mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-05 15:15:49 +02:00

merge master into refactor-better-encapsulation

This commit is contained in:
Jesse Duffield 2023-05-02 19:05:42 +10:00
parent 8d68ab41b6
commit 5dacbb6293
25 changed files with 792 additions and 287 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ gui:
showFileTree: true # for rendering changes files in a tree format
showListFooter: true # for seeing the '5 of 20' message in list panels
showRandomTip: true
experimentalShowBranchHeads: false # visualize branch heads with (*) in commits list
showBottomLine: true # for hiding the bottom information line (unless it has important information to tell you)
showCommandLog: true
showIcons: false

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require (
github.com/cli/safeexec v1.0.0
github.com/cloudfoundry/jibber_jabber v0.0.0-20151120183258-bcc4c8345a21
github.com/creack/pty v1.1.11
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2 v2.6.0
github.com/go-errors/errors v1.4.2

View File

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ github.com/fatih/color v1.7.1-0.20180516100307-2d684516a886/go.mod h1:Zm6kSWBoL9
github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0 h1:8xPHl4/q1VyqGIPif1F+1V3Y3lSmrq01EabUW3CoW5s=
github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0/go.mod h1:eQcE1qtQxscV5RaZvpXrrb8Drkc3/DdQ+uUYCNjL+zU=
github.com/flynn/go-shlex v0.0.0-20150515145356-3f9db97f8568/go.mod h1:xEzjJPgXI435gkrCt3MPfRiAkVrwSbHsst4LCFVfpJc=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980 h1:ay9aM+Ay9I4LJttUVF4EFVmeNUkS9/snYVFK6lwieVQ=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980/go.mod h1:B+AgTbNE2BARvJqzXygThzqxLIaEWvwr2sxKYYb0Fas=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4 h1:fzcGaoAFDHWzJRKw//CSZFrXucsLKplIvOSab3FtWWM=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4/go.mod h1:B+AgTbNE2BARvJqzXygThzqxLIaEWvwr2sxKYYb0Fas=
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7 h1:IXs+QLmnXW2CcXuY+8Mzv/fWEsPGWxqefPtCP5CnV9I=
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7/go.mod h1:jwhsz4b93w/PPRr/qN1Yymfu8t87LnFCMoQvtojpjFo=
github.com/gdamore/encoding v1.0.0 h1:+7OoQ1Bc6eTm5niUzBa0Ctsh6JbMW6Ra+YNuAtDBdko=

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package daemon
import (
// Sometimes lazygit will be invoked in daemon mode from a parent lazygit process.
@ -15,38 +19,58 @@ import (
// For example, if we want to ensure that a git command doesn't hang due to
// waiting for an editor to save a commit message, we can tell git to invoke lazygit
// as the editor via 'GIT_EDITOR=lazygit', and use the env var
// 'LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND=EXIT_IMMEDIATELY' to specify that we want to run lazygit
// as a daemon which simply exits immediately. Any additional arguments we want
// to pass to a daemon can be done via other env vars.
// 'LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND=1' (exit immediately) to specify that we want to run lazygit
// as a daemon which simply exits immediately.
// 'Daemon' is not the best name for this, because it's not a persistent background
// process, but it's close enough.
type DaemonKind string
type DaemonKind int
const (
InteractiveRebase DaemonKind = "INTERACTIVE_REBASE"
ExitImmediately DaemonKind = "EXIT_IMMEDIATELY"
// for when we fail to parse the daemon kind
DaemonKindUnknown DaemonKind = iota
const (
DaemonKindEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND"
// The `PrependLinesEnvKey` env variable is set to `true` to tell our daemon
// to prepend the content of `RebaseTODOEnvKey` to the default `git-rebase-todo`
// file instead of using it as a replacement.
PrependLinesEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_PREPEND_LINES"
// Contains json-encoded arguments to the daemon
DaemonInstructionEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_DAEMON_INSTRUCTION"
type Daemon interface {
Run() error
func getInstruction() Instruction {
jsonData := os.Getenv(DaemonInstructionEnvKey)
mapping := map[DaemonKind]func(string) Instruction{
DaemonKindExitImmediately: deserializeInstruction[*ExitImmediatelyInstruction],
DaemonKindCherryPick: deserializeInstruction[*CherryPickCommitsInstruction],
DaemonKindChangeTodoActions: deserializeInstruction[*ChangeTodoActionsInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveFixupCommitDown: deserializeInstruction[*MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveTodoUp: deserializeInstruction[*MoveTodoUpInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveTodoDown: deserializeInstruction[*MoveTodoDownInstruction],
DaemonKindInsertBreak: deserializeInstruction[*InsertBreakInstruction],
return mapping[getDaemonKind()](jsonData)
func Handle(common *common.Common) {
d := getDaemon(common)
if d == nil {
if !InDaemonMode() {
if err := d.Run(); err != nil {
instruction := getInstruction()
if err := instruction.run(common); err != nil {
@ -54,73 +78,229 @@ func Handle(common *common.Common) {
func InDaemonMode() bool {
return getDaemonKind() != ""
func getDaemon(common *common.Common) Daemon {
switch getDaemonKind() {
case InteractiveRebase:
return &rebaseDaemon{c: common}
case ExitImmediately:
return &exitImmediatelyDaemon{c: common}
return nil
return getDaemonKind() != DaemonKindUnknown
func getDaemonKind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKind(os.Getenv(DaemonKindEnvKey))
type rebaseDaemon struct {
c *common.Common
func (self *rebaseDaemon) Run() error {
self.c.Log.Info("Lazygit invoked as interactive rebase demon")
self.c.Log.Info("args: ", os.Args)
path := os.Args[1]
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "git-rebase-todo") {
return self.writeTodoFile(path)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, filepath.Join(gitDir(), "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) { // TODO: test
// if we are rebasing and squashing, we'll see a COMMIT_EDITMSG
// but in this case we don't need to edit it, so we'll just return
} else {
self.c.Log.Info("Lazygit demon did not match on any use cases")
intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(DaemonKindEnvKey))
if err != nil {
return DaemonKindUnknown
return DaemonKind(intValue)
// An Instruction is a command to be run by lazygit in daemon mode.
// It is serialized to json and passed to lazygit via environment variables
type Instruction interface {
Kind() DaemonKind
SerializedInstructions() string
// runs the instruction
run(common *common.Common) error
func serializeInstruction[T any](instruction T) string {
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(instruction)
if err != nil {
// this should never happen
return string(jsonData)
func deserializeInstruction[T Instruction](jsonData string) Instruction {
var instruction T
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &instruction)
if err != nil {
return instruction
func ToEnvVars(instruction Instruction) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", DaemonKindEnvKey, instruction.Kind()),
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", DaemonInstructionEnvKey, instruction.SerializedInstructions()),
type ExitImmediatelyInstruction struct{}
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindExitImmediately
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return nil
func (self *rebaseDaemon) writeTodoFile(path string) error {
todoContent := []byte(os.Getenv(RebaseTODOEnvKey))
func NewExitImmediatelyInstruction() Instruction {
return &ExitImmediatelyInstruction{}
prependLines := os.Getenv(PrependLinesEnvKey) != ""
if prependLines {
existingContent, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
type CherryPickCommitsInstruction struct {
Todo string
func NewCherryPickCommitsInstruction(commits []*models.Commit) Instruction {
todoLines := lo.Map(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, _ int) TodoLine {
return TodoLine{
Action: "pick",
Commit: commit,
todo := TodoLinesToString(todoLines)
return &CherryPickCommitsInstruction{
Todo: todo,
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindCherryPick
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.PrependStrToTodoFile(path, []byte(self.Todo))
type ChangeTodoActionsInstruction struct {
Changes []ChangeTodoAction
func NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes []ChangeTodoAction) Instruction {
return &ChangeTodoActionsInstruction{
Changes: changes,
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindChangeTodoActions
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
for _, c := range self.Changes {
if err := utils.EditRebaseTodo(path, c.Sha, todo.Pick, c.NewAction); err != nil {
return err
todoContent = append(todoContent, existingContent...)
return nil
// Takes the sha of some commit, and the sha of a fixup commit that was created
// at the end of the branch, then moves the fixup commit down to right after the
// original commit, changing its type to "fixup"
type MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction struct {
OriginalSha string
FixupSha string
func NewMoveFixupCommitDownInstruction(originalSha string, fixupSha string) Instruction {
return &MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction{
OriginalSha: originalSha,
FixupSha: fixupSha,
return os.WriteFile(path, todoContent, 0o644)
func gitDir() string {
dir := env.GetGitDirEnv()
if dir == "" {
return ".git"
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveFixupCommitDown
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveFixupCommitDown(path, self.OriginalSha, self.FixupSha)
type MoveTodoUpInstruction struct {
Sha string
func NewMoveTodoUpInstruction(sha string) Instruction {
return &MoveTodoUpInstruction{
Sha: sha,
return dir
type exitImmediatelyDaemon struct {
c *common.Common
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveTodoUp
func (self *exitImmediatelyDaemon) Run() error {
return nil
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveTodoUp(path, self.Sha, todo.Pick)
type MoveTodoDownInstruction struct {
Sha string
func NewMoveTodoDownInstruction(sha string) Instruction {
return &MoveTodoDownInstruction{
Sha: sha,
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveTodoDown
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveTodoDown(path, self.Sha, todo.Pick)
type InsertBreakInstruction struct{}
func NewInsertBreakInstruction() Instruction {
return &InsertBreakInstruction{}
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindInsertBreak
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.PrependStrToTodoFile(path, []byte("break\n"))

pkg/app/daemon/rebase.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package daemon
import (
type TodoLine struct {
Action string
Commit *models.Commit
func (self *TodoLine) ToString() string {
if self.Action == "break" {
return self.Action + "\n"
} else {
return self.Action + " " + self.Commit.Sha + " " + self.Commit.Name + "\n"
func TodoLinesToString(todoLines []TodoLine) string {
lines := slices.Map(todoLines, func(todoLine TodoLine) string {
return todoLine.ToString()
return strings.Join(slices.Reverse(lines), "")
type ChangeTodoAction struct {
Sha string
NewAction todo.TodoCommand
func handleInteractiveRebase(common *common.Common, f func(path string) error) error {
common.Log.Info("Lazygit invoked as interactive rebase demon")
common.Log.Info("args: ", os.Args)
path := os.Args[1]
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "git-rebase-todo") {
return f(path)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, filepath.Join(gitDir(), "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) { // TODO: test
// if we are rebasing and squashing, we'll see a COMMIT_EDITMSG
// but in this case we don't need to edit it, so we'll just return
} else {
common.Log.Info("Lazygit demon did not match on any use cases")
return nil
func gitDir() string {
dir := env.GetGitDirEnv()
if dir == "" {
return ".git"
return dir

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
type commonDeps struct {
runner *oscommands.FakeCmdObjRunner
userConfig *config.UserConfig
gitVersion *GitVersion
gitConfig *git_config.FakeGitConfig
getenv func(string) string
removeFile func(string) error
@ -48,6 +49,11 @@ func buildGitCommon(deps commonDeps) *GitCommon {
gitCommon.Common.UserConfig = config.GetDefaultConfig()
gitCommon.version = deps.gitVersion
if gitCommon.version == nil {
gitCommon.version = &GitVersion{2, 0, 0, ""}
gitConfig := deps.gitConfig
if gitConfig == nil {
gitConfig = git_config.NewFakeGitConfig(nil)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ package git_commands
import (
@ -103,18 +105,16 @@ func (self *PatchCommands) MovePatchToSelectedCommit(commits []*models.Commit, s
baseIndex := sourceCommitIdx + 1
todoLines := self.rebase.BuildTodoLines(commits[0:baseIndex], func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
if i == sourceCommitIdx || i == destinationCommitIdx {
return "edit"
} else {
return "pick"
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{
{Sha: commits[sourceCommitIdx].Sha, NewAction: todo.Edit},
{Sha: commits[destinationCommitIdx].Sha, NewAction: todo.Edit},
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
err := self.rebase.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: commits[baseIndex].Sha,
todoLines: todoLines,
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
if err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
type RebaseCommands struct {
@ -55,14 +56,15 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) RewordCommit(commits []*models.Commit, index int, me
func (self *RebaseCommands) RewordCommitInEditor(commits []*models.Commit, index int) (oscommands.ICmdObj, error) {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index, "reword")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[index].Sha,
NewAction: todo.Reword,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+1),
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
}), nil
@ -99,96 +101,105 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) GenericAmend(commits []*models.Commit, index int, f
func (self *RebaseCommands) MoveCommitDown(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
// not appending to original slice so that we don't mutate it
orderedCommits := append([]*models.Commit{}, commits[0:index]...)
orderedCommits = append(orderedCommits, commits[index+1], commits[index])
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(orderedCommits, "pick")
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+2)
sha := commits[index].Sha
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Moving TODO down: %s", utils.ShortSha(sha)), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
todoLines: todoLines,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveTodoDownInstruction(sha),
overrideEditor: true,
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebase(commits []*models.Commit, index int, action string) error {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index, action)
if err != nil {
return err
func (self *RebaseCommands) MoveCommitUp(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+1)
sha := commits[index].Sha
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Moving TODO up: %s", utils.ShortSha(sha)), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveTodoUpInstruction(sha),
overrideEditor: true,
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebaseBreakAfter(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index-1, "pick")
if err != nil {
return err
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebase(commits []*models.Commit, index int, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
baseIndex := index + 1
if action == todo.Squash || action == todo.Fixup {
todo = append(todo, TodoLine{Action: "break", Commit: nil})
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, baseIndex)
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[index].Sha,
NewAction: action,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebase(branchRef string) error {
commands := []TodoLine{{Action: "break"}}
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Beginning interactive rebase at '%s'", branchRef), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: branchRef,
todoLines: commands,
prepend: true,
instruction: daemon.NewInsertBreakInstruction(),
func logTodoChanges(changes []daemon.ChangeTodoAction) string {
changeTodoStr := strings.Join(slices.Map(changes, func(c daemon.ChangeTodoAction) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", c.Sha, c.NewAction)
}), "\n")
return fmt.Sprintf("Changing TODO actions: %s", changeTodoStr)
type PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts struct {
baseShaOrRoot string
todoLines []TodoLine
instruction daemon.Instruction
overrideEditor bool
prepend bool
// PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand returns the cmd for an interactive rebase
// we tell git to run lazygit to edit the todo list, and we pass the client
// lazygit a todo string to write to the todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(opts PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts) oscommands.ICmdObj {
todo := self.buildTodo(opts.todoLines)
ex := oscommands.GetLazygitPath()
prependLines := ""
if opts.prepend {
prependLines = "TRUE"
debug := "FALSE"
if self.Debug {
debug = "TRUE"
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("git rebase --interactive --autostash --keep-empty --empty=keep --no-autosquash %s", opts.baseShaOrRoot)
rebaseMergesArg := " --rebase-merges"
if self.version.IsOlderThan(2, 22, 0) {
rebaseMergesArg = ""
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("git rebase --interactive --autostash --keep-empty --empty=keep --no-autosquash%s %s",
rebaseMergesArg, opts.baseShaOrRoot)
self.Log.WithField("command", cmdStr).Debug("RunCommand")
cmdObj := self.cmd.New(cmdStr)
gitSequenceEditor := ex
if todo == "" {
gitSequenceEditor = "true"
if opts.instruction != nil {
} else {
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Creating TODO file for interactive rebase: \n\n%s", todo), false)
gitSequenceEditor = "true"
"LANG=en_US.UTF-8", // Force using EN as language
"LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8", // Force using EN as language
@ -202,63 +213,31 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(opts PrepareInteract
return cmdObj
// produces TodoLines where every commit is picked (or dropped for merge commits) except for the commit at the given index, which
// will have the given action applied to it.
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildSingleActionTodo(commits []*models.Commit, actionIndex int, action string) ([]TodoLine, string, error) {
baseIndex := actionIndex + 1
if action == "squash" || action == "fixup" {
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLines(commits[0:baseIndex], func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
if i == actionIndex {
return action
} else if commit.IsMerge() {
// your typical interactive rebase will actually drop merge commits by default. Damn git CLI, you scary!
// doing this means we don't need to worry about rebasing over merges which always causes problems.
// you typically shouldn't be doing rebases that pass over merge commits anyway.
return "drop"
} else {
return "pick"
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, baseIndex)
return todoLines, baseShaOrRoot, nil
// AmendTo amends the given commit with whatever files are staged
func (self *RebaseCommands) AmendTo(commit *models.Commit) error {
func (self *RebaseCommands) AmendTo(commits []*models.Commit, commitIndex int) error {
commit := commits[commitIndex]
if err := self.commit.CreateFixupCommit(commit.Sha); err != nil {
return err
return self.SquashAllAboveFixupCommits(commit)
// EditRebaseTodo sets the action for a given rebase commit in the git-rebase-todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebaseTodo(commit *models.Commit, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
fileName := filepath.Join(self.dotGitDir, "rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo")
todos, err := utils.ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
// Get the sha of the commit we just created
fixupSha, err := self.cmd.New("git rev-parse --verify HEAD").RunWithOutput()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range todos {
t := &todos[i]
// Comparing just the sha is not enough; we need to compare both the
// action and the sha, as the sha could appear multiple times (e.g. in a
// pick and later in a merge)
if t.Command == commit.Action && t.Commit == commit.Sha {
t.Command = action
return utils.WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName, todos)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, commitIndex+1),
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveFixupCommitDownInstruction(commit.Sha, fixupSha),
// Should never get here
return fmt.Errorf("Todo %s not found in git-rebase-todo", commit.Sha)
// EditRebaseTodo sets the action for a given rebase commit in the git-rebase-todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebaseTodo(commit *models.Commit, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
return utils.EditRebaseTodo(
filepath.Join(self.dotGitDir, "rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo"), commit.Sha, commit.Action, action)
// MoveTodoDown moves a rebase todo item down by one position
@ -304,15 +283,16 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) BeginInteractiveRebaseForCommit(commits []*models.Co
return errors.New(self.Tr.DisabledForGPG)
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, commitIndex, "edit")
if err != nil {
return err
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[commitIndex].Sha,
NewAction: todo.Edit,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, commitIndex+1),
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
@ -359,15 +339,16 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) GenericMergeOrRebaseAction(commandType string, comma
func (self *RebaseCommands) runSkipEditorCommand(cmdObj oscommands.ICmdObj) error {
instruction := daemon.NewExitImmediatelyInstruction()
lazyGitPath := oscommands.GetLazygitPath()
return cmdObj.
@ -401,47 +382,17 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) DiscardOldFileChanges(commits []*models.Commit, comm
// CherryPickCommits begins an interactive rebase with the given shas being cherry picked onto HEAD
func (self *RebaseCommands) CherryPickCommits(commits []*models.Commit) error {
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(commits, "pick")
commitLines := lo.Map(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, _ int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", utils.ShortSha(commit.Sha), commit.Name)
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Cherry-picking commits:\n%s", strings.Join(commitLines, "\n")), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: "HEAD",
todoLines: todoLines,
instruction: daemon.NewCherryPickCommitsInstruction(commits),
func (self *RebaseCommands) buildTodo(todoLines []TodoLine) string {
lines := slices.Map(todoLines, func(todoLine TodoLine) string {
return todoLine.ToString()
return strings.Join(slices.Reverse(lines), "")
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildTodoLines(commits []*models.Commit, f func(*models.Commit, int) string) []TodoLine {
return slices.MapWithIndex(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, i int) TodoLine {
return TodoLine{Action: f(commit, i), Commit: commit}
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(commits []*models.Commit, action string) []TodoLine {
return self.BuildTodoLines(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
return action
type TodoLine struct {
Action string
Commit *models.Commit
func (self *TodoLine) ToString() string {
if self.Action == "break" {
return self.Action + "\n"
} else {
return self.Action + " " + self.Commit.Sha + " " + self.Commit.Name + "\n"
// we can't start an interactive rebase from the first commit without passing the
// '--root' arg
func getBaseShaOrRoot(commits []*models.Commit, index int) string {

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package git_commands
import (
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ func TestRebaseSkipEditorCommand(t *testing.T) {
"^" + daemon.DaemonKindEnvKey + "=" + string(daemon.ExitImmediately) + "$",
"^" + daemon.DaemonKindEnvKey + "=" + strconv.Itoa(int(daemon.DaemonKindExitImmediately)) + "$",
} {
regexStr := regexStr
foundMatch := lo.ContainsBy(envVars, func(envVar string) bool {

View File

@ -27,32 +27,33 @@ type RefresherConfig struct {
type GuiConfig struct {
AuthorColors map[string]string `yaml:"authorColors"`
BranchColors map[string]string `yaml:"branchColors"`
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Language string `yaml:"language"`
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength CommitLengthConfig `yaml:"commitLength"`
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning bool `yaml:"skipNoStagedFilesWarning"`
ShowListFooter bool `yaml:"showListFooter"`
ShowFileTree bool `yaml:"showFileTree"`
ShowRandomTip bool `yaml:"showRandomTip"`
ShowCommandLog bool `yaml:"showCommandLog"`
ShowBottomLine bool `yaml:"showBottomLine"`
ShowIcons bool `yaml:"showIcons"`
CommandLogSize int `yaml:"commandLogSize"`
SplitDiff string `yaml:"splitDiff"`
SkipRewordInEditorWarning bool `yaml:"skipRewordInEditorWarning"`
WindowSize string `yaml:"windowSize"`
Border string `yaml:"border"`
AuthorColors map[string]string `yaml:"authorColors"`
BranchColors map[string]string `yaml:"branchColors"`
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Language string `yaml:"language"`
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength CommitLengthConfig `yaml:"commitLength"`
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning bool `yaml:"skipNoStagedFilesWarning"`
ShowListFooter bool `yaml:"showListFooter"`
ShowFileTree bool `yaml:"showFileTree"`
ShowRandomTip bool `yaml:"showRandomTip"`
ShowCommandLog bool `yaml:"showCommandLog"`
ShowBottomLine bool `yaml:"showBottomLine"`
ShowIcons bool `yaml:"showIcons"`
ExperimentalShowBranchHeads bool `yaml:"experimentalShowBranchHeads"`
CommandLogSize int `yaml:"commandLogSize"`
SplitDiff string `yaml:"splitDiff"`
SkipRewordInEditorWarning bool `yaml:"skipRewordInEditorWarning"`
WindowSize string `yaml:"windowSize"`
Border string `yaml:"border"`
type ThemeConfig struct {
@ -408,18 +409,19 @@ func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
UnstagedChangesColor: []string{"red"},
DefaultFgColor: []string{"default"},
CommitLength: CommitLengthConfig{Show: true},
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning: false,
ShowListFooter: true,
ShowCommandLog: true,
ShowBottomLine: true,
ShowFileTree: true,
ShowRandomTip: true,
ShowIcons: false,
CommandLogSize: 8,
SplitDiff: "auto",
SkipRewordInEditorWarning: false,
Border: "single",
CommitLength: CommitLengthConfig{Show: true},
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning: false,
ShowListFooter: true,
ShowCommandLog: true,
ShowBottomLine: true,
ShowFileTree: true,
ShowRandomTip: true,
ShowIcons: false,
ExperimentalShowBranchHeads: false,
CommandLogSize: 8,
SplitDiff: "auto",
SkipRewordInEditorWarning: false,
Border: "single",
Git: GitConfig{
Paging: PagingConfig{

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Replace(c types.Context) error {
defer self.Unlock()
return self.activateContext(c, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(c, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) Push(c types.Context, opts ...types.OnFocusOpts) error {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Push(c types.Context, opts ...types.OnFocusOpts) error {
return nil
return self.activateContext(contextToActivate, singleOpts)
return self.ActivateContext(contextToActivate, singleOpts)
// Adjusts the context stack based on the context that's being pushed and
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Pop() error {
return err
return self.activateContext(newContext, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(newContext, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) RemoveContexts(contextsToRemove []types.Context) error {
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) RemoveContexts(contextsToRemove []types.Context) error {
// activate the item at the top of the stack
return self.activateContext(contextToActivate, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(contextToActivate, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) deactivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusLostOpts) error {
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) deactivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusLos
return nil
func (self *ContextMgr) activateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusOpts) error {
func (self *ContextMgr) ActivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusOpts) error {
viewName := c.GetViewName()
v, err := self.gui.c.GocuiGui().View(viewName)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) squashDown(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.SquashingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("squash")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Squash)
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) fixup(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.FixingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("fixup")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Fixup)
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) drop(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.DeletingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("drop")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Drop)
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) edit(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.RebasingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.InteractiveRebaseBreakAfter(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetSelectedLineIdx())
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.EditRebase(commit.Sha)
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) pick(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.pullFiles()
func (self *LocalCommitsController) interactiveRebase(action string) error {
func (self *LocalCommitsController) interactiveRebase(action todo.TodoCommand) error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.InteractiveRebase(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetSelectedLineIdx(), action)
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) moveUp(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.MovingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.MoveCommitDown(self.c.Model().Commits, index-1)
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.MoveCommitUp(self.c.Model().Commits, index)
if err == nil {
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) amendTo(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.AmendingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.AmendTo(commit)
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.AmendTo(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetView().SelectedLineIdx())
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)

View File

@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ func (self *guiCommon) Context() types.IContextMgr {
return self.gui.State.ContextMgr
func (self *guiCommon) ActivateContext(context types.Context) error {
return self.gui.State.ContextMgr.ActivateContext(context, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *guiCommon) GetAppState() *config.AppState {
return self.gui.Config.GetAppState()

View File

@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func (gui *Gui) onInitialViewsCreationForRepo() error {
initialContext := gui.c.CurrentSideContext()
if err := gui.c.PushContext(initialContext); err != nil {
if err := gui.c.ActivateContext(initialContext); err != nil {
return err

View File

@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ func displayCommit(
} else {
if len(commit.Tags) > 0 {
tagString = theme.DiffTerminalColor.SetBold().Sprint(strings.Join(commit.Tags, " ")) + " "
} else if commit.ExtraInfo != "" {
} else if common.UserConfig.Gui.ExperimentalShowBranchHeads && commit.ExtraInfo != "" {
tagString = style.FgMagenta.SetBold().Sprint("(*)") + " "

View File

@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ type IGuiCommon interface {
// TODO: replace the above context-based methods with just using Context() e.g. replace PushContext() with Context().Push()
Context() IContextMgr
ActivateContext(context Context) error
// enters search mode for the current view

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package interactive_rebase
import (
. "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/components"
var AmendFixupCommit = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Description: "Amends a staged file to a fixup commit, and checks that other unrelated fixup commits are not auto-squashed.",
ExtraCmdArgs: "",
Skip: false,
SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {},
SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) {
CreateFileAndAdd("first-fixup-file", "").Commit("fixup! commit 01").
CreateNCommitsStartingAt(2, 2).
CreateFileAndAdd("unrelated-fixup-file", "fixup 03").Commit("fixup! commit 03").
CreateFileAndAdd("fixup-file", "fixup 01")
Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) {
Contains("fixup! commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("fixup! commit 01"),
Contains("commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("fixup! commit 01")).
Tap(func() {
Title(Equals("Amend Commit")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?")).
Contains("fixup! commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("fixup! commit 01").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 01"),
Content(Contains("fixup 01"))

View File

@ -23,31 +23,22 @@ var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRef = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Contains("(*) commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
// Once "e" is fixed we can just hit "e", but for now we need to
// manually do a command-line rebase
// NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
// Press(keys.Universal.Edit).
Tap(func() {
Title(Equals("Custom Command:")).
Type(`git -c core.editor="perl -i -lpe 'print \"break\" if $.==1'" rebase -i HEAD~5`).
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("<-- YOU ARE HERE --- commit 01"),
@ -59,9 +50,9 @@ var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRef = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("commit 06"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package interactive_rebase
import (
. "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/components"
var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRefShowBranchHeads = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Description: "Drops a commit during interactive rebase when there is an update-ref in the git-rebase-todo file (with experimentalShowBranchHeads on)",
ExtraCmdArgs: "",
Skip: false,
GitVersion: From("2.38.0"),
SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {
config.UserConfig.Gui.ExperimentalShowBranchHeads = true
SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) {
CreateNCommitsStartingAt(3, 4)
shell.SetConfig("rebase.updateRefs", "true")
Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) {
Contains("(*) commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("<-- YOU ARE HERE --- commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 05")).
Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),

View File

@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ var tests = []*components.IntegrationTest{

View File

@ -9,6 +9,29 @@ import (
// Read a git-rebase-todo file, change the action for the given sha to
// newAction, and write it back
func EditRebaseTodo(filePath string, sha string, oldAction todo.TodoCommand, newAction todo.TodoCommand) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range todos {
t := &todos[i]
// Comparing just the sha is not enough; we need to compare both the
// action and the sha, as the sha could appear multiple times (e.g. in a
// pick and later in a merge)
if t.Command == oldAction && equalShas(t.Commit, sha) {
t.Command = newAction
return WriteRebaseTodoFile(filePath, todos)
// Should never get here
return fmt.Errorf("Todo %s not found in git-rebase-todo", sha)
func equalShas(a, b string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(a, b) || strings.HasPrefix(b, a)
@ -40,6 +63,16 @@ func WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName string, todos []todo.Todo) error {
return err
func PrependStrToTodoFile(filePath string, linesToPrepend []byte) error {
existingContent, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
linesToPrepend = append(linesToPrepend, existingContent...)
return os.WriteFile(filePath, linesToPrepend, 0o644)
func MoveTodoDown(fileName string, sha string, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
@ -101,6 +134,49 @@ func moveTodoUp(todos []todo.Todo, sha string, action todo.TodoCommand) ([]todo.
return rearrangedTodos, nil
func MoveFixupCommitDown(fileName string, originalSha string, fixupSha string) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
newTodos, err := moveFixupCommitDown(todos, originalSha, fixupSha)
if err != nil {
return err
return WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName, newTodos)
func moveFixupCommitDown(todos []todo.Todo, originalSha string, fixupSha string) ([]todo.Todo, error) {
isOriginal := func(t todo.Todo) bool {
return t.Command == todo.Pick && equalShas(t.Commit, originalSha)
isFixup := func(t todo.Todo) bool {
return t.Command == todo.Pick && equalShas(t.Commit, fixupSha)
originalShaCount := lo.CountBy(todos, isOriginal)
if originalShaCount != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected exactly one original SHA, found %d", originalShaCount)
fixupShaCount := lo.CountBy(todos, isFixup)
if fixupShaCount != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found %d", fixupShaCount)
_, fixupIndex, _ := lo.FindIndexOf(todos, isFixup)
_, originalIndex, _ := lo.FindIndexOf(todos, isOriginal)
newTodos := MoveElement(todos, fixupIndex, originalIndex+1)
newTodos[originalIndex+1].Command = todo.Fixup
return newTodos, nil
// We render a todo in the commits view if it's a commit or if it's an
// update-ref. We don't render label, reset, or comment lines.
func isRenderedTodo(t todo.Todo) bool {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package utils
import (
@ -228,3 +229,110 @@ func TestRebaseCommands_moveTodoUp(t *testing.T) {
func TestRebaseCommands_moveFixupCommitDown(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
name string
todos []todo.Todo
originalSha string
fixupSha string
expectedTodos []todo.Todo
expectedErr error
name: "fixup commit is the last commit",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Fixup, Commit: "fixup"},
expectedErr: nil,
// TODO: is this something we actually want to support?
name: "fixup commit is separated from original commit",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "other"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Fixup, Commit: "fixup"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "other"},
expectedErr: nil,
name: "More original SHAs than expected",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one original SHA, found 2"),
name: "More fixup SHAs than expected",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found 2"),
name: "No fixup SHAs found",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found 0"),
name: "No original SHAs found",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one original SHA, found 0"),
for _, scenario := range scenarios {
t.Run(scenario.name, func(t *testing.T) {
actualTodos, actualErr := moveFixupCommitDown(scenario.todos, scenario.originalSha, scenario.fixupSha)
if scenario.expectedErr == nil {
if !assert.NoError(t, actualErr) {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, got: %v", actualErr)
} else {
if !assert.EqualError(t, actualErr, scenario.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Expected err: %v, got: %v", scenario.expectedErr, actualErr)
if !assert.EqualValues(t, actualTodos, scenario.expectedTodos) {
t.Errorf("Expected todos: %v, got: %v", scenario.expectedTodos, actualTodos)

View File

@ -56,9 +56,11 @@ func parseLine(line string) (Todo, error) {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
var commandLen int
for i := Pick; i < Comment; i++ {
if isCommand(i, fields[0]) {
todo.Command = i
commandLen = len(fields[0])
fields = fields[1:]
@ -74,10 +76,14 @@ func parseLine(line string) (Todo, error) {
if todo.Command == Label || todo.Command == Reset {
if len(fields) == 0 {
restOfLine := strings.TrimSpace(line[commandLen:])
if todo.Command == Reset && restOfLine == "[new root]" {
todo.Label = restOfLine
} else if len(fields) == 0 {
return todo, ErrMissingLabel
} else {
todo.Label = fields[0]
todo.Label = fields[0]
return todo, nil

vendor/modules.txt vendored
View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ github.com/emirpasic/gods/utils
# github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0
## explicit; go 1.13
# github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980
# github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4
## explicit; go 1.13
# github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7