mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 22:01:14 +02:00
have typed default config
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ func main() {
configFlag := false
flaggy.Bool(&configFlag, "c", "config", "Print the default config")
configDirFlag := false
flaggy.Bool(&configDirFlag, "cd", "config-dir", "Print the config directory")
workTree := ""
flaggy.String(&workTree, "w", "work-tree", "equivalent of the --work-tree git argument")
@ -85,7 +88,12 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", buf.String())
fmt.Printf("%s\n", buf.String())
if configDirFlag {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", config.ConfigDir())
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ type AppConfigurer interface {
// NewAppConfig makes a new app config
func NewAppConfig(name, version, commit, date string, buildSource string, debuggingFlag bool) (*AppConfig, error) {
configDir, err := findOrCreateConfigDir(name)
configDir, err := findOrCreateConfigDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -80,11 +80,15 @@ func NewAppConfig(name, version, commit, date string, buildSource string, debugg
return appConfig, nil
func findOrCreateConfigDir(projectName string) (string, error) {
func ConfigDir() string {
// chucking my name there is not for vanity purposes, the xdg spec (and that
// function) requires a vendor name. May as well line up with github
configDirs := xdg.New("jesseduffield", projectName)
folder := configDirs.ConfigHome()
configDirs := xdg.New("jesseduffield", "lazygit")
return configDirs.ConfigHome()
func findOrCreateConfigDir() (string, error) {
folder := ConfigDir()
err := os.MkdirAll(folder, 0755)
if err != nil {
@ -186,7 +190,7 @@ func (c *AppConfig) GetUserConfigDir() string {
func configFilePath(filename string) (string, error) {
folder, err := findOrCreateConfigDir("lazygit")
folder, err := findOrCreateConfigDir()
if err != nil {
return "", err
@ -239,184 +243,6 @@ func loadAppState() (*AppState, error) {
return appState, nil
func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
userConfig := &UserConfig{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(GetDefaultConfigBytes(), userConfig); err != nil {
userConfig.OS = GetPlatformDefaultConfig()
return userConfig
// GetDefaultConfigBytes returns the application default configuration
func GetDefaultConfigBytes() []byte {
return []byte(
## stuff relating to the UI
scrollHeight: 2
scrollPastBottom: true
mouseEvents: true
skipUnstageLineWarning: false
skipStashWarning: true
sidePanelWidth: 0.3333
expandFocusedSidePanel: false
mainPanelSplitMode: 'flexible' # one of 'horizontal' | 'flexible' | 'vertical'
lightTheme: false
- green
- bold
- white
- blue
- default
- blue
show: true
colorArg: always
useConfig: false
manualCommit: false
args: ""
mode: 'merge' # one of 'merge' | 'rebase' | 'ff-only'
skipHookPrefix: 'WIP'
autoFetch: true
branchLogCmd: "git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium {{branchName}} --"
overrideGpg: false # prevents lazygit from spawning a separate process when using GPG
disableForcePushing: false
method: prompt # can be: prompt | background | never
days: 14 # how often a update is checked for
reporting: 'undetermined' # one of: 'on' | 'off' | 'undetermined'
splashUpdatesIndex: 0
confirmOnQuit: false
quitOnTopLevelReturn: true
disableStartupPopups: false
quit: 'q'
quit-alt1: '<c-c>'
return: '<esc>'
quitWithoutChangingDirectory: 'Q'
togglePanel: '<tab>'
prevItem: '<up>'
nextItem: '<down>'
prevItem-alt: 'k'
nextItem-alt: 'j'
prevPage: ','
nextPage: '.'
gotoTop: '<'
gotoBottom: '>'
prevBlock: '<left>'
nextBlock: '<right>'
prevBlock-alt: 'h'
nextBlock-alt: 'l'
nextMatch: 'n'
prevMatch: 'N'
startSearch: '/'
optionMenu: 'x'
optionMenu-alt1: '?'
select: '<space>'
goInto: '<enter>'
confirm: '<enter>'
confirm-alt1: 'y'
remove: 'd'
new: 'n'
edit: 'e'
openFile: 'o'
scrollUpMain: '<pgup>'
scrollDownMain: '<pgdown>'
scrollUpMain-alt1: 'K'
scrollDownMain-alt1: 'J'
scrollUpMain-alt2: '<c-u>'
scrollDownMain-alt2: '<c-d>'
executeCustomCommand: ':'
createRebaseOptionsMenu: 'm'
pushFiles: 'P'
pullFiles: 'p'
refresh: 'R'
createPatchOptionsMenu: '<c-p>'
nextTab: ']'
prevTab: '['
nextScreenMode: '+'
prevScreenMode: '_'
undo: 'z'
redo: '<c-z>'
filteringMenu: <c-s>
diffingMenu: 'W'
diffingMenu-alt: '<c-e>'
copyToClipboard: '<c-o>'
checkForUpdate: 'u'
recentRepos: '<enter>'
commitChanges: 'c'
commitChangesWithoutHook: 'w'
amendLastCommit: 'A'
commitChangesWithEditor: 'C'
ignoreFile: 'i'
refreshFiles: 'r'
stashAllChanges: 's'
viewStashOptions: 'S'
toggleStagedAll: 'a'
viewResetOptions: 'D'
fetch: 'f'
createPullRequest: 'o'
checkoutBranchByName: 'c'
forceCheckoutBranch: 'F'
rebaseBranch: 'r'
renameBranch: 'R'
mergeIntoCurrentBranch: 'M'
viewGitFlowOptions: 'i'
fastForward: 'f'
pushTag: 'P'
setUpstream: 'u'
fetchRemote: 'f'
squashDown: 's'
renameCommit: 'r'
renameCommitWithEditor: 'R'
viewResetOptions: 'g'
markCommitAsFixup: 'f'
createFixupCommit: 'F'
squashAboveCommits: 'S'
moveDownCommit: '<c-j>'
moveUpCommit: '<c-k>'
amendToCommit: 'A'
pickCommit: 'p'
revertCommit: 't'
cherryPickCopy: 'c'
cherryPickCopyRange: 'C'
pasteCommits: 'v'
tagCommit: 'T'
checkoutCommit: '<space>'
resetCherryPick: '<c-R>'
popStash: 'g'
checkoutCommitFile: 'c'
toggleDragSelect: 'v'
toggleDragSelect-alt: 'V'
toggleSelectHunk: 'a'
pickBothHunks: 'b'
init: 'i'
update: 'u'
bulkMenu: 'b'
// AppState stores data between runs of the app like when the last update check
// was performed and which other repos have been checked out
type AppState struct {
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package config
// OSConfig contains config on the level of the os
type OSConfig struct {
// OpenCommand is the command for opening a file
OpenCommand string `yaml:"openCommand,omitempty"`
// OpenCommand is the command for opening a link
OpenLinkCommand string `yaml:"openLinkCommand,omitempty"`
@ -1,8 +1,32 @@
package config
type CommitPrefixConfig struct {
Pattern string `yaml:"pattern"`
Replace string `yaml:"replace"`
type UserConfig struct {
Gui GuiConfig `yaml:"gui"`
Git GitConfig `yaml:"git"`
Update UpdateConfig `yaml:"update"`
Reporting string `yaml:"reporting"`
SplashUpdatesIndex int `yaml:"splashUpdatesIndex"`
ConfirmOnQuit bool `yaml:"confirmOnQuit"`
QuitOnTopLevelReturn bool `yaml:"quitOnTopLevelReturn"`
Keybinding KeybindingConfig `yaml:"keybinding"`
// OS determines what defaults are set for opening files and links
OS OSConfig `yaml:"os,omitempty"`
DisableStartupPopups bool `yaml:"disableStartupPopups"`
CustomCommands []CustomCommand `yaml:"customCommands"`
Services map[string]string `yaml:"services"`
type GuiConfig struct {
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength CommitLengthConfig `yaml:"commitLength"`
type ThemeConfig struct {
@ -14,10 +38,206 @@ type ThemeConfig struct {
SelectedRangeBgColor []string `yaml:"selectedRangeBgColor"`
type CustomCommandMenuOption struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Description string `yaml:"description"`
Value string `yaml:"value"`
type CommitLengthConfig struct {
Show bool `yaml:"show"`
type GitConfig struct {
Paging PagingConfig `yaml:"paging"`
Merging MergingConfig `yaml:"merging"`
Pull PullConfig `yaml:"pull"`
SkipHookPrefix string `yaml:"skipHookPrefix"`
AutoFetch bool `yaml:"autoFetch"`
BranchLogCmd string `yaml:"branchLogCmd"`
OverrideGpg bool `yaml:"overrideGpg"`
DisableForcePushing bool `yaml:"disableForcePushing"`
CommitPrefixes map[string]CommitPrefixConfig `yaml:"commitPrefixes"`
type PagingConfig struct {
ColorArg string `yaml:"colorArg"`
Pager string `yaml:"pager"`
UseConfig bool `yaml:"useConfig"`
type MergingConfig struct {
ManualCommit bool `yaml:"manualCommit"`
Args string `yaml:"args"`
type PullConfig struct {
Mode string `yaml:"mode"`
type CommitPrefixConfig struct {
Pattern string `yaml:"pattern"`
Replace string `yaml:"replace"`
type UpdateConfig struct {
Method string `yaml:"method"`
Days int64 `yaml:"days"`
type KeybindingConfig struct {
Universal KeybindingUniversalConfig `yaml:"universal"`
Status KeybindingStatusConfig `yaml:"status"`
Files KeybindingFilesConfig `yaml:"files"`
Branches KeybindingBranchesConfig `yaml:"branches"`
Commits KeybindingCommitsConfig `yaml:"commits"`
Stash KeybindingStashConfig `yaml:"stash"`
CommitFiles KeybindingCommitFilesConfig `yaml:"commitFiles"`
Main KeybindingMainConfig `yaml:"main"`
Submodules KeybindingSubmodulesConfig `yaml:"submodules"`
type KeybindingUniversalConfig struct {
Quit string `yaml:"quit"`
QuitAlt1 string `yaml:"quit-alt1"`
Return string `yaml:"return"`
QuitWithoutChangingDirectory string `yaml:"quitWithoutChangingDirectory"`
TogglePanel string `yaml:"togglePanel"`
PrevItem string `yaml:"prevItem"`
NextItem string `yaml:"nextItem"`
PrevItemAlt string `yaml:"prevItem-alt"`
NextItemAlt string `yaml:"nextItem-alt"`
PrevPage string `yaml:"prevPage"`
NextPage string `yaml:"nextPage"`
GotoTop string `yaml:"gotoTop"`
GotoBottom string `yaml:"gotoBottom"`
PrevBlock string `yaml:"prevBlock"`
NextBlock string `yaml:"nextBlock"`
PrevBlockAlt string `yaml:"prevBlock-alt"`
NextBlockAlt string `yaml:"nextBlock-alt"`
NextMatch string `yaml:"nextMatch"`
PrevMatch string `yaml:"prevMatch"`
StartSearch string `yaml:"startSearch"`
OptionMenu string `yaml:"optionMenu"`
OptionMenuAlt1 string `yaml:"optionMenu-alt1"`
Select string `yaml:"select"`
GoInto string `yaml:"goInto"`
Confirm string `yaml:"confirm"`
ConfirmAlt1 string `yaml:"confirm-alt1"`
Remove string `yaml:"remove"`
New string `yaml:"new"`
Edit string `yaml:"edit"`
OpenFile string `yaml:"openFile"`
ScrollUpMain string `yaml:"scrollUpMain"`
ScrollDownMain string `yaml:"scrollDownMain"`
ScrollUpMainAlt1 string `yaml:"scrollUpMain-alt1"`
ScrollDownMainAlt1 string `yaml:"scrollDownMain-alt1"`
ScrollUpMainAlt2 string `yaml:"scrollUpMain-alt2"`
ScrollDownMainAlt2 string `yaml:"scrollDownMain-alt2"`
ExecuteCustomCommand string `yaml:"executeCustomCommand"`
CreateRebaseOptionsMenu string `yaml:"createRebaseOptionsMenu"`
PushFiles string `yaml:"pushFiles"`
PullFiles string `yaml:"pullFiles"`
Refresh string `yaml:"refresh"`
CreatePatchOptionsMenu string `yaml:"createPatchOptionsMenu"`
NextTab string `yaml:"nextTab"`
PrevTab string `yaml:"prevTab"`
NextScreenMode string `yaml:"nextScreenMode"`
PrevScreenMode string `yaml:"prevScreenMode"`
Undo string `yaml:"undo"`
Redo string `yaml:"redo"`
FilteringMenu string `yaml:"filteringMenu"`
DiffingMenu string `yaml:"diffingMenu"`
DiffingMenuAlt string `yaml:"diffingMenu-alt"`
CopyToClipboard string `yaml:"copyToClipboard"`
type KeybindingStatusConfig struct {
CheckForUpdate string `yaml:"checkForUpdate"`
RecentRepos string `yaml:"recentRepos"`
type KeybindingFilesConfig struct {
CommitChanges string `yaml:"commitChanges"`
CommitChangesWithoutHook string `yaml:"commitChangesWithoutHook"`
AmendLastCommit string `yaml:"amendLastCommit"`
CommitChangesWithEditor string `yaml:"commitChangesWithEditor"`
IgnoreFile string `yaml:"ignoreFile"`
RefreshFiles string `yaml:"refreshFiles"`
StashAllChanges string `yaml:"stashAllChanges"`
ViewStashOptions string `yaml:"viewStashOptions"`
ToggleStagedAll string `yaml:"toggleStagedAll"`
ViewResetOptions string `yaml:"viewResetOptions"`
Fetch string `yaml:"fetch"`
type KeybindingBranchesConfig struct {
CreatePullRequest string `yaml:"createPullRequest"`
CheckoutBranchByName string `yaml:"checkoutBranchByName"`
ForceCheckoutBranch string `yaml:"forceCheckoutBranch"`
RebaseBranch string `yaml:"rebaseBranch"`
RenameBranch string `yaml:"renameBranch"`
MergeIntoCurrentBranch string `yaml:"mergeIntoCurrentBranch"`
ViewGitFlowOptions string `yaml:"viewGitFlowOptions"`
FastForward string `yaml:"fastForward"`
PushTag string `yaml:"pushTag"`
SetUpstream string `yaml:"setUpstream"`
FetchRemote string `yaml:"fetchRemote"`
type KeybindingCommitsConfig struct {
SquashDown string `yaml:"squashDown"`
RenameCommit string `yaml:"renameCommit"`
RenameCommitWithEditor string `yaml:"renameCommitWithEditor"`
ViewResetOptions string `yaml:"viewResetOptions"`
MarkCommitAsFixup string `yaml:"markCommitAsFixup"`
CreateFixupCommit string `yaml:"createFixupCommit"`
SquashAboveCommits string `yaml:"squashAboveCommits"`
MoveDownCommit string `yaml:"moveDownCommit"`
MoveUpCommit string `yaml:"moveUpCommit"`
AmendToCommit string `yaml:"amendToCommit"`
PickCommit string `yaml:"pickCommit"`
RevertCommit string `yaml:"revertCommit"`
CherryPickCopy string `yaml:"cherryPickCopy"`
CherryPickCopyRange string `yaml:"cherryPickCopyRange"`
PasteCommits string `yaml:"pasteCommits"`
TagCommit string `yaml:"tagCommit"`
CheckoutCommit string `yaml:"checkoutCommit"`
ResetCherryPick string `yaml:"resetCherryPick"`
type KeybindingStashConfig struct {
PopStash string `yaml:"popStash"`
type KeybindingCommitFilesConfig struct {
CheckoutCommitFile string `yaml:"checkoutCommitFile"`
type KeybindingMainConfig struct {
ToggleDragSelect string `yaml:"toggleDragSelect"`
ToggleDragSelectAlt string `yaml:"toggleDragSelect-alt"`
ToggleSelectHunk string `yaml:"toggleSelectHunk"`
PickBothHunks string `yaml:"pickBothHunks"`
type KeybindingSubmodulesConfig struct {
Init string `yaml:"init"`
Update string `yaml:"update"`
BulkMenu string `yaml:"bulkMenu"`
// OSConfig contains config on the level of the os
type OSConfig struct {
// OpenCommand is the command for opening a file
OpenCommand string `yaml:"openCommand,omitempty"`
// OpenCommand is the command for opening a link
OpenLinkCommand string `yaml:"openLinkCommand,omitempty"`
type CustomCommand struct {
Key string `yaml:"key"`
Context string `yaml:"context"`
Command string `yaml:"command"`
Subprocess bool `yaml:"subprocess"`
Prompts []CustomCommandPrompt `yaml:"prompts"`
LoadingText string `yaml:"loadingText"`
Description string `yaml:"description"`
type CustomCommandPrompt struct {
@ -31,185 +251,185 @@ type CustomCommandPrompt struct {
Options []CustomCommandMenuOption
type CustomCommand struct {
Key string `yaml:"key"`
Context string `yaml:"context"`
Command string `yaml:"command"`
Subprocess bool `yaml:"subprocess"`
Prompts []CustomCommandPrompt `yaml:"prompts"`
LoadingText string `yaml:"loadingText"`
Description string `yaml:"description"`
type CustomCommandMenuOption struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
Description string `yaml:"description"`
Value string `yaml:"value"`
type UserConfig struct {
Gui struct {
ScrollHeight int `yaml:"scrollHeight"`
ScrollPastBottom bool `yaml:"scrollPastBottom"`
MouseEvents bool `yaml:"mouseEvents"`
SkipUnstageLineWarning bool `yaml:"skipUnstageLineWarning"`
SkipStashWarning bool `yaml:"skipStashWarning"`
SidePanelWidth float64 `yaml:"sidePanelWidth"`
ExpandFocusedSidePanel bool `yaml:"expandFocusedSidePanel"`
MainPanelSplitMode string `yaml:"mainPanelSplitMode"`
Theme ThemeConfig `yaml:"theme"`
CommitLength struct {
Show bool `yaml:"show"`
} `yaml:"commitLength"`
} `yaml:"gui"`
Git struct {
Paging struct {
ColorArg string `yaml:"colorArg"`
Pager string `yaml:"pager"`
UseConfig bool `yaml:"useConfig"`
} `yaml:"paging"`
Merging struct {
ManualCommit bool `yaml:"manualCommit"`
Args string `yaml:"args"`
} `yaml:"merging"`
Pull struct {
Mode string `yaml:"mode"`
} `yaml:"pull"`
SkipHookPrefix string `yaml:"skipHookPrefix"`
AutoFetch bool `yaml:"autoFetch"`
BranchLogCmd string `yaml:"branchLogCmd"`
OverrideGpg bool `yaml:"overrideGpg"`
DisableForcePushing bool `yaml:"disableForcePushing"`
CommitPrefixes map[string]CommitPrefixConfig `yaml:"commitPrefixes"`
} `yaml:"git"`
Update struct {
Method string `yaml:"method"`
Days int64 `yaml:"days"`
} `yaml:"update"`
Reporting string `yaml:"reporting"`
SplashUpdatesIndex int `yaml:"splashUpdatesIndex"`
ConfirmOnQuit bool `yaml:"confirmOnQuit"`
QuitOnTopLevelReturn bool `yaml:"quitOnTopLevelReturn"`
Keybinding struct {
Universal struct {
Quit string `yaml:"quit"`
QuitAlt1 string `yaml:"quit-alt1"`
Return string `yaml:"return"`
QuitWithoutChangingDirectory string `yaml:"quitWithoutChangingDirectory"`
TogglePanel string `yaml:"togglePanel"`
PrevItem string `yaml:"prevItem"`
NextItem string `yaml:"nextItem"`
PrevItemAlt string `yaml:"prevItem-alt"`
NextItemAlt string `yaml:"nextItem-alt"`
PrevPage string `yaml:"prevPage"`
NextPage string `yaml:"nextPage"`
GotoTop string `yaml:"gotoTop"`
GotoBottom string `yaml:"gotoBottom"`
PrevBlock string `yaml:"prevBlock"`
NextBlock string `yaml:"nextBlock"`
PrevBlockAlt string `yaml:"prevBlock-alt"`
NextBlockAlt string `yaml:"nextBlock-alt"`
NextMatch string `yaml:"nextMatch"`
PrevMatch string `yaml:"prevMatch"`
StartSearch string `yaml:"startSearch"`
OptionMenu string `yaml:"optionMenu"`
OptionMenuAlt1 string `yaml:"optionMenu-alt1"`
Select string `yaml:"select"`
GoInto string `yaml:"goInto"`
Confirm string `yaml:"confirm"`
ConfirmAlt1 string `yaml:"confirm-alt1"`
Remove string `yaml:"remove"`
New string `yaml:"new"`
Edit string `yaml:"edit"`
OpenFile string `yaml:"openFile"`
ScrollUpMain string `yaml:"scrollUpMain"`
ScrollDownMain string `yaml:"scrollDownMain"`
ScrollUpMainAlt1 string `yaml:"scrollUpMain-alt1"`
ScrollDownMainAlt1 string `yaml:"scrollDownMain-alt1"`
ScrollUpMainAlt2 string `yaml:"scrollUpMain-alt2"`
ScrollDownMainAlt2 string `yaml:"scrollDownMain-alt2"`
ExecuteCustomCommand string `yaml:"executeCustomCommand"`
CreateRebaseOptionsMenu string `yaml:"createRebaseOptionsMenu"`
PushFiles string `yaml:"pushFiles"`
PullFiles string `yaml:"pullFiles"`
Refresh string `yaml:"refresh"`
CreatePatchOptionsMenu string `yaml:"createPatchOptionsMenu"`
NextTab string `yaml:"nextTab"`
PrevTab string `yaml:"prevTab"`
NextScreenMode string `yaml:"nextScreenMode"`
PrevScreenMode string `yaml:"prevScreenMode"`
Undo string `yaml:"undo"`
Redo string `yaml:"redo"`
FilteringMenu string `yaml:"filteringMenu"`
DiffingMenu string `yaml:"diffingMenu"`
DiffingMenuAlt string `yaml:"diffingMenu-alt"`
CopyToClipboard string `yaml:"copyToClipboard"`
} `yaml:"universal"`
Status struct {
CheckForUpdate string `yaml:"checkForUpdate"`
RecentRepos string `yaml:"recentRepos"`
} `yaml:"status"`
Files struct {
CommitChanges string `yaml:"commitChanges"`
CommitChangesWithoutHook string `yaml:"commitChangesWithoutHook"`
AmendLastCommit string `yaml:"amendLastCommit"`
CommitChangesWithEditor string `yaml:"commitChangesWithEditor"`
IgnoreFile string `yaml:"ignoreFile"`
RefreshFiles string `yaml:"refreshFiles"`
StashAllChanges string `yaml:"stashAllChanges"`
ViewStashOptions string `yaml:"viewStashOptions"`
ToggleStagedAll string `yaml:"toggleStagedAll"`
ViewResetOptions string `yaml:"viewResetOptions"`
Fetch string `yaml:"fetch"`
} `yaml:"files"`
Branches struct {
CreatePullRequest string `yaml:"createPullRequest"`
CheckoutBranchByName string `yaml:"checkoutBranchByName"`
ForceCheckoutBranch string `yaml:"forceCheckoutBranch"`
RebaseBranch string `yaml:"rebaseBranch"`
RenameBranch string `yaml:"renameBranch"`
MergeIntoCurrentBranch string `yaml:"mergeIntoCurrentBranch"`
ViewGitFlowOptions string `yaml:"viewGitFlowOptions"`
FastForward string `yaml:"fastForward"`
PushTag string `yaml:"pushTag"`
SetUpstream string `yaml:"setUpstream"`
FetchRemote string `yaml:"fetchRemote"`
} `yaml:"branches"`
Commits struct {
SquashDown string `yaml:"squashDown"`
RenameCommit string `yaml:"renameCommit"`
RenameCommitWithEditor string `yaml:"renameCommitWithEditor"`
ViewResetOptions string `yaml:"viewResetOptions"`
MarkCommitAsFixup string `yaml:"markCommitAsFixup"`
CreateFixupCommit string `yaml:"createFixupCommit"`
SquashAboveCommits string `yaml:"squashAboveCommits"`
MoveDownCommit string `yaml:"moveDownCommit"`
MoveUpCommit string `yaml:"moveUpCommit"`
AmendToCommit string `yaml:"amendToCommit"`
PickCommit string `yaml:"pickCommit"`
RevertCommit string `yaml:"revertCommit"`
CherryPickCopy string `yaml:"cherryPickCopy"`
CherryPickCopyRange string `yaml:"cherryPickCopyRange"`
PasteCommits string `yaml:"pasteCommits"`
TagCommit string `yaml:"tagCommit"`
CheckoutCommit string `yaml:"checkoutCommit"`
ResetCherryPick string `yaml:"resetCherryPick"`
} `yaml:"commits"`
Stash struct {
PopStash string `yaml:"popStash"`
} `yaml:"stash"`
CommitFiles struct {
CheckoutCommitFile string `yaml:"checkoutCommitFile"`
} `yaml:"commitFiles"`
Main struct {
ToggleDragSelect string `yaml:"toggleDragSelect"`
ToggleDragSelectAlt string `yaml:"toggleDragSelect-alt"`
ToggleSelectHunk string `yaml:"toggleSelectHunk"`
PickBothHunks string `yaml:"pickBothHunks"`
} `yaml:"main"`
Submodules struct {
Init string `yaml:"init"`
Update string `yaml:"update"`
BulkMenu string `yaml:"bulkMenu"`
} `yaml:"submodules"`
} `yaml:"keybinding"`
// OS determines what defaults are set for opening files and links
OS OSConfig `yaml:"os,omitempty"`
DisableStartupPopups bool `yaml:"disableStartupPopups"`
CustomCommands []CustomCommand `yaml:"customCommands"`
Services map[string]string `yaml:"services"`
func GetDefaultConfig() *UserConfig {
return &UserConfig{
Gui: GuiConfig{
ScrollHeight: 2,
ScrollPastBottom: true,
MouseEvents: true,
SkipUnstageLineWarning: false,
SkipStashWarning: true,
SidePanelWidth: 0.3333,
ExpandFocusedSidePanel: false,
MainPanelSplitMode: "flexible",
Theme: ThemeConfig{
LightTheme: false,
ActiveBorderColor: []string{"green", "bold"},
InactiveBorderColor: []string{"white"},
OptionsTextColor: []string{"blue"},
SelectedLineBgColor: []string{"default"},
SelectedRangeBgColor: []string{"blue"},
CommitLength: CommitLengthConfig{Show: true},
Git: GitConfig{
Paging: PagingConfig{
ColorArg: "always",
Pager: "",
UseConfig: false},
Merging: MergingConfig{
ManualCommit: false,
Args: "",
Pull: PullConfig{
Mode: "merge",
SkipHookPrefix: "WIP",
AutoFetch: true,
BranchLogCmd: "git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium {{branchName}} --",
OverrideGpg: false,
DisableForcePushing: false,
CommitPrefixes: map[string]CommitPrefixConfig(nil),
Update: UpdateConfig{
Method: "prompt",
Days: 14,
Reporting: "undetermined",
SplashUpdatesIndex: 0,
ConfirmOnQuit: false,
QuitOnTopLevelReturn: true,
Keybinding: KeybindingConfig{
Universal: KeybindingUniversalConfig{
Quit: "q",
QuitAlt1: "<c-c>",
Return: "<esc>",
QuitWithoutChangingDirectory: "Q",
TogglePanel: "<tab>",
PrevItem: "<up>",
NextItem: "<down>",
PrevItemAlt: "k",
NextItemAlt: "j",
PrevPage: ",",
NextPage: ".",
GotoTop: "<",
GotoBottom: ">",
PrevBlock: "<left>",
NextBlock: "<right>",
PrevBlockAlt: "h",
NextBlockAlt: "l",
NextMatch: "n",
PrevMatch: "N",
StartSearch: "/",
OptionMenu: "x",
OptionMenuAlt1: "?",
Select: "<space>",
GoInto: "<enter>",
Confirm: "<enter>",
ConfirmAlt1: "y",
Remove: "d",
New: "n",
Edit: "e",
OpenFile: "o",
ScrollUpMain: "<pgup>",
ScrollDownMain: "<pgdown>",
ScrollUpMainAlt1: "K",
ScrollDownMainAlt1: "J",
ScrollUpMainAlt2: "<c-u>",
ScrollDownMainAlt2: "<c-d>",
ExecuteCustomCommand: ":",
CreateRebaseOptionsMenu: "m",
PushFiles: "P",
PullFiles: "p",
Refresh: "R",
CreatePatchOptionsMenu: "<c-p>",
NextTab: "]",
PrevTab: "[",
NextScreenMode: "+",
PrevScreenMode: "_",
Undo: "z",
Redo: "<c-z>",
FilteringMenu: "<c-s>",
DiffingMenu: "W",
DiffingMenuAlt: "<c-e>",
CopyToClipboard: "<c-o>",
Status: KeybindingStatusConfig{
CheckForUpdate: "u",
RecentRepos: "<enter>",
Files: KeybindingFilesConfig{
CommitChanges: "c",
CommitChangesWithoutHook: "w",
AmendLastCommit: "A",
CommitChangesWithEditor: "C",
IgnoreFile: "i",
RefreshFiles: "r",
StashAllChanges: "s",
ViewStashOptions: "S",
ToggleStagedAll: "a",
ViewResetOptions: "D",
Fetch: "f",
Branches: KeybindingBranchesConfig{
CreatePullRequest: "o",
CheckoutBranchByName: "c",
ForceCheckoutBranch: "F",
RebaseBranch: "r",
RenameBranch: "R",
MergeIntoCurrentBranch: "M",
ViewGitFlowOptions: "i",
FastForward: "f",
PushTag: "P",
SetUpstream: "u",
FetchRemote: "f",
Commits: KeybindingCommitsConfig{SquashDown: "s",
RenameCommit: "r",
RenameCommitWithEditor: "R",
ViewResetOptions: "g",
MarkCommitAsFixup: "f",
CreateFixupCommit: "F",
SquashAboveCommits: "S",
MoveDownCommit: "<c-j>",
MoveUpCommit: "<c-k>",
AmendToCommit: "A",
PickCommit: "p",
RevertCommit: "t",
CherryPickCopy: "c",
CherryPickCopyRange: "C",
PasteCommits: "v",
TagCommit: "T",
CheckoutCommit: "<space>",
ResetCherryPick: "<c-R>",
Stash: KeybindingStashConfig{
PopStash: "g",
CommitFiles: KeybindingCommitFilesConfig{
CheckoutCommitFile: "c",
Main: KeybindingMainConfig{
ToggleDragSelect: "v",
ToggleDragSelectAlt: "V",
ToggleSelectHunk: "a",
PickBothHunks: "b",
Submodules: KeybindingSubmodulesConfig{
Init: "i",
Update: "u",
BulkMenu: "b",
OS: GetPlatformDefaultConfig(),
DisableStartupPopups: false,
CustomCommands: []CustomCommand(nil),
Services: map[string]string(nil),
Reference in New Issue
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