand) GetReflogCommits(lastReflogCommit *models.Commit, filterPath string) ([]*models.Commit, bool, error) {
commits := make([]*models.Commit, 0)
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+).*HEAD@\{([^\}]+)\}: (.*)`)
filterPathArg := ""
if filterPath != "" {
filterPathArg = fmt.Sprintf(" --follow -- %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(filterPath))
cmd := c.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(fmt.Sprintf("git reflog --abbrev=20 --date=unix %s", filterPathArg))
onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits := false
err := oscommands.RunLineOutputCmd(cmd, func(line string) (bool, error) {
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(match) <= 1 {
return false, nil
unixTimestamp, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
commit := &models.Commit{
Sha: match[1],
Name: match[3],
UnixTimestamp: int64(unixTimestamp),
Status: "reflog",
if lastReflogCommit != nil && commit.Sha == lastReflogCommit.Sha && commit.UnixTimestamp == lastReflogCommit.UnixTimestamp {
onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits = true
// after this point we already have these reflogs loaded so we'll simply return the new ones
return true, nil
commits = append(commits, commit)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return commits, onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits, nil
func (c *GitCommand) ConfiguredPager() string {
if os.Getenv("GIT_PAGER") != "" {
return os.Getenv("GIT_PAGER")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package commands
import (
// GetFilesInDiff get the specified commit files
func (c *GitCommand) GetFilesInDiff(from string, to string, reverse bool, patchManager *patch.PatchManager) ([]*models.CommitFile, error) {
reverseFlag := ""
if reverse {
reverseFlag = " -R "
filenames, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git diff --submodule --no-ext-diff --name-status %s %s %s", reverseFlag, from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.getCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames, to, patchManager), nil
// filenames string is something like "file1\nfile2\nfile3"
func (c *GitCommand) getCommitFilesFromFilenames(filenames string, parent string, patchManager *patch.PatchManager) []*models.CommitFile {
commitFiles := make([]*models.CommitFile, 0)
for _, line := range strings.Split(strings.TrimRight(filenames, "\n"), "\n") {
// typical result looks like 'A my_file' meaning my_file was added
if line == "" {
changeStatus := line[0:1]
name := line[2:]
status := patch.UNSELECTED
if patchManager != nil && patchManager.To == parent {
status = patchManager.GetFileStatus(name)
commitFiles = append(commitFiles, &models.CommitFile{
Parent: parent,
Name: name,
ChangeStatus: changeStatus,
PatchStatus: status,
return commitFiles
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package commands
import (
func (c *GitCommand) GetStatusFiles(opts GetStatusFileOptions) []*models.File {
// check if config wants us ignoring untracked files
untrackedFilesSetting := c.GetConfigValue("status.showUntrackedFiles")
if untrackedFilesSetting == "" {
untrackedFilesSetting = "all"
untrackedFilesArg := fmt.Sprintf("--untracked-files=%s", untrackedFilesSetting)
statusOutput, err := c.GitStatus(GitStatusOptions{NoRenames: opts.NoRenames, UntrackedFilesArg: untrackedFilesArg})
if err != nil {
statusStrings := utils.SplitLines(statusOutput)
files := []*models.File{}
for _, statusString := range statusStrings {
if strings.HasPrefix(statusString, "warning") {
c.Log.Warningf("warning when calling git status: %s", statusString)
change := statusString[0:2]
stagedChange := change[0:1]
unstagedChange := statusString[1:2]
filename := c.OSCommand.Unquote(statusString[3:])
untracked := utils.IncludesString([]string{"??", "A ", "AM"}, change)
hasNoStagedChanges := utils.IncludesString([]string{" ", "U", "?"}, stagedChange)
hasMergeConflicts := utils.IncludesString([]string{"DD", "AA", "UU", "AU", "UA", "UD", "DU"}, change)
hasInlineMergeConflicts := utils.IncludesString([]string{"UU", "AA"}, change)
file := &models.File{
Name: filename,
DisplayString: statusString,
HasStagedChanges: !hasNoStagedChanges,
HasUnstagedChanges: unstagedChange != " ",
Tracked: !untracked,
Deleted: unstagedChange == "D" || stagedChange == "D",
HasMergeConflicts: hasMergeConflicts,
HasInlineMergeConflicts: hasInlineMergeConflicts,
Type: c.OSCommand.FileType(filename),
ShortStatus: change,
files = append(files, file)
return files
// GitStatus returns the plaintext short status of the repo
type GitStatusOptions struct {
NoRenames bool
UntrackedFilesArg string
func (c *GitCommand) GitStatus(opts GitStatusOptions) (string, error) {
noRenamesFlag := ""
if opts.NoRenames {
noRenamesFlag = "--no-renames"
return c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput("git status %s --porcelain %s", opts.UntrackedFilesArg, noRenamesFlag)
// MergeStatusFiles merge status files
func (c *GitCommand) MergeStatusFiles(oldFiles, newFiles []*models.File, selectedFile *models.File) []*models.File {
if len(oldFiles) == 0 {
return newFiles
appendedIndexes := []int{}
// retain position of files we already could see
result := []*models.File{}
for _, oldFile := range oldFiles {
for newIndex, newFile := range newFiles {
if includesInt(appendedIndexes, newIndex) {
// if we just staged B and in doing so created 'A -> B' and we are currently have oldFile: A and newFile: 'A -> B', we want to wait until we come across B so the our cursor isn't jumping anywhere
waitForMatchingFile := selectedFile != nil && newFile.IsRename() && !selectedFile.IsRename() && newFile.Matches(selectedFile) && !oldFile.Matches(selectedFile)
if oldFile.Matches(newFile) && !waitForMatchingFile {
result = append(result, newFile)
appendedIndexes = append(appendedIndexes, newIndex)
// append any new files to the end
for index, newFile := range newFiles {
if !includesInt(appendedIndexes, index) {
result = append(result, newFile)
return result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package commands
import (
// GetReflogCommits only returns the new reflog commits since the given lastReflogCommit
// if none is passed (i.e. it's value is nil) then we get all the reflog commits
func (c *GitCommand) GetReflogCommits(lastReflogCommit *models.Commit, filterPath string) ([]*models.Commit, bool, error) {
commits := make([]*models.Commit, 0)
re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+).*HEAD@\{([^\}]+)\}: (.*)`)
filterPathArg := ""
if filterPath != "" {
filterPathArg = fmt.Sprintf(" --follow -- %s", c.OSCommand.Quote(filterPath))
cmd := c.OSCommand.ExecutableFromString(fmt.Sprintf("git reflog --abbrev=20 --date=unix %s", filterPathArg))
onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits := false
err := oscommands.RunLineOutputCmd(cmd, func(line string) (bool, error) {
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(match) <= 1 {
return false, nil
unixTimestamp, _ := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
commit := &models.Commit{
Sha: match[1],
Name: match[3],
UnixTimestamp: int64(unixTimestamp),
Status: "reflog",
if lastReflogCommit != nil && commit.Sha == lastReflogCommit.Sha && commit.UnixTimestamp == lastReflogCommit.UnixTimestamp {
onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits = true
// after this point we already have these reflogs loaded so we'll simply return the new ones
return true, nil
commits = append(commits, commit)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return commits, onlyObtainedNewReflogCommits, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package commands
import (
func (c *GitCommand) getUnfilteredStashEntries() []*models.StashEntry {
unescaped := "git stash list --pretty='%gs'"
rawString, _ := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(unescaped)
stashEntries := []*models.StashEntry{}
for i, line := range utils.SplitLines(rawString) {
stashEntries = append(stashEntries, stashEntryFromLine(line, i))
return stashEntries
// GetStashEntries stash entries
func (c *GitCommand) GetStashEntries(filterPath string) []*models.StashEntry {
if filterPath == "" {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
unescaped := fmt.Sprintf("git stash list --name-only")
rawString, err := c.OSCommand.RunCommandWithOutput(unescaped)
if err != nil {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
stashEntries := []*models.StashEntry{}
var currentStashEntry *models.StashEntry
lines := utils.SplitLines(rawString)
isAStash := func(line string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(line, "stash@{") }
re := regexp.MustCompile(`stash@\{(\d+)\}`)
for i := 0; i < len(lines); i++ {
if !isAStash(lines[i]) {
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(lines[i])
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
if err != nil {
return c.getUnfilteredStashEntries()
currentStashEntry = stashEntryFromLine(lines[i], idx)
for i+1 < len(lines) && !isAStash(lines[i+1]) {
if lines[i] == filterPath {
stashEntries = append(stashEntries, currentStashEntry)
continue outer
return stashEntries
func stashEntryFromLine(line string, index int) *models.StashEntry {
return &models.StashEntry{
Name: line,
Index: index,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user