mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 15:15:49 +02:00
merge master into refactor-better-encapsulation
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ gui:
showFileTree: true # for rendering changes files in a tree format
showListFooter: true # for seeing the '5 of 20' message in list panels
showRandomTip: true
experimentalShowBranchHeads: false # visualize branch heads with (*) in commits list
showBottomLine: true # for hiding the bottom information line (unless it has important information to tell you)
showCommandLog: true
showIcons: false
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require (
github.com/cli/safeexec v1.0.0
github.com/cloudfoundry/jibber_jabber v0.0.0-20151120183258-bcc4c8345a21
github.com/creack/pty v1.1.11
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2 v2.6.0
github.com/go-errors/errors v1.4.2
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ github.com/fatih/color v1.7.1-0.20180516100307-2d684516a886/go.mod h1:Zm6kSWBoL9
github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0 h1:8xPHl4/q1VyqGIPif1F+1V3Y3lSmrq01EabUW3CoW5s=
github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0/go.mod h1:eQcE1qtQxscV5RaZvpXrrb8Drkc3/DdQ+uUYCNjL+zU=
github.com/flynn/go-shlex v0.0.0-20150515145356-3f9db97f8568/go.mod h1:xEzjJPgXI435gkrCt3MPfRiAkVrwSbHsst4LCFVfpJc=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980 h1:ay9aM+Ay9I4LJttUVF4EFVmeNUkS9/snYVFK6lwieVQ=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980/go.mod h1:B+AgTbNE2BARvJqzXygThzqxLIaEWvwr2sxKYYb0Fas=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4 h1:fzcGaoAFDHWzJRKw//CSZFrXucsLKplIvOSab3FtWWM=
github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4/go.mod h1:B+AgTbNE2BARvJqzXygThzqxLIaEWvwr2sxKYYb0Fas=
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7 h1:IXs+QLmnXW2CcXuY+8Mzv/fWEsPGWxqefPtCP5CnV9I=
github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7/go.mod h1:jwhsz4b93w/PPRr/qN1Yymfu8t87LnFCMoQvtojpjFo=
github.com/gdamore/encoding v1.0.0 h1:+7OoQ1Bc6eTm5niUzBa0Ctsh6JbMW6Ra+YNuAtDBdko=
@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
package daemon
import (
// Sometimes lazygit will be invoked in daemon mode from a parent lazygit process.
@ -15,38 +19,58 @@ import (
// For example, if we want to ensure that a git command doesn't hang due to
// waiting for an editor to save a commit message, we can tell git to invoke lazygit
// as the editor via 'GIT_EDITOR=lazygit', and use the env var
// 'LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND=EXIT_IMMEDIATELY' to specify that we want to run lazygit
// as a daemon which simply exits immediately. Any additional arguments we want
// to pass to a daemon can be done via other env vars.
// 'LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND=1' (exit immediately) to specify that we want to run lazygit
// as a daemon which simply exits immediately.
// 'Daemon' is not the best name for this, because it's not a persistent background
// process, but it's close enough.
type DaemonKind string
type DaemonKind int
const (
InteractiveRebase DaemonKind = "INTERACTIVE_REBASE"
ExitImmediately DaemonKind = "EXIT_IMMEDIATELY"
// for when we fail to parse the daemon kind
DaemonKindUnknown DaemonKind = iota
const (
DaemonKindEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_DAEMON_KIND"
// The `PrependLinesEnvKey` env variable is set to `true` to tell our daemon
// to prepend the content of `RebaseTODOEnvKey` to the default `git-rebase-todo`
// file instead of using it as a replacement.
PrependLinesEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_PREPEND_LINES"
// Contains json-encoded arguments to the daemon
DaemonInstructionEnvKey string = "LAZYGIT_DAEMON_INSTRUCTION"
type Daemon interface {
Run() error
func getInstruction() Instruction {
jsonData := os.Getenv(DaemonInstructionEnvKey)
mapping := map[DaemonKind]func(string) Instruction{
DaemonKindExitImmediately: deserializeInstruction[*ExitImmediatelyInstruction],
DaemonKindCherryPick: deserializeInstruction[*CherryPickCommitsInstruction],
DaemonKindChangeTodoActions: deserializeInstruction[*ChangeTodoActionsInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveFixupCommitDown: deserializeInstruction[*MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveTodoUp: deserializeInstruction[*MoveTodoUpInstruction],
DaemonKindMoveTodoDown: deserializeInstruction[*MoveTodoDownInstruction],
DaemonKindInsertBreak: deserializeInstruction[*InsertBreakInstruction],
return mapping[getDaemonKind()](jsonData)
func Handle(common *common.Common) {
d := getDaemon(common)
if d == nil {
if !InDaemonMode() {
if err := d.Run(); err != nil {
instruction := getInstruction()
if err := instruction.run(common); err != nil {
@ -54,73 +78,229 @@ func Handle(common *common.Common) {
func InDaemonMode() bool {
return getDaemonKind() != ""
func getDaemon(common *common.Common) Daemon {
switch getDaemonKind() {
case InteractiveRebase:
return &rebaseDaemon{c: common}
case ExitImmediately:
return &exitImmediatelyDaemon{c: common}
return nil
return getDaemonKind() != DaemonKindUnknown
func getDaemonKind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKind(os.Getenv(DaemonKindEnvKey))
type rebaseDaemon struct {
c *common.Common
func (self *rebaseDaemon) Run() error {
self.c.Log.Info("Lazygit invoked as interactive rebase demon")
self.c.Log.Info("args: ", os.Args)
path := os.Args[1]
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "git-rebase-todo") {
return self.writeTodoFile(path)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, filepath.Join(gitDir(), "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) { // TODO: test
// if we are rebasing and squashing, we'll see a COMMIT_EDITMSG
// but in this case we don't need to edit it, so we'll just return
} else {
self.c.Log.Info("Lazygit demon did not match on any use cases")
intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(DaemonKindEnvKey))
if err != nil {
return DaemonKindUnknown
return DaemonKind(intValue)
// An Instruction is a command to be run by lazygit in daemon mode.
// It is serialized to json and passed to lazygit via environment variables
type Instruction interface {
Kind() DaemonKind
SerializedInstructions() string
// runs the instruction
run(common *common.Common) error
func serializeInstruction[T any](instruction T) string {
jsonData, err := json.Marshal(instruction)
if err != nil {
// this should never happen
return string(jsonData)
func deserializeInstruction[T Instruction](jsonData string) Instruction {
var instruction T
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &instruction)
if err != nil {
return instruction
func ToEnvVars(instruction Instruction) []string {
return []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d", DaemonKindEnvKey, instruction.Kind()),
fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", DaemonInstructionEnvKey, instruction.SerializedInstructions()),
type ExitImmediatelyInstruction struct{}
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindExitImmediately
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *ExitImmediatelyInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return nil
func (self *rebaseDaemon) writeTodoFile(path string) error {
todoContent := []byte(os.Getenv(RebaseTODOEnvKey))
func NewExitImmediatelyInstruction() Instruction {
return &ExitImmediatelyInstruction{}
prependLines := os.Getenv(PrependLinesEnvKey) != ""
if prependLines {
existingContent, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
type CherryPickCommitsInstruction struct {
Todo string
func NewCherryPickCommitsInstruction(commits []*models.Commit) Instruction {
todoLines := lo.Map(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, _ int) TodoLine {
return TodoLine{
Action: "pick",
Commit: commit,
todo := TodoLinesToString(todoLines)
return &CherryPickCommitsInstruction{
Todo: todo,
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindCherryPick
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *CherryPickCommitsInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.PrependStrToTodoFile(path, []byte(self.Todo))
type ChangeTodoActionsInstruction struct {
Changes []ChangeTodoAction
func NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes []ChangeTodoAction) Instruction {
return &ChangeTodoActionsInstruction{
Changes: changes,
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindChangeTodoActions
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *ChangeTodoActionsInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
for _, c := range self.Changes {
if err := utils.EditRebaseTodo(path, c.Sha, todo.Pick, c.NewAction); err != nil {
return err
todoContent = append(todoContent, existingContent...)
return nil
// Takes the sha of some commit, and the sha of a fixup commit that was created
// at the end of the branch, then moves the fixup commit down to right after the
// original commit, changing its type to "fixup"
type MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction struct {
OriginalSha string
FixupSha string
func NewMoveFixupCommitDownInstruction(originalSha string, fixupSha string) Instruction {
return &MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction{
OriginalSha: originalSha,
FixupSha: fixupSha,
return os.WriteFile(path, todoContent, 0o644)
func gitDir() string {
dir := env.GetGitDirEnv()
if dir == "" {
return ".git"
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveFixupCommitDown
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveFixupCommitDownInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveFixupCommitDown(path, self.OriginalSha, self.FixupSha)
type MoveTodoUpInstruction struct {
Sha string
func NewMoveTodoUpInstruction(sha string) Instruction {
return &MoveTodoUpInstruction{
Sha: sha,
return dir
type exitImmediatelyDaemon struct {
c *common.Common
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveTodoUp
func (self *exitImmediatelyDaemon) Run() error {
return nil
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveTodoUpInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveTodoUp(path, self.Sha, todo.Pick)
type MoveTodoDownInstruction struct {
Sha string
func NewMoveTodoDownInstruction(sha string) Instruction {
return &MoveTodoDownInstruction{
Sha: sha,
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindMoveTodoDown
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *MoveTodoDownInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.MoveTodoDown(path, self.Sha, todo.Pick)
type InsertBreakInstruction struct{}
func NewInsertBreakInstruction() Instruction {
return &InsertBreakInstruction{}
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) Kind() DaemonKind {
return DaemonKindInsertBreak
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) SerializedInstructions() string {
return serializeInstruction(self)
func (self *InsertBreakInstruction) run(common *common.Common) error {
return handleInteractiveRebase(common, func(path string) error {
return utils.PrependStrToTodoFile(path, []byte("break\n"))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package daemon
import (
type TodoLine struct {
Action string
Commit *models.Commit
func (self *TodoLine) ToString() string {
if self.Action == "break" {
return self.Action + "\n"
} else {
return self.Action + " " + self.Commit.Sha + " " + self.Commit.Name + "\n"
func TodoLinesToString(todoLines []TodoLine) string {
lines := slices.Map(todoLines, func(todoLine TodoLine) string {
return todoLine.ToString()
return strings.Join(slices.Reverse(lines), "")
type ChangeTodoAction struct {
Sha string
NewAction todo.TodoCommand
func handleInteractiveRebase(common *common.Common, f func(path string) error) error {
common.Log.Info("Lazygit invoked as interactive rebase demon")
common.Log.Info("args: ", os.Args)
path := os.Args[1]
if strings.HasSuffix(path, "git-rebase-todo") {
return f(path)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, filepath.Join(gitDir(), "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) { // TODO: test
// if we are rebasing and squashing, we'll see a COMMIT_EDITMSG
// but in this case we don't need to edit it, so we'll just return
} else {
common.Log.Info("Lazygit demon did not match on any use cases")
return nil
func gitDir() string {
dir := env.GetGitDirEnv()
if dir == "" {
return ".git"
return dir
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
type commonDeps struct {
runner *oscommands.FakeCmdObjRunner
userConfig *config.UserConfig
gitVersion *GitVersion
gitConfig *git_config.FakeGitConfig
getenv func(string) string
removeFile func(string) error
@ -48,6 +49,11 @@ func buildGitCommon(deps commonDeps) *GitCommon {
gitCommon.Common.UserConfig = config.GetDefaultConfig()
gitCommon.version = deps.gitVersion
if gitCommon.version == nil {
gitCommon.version = &GitVersion{2, 0, 0, ""}
gitConfig := deps.gitConfig
if gitConfig == nil {
gitConfig = git_config.NewFakeGitConfig(nil)
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ package git_commands
import (
@ -103,18 +105,16 @@ func (self *PatchCommands) MovePatchToSelectedCommit(commits []*models.Commit, s
baseIndex := sourceCommitIdx + 1
todoLines := self.rebase.BuildTodoLines(commits[0:baseIndex], func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
if i == sourceCommitIdx || i == destinationCommitIdx {
return "edit"
} else {
return "pick"
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{
{Sha: commits[sourceCommitIdx].Sha, NewAction: todo.Edit},
{Sha: commits[destinationCommitIdx].Sha, NewAction: todo.Edit},
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
err := self.rebase.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: commits[baseIndex].Sha,
todoLines: todoLines,
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
if err != nil {
return err
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
type RebaseCommands struct {
@ -55,14 +56,15 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) RewordCommit(commits []*models.Commit, index int, me
func (self *RebaseCommands) RewordCommitInEditor(commits []*models.Commit, index int) (oscommands.ICmdObj, error) {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index, "reword")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[index].Sha,
NewAction: todo.Reword,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+1),
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
}), nil
@ -99,96 +101,105 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) GenericAmend(commits []*models.Commit, index int, f
func (self *RebaseCommands) MoveCommitDown(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
// not appending to original slice so that we don't mutate it
orderedCommits := append([]*models.Commit{}, commits[0:index]...)
orderedCommits = append(orderedCommits, commits[index+1], commits[index])
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(orderedCommits, "pick")
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+2)
sha := commits[index].Sha
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Moving TODO down: %s", utils.ShortSha(sha)), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
todoLines: todoLines,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveTodoDownInstruction(sha),
overrideEditor: true,
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebase(commits []*models.Commit, index int, action string) error {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index, action)
if err != nil {
return err
func (self *RebaseCommands) MoveCommitUp(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, index+1)
sha := commits[index].Sha
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Moving TODO up: %s", utils.ShortSha(sha)), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveTodoUpInstruction(sha),
overrideEditor: true,
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebaseBreakAfter(commits []*models.Commit, index int) error {
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, index-1, "pick")
if err != nil {
return err
func (self *RebaseCommands) InteractiveRebase(commits []*models.Commit, index int, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
baseIndex := index + 1
if action == todo.Squash || action == todo.Fixup {
todo = append(todo, TodoLine{Action: "break", Commit: nil})
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, baseIndex)
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[index].Sha,
NewAction: action,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: baseShaOrRoot,
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebase(branchRef string) error {
commands := []TodoLine{{Action: "break"}}
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Beginning interactive rebase at '%s'", branchRef), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: branchRef,
todoLines: commands,
prepend: true,
instruction: daemon.NewInsertBreakInstruction(),
func logTodoChanges(changes []daemon.ChangeTodoAction) string {
changeTodoStr := strings.Join(slices.Map(changes, func(c daemon.ChangeTodoAction) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", c.Sha, c.NewAction)
}), "\n")
return fmt.Sprintf("Changing TODO actions: %s", changeTodoStr)
type PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts struct {
baseShaOrRoot string
todoLines []TodoLine
instruction daemon.Instruction
overrideEditor bool
prepend bool
// PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand returns the cmd for an interactive rebase
// we tell git to run lazygit to edit the todo list, and we pass the client
// lazygit a todo string to write to the todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(opts PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts) oscommands.ICmdObj {
todo := self.buildTodo(opts.todoLines)
ex := oscommands.GetLazygitPath()
prependLines := ""
if opts.prepend {
prependLines = "TRUE"
debug := "FALSE"
if self.Debug {
debug = "TRUE"
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("git rebase --interactive --autostash --keep-empty --empty=keep --no-autosquash %s", opts.baseShaOrRoot)
rebaseMergesArg := " --rebase-merges"
if self.version.IsOlderThan(2, 22, 0) {
rebaseMergesArg = ""
cmdStr := fmt.Sprintf("git rebase --interactive --autostash --keep-empty --empty=keep --no-autosquash%s %s",
rebaseMergesArg, opts.baseShaOrRoot)
self.Log.WithField("command", cmdStr).Debug("RunCommand")
cmdObj := self.cmd.New(cmdStr)
gitSequenceEditor := ex
if todo == "" {
gitSequenceEditor = "true"
if opts.instruction != nil {
} else {
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Creating TODO file for interactive rebase: \n\n%s", todo), false)
gitSequenceEditor = "true"
"LANG=en_US.UTF-8", // Force using EN as language
"LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8", // Force using EN as language
@ -202,63 +213,31 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(opts PrepareInteract
return cmdObj
// produces TodoLines where every commit is picked (or dropped for merge commits) except for the commit at the given index, which
// will have the given action applied to it.
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildSingleActionTodo(commits []*models.Commit, actionIndex int, action string) ([]TodoLine, string, error) {
baseIndex := actionIndex + 1
if action == "squash" || action == "fixup" {
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLines(commits[0:baseIndex], func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
if i == actionIndex {
return action
} else if commit.IsMerge() {
// your typical interactive rebase will actually drop merge commits by default. Damn git CLI, you scary!
// doing this means we don't need to worry about rebasing over merges which always causes problems.
// you typically shouldn't be doing rebases that pass over merge commits anyway.
return "drop"
} else {
return "pick"
baseShaOrRoot := getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, baseIndex)
return todoLines, baseShaOrRoot, nil
// AmendTo amends the given commit with whatever files are staged
func (self *RebaseCommands) AmendTo(commit *models.Commit) error {
func (self *RebaseCommands) AmendTo(commits []*models.Commit, commitIndex int) error {
commit := commits[commitIndex]
if err := self.commit.CreateFixupCommit(commit.Sha); err != nil {
return err
return self.SquashAllAboveFixupCommits(commit)
// EditRebaseTodo sets the action for a given rebase commit in the git-rebase-todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebaseTodo(commit *models.Commit, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
fileName := filepath.Join(self.dotGitDir, "rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo")
todos, err := utils.ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
// Get the sha of the commit we just created
fixupSha, err := self.cmd.New("git rev-parse --verify HEAD").RunWithOutput()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range todos {
t := &todos[i]
// Comparing just the sha is not enough; we need to compare both the
// action and the sha, as the sha could appear multiple times (e.g. in a
// pick and later in a merge)
if t.Command == commit.Action && t.Commit == commit.Sha {
t.Command = action
return utils.WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName, todos)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, commitIndex+1),
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewMoveFixupCommitDownInstruction(commit.Sha, fixupSha),
// Should never get here
return fmt.Errorf("Todo %s not found in git-rebase-todo", commit.Sha)
// EditRebaseTodo sets the action for a given rebase commit in the git-rebase-todo file
func (self *RebaseCommands) EditRebaseTodo(commit *models.Commit, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
return utils.EditRebaseTodo(
filepath.Join(self.dotGitDir, "rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo"), commit.Sha, commit.Action, action)
// MoveTodoDown moves a rebase todo item down by one position
@ -304,15 +283,16 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) BeginInteractiveRebaseForCommit(commits []*models.Co
return errors.New(self.Tr.DisabledForGPG)
todo, sha, err := self.BuildSingleActionTodo(commits, commitIndex, "edit")
if err != nil {
return err
changes := []daemon.ChangeTodoAction{{
Sha: commits[commitIndex].Sha,
NewAction: todo.Edit,
self.os.LogCommand(logTodoChanges(changes), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: sha,
todoLines: todo,
baseShaOrRoot: getBaseShaOrRoot(commits, commitIndex+1),
overrideEditor: true,
instruction: daemon.NewChangeTodoActionsInstruction(changes),
@ -359,15 +339,16 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) GenericMergeOrRebaseAction(commandType string, comma
func (self *RebaseCommands) runSkipEditorCommand(cmdObj oscommands.ICmdObj) error {
instruction := daemon.NewExitImmediatelyInstruction()
lazyGitPath := oscommands.GetLazygitPath()
return cmdObj.
@ -401,47 +382,17 @@ func (self *RebaseCommands) DiscardOldFileChanges(commits []*models.Commit, comm
// CherryPickCommits begins an interactive rebase with the given shas being cherry picked onto HEAD
func (self *RebaseCommands) CherryPickCommits(commits []*models.Commit) error {
todoLines := self.BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(commits, "pick")
commitLines := lo.Map(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, _ int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", utils.ShortSha(commit.Sha), commit.Name)
self.os.LogCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Cherry-picking commits:\n%s", strings.Join(commitLines, "\n")), false)
return self.PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommand(PrepareInteractiveRebaseCommandOpts{
baseShaOrRoot: "HEAD",
todoLines: todoLines,
instruction: daemon.NewCherryPickCommitsInstruction(commits),
func (self *RebaseCommands) buildTodo(todoLines []TodoLine) string {
lines := slices.Map(todoLines, func(todoLine TodoLine) string {
return todoLine.ToString()
return strings.Join(slices.Reverse(lines), "")
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildTodoLines(commits []*models.Commit, f func(*models.Commit, int) string) []TodoLine {
return slices.MapWithIndex(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, i int) TodoLine {
return TodoLine{Action: f(commit, i), Commit: commit}
func (self *RebaseCommands) BuildTodoLinesSingleAction(commits []*models.Commit, action string) []TodoLine {
return self.BuildTodoLines(commits, func(commit *models.Commit, i int) string {
return action
type TodoLine struct {
Action string
Commit *models.Commit
func (self *TodoLine) ToString() string {
if self.Action == "break" {
return self.Action + "\n"
} else {
return self.Action + " " + self.Commit.Sha + " " + self.Commit.Name + "\n"
// we can't start an interactive rebase from the first commit without passing the
// '--root' arg
func getBaseShaOrRoot(commits []*models.Commit, index int) string {
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package git_commands
import (
@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ func TestRebaseSkipEditorCommand(t *testing.T) {
"^" + daemon.DaemonKindEnvKey + "=" + string(daemon.ExitImmediately) + "$",
"^" + daemon.DaemonKindEnvKey + "=" + strconv.Itoa(int(daemon.DaemonKindExitImmediately)) + "$",
} {
regexStr := regexStr
foundMatch := lo.ContainsBy(envVars, func(envVar string) bool {
@ -27,32 +27,33 @@ type RefresherConfig struct {
type GuiConfig struct {
AuthorColors map[string]string `yaml:"authorColors"`
BranchColors map[string]string `yaml:"branchColors"`
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Language string `yaml:"language"`
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength CommitLengthConfig `yaml:"commitLength"`
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning bool `yaml:"skipNoStagedFilesWarning"`
ShowListFooter bool `yaml:"showListFooter"`
ShowFileTree bool `yaml:"showFileTree"`
ShowRandomTip bool `yaml:"showRandomTip"`
ShowCommandLog bool `yaml:"showCommandLog"`
ShowBottomLine bool `yaml:"showBottomLine"`
ShowIcons bool `yaml:"showIcons"`
CommandLogSize int `yaml:"commandLogSize"`
SplitDiff string `yaml:"splitDiff"`
SkipRewordInEditorWarning bool `yaml:"skipRewordInEditorWarning"`
WindowSize string `yaml:"windowSize"`
Border string `yaml:"border"`
AuthorColors map[string]string `yaml:"authorColors"`
BranchColors map[string]string `yaml:"branchColors"`
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Language string `yaml:"language"`
TimeFormat string `yaml:"timeFormat"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength CommitLengthConfig `yaml:"commitLength"`
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning bool `yaml:"skipNoStagedFilesWarning"`
ShowListFooter bool `yaml:"showListFooter"`
ShowFileTree bool `yaml:"showFileTree"`
ShowRandomTip bool `yaml:"showRandomTip"`
ShowCommandLog bool `yaml:"showCommandLog"`
ShowBottomLine bool `yaml:"showBottomLine"`
ShowIcons bool `yaml:"showIcons"`
ExperimentalShowBranchHeads bool `yaml:"experimentalShowBranchHeads"`
CommandLogSize int `yaml:"commandLogSize"`
SplitDiff string `yaml:"splitDiff"`
SkipRewordInEditorWarning bool `yaml:"skipRewordInEditorWarning"`
WindowSize string `yaml:"windowSize"`
Border string `yaml:"border"`
type ThemeConfig struct {
@ -408,18 +409,19 @@ func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
UnstagedChangesColor: []string{"red"},
DefaultFgColor: []string{"default"},
CommitLength: CommitLengthConfig{Show: true},
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning: false,
ShowListFooter: true,
ShowCommandLog: true,
ShowBottomLine: true,
ShowFileTree: true,
ShowRandomTip: true,
ShowIcons: false,
CommandLogSize: 8,
SplitDiff: "auto",
SkipRewordInEditorWarning: false,
Border: "single",
CommitLength: CommitLengthConfig{Show: true},
SkipNoStagedFilesWarning: false,
ShowListFooter: true,
ShowCommandLog: true,
ShowBottomLine: true,
ShowFileTree: true,
ShowRandomTip: true,
ShowIcons: false,
ExperimentalShowBranchHeads: false,
CommandLogSize: 8,
SplitDiff: "auto",
SkipRewordInEditorWarning: false,
Border: "single",
Git: GitConfig{
Paging: PagingConfig{
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Replace(c types.Context) error {
defer self.Unlock()
return self.activateContext(c, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(c, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) Push(c types.Context, opts ...types.OnFocusOpts) error {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Push(c types.Context, opts ...types.OnFocusOpts) error {
return nil
return self.activateContext(contextToActivate, singleOpts)
return self.ActivateContext(contextToActivate, singleOpts)
// Adjusts the context stack based on the context that's being pushed and
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) Pop() error {
return err
return self.activateContext(newContext, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(newContext, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) RemoveContexts(contextsToRemove []types.Context) error {
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) RemoveContexts(contextsToRemove []types.Context) error {
// activate the item at the top of the stack
return self.activateContext(contextToActivate, types.OnFocusOpts{})
return self.ActivateContext(contextToActivate, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *ContextMgr) deactivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusLostOpts) error {
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func (self *ContextMgr) deactivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusLos
return nil
func (self *ContextMgr) activateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusOpts) error {
func (self *ContextMgr) ActivateContext(c types.Context, opts types.OnFocusOpts) error {
viewName := c.GetViewName()
v, err := self.gui.c.GocuiGui().View(viewName)
if err != nil {
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) squashDown(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.SquashingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("squash")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Squash)
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) fixup(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.FixingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("fixup")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Fixup)
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) drop(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.DeletingStatus, func() error {
return self.interactiveRebase("drop")
return self.interactiveRebase(todo.Drop)
@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) edit(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.RebasingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.InteractiveRebaseBreakAfter(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetSelectedLineIdx())
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.EditRebase(commit.Sha)
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)
@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) pick(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.pullFiles()
func (self *LocalCommitsController) interactiveRebase(action string) error {
func (self *LocalCommitsController) interactiveRebase(action todo.TodoCommand) error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.InteractiveRebase(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetSelectedLineIdx(), action)
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) moveUp(commit *models.Commit) error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.MovingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.MoveCommitDown(self.c.Model().Commits, index-1)
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.MoveCommitUp(self.c.Model().Commits, index)
if err == nil {
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ func (self *LocalCommitsController) amendTo(commit *models.Commit) error {
HandleConfirm: func() error {
return self.c.WithWaitingStatus(self.c.Tr.AmendingStatus, func() error {
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.AmendTo(commit)
err := self.c.Git().Rebase.AmendTo(self.c.Model().Commits, self.context().GetView().SelectedLineIdx())
return self.c.Helpers().MergeAndRebase.CheckMergeOrRebase(err)
@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ func (self *guiCommon) Context() types.IContextMgr {
return self.gui.State.ContextMgr
func (self *guiCommon) ActivateContext(context types.Context) error {
return self.gui.State.ContextMgr.ActivateContext(context, types.OnFocusOpts{})
func (self *guiCommon) GetAppState() *config.AppState {
return self.gui.Config.GetAppState()
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func (gui *Gui) onInitialViewsCreationForRepo() error {
initialContext := gui.c.CurrentSideContext()
if err := gui.c.PushContext(initialContext); err != nil {
if err := gui.c.ActivateContext(initialContext); err != nil {
return err
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ func displayCommit(
} else {
if len(commit.Tags) > 0 {
tagString = theme.DiffTerminalColor.SetBold().Sprint(strings.Join(commit.Tags, " ")) + " "
} else if commit.ExtraInfo != "" {
} else if common.UserConfig.Gui.ExperimentalShowBranchHeads && commit.ExtraInfo != "" {
tagString = style.FgMagenta.SetBold().Sprint("(*)") + " "
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ type IGuiCommon interface {
// TODO: replace the above context-based methods with just using Context() e.g. replace PushContext() with Context().Push()
Context() IContextMgr
ActivateContext(context Context) error
// enters search mode for the current view
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package interactive_rebase
import (
. "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/components"
var AmendFixupCommit = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Description: "Amends a staged file to a fixup commit, and checks that other unrelated fixup commits are not auto-squashed.",
ExtraCmdArgs: "",
Skip: false,
SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {},
SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) {
CreateFileAndAdd("first-fixup-file", "").Commit("fixup! commit 01").
CreateNCommitsStartingAt(2, 2).
CreateFileAndAdd("unrelated-fixup-file", "fixup 03").Commit("fixup! commit 03").
CreateFileAndAdd("fixup-file", "fixup 01")
Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) {
Contains("fixup! commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("fixup! commit 01"),
Contains("commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("fixup! commit 01")).
Tap(func() {
Title(Equals("Amend Commit")).
Content(Contains("Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?")).
Contains("fixup! commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("fixup! commit 01").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 01"),
Content(Contains("fixup 01"))
@ -23,31 +23,22 @@ var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRef = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Contains("(*) commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
// Once "e" is fixed we can just hit "e", but for now we need to
// manually do a command-line rebase
// NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
// Press(keys.Universal.Edit).
Tap(func() {
Title(Equals("Custom Command:")).
Type(`git -c core.editor="perl -i -lpe 'print \"break\" if $.==1'" rebase -i HEAD~5`).
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("<-- YOU ARE HERE --- commit 01"),
@ -59,9 +50,9 @@ var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRef = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("commit 06"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package interactive_rebase
import (
. "github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/pkg/integration/components"
var DropTodoCommitWithUpdateRefShowBranchHeads = NewIntegrationTest(NewIntegrationTestArgs{
Description: "Drops a commit during interactive rebase when there is an update-ref in the git-rebase-todo file (with experimentalShowBranchHeads on)",
ExtraCmdArgs: "",
Skip: false,
GitVersion: From("2.38.0"),
SetupConfig: func(config *config.AppConfig) {
config.UserConfig.Gui.ExperimentalShowBranchHeads = true
SetupRepo: func(shell *Shell) {
CreateNCommitsStartingAt(3, 4)
shell.SetConfig("rebase.updateRefs", "true")
Run: func(t *TestDriver, keys config.KeybindingConfig) {
Contains("(*) commit 06").IsSelected(),
Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 01")).
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 05"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("pick").Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("pick").Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("<-- YOU ARE HERE --- commit 01"),
NavigateToLine(Contains("commit 05")).
Contains("(*) commit 06"),
Contains("commit 04"),
Contains("(*) commit 03"),
Contains("commit 02"),
Contains("commit 01"),
@ -88,10 +88,12 @@ var tests = []*components.IntegrationTest{
@ -9,6 +9,29 @@ import (
// Read a git-rebase-todo file, change the action for the given sha to
// newAction, and write it back
func EditRebaseTodo(filePath string, sha string, oldAction todo.TodoCommand, newAction todo.TodoCommand) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range todos {
t := &todos[i]
// Comparing just the sha is not enough; we need to compare both the
// action and the sha, as the sha could appear multiple times (e.g. in a
// pick and later in a merge)
if t.Command == oldAction && equalShas(t.Commit, sha) {
t.Command = newAction
return WriteRebaseTodoFile(filePath, todos)
// Should never get here
return fmt.Errorf("Todo %s not found in git-rebase-todo", sha)
func equalShas(a, b string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(a, b) || strings.HasPrefix(b, a)
@ -40,6 +63,16 @@ func WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName string, todos []todo.Todo) error {
return err
func PrependStrToTodoFile(filePath string, linesToPrepend []byte) error {
existingContent, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
linesToPrepend = append(linesToPrepend, existingContent...)
return os.WriteFile(filePath, linesToPrepend, 0o644)
func MoveTodoDown(fileName string, sha string, action todo.TodoCommand) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
@ -101,6 +134,49 @@ func moveTodoUp(todos []todo.Todo, sha string, action todo.TodoCommand) ([]todo.
return rearrangedTodos, nil
func MoveFixupCommitDown(fileName string, originalSha string, fixupSha string) error {
todos, err := ReadRebaseTodoFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
newTodos, err := moveFixupCommitDown(todos, originalSha, fixupSha)
if err != nil {
return err
return WriteRebaseTodoFile(fileName, newTodos)
func moveFixupCommitDown(todos []todo.Todo, originalSha string, fixupSha string) ([]todo.Todo, error) {
isOriginal := func(t todo.Todo) bool {
return t.Command == todo.Pick && equalShas(t.Commit, originalSha)
isFixup := func(t todo.Todo) bool {
return t.Command == todo.Pick && equalShas(t.Commit, fixupSha)
originalShaCount := lo.CountBy(todos, isOriginal)
if originalShaCount != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected exactly one original SHA, found %d", originalShaCount)
fixupShaCount := lo.CountBy(todos, isFixup)
if fixupShaCount != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found %d", fixupShaCount)
_, fixupIndex, _ := lo.FindIndexOf(todos, isFixup)
_, originalIndex, _ := lo.FindIndexOf(todos, isOriginal)
newTodos := MoveElement(todos, fixupIndex, originalIndex+1)
newTodos[originalIndex+1].Command = todo.Fixup
return newTodos, nil
// We render a todo in the commits view if it's a commit or if it's an
// update-ref. We don't render label, reset, or comment lines.
func isRenderedTodo(t todo.Todo) bool {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package utils
import (
@ -228,3 +229,110 @@ func TestRebaseCommands_moveTodoUp(t *testing.T) {
func TestRebaseCommands_moveFixupCommitDown(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
name string
todos []todo.Todo
originalSha string
fixupSha string
expectedTodos []todo.Todo
expectedErr error
name: "fixup commit is the last commit",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Fixup, Commit: "fixup"},
expectedErr: nil,
// TODO: is this something we actually want to support?
name: "fixup commit is separated from original commit",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "other"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Fixup, Commit: "fixup"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "other"},
expectedErr: nil,
name: "More original SHAs than expected",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one original SHA, found 2"),
name: "More fixup SHAs than expected",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found 2"),
name: "No fixup SHAs found",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "original"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one fixup SHA, found 0"),
name: "No original SHAs found",
todos: []todo.Todo{
{Command: todo.Pick, Commit: "fixup"},
originalSha: "original",
fixupSha: "fixup",
expectedTodos: nil,
expectedErr: errors.New("Expected exactly one original SHA, found 0"),
for _, scenario := range scenarios {
t.Run(scenario.name, func(t *testing.T) {
actualTodos, actualErr := moveFixupCommitDown(scenario.todos, scenario.originalSha, scenario.fixupSha)
if scenario.expectedErr == nil {
if !assert.NoError(t, actualErr) {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, got: %v", actualErr)
} else {
if !assert.EqualError(t, actualErr, scenario.expectedErr.Error()) {
t.Errorf("Expected err: %v, got: %v", scenario.expectedErr, actualErr)
if !assert.EqualValues(t, actualTodos, scenario.expectedTodos) {
t.Errorf("Expected todos: %v, got: %v", scenario.expectedTodos, actualTodos)
@ -56,9 +56,11 @@ func parseLine(line string) (Todo, error) {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
var commandLen int
for i := Pick; i < Comment; i++ {
if isCommand(i, fields[0]) {
todo.Command = i
commandLen = len(fields[0])
fields = fields[1:]
@ -74,10 +76,14 @@ func parseLine(line string) (Todo, error) {
if todo.Command == Label || todo.Command == Reset {
if len(fields) == 0 {
restOfLine := strings.TrimSpace(line[commandLen:])
if todo.Command == Reset && restOfLine == "[new root]" {
todo.Label = restOfLine
} else if len(fields) == 0 {
return todo, ErrMissingLabel
} else {
todo.Label = fields[0]
todo.Label = fields[0]
return todo, nil
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ github.com/emirpasic/gods/utils
# github.com/fatih/color v1.9.0
## explicit; go 1.13
# github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4-0.20230403011024-617a5a7ce980
# github.com/fsmiamoto/git-todo-parser v0.0.4
## explicit; go 1.13
# github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
Reference in New Issue
Block a user