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synced 2025-03-17 21:18:31 +02:00
Merge pull request #2706 from stefanhaller/fix-discard-change-prompt
Fix the title and text of the Discard Changes prompt
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ gui:
show: true
mouseEvents: true
skipUnstageLineWarning: false
skipDiscardChangeWarning: false
skipStashWarning: false
showFileTree: true # for rendering changes files in a tree format
showListFooter: true # for seeing the '5 of 20' message in list panels
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ _Legend: `<c-b>` means ctrl+b, `<a-b>` means alt+b, `B` means shift+b_
<kbd><esc></kbd>: Return to files panel
<kbd><tab></kbd>: Switch to other panel (staged/unstaged changes)
<kbd><space></kbd>: Toggle line staged / unstaged
<kbd>d</kbd>: Delete change (git reset)
<kbd>d</kbd>: Discard change (git reset)
<kbd>E</kbd>: Edit hunk
<kbd>c</kbd>: Commit changes
<kbd>w</kbd>: Commit changes without pre-commit hook
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ _Legend: `<c-b>` means ctrl+b, `<a-b>` means alt+b, `B` means shift+b_
<kbd><esc></kbd>: Wróć do panelu plików
<kbd><tab></kbd>: Switch to other panel (staged/unstaged changes)
<kbd><space></kbd>: Toggle line staged / unstaged
<kbd>d</kbd>: Delete change (git reset)
<kbd>d</kbd>: Discard change (git reset)
<kbd>E</kbd>: Edit hunk
<kbd>c</kbd>: Zatwierdź zmiany
<kbd>w</kbd>: Zatwierdź zmiany bez skryptu pre-commit
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
@ -156,6 +157,11 @@ func loadUserConfig(configFiles []string, base *UserConfig) (*UserConfig, error)
return nil, err
content, err = migrateUserConfig(path, content)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(content, base); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The config at `%s` couldn't be parsed, please inspect it before opening up an issue.\n%w", path, err)
@ -164,6 +170,30 @@ func loadUserConfig(configFiles []string, base *UserConfig) (*UserConfig, error)
return base, nil
// Do any backward-compatibility migrations of things that have changed in the
// config over time; examples are renaming a key to a better name, moving a key
// from one container to another, or changing the type of a key (e.g. from bool
// to an enum).
func migrateUserConfig(path string, content []byte) ([]byte, error) {
changedContent, err := yaml_utils.RenameYamlKey(content, []string{"gui", "skipUnstageLineWarning"},
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't migrate config file at `%s`: %s", path, err)
// Add more migrations here...
// Write config back if changed
if string(changedContent) != string(content) {
if err := os.WriteFile(path, changedContent, 0o644); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't write migrated config back to `%s`: %s", path, err)
return changedContent, nil
return content, nil
func (c *AppConfig) GetDebug() bool {
return c.Debug
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type GuiConfig struct {
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipDiscardChangeWarning bool `yaml:"skipDiscardChangeWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
@ -397,17 +397,17 @@ type CustomCommandMenuOption struct {
func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
return &UserConfig{
Gui: GuiConfig{
ScrollHeight: 2,
ScrollPastBottom: true,
MouseEvents: true,
SkipUnstageLineWarning: false,
SkipStashWarning: false,
SidePanelWidth: 0.3333,
ExpandFocusedSidePanel: false,
MainPanelSplitMode: "flexible",
Language: "auto",
TimeFormat: "02 Jan 06",
ShortTimeFormat: time.Kitchen,
ScrollHeight: 2,
ScrollPastBottom: true,
MouseEvents: true,
SkipDiscardChangeWarning: false,
SkipStashWarning: false,
SidePanelWidth: 0.3333,
ExpandFocusedSidePanel: false,
MainPanelSplitMode: "flexible",
Language: "auto",
TimeFormat: "02 Jan 06",
ShortTimeFormat: time.Kitchen,
Theme: ThemeConfig{
ActiveBorderColor: []string{"green", "bold"},
InactiveBorderColor: []string{"default"},
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ func (self *StagingController) GetKeybindings(opts types.KeybindingsOpts) []*typ
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Universal.Remove),
Handler: self.ResetSelection,
Description: self.c.Tr.ResetSelection,
Handler: self.DiscardSelection,
Description: self.c.Tr.DiscardSelection,
Key: opts.GetKey(opts.Config.Main.EditSelectHunk),
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ func (self *StagingController) ToggleStaged() error {
return self.applySelectionAndRefresh(self.staged)
func (self *StagingController) ResetSelection() error {
func (self *StagingController) DiscardSelection() error {
reset := func() error { return self.applySelectionAndRefresh(true) }
if !self.staged && !self.c.UserConfig.Gui.SkipUnstageLineWarning {
if !self.staged && !self.c.UserConfig.Gui.SkipDiscardChangeWarning {
return self.c.Confirm(types.ConfirmOpts{
Title: self.c.Tr.UnstageLinesTitle,
Prompt: self.c.Tr.UnstageLinesPrompt,
Title: self.c.Tr.DiscardChangeTitle,
Prompt: self.c.Tr.DiscardChangePrompt,
HandleConfirm: reset,
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FileEnter: `暂存单个 块/行 用于文件, 或 折叠/展开 目录`,
FileStagingRequirements: `只能暂存跟踪文件的单独行`,
StageSelection: `切换行暂存状态`,
ResetSelection: `取消变更 (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `取消变更 (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `切换拖动选择`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `切换选择区块`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `添加/移除 行到补丁`,
@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ func chineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoFilesStagedPrompt: "您尚未暂存任何文件。提交所有文件?",
BranchNotFoundTitle: "找不到分支",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "找不到分支。创建一个新分支命名为:",
UnstageLinesTitle: "取消暂存选中的行",
UnstageLinesPrompt: "您确定要删除所选的行(git reset)吗?这是不可逆的。\n要禁用此对话框,请将 'gui.skipUnstageLineWarning' 的配置键设置为 true",
DiscardChangeTitle: "取消暂存选中的行",
DiscardChangePrompt: "您确定要删除所选的行(git reset)吗?这是不可逆的。\n要禁用此对话框,请将 'gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning' 的配置键设置为 true",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "从提交创建新分支",
BuildingPatch: "正在构建补丁",
ViewCommits: "查看提交",
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func dutchTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FileEnter: `Stage individuele hunks/lijnen`,
FileStagingRequirements: `Kan alleen individuele lijnen stagen van getrackte bestanden met onstaged veranderingen`,
StageSelection: `Toggle lijnen staged / unstaged`,
ResetSelection: `Verwijdert change (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `Verwijdert change (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `Toggle drag selecteer`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `Toggle selecteer hunk`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `Voeg toe/verwijder lijn(en) in patch`,
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
FileEnter string
FileStagingRequirements string
StageSelection string
ResetSelection string
DiscardSelection string
ToggleDragSelect string
ToggleSelectHunk string
ToggleSelectionForPatch string
@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ type TranslationSet struct {
BranchNotFoundTitle string
BranchNotFoundPrompt string
BranchUnknown string
UnstageLinesTitle string
UnstageLinesPrompt string
DiscardChangeTitle string
DiscardChangePrompt string
CreateNewBranchFromCommit string
BuildingPatch string
ViewCommits string
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ func EnglishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FileEnter: `Stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory`,
FileStagingRequirements: `Can only stage individual lines for tracked files`,
StageSelection: `Toggle line staged / unstaged`,
ResetSelection: `Delete change (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `Discard change (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `Toggle drag select`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `Toggle select hunk`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `Add/Remove line(s) to patch`,
@ -1119,8 +1119,8 @@ func EnglishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
BranchNotFoundTitle: "Branch not found",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "Branch not found. Create a new branch named",
BranchUnknown: "Branch unknown",
UnstageLinesTitle: "Unstage lines",
UnstageLinesPrompt: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected lines (git reset)? It is irreversible.\nTo disable this dialogue set the config key of 'gui.skipUnstageLineWarning' to true",
DiscardChangeTitle: "Discard change",
DiscardChangePrompt: "Are you sure you want to discard this change (git reset)? It is irreversible.\nTo disable this dialogue set the config key of 'gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning' to true",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "Create new branch off of commit",
BuildingPatch: "Building patch",
ViewCommits: "View commits",
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func japaneseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
// FileEnter: `stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory`,
// FileStagingRequirements: `Can only stage individual lines for tracked files`,
StageSelection: `選択行をステージ/アンステージ`,
ResetSelection: `変更を削除 (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `変更を削除 (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `範囲選択を切り替え`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `Hunk選択を切り替え`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `行をパッチに追加/削除`,
@ -394,8 +394,8 @@ func japaneseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoFilesStagedPrompt: "ファイルがステージされていません。すべての変更をコミットしますか?",
BranchNotFoundTitle: "ブランチが見つかりませんでした。",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "ブランチが見つかりませんでした。新しくブランチを作成します ",
UnstageLinesTitle: "選択行をアンステージ",
UnstageLinesPrompt: "選択された行を削除 (git reset) します。よろしいですか? この操作は取り消せません。\nこの警告を無効化するには設定ファイルの 'gui.skipUnstageLineWarning' を true に設定してください。",
DiscardChangeTitle: "選択行をアンステージ",
DiscardChangePrompt: "選択された行を削除 (git reset) します。よろしいですか? この操作は取り消せません。\nこの警告を無効化するには設定ファイルの 'gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning' を true に設定してください。",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "コミットにブランチを作成",
BuildingPatch: "パッチを構築",
ViewCommits: "コミットを閲覧",
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func koreanTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FileEnter: `Stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory`,
FileStagingRequirements: `추적된 파일에 대해 개별 라인만 stage할 수 있습니다.`,
StageSelection: `선택한 행을 staged / unstaged`,
ResetSelection: `변경을 삭제 (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `변경을 삭제 (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `드래그 선택 전환`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `Toggle select hunk`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `Line(s)을 패치에 추가/삭제`,
@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ func koreanTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
NoFilesStagedPrompt: "파일이 Staged 되지 않았습니다. 모든 파일을 커밋하시겠습니까?",
BranchNotFoundTitle: "브랜치를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "브랜치를 찾을 수 없습니다. 새로운 브랜치를 생성합니다.",
UnstageLinesTitle: "선택한 라인을 unstaged",
UnstageLinesPrompt: "정말로 선택한 라인을 삭제 (git reset) 하시겠습니까? 이 조작은 취소할 수 없습니다.\n이 경고를 비활성화 하려면 설정 파일의 'gui.skipUnstageLineWarning' 를 true로 설정하세요.",
DiscardChangeTitle: "선택한 라인을 unstaged",
DiscardChangePrompt: "정말로 선택한 라인을 삭제 (git reset) 하시겠습니까? 이 조작은 취소할 수 없습니다.\n이 경고를 비활성화 하려면 설정 파일의 'gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning' 를 true로 설정하세요.",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "커밋에서 새 브랜치를 만듭니다.",
BuildingPatch: "Building patch",
ViewCommits: "커밋 보기",
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ func traditionalChineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
FileEnter: `選擇檔案中的單個程式碼塊/行,或展開/折疊目錄`,
FileStagingRequirements: `只能選擇跟踪檔案中的單個行`,
StageSelection: `切換現有行的狀態 (已預存/未預存)`,
ResetSelection: `刪除變更 (git reset)`,
DiscardSelection: `刪除變更 (git reset)`,
ToggleDragSelect: `切換拖曳選擇`,
ToggleSelectHunk: `切換選擇程式碼塊`,
ToggleSelectionForPatch: `向 (或從) 補丁中添加/刪除行`,
@ -481,8 +481,8 @@ func traditionalChineseTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
BranchNotFoundTitle: "找不到分支",
BranchNotFoundPrompt: "找不到分支。是否創建一個名為",
BranchUnknown: "分支未知",
UnstageLinesTitle: "取消預存行",
UnstageLinesPrompt: "你確定要刪除所選行嗎(git reset)?此操作是不可逆的。\n要禁用此對話框,請將“gui.skipUnstageLineWarning”設置為true。",
DiscardChangeTitle: "取消預存行",
DiscardChangePrompt: "你確定要刪除所選行嗎(git reset)?此操作是不可逆的。\n要禁用此對話框,請將“gui.skipDiscardChangeWarning”設置為true。",
CreateNewBranchFromCommit: "從提交建立新分支",
BuildingPatch: "正在建立補丁",
ViewCommits: "檢視提交",
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ func (self *Common) ContinueOnConflictsResolved() {
func (self *Common) ConfirmDiscardLines() {
Title(Equals("Unstage lines")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to delete the selected lines")).
Title(Equals("Discard change")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to discard this change")).
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ var StageLines = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Tap(func() {
Title(Equals("Unstage lines")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to delete the selected lines")).
Title(Equals("Discard change")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to discard this change")).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user