mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-05 15:15:49 +02:00

Merge pull request #414 from glvr182/feature/dir-as-arg

Provide git directory as argument to Lazygit
This commit is contained in:
Dawid Dziurla 2019-09-24 19:45:46 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 95ae806e09
No known key found for this signature in database
17 changed files with 2377 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ require (
github.com/hashicorp/go-safetemp v0.0.0-20180326211150-b1a1dbde6fdc // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/hashicorp/hcl v0.0.0-20180404174102-ef8a98b0bbce // indirect
github.com/integrii/flaggy v1.2.2
github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99 // indirect
github.com/jesseduffield/go-getter v0.0.0-20180822080847-906e15686e63
github.com/jesseduffield/gocui v0.3.1-0.20190908012510-092b2290ee54

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@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl v0.0.0-20180404174102-ef8a98b0bbce h1:xdsDDbiBDQTKASoGE
github.com/hashicorp/hcl v0.0.0-20180404174102-ef8a98b0bbce/go.mod h1:oZtUIOe8dh44I2q6ScRibXws4Ajl+d+nod3AaR9vL5w=
github.com/hpcloud/tail v1.0.0 h1:nfCOvKYfkgYP8hkirhJocXT2+zOD8yUNjXaWfTlyFKI=
github.com/hpcloud/tail v1.0.0/go.mod h1:ab1qPbhIpdTxEkNHXyeSf5vhxWSCs/tWer42PpOxQnU=
github.com/integrii/flaggy v1.2.2 h1:SzL5kyEaW+Cb3RLxGG1ch9FFDLQPB6QuMdYoNu5JIo0=
github.com/integrii/flaggy v1.2.2/go.mod h1:tnTxHeTJbah0gQ6/K0RW0J7fMUBk9MCF5blhm43LNpI=
github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99 h1:BQSFePA1RWJOlocH6Fxy8MmwDt+yVQYULKfN0RoTN8A=
github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99/go.mod h1:1lJo3i6rXxKeerYnT8Nvf0QmHCRC1n8sfWVwXF2Frvo=
github.com/jesseduffield/go-getter v0.0.0-20180822080847-906e15686e63 h1:tbm85YuPi3d1LFAUr6yZyzZ4vR96ygV98rezZZ+ywbg=

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ var (
version = "unversioned"
date string
buildSource = "unknown"
configFlag = flag.Bool("config", false, "Print the current default config")
debuggingFlag = flag.Bool("debug", false, "a boolean")
versionFlag = flag.Bool("v", false, "Print the current version")
func projectPath(path string) string {
@ -30,17 +26,39 @@ func projectPath(path string) string {
func main() {
if *versionFlag {
flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag = false
repoPath := "."
flaggy.AddPositionalValue(&repoPath, "path", 1, false, "Path of git repo")
versionFlag := false
flaggy.Bool(&versionFlag, "v", "version", "Print the current version")
debuggingFlag := false
flaggy.Bool(&debuggingFlag, "d", "debug", "Run in debug mode with logging")
configFlag := false
flaggy.Bool(&configFlag, "c", "config", "Print the current default config")
if versionFlag {
fmt.Printf("commit=%s, build date=%s, build source=%s, version=%s, os=%s, arch=%s\n", commit, date, buildSource, version, runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
if *configFlag {
if configFlag {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", config.GetDefaultConfig())
appConfig, err := config.NewAppConfig("lazygit", version, commit, date, buildSource, *debuggingFlag)
if repoPath != "." {
if err := os.Chdir(repoPath); err != nil {
appConfig, err := config.NewAppConfig("lazygit", version, commit, date, buildSource, debuggingFlag)
if err != nil {

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/.gitignore generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
# Project-local glide cache, RE: https://github.com/Masterminds/glide/issues/736

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/LICENSE generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org>

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/README.md generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="/logo.png" />
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Sensible and _fast_ command-line flag parsing with excellent support for **subcommands** and **positional values**. Flags can be at any position. Flaggy has no required project or package layout like [Cobra requires](https://github.com/spf13/cobra/issues/641), and **no external dependencies**!
Check out the [godoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/integrii/flaggy), [examples directory](https://github.com/integrii/flaggy/tree/master/examples), and [examples in this readme](https://github.com/integrii/flaggy#super-simple-example) to get started quickly. You can also read the Flaggy introduction post with helpful examples [on my weblog](https://ericgreer.info/post/a-better-flags-package-for-go/).
# Installation
`go get -u github.com/integrii/flaggy`
# Key Features
- Very easy to use ([see examples below](https://github.com/integrii/flaggy#super-simple-example))
- 35 different flag types supported
- Any flag can be at any position
- Pretty and readable help output by default
- Positional subcommands
- Positional parameters
- Suggested subcommands when a subcommand is typo'd
- Nested subcommands
- Both global and subcommand specific flags
- Both global and subcommand specific positional parameters
- Customizable help templates for both the global command and subcommands
- Customizable appended/prepended help messages for both the global command and subcommands
- Simple function that displays help followed by a custom message string
- Flags and subcommands may have both a short and long name
- Unlimited trailing arguments after a `--`
- Flags can use a single dash or double dash (`--flag`, `-flag`, `-f`, `--f`)
- Flags can have `=` assignment operators, or use a space (`--flag=value`, `--flag value`)
- Flags support single quote globs with spaces (`--flag 'this is all one value'`)
- Flags of slice types can be passed multiple times (`-f one -f two -f three`)
- Optional but default version output with `--version`
- Optional but default help output with `-h` or `--help`
- Optional but default help output when any invalid or unknown parameter is passed
- It's _fast_. All flag and subcommand parsing takes less than `1ms` in most programs.
# Example Help Output
testCommand - Description goes here. Get more information at http://flaggy.
This is a prepend for help
testCommand [subcommandA|subcommandB|subcommandC] [testPositionalA] [testPositionalB]
Positional Variables:
testPositionalA - (Required) Test positional A does some things with a positional value. (default: defaultValue)
testPositionalB - Test positional B does some less than serious things with a positional value.
subcommandA (a) - Subcommand A is a command that does stuff
subcommandB (b) - Subcommand B is a command that does other stuff
subcommandC (c) - Subcommand C is a command that does SERIOUS stuff
--version Displays the program version string.
-h --help Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.
-s --stringFlag This is a test string flag that does some stringy string stuff.
-i --intFlg This is a test int flag that does some interesting int stuff. (default: 5)
-b --boolFlag This is a test bool flag that does some booly bool stuff. (default: true)
-d --durationFlag This is a test duration flag that does some untimely stuff. (default: 1h23s)
This is an append for help
This is a help add-on message
# Super Simple Example
`./yourApp -f test`
// Declare variables and their defaults
var stringFlag = "defaultValue"
// Add a flag
flaggy.String(&stringFlag, "f", "flag", "A test string flag")
// Parse the flag
// Use the flag
# Example with Subcommand
`./yourApp subcommandExample -f test`
// Declare variables and their defaults
var stringFlag = "defaultValue"
// Create the subcommand
subcommand := flaggy.NewSubcommand("subcommandExample")
// Add a flag to the subcommand
subcommand.String(&stringFlag, "f", "flag", "A test string flag")
// Add the subcommand to the parser at position 1
flaggy.AttachSubcommand(subcommand, 1)
// Parse the subcommand and all flags
// Use the flag
# Example with Nested Subcommands, Various Flags and Trailing Arguments
`./yourApp subcommandExample --flag=5 nestedSubcommand -t test -y -- trailingArg`
// Declare variables and their defaults
var stringFlagF = "defaultValueF"
var intFlagT = 3
var boolFlagB bool
// Create the subcommands
subcommandExample := flaggy.NewSubcommand("subcommandExample")
nestedSubcommand := flaggy.NewSubcommand("nestedSubcommand")
// Add a flag to both subcommands
subcommandExample.String(&stringFlagF, "t", "testFlag", "A test string flag")
nestedSubcommand.Int(&intFlagT, "f", "flag", "A test int flag")
// add a global bool flag for fun
flaggy.Bool(&boolFlagB, "y", "yes", "A sample boolean flag")
// attach the nested subcommand to the parent subcommand at position 1
subcommandExample.AttachSubcommand(nestedSubcommand, 1)
// attach the base subcommand to the parser at position 1
flaggy.AttachSubcommand(subcommandExample, 1)
// Parse everything, then use the flags and trailing arguments
# Supported Flag Types:
- string
- []string
- bool
- []bool
- time.Duration
- []time.Duration
- float32
- []float32
- float64
- []float64
- uint
- uint64
- []uint64
- uint32
- []uint32
- uint16
- []uint16
- uint8
- []uint8
- []byte
- int
- []int
- int64
- []int64
- int32
- []int32
- int16
- []int16
- int8
- []int8
- net.IP
- []net.IP
- net.HardwareAddr
- []net.HardwareAddr
- net.IPMask
- []net.IPMask
# Recommended Program Structure
Best practice when using flaggy includes setting your program's name, description, and version (at build time).
package main
import "github.com/integrii/flaggy"
// make a variable for the version which will be set at build time
var version = "unknown"
// keep subcommands as globals so you can easily check if they were used later on
var mySubcommand *flaggy.Subcommand
func init() {
// Set your program's name and description. These appear in help output.
flaggy.SetName("Test Program")
flaggy.SetDescription("A little example program")
// you can disable various things by changing bools on the default parser
// (or your own parser if you have created one)
flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowHelpOnUnexpected = false
// you can set a help prepend or append on the default parser
flaggy.DefaultParser.AdditionalHelpPrepend = "http://github.com/integrii/flaggy"
// create any subcommands and set their parameters
mySubcommand = flaggy.NewSubcommand("mySubcommand")
mySubcommand.Description = "My great subcommand!"
// set the version and parse all inputs into variables
func main(){
if mySubcommand.Used {
Then, you can use the following build command to set the `version` variable in the above program at build time.
# build your app and set the version string
$ go build -ldflags='-X main.version=1.0.3-a3db3'
$ ./yourApp version
Version: 1.0.3-a3db3
$ ./yourApp --help
Test Program - A little example program
# Contributions
Please feel free to open an issue if you find any bugs or see any features that make sense. Pull requests will be reviewed and accepted if they make sense, but it is always wise to submit a proposal issue before any major changes.

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/argumentParser.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package flaggy
// setValueForParsers sets the value for a specified key in the
// specified parsers (which normally include a Parser and Subcommand).
// The return values represent the key being set, and any errors
// returned when setting the key, such as failures to convert the string
// into the appropriate flag value. We stop assigning values as soon
// as we find a parser that accepts it.
func setValueForParsers(key string, value string, parsers ...ArgumentParser) (bool, error) {
var valueWasSet bool
for _, p := range parsers {
valueWasSet, err := p.SetValueForKey(key, value)
if err != nil {
return valueWasSet, err
if valueWasSet {
return valueWasSet, nil
// ArgumentParser represents a parser or subcommand
type ArgumentParser interface {
SetValueForKey(key string, value string) (bool, error)

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/flag.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
package flaggy
import (
// Flag holds the base methods for all flag types
type Flag struct {
ShortName string
LongName string
Description string
rawValue string // the value as a string before being parsed
Hidden bool // indicates this flag should be hidden from help and suggestions
AssignmentVar interface{}
defaultValue string // the value (as a string), that was set by default before any parsing and assignment
parsed bool // indicates that this flag has already been parsed
// HasName indicates that this flag's short or long name matches the
// supplied name string
func (f *Flag) HasName(name string) bool {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
if f.ShortName == name || f.LongName == name {
return true
return false
// identifyAndAssignValue identifies the type of the incoming value
// and assigns it to the AssignmentVar pointer's target value. If
// the value is a type that needs parsing, that is performed as well.
func (f *Flag) identifyAndAssignValue(value string) error {
var err error
// Only parse this flag default value once. This keeps us from
// overwriting the default value in help output
if !f.parsed {
f.parsed = true
// parse the default value as a string and remember it for help output
f.defaultValue, err = f.returnAssignmentVarValueAsString()
if err != nil {
return err
debugPrint("attempting to assign value", value, "to flag", f.LongName)
f.rawValue = value // remember the raw value
// depending on the type of the assignment variable, we convert the
// incoming string and assign it. We only use pointers to variables
// in flagy. No returning vars by value.
switch f.AssignmentVar.(type) {
case *string:
v, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*string)
*v = value
case *[]string:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]string)
splitString := strings.Split(value, ",")
new := append(*v, splitString...)
*v = new
case *bool:
v, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return err
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*bool)
*a = v
case *[]bool:
// parse the incoming bool
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return err
// cast the assignment var
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]bool)
// deref the assignment var and append to it
v := append(*existing, b)
// pointer the new value and assign it
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*[]bool)
*a = v
case *time.Duration:
v, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
return err
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*time.Duration)
*a = v
case *[]time.Duration:
t, err := time.ParseDuration(value)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]time.Duration)
// deref the assignment var and append to it
v := append(*existing, t)
// pointer the new value and assign it
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*[]time.Duration)
*a = v
case *float32:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
float := float32(v)
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*float32)
*a = float
case *[]float32:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
float := float32(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]float32)
new := append(*existing, float)
*existing = new
case *float64:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*float64)
*a = v
case *[]float64:
v, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]float64)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
case *int:
v, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return err
e := f.AssignmentVar.(*int)
*e = v
case *[]int:
v, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
case *uint:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint)
*existing = uint(v)
case *[]uint:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint)
new := append(*existing, uint(v))
*existing = new
case *uint64:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint64)
*existing = v
case *[]uint64:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint64)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
case *uint32:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint32)
*existing = uint32(v)
case *[]uint32:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint32)
new := append(*existing, uint32(v))
*existing = new
case *uint16:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return err
val := uint16(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint16)
*existing = val
case *[]uint16:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint16)
new := append(*existing, uint16(v))
*existing = new
case *uint8:
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return err
val := uint8(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint8)
*existing = val
case *[]uint8:
var newSlice []uint8
v, err := strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return err
newV := uint8(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint8)
newSlice = append(*existing, newV)
*existing = newSlice
case *int64:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*int64)
*existing = v
case *[]int64:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
existingSlice := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int64)
newSlice := append(*existingSlice, v)
*existingSlice = newSlice
case *int32:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
converted := int32(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*int32)
*existing = converted
case *[]int32:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
existingSlice := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int32)
newSlice := append(*existingSlice, int32(v))
*existingSlice = newSlice
case *int16:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return err
converted := int16(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*int16)
*existing = converted
case *[]int16:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return err
existingSlice := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int16)
newSlice := append(*existingSlice, int16(v))
*existingSlice = newSlice
case *int8:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return err
converted := int8(v)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*int8)
*existing = converted
case *[]int8:
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return err
existingSlice := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int8)
newSlice := append(*existingSlice, int8(v))
*existingSlice = newSlice
case *net.IP:
v := net.ParseIP(value)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.IP)
*existing = v
case *[]net.IP:
v := net.ParseIP(value)
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.IP)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
case *net.HardwareAddr:
v, err := net.ParseMAC(value)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.HardwareAddr)
*existing = v
case *[]net.HardwareAddr:
v, err := net.ParseMAC(value)
if err != nil {
return err
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.HardwareAddr)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
case *net.IPMask:
v := net.IPMask(net.ParseIP(value).To4())
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.IPMask)
*existing = v
case *[]net.IPMask:
v := net.IPMask(net.ParseIP(value).To4())
existing := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.IPMask)
new := append(*existing, v)
*existing = new
return errors.New("Unknown flag assignmentVar supplied in flag " + f.LongName + " " + f.ShortName)
return err
const argIsPositional = "positional" // subcommand or positional value
const argIsFlagWithSpace = "flagWithSpace" // -f path or --file path
const argIsFlagWithValue = "flagWithValue" // -f=path or --file=path
const argIsFinal = "final" // the final argument only '--'
// determineArgType determines if the specified arg is a flag with space
// separated value, a flag with a connected value, or neither (positional)
func determineArgType(arg string) string {
// if the arg is --, then its the final arg
if arg == "--" {
return argIsFinal
// if it has the prefix --, then its a long flag
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--") {
// if it contains an equals, it is a joined value
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
return argIsFlagWithValue
return argIsFlagWithSpace
// if it has the prefix -, then its a short flag
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "-") {
// if it contains an equals, it is a joined value
if strings.Contains(arg, "=") {
return argIsFlagWithValue
return argIsFlagWithSpace
return argIsPositional
// parseArgWithValue parses a key=value concatenated argument into a key and
// value
func parseArgWithValue(arg string) (key string, value string) {
// remove up to two minuses from start of flag
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "-")
arg = strings.TrimPrefix(arg, "-")
// debugPrint("parseArgWithValue parsing", arg)
// break at the equals
args := strings.SplitN(arg, "=", 2)
// if its a bool arg, with no explicit value, we return a blank
if len(args) == 1 {
return args[0], ""
// if its a key and value pair, we return those
if len(args) == 2 {
// debugPrint("parseArgWithValue parsed", args[0], args[1])
return args[0], args[1]
fmt.Println("Warning: attempted to parseArgWithValue but did not have correct parameter count.", arg, "->", args)
return "", ""
// parseFlagToName parses a flag with space value down to a key name:
// --path -> path
// -p -> p
func parseFlagToName(arg string) string {
// remove minus from start
arg = strings.TrimLeft(arg, "-")
arg = strings.TrimLeft(arg, "-")
return arg
// flagIsBool determines if the flag is a bool within the specified parser
// and subcommand's context
func flagIsBool(sc *Subcommand, p *Parser, key string) bool {
for _, f := range append(sc.Flags, p.Flags...) {
if f.HasName(key) {
_, isBool := f.AssignmentVar.(*bool)
_, isBoolSlice := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]bool)
if isBool || isBoolSlice {
return true
// by default, the answer is false
return false
// returnAssignmentVarValueAsString returns the value of the flag's
// assignment variable as a string. This is used to display the
// default value of flags before they are assigned (like when help is output).
func (f *Flag) returnAssignmentVarValueAsString() (string, error) {
debugPrint("returning current value of assignment var of flag", f.LongName)
var err error
// depending on the type of the assignment variable, we convert the
// incoming string and assign it. We only use pointers to variables
// in flagy. No returning vars by value.
switch f.AssignmentVar.(type) {
case *string:
v, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*string)
return *v, err
case *[]string:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]string)
return strings.Join(*v, ","), err
case *bool:
a, _ := (f.AssignmentVar).(*bool)
return strconv.FormatBool(*a), err
case *[]bool:
value := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]bool)
var ss []string
for _, b := range *value {
ss = append(ss, strconv.FormatBool(b))
return strings.Join(ss, ","), err
case *time.Duration:
a := f.AssignmentVar.(*time.Duration)
return (*a).String(), err
case *[]time.Duration:
tds := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]time.Duration)
var asSlice []string
for _, td := range *tds {
asSlice = append(asSlice, td.String())
return strings.Join(asSlice, ","), err
case *float32:
a := f.AssignmentVar.(*float32)
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(*a), 'f', 2, 32), err
case *[]float32:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]float32)
var strSlice []string
for _, f := range *v {
formatted := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'f', 2, 32)
strSlice = append(strSlice, formatted)
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
case *float64:
a := f.AssignmentVar.(*float64)
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(*a), 'f', 2, 64), err
case *[]float64:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]float64)
var strSlice []string
for _, f := range *v {
formatted := strconv.FormatFloat(float64(f), 'f', 2, 64)
strSlice = append(strSlice, formatted)
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
case *int:
a := f.AssignmentVar.(*int)
return strconv.Itoa(*a), err
case *[]int:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int)
var strSlice []string
for _, i := range *val {
str := strconv.Itoa(i)
strSlice = append(strSlice, str)
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
case *uint:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint)
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*v), 10), err
case *[]uint:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *uint64:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint64)
return strconv.FormatUint(*v, 10), err
case *[]uint64:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint64)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatUint(i, 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *uint32:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint32)
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*v), 10), err
case *[]uint32:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint32)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *uint16:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint16)
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*v), 10), err
case *[]uint16:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint16)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *uint8:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*uint8)
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(*v), 10), err
case *[]uint8:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]uint8)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *int64:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*int64)
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*v), 10), err
case *[]int64:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int64)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatInt(i, 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *int32:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*int32)
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*v), 10), err
case *[]int32:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int32)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *int16:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*int16)
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*v), 10), err
case *[]int16:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int16)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *int8:
v := f.AssignmentVar.(*int8)
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(*v), 10), err
case *[]int8:
values := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]int8)
var strVars []string
for _, i := range *values {
strVars = append(strVars, strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10))
return strings.Join(strVars, ","), err
case *net.IP:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.IP)
return val.String(), err
case *[]net.IP:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.IP)
var strSlice []string
for _, ip := range *val {
strSlice = append(strSlice, ip.String())
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
case *net.HardwareAddr:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.HardwareAddr)
return val.String(), err
case *[]net.HardwareAddr:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.HardwareAddr)
var strSlice []string
for _, mac := range *val {
strSlice = append(strSlice, mac.String())
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
case *net.IPMask:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*net.IPMask)
return val.String(), err
case *[]net.IPMask:
val := f.AssignmentVar.(*[]net.IPMask)
var strSlice []string
for _, m := range *val {
strSlice = append(strSlice, m.String())
return strings.Join(strSlice, ","), err
return "", errors.New("Unknown flag assignmentVar found in flag " + f.LongName + " " + f.ShortName + ". Type not supported: " + reflect.TypeOf(f.AssignmentVar).String())

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module github.com/integrii/flaggy
go 1.12

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package flaggy
// defaultHelpTemplate is the help template used by default
// {{if (or (or (gt (len .StringFlags) 0) (gt (len .IntFlags) 0)) (gt (len .BoolFlags) 0))}}
// {{if (or (gt (len .StringFlags) 0) (gt (len .BoolFlags) 0))}}
const defaultHelpTemplate = `{{.CommandName}}{{if .Description}} - {{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .PrependMessage}}
{{if .UsageString}}
{{.UsageString}}{{end}}{{if .Positionals}}
Positional Variables: {{range .Positionals}}
{{.Name}}{{if .Required}} (Required){{end}}{{if .Description}} - {{.Description}}{{end}}{{if .DefaultValue}} (default: {{.DefaultValue}}){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Subcommands}}
Subcommands: {{range .Subcommands}}
{{.LongName}}{{if .ShortName}} ({{.ShortName}}){{end}}{{if .Position}}{{if gt .Position 1}} (position {{.Position}}){{end}}{{end}}{{if .Description}} - {{.Description}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{end}}{{if (gt (len .Flags) 0)}}
Flags: {{if .Flags}}{{range .Flags}}
{{if .ShortName}}-{{.ShortName}} {{else}} {{end}}{{if .LongName}}--{{.LongName}} {{end}}{{if .Description}} {{.Description}}{{if .DefaultValue}} (default: {{.DefaultValue}}){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{end}}{{if .AppendMessage}}{{.AppendMessage}}
{{end}}{{if .Message}}

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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
package flaggy
// Help represents the values needed to render a Help page
type Help struct {
Subcommands []HelpSubcommand
Positionals []HelpPositional
Flags []HelpFlag
UsageString string
CommandName string
PrependMessage string
AppendMessage string
Message string
Description string
// HelpSubcommand is used to template subcommand Help output
type HelpSubcommand struct {
ShortName string
LongName string
Description string
Position int
// HelpPositional is used to template positional Help output
type HelpPositional struct {
Name string
Description string
Required bool
Position int
DefaultValue string
// HelpFlag is used to template string flag Help output
type HelpFlag struct {
ShortName string
LongName string
Description string
DefaultValue string
// ExtractValues extracts Help template values from a subcommand and its parent
// parser. The parser is required in order to detect default flag settings
// for help and version outut.
func (h *Help) ExtractValues(p *Parser, message string) {
// accept message string for output
h.Message = message
// extract Help values from the current subcommand in context
// prependMessage string
h.PrependMessage = p.subcommandContext.AdditionalHelpPrepend
// appendMessage string
h.AppendMessage = p.subcommandContext.AdditionalHelpAppend
// command name
h.CommandName = p.subcommandContext.Name
// description
h.Description = p.subcommandContext.Description
// subcommands []HelpSubcommand
for _, cmd := range p.subcommandContext.Subcommands {
if cmd.Hidden {
newHelpSubcommand := HelpSubcommand{
ShortName: cmd.ShortName,
LongName: cmd.Name,
Description: cmd.Description,
Position: cmd.Position,
h.Subcommands = append(h.Subcommands, newHelpSubcommand)
// parse positional flags into help output structs
for _, pos := range p.subcommandContext.PositionalFlags {
if pos.Hidden {
newHelpPositional := HelpPositional{
Name: pos.Name,
Position: pos.Position,
Description: pos.Description,
Required: pos.Required,
DefaultValue: pos.defaultValue,
h.Positionals = append(h.Positionals, newHelpPositional)
// if the built-in version flag is enabled, then add it as a help flag
if p.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag {
defaultVersionFlag := HelpFlag{
ShortName: "",
LongName: versionFlagLongName,
Description: "Displays the program version string.",
DefaultValue: "",
h.Flags = append(h.Flags, defaultVersionFlag)
// if the built-in help flag exists, then add it as a help flag
if p.ShowHelpWithHFlag {
defaultHelpFlag := HelpFlag{
ShortName: helpFlagShortName,
LongName: helpFlagLongName,
Description: "Displays help with available flag, subcommand, and positional value parameters.",
DefaultValue: "",
h.Flags = append(h.Flags, defaultHelpFlag)
// go through every flag in the subcommand and add it to help output
// go through every flag in the parent parser and add it to help output
// formulate the usage string
// first, we capture all the command and positional names by position
commandsByPosition := make(map[int]string)
for _, pos := range p.subcommandContext.PositionalFlags {
if pos.Hidden {
if len(commandsByPosition[pos.Position]) > 0 {
commandsByPosition[pos.Position] = commandsByPosition[pos.Position] + "|" + pos.Name
} else {
commandsByPosition[pos.Position] = pos.Name
for _, cmd := range p.subcommandContext.Subcommands {
if cmd.Hidden {
if len(commandsByPosition[cmd.Position]) > 0 {
commandsByPosition[cmd.Position] = commandsByPosition[cmd.Position] + "|" + cmd.Name
} else {
commandsByPosition[cmd.Position] = cmd.Name
// find the highest position count in the map
var highestPosition int
for i := range commandsByPosition {
if i > highestPosition {
highestPosition = i
// only have a usage string if there are positional items
var usageString string
if highestPosition > 0 {
// find each positional value and make our final string
usageString = p.subcommandContext.Name
for i := 1; i <= highestPosition; i++ {
if len(commandsByPosition[i]) > 0 {
usageString = usageString + " [" + commandsByPosition[i] + "]"
} else {
// dont keep listing after the first position without any properties
// it will be impossible to reach anything beyond here anyway
h.UsageString = usageString
// parseFlagsToHelpFlags parses the specified slice of flags into
// help flags on the the calling help command
func (h *Help) parseFlagsToHelpFlags(flags []*Flag) {
for _, f := range flags {
if f.Hidden {
// parse help values out if the flag hasn't been parsed yet
if !f.parsed {
f.parsed = true
// parse the default value as a string and remember it for help output
f.defaultValue, _ = f.returnAssignmentVarValueAsString()
// determine the default value based on the assignment variable
defaultValue := f.defaultValue
// dont show nils
if defaultValue == "<nil>" {
defaultValue = ""
// for bools, dont show a default of false
_, isBool := f.AssignmentVar.(*bool)
if isBool {
b := f.AssignmentVar.(*bool)
if *b == false {
defaultValue = ""
newHelpFlag := HelpFlag{
ShortName: f.ShortName,
LongName: f.LongName,
Description: f.Description,
DefaultValue: defaultValue,
// AddFlagToHelp adds a flag to help output if it does not exist
func (h *Help) AddFlagToHelp(f HelpFlag) {
for _, existingFlag := range h.Flags {
if len(existingFlag.ShortName) > 0 && existingFlag.ShortName == f.ShortName {
if len(existingFlag.LongName) > 0 && existingFlag.LongName == f.LongName {
h.Flags = append(h.Flags, f)

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Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
// Package flaggy is a input flag parsing package that supports recursive
// subcommands, positional values, and any-position flags without
// unnecessary complexeties.
// For a getting started tutorial and full feature list, check out the
// readme at https://github.com/integrii/flaggy.
package flaggy // import "github.com/integrii/flaggy"
import (
// strings used for builtin help and version flags both short and long
const versionFlagLongName = "version"
const helpFlagLongName = "help"
const helpFlagShortName = "h"
// defaultVersion is applied to parsers when they are created
const defaultVersion = "0.0.0"
// DebugMode indicates that debug output should be enabled
var DebugMode bool
// DefaultHelpTemplate is the help template that will be used
// for newly created subcommands and commands
var DefaultHelpTemplate = defaultHelpTemplate
// DefaultParser is the default parser that is used with the package-level public
// functions
var DefaultParser *Parser
// TrailingArguments holds trailing arguments in the main parser after parsing
// has been run.
var TrailingArguments []string
func init() {
// set the default help template
// allow usage like flaggy.StringVar by enabling a default Parser
// ResetParser resets the default parser to a fresh instance. Uses the
// name of the binary executing as the program name by default.
func ResetParser() {
if len(os.Args) > 0 {
chunks := strings.Split(os.Args[0], "/")
DefaultParser = NewParser(chunks[len(chunks)-1])
} else {
DefaultParser = NewParser("default")
// Parse parses flags as requested in the default package parser
func Parse() {
err := DefaultParser.Parse()
TrailingArguments = DefaultParser.TrailingArguments
if err != nil {
log.Panicln("Error from argument parser:", err)
// ParseArgs parses the passed args as if they were the arguments to the
// running binary. Targets the default main parser for the package.
func ParseArgs(args []string) {
err := DefaultParser.ParseArgs(args)
TrailingArguments = DefaultParser.TrailingArguments
if err != nil {
log.Panicln("Error from argument parser:", err)
// String adds a new string flag
func String(assignmentVar *string, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// StringSlice adds a new slice of strings flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice
func StringSlice(assignmentVar *[]string, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Bool adds a new bool flag
func Bool(assignmentVar *bool, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// BoolSlice adds a new slice of bools flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice
func BoolSlice(assignmentVar *[]bool, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// ByteSlice adds a new slice of bytes flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice. Takes hex as input.
func ByteSlice(assignmentVar *[]byte, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Duration adds a new time.Duration flag.
// Input format is described in time.ParseDuration().
// Example values: 1h, 1h50m, 32s
func Duration(assignmentVar *time.Duration, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// DurationSlice adds a new time.Duration flag.
// Input format is described in time.ParseDuration().
// Example values: 1h, 1h50m, 32s
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func DurationSlice(assignmentVar *[]time.Duration, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float32 adds a new float32 flag.
func Float32(assignmentVar *float32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float32Slice adds a new float32 flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Float32Slice(assignmentVar *[]float32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float64 adds a new float64 flag.
func Float64(assignmentVar *float64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float64Slice adds a new float64 flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Float64Slice(assignmentVar *[]float64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int adds a new int flag
func Int(assignmentVar *int, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IntSlice adds a new int slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func IntSlice(assignmentVar *[]int, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt adds a new uint flag
func UInt(assignmentVar *uint, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UIntSlice adds a new uint slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func UIntSlice(assignmentVar *[]uint, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt64 adds a new uint64 flag
func UInt64(assignmentVar *uint64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt64Slice adds a new uint64 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func UInt64Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt32 adds a new uint32 flag
func UInt32(assignmentVar *uint32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt32Slice adds a new uint32 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func UInt32Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt16 adds a new uint16 flag
func UInt16(assignmentVar *uint16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt16Slice adds a new uint16 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func UInt16Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt8 adds a new uint8 flag
func UInt8(assignmentVar *uint8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt8Slice adds a new uint8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func UInt8Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int64 adds a new int64 flag
func Int64(assignmentVar *int64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int64Slice adds a new int64 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Int64Slice(assignmentVar *[]int64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int32 adds a new int32 flag
func Int32(assignmentVar *int32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int32Slice adds a new int32 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Int32Slice(assignmentVar *[]int32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int16 adds a new int16 flag
func Int16(assignmentVar *int16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int16Slice adds a new int16 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Int16Slice(assignmentVar *[]int16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int8 adds a new int8 flag
func Int8(assignmentVar *int8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int8Slice adds a new int8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func Int8Slice(assignmentVar *[]int8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IP adds a new net.IP flag.
func IP(assignmentVar *net.IP, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPSlice adds a new int8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func IPSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.IP, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// HardwareAddr adds a new net.HardwareAddr flag.
func HardwareAddr(assignmentVar *net.HardwareAddr, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// HardwareAddrSlice adds a new net.HardwareAddr slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func HardwareAddrSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.HardwareAddr, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPMask adds a new net.IPMask flag. IPv4 Only.
func IPMask(assignmentVar *net.IPMask, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPMaskSlice adds a new net.HardwareAddr slice flag. IPv4 only.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func IPMaskSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.IPMask, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
DefaultParser.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// AttachSubcommand adds a subcommand for parsing
func AttachSubcommand(subcommand *Subcommand, relativePosition int) {
DefaultParser.AttachSubcommand(subcommand, relativePosition)
// ShowHelp shows parser help
func ShowHelp(message string) {
// SetDescription sets the description of the default package command parser
func SetDescription(description string) {
DefaultParser.Description = description
// SetVersion sets the version of the default package command parser
func SetVersion(version string) {
DefaultParser.Version = version
// SetName sets the name of the default package command parser
func SetName(name string) {
DefaultParser.Name = name
// ShowHelpAndExit shows parser help and exits with status code 2
func ShowHelpAndExit(message string) {
// PanicInsteadOfExit is used when running tests
var PanicInsteadOfExit bool
// exitOrPanic panics instead of calling os.Exit so that tests can catch
// more failures
func exitOrPanic(code int) {
if PanicInsteadOfExit {
panic("Panic instead of exit with code: " + strconv.Itoa(code))
// AddPositionalValue adds a positional value to the main parser at the global
// context
func AddPositionalValue(assignmentVar *string, name string, relativePosition int, required bool, description string) {
DefaultParser.AddPositionalValue(assignmentVar, name, relativePosition, required, description)
// debugPrint prints if debugging is enabled
func debugPrint(i ...interface{}) {
if DebugMode {

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/parser.go generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package flaggy
import (
// Parser represents the set of vars and subcommands we are expecting
// from our input args, and the parser than handles them all.
type Parser struct {
Version string // the optional version of the parser.
ShowHelpWithHFlag bool // display help when -h or --help passed
ShowVersionWithVersionFlag bool // display the version when --version passed
ShowHelpOnUnexpected bool // display help when an unexpected flag is passed
TrailingArguments []string // everything after a -- is placed here
HelpTemplate *template.Template // template for Help output
trailingArgumentsExtracted bool // indicates that trailing args have been parsed and should not be appended again
parsed bool // indicates this parser has parsed
subcommandContext *Subcommand // points to the most specific subcommand being used
// NewParser creates a new ArgumentParser ready to parse inputs
func NewParser(name string) *Parser {
// this can not be done inline because of struct embedding
p := &Parser{}
p.Name = name
p.Version = defaultVersion
p.ShowHelpOnUnexpected = true
p.ShowHelpWithHFlag = true
p.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag = true
p.subcommandContext = &Subcommand{}
return p
// ParseArgs parses as if the passed args were the os.Args, but without the
// binary at the 0 position in the array. An error is returned if there
// is a low level issue converting flags to their proper type. No error
// is returned for invalid arguments or missing require subcommands.
func (p *Parser) ParseArgs(args []string) error {
if p.parsed {
return errors.New("Parser.Parse() called twice on parser with name: " + " " + p.Name + " " + p.ShortName)
p.parsed = true
// debugPrint("Kicking off parsing with args:", args)
return p.parse(p, args, 0)
// ShowVersionAndExit shows the version of this parser
func (p *Parser) ShowVersionAndExit() {
fmt.Println("Version:", p.Version)
// SetHelpTemplate sets the go template this parser will use when rendering
// Help.
func (p *Parser) SetHelpTemplate(tmpl string) error {
var err error
p.HelpTemplate = template.New(helpFlagLongName)
p.HelpTemplate, err = p.HelpTemplate.Parse(tmpl)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Parse calculates all flags and subcommands
func (p *Parser) Parse() error {
err := p.ParseArgs(os.Args[1:])
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ShowHelp shows Help without an error message
func (p *Parser) ShowHelp() {
debugPrint("showing help for", p.subcommandContext.Name)
// ShowHelpAndExit shows parser help and exits with status code 2
func (p *Parser) ShowHelpAndExit(message string) {
// ShowHelpWithMessage shows the Help for this parser with an optional string error
// message as a header. The supplied subcommand will be the context of Help
// displayed to the user.
func (p *Parser) ShowHelpWithMessage(message string) {
// create a new Help values template and extract values into it
help := Help{}
help.ExtractValues(p, message)
err := p.HelpTemplate.Execute(os.Stderr, help)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error rendering Help template:", err)
// Disable show version with --version. It is enabled by default.
func (p *Parser) DisableShowVersionWithVersion() {
p.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag = false

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/positionalValue.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package flaggy
// PositionalValue represents a value which is determined by its position
// relative to where a subcommand was detected.
type PositionalValue struct {
Name string // used in documentation only
Description string
AssignmentVar *string // the var that will get this variable
Position int // the position, not including switches, of this variable
Required bool // this subcommand must always be specified
Found bool // was this positional found during parsing?
Hidden bool // indicates this positional value should be hidden from help
defaultValue string // used for help output

vendor/github.com/integrii/flaggy/subCommand.go generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
package flaggy
import (
// Subcommand represents a subcommand which contains a set of child
// subcommands along with a set of flags relevant to it. Parsing
// runs until a subcommand is detected by matching its name and
// position. Once a matching subcommand is found, the next set
// of parsing occurs within that matched subcommand.
type Subcommand struct {
Name string
ShortName string
Description string
Position int // the position of this subcommand, not including flags
Subcommands []*Subcommand
Flags []*Flag
PositionalFlags []*PositionalValue
AdditionalHelpPrepend string // additional prepended message when Help is displayed
AdditionalHelpAppend string // additional appended message when Help is displayed
Used bool // indicates this subcommand was found and parsed
Hidden bool // indicates this subcommand should be hidden from help
// NewSubcommand creates a new subcommand that can have flags or PositionalFlags
// added to it. The position starts with 1, not 0
func NewSubcommand(name string) *Subcommand {
newSC := &Subcommand{
Name: name,
return newSC
// parseAllFlagsFromArgs parses the non-positional flags such as -f or -v=value
// out of the supplied args and returns the positional items in order.
func (sc *Subcommand) parseAllFlagsFromArgs(p *Parser, args []string) ([]string, bool, error) {
var err error
var positionalOnlyArguments []string
var helpRequested bool // indicates the user has supplied -h and we
// should render help if we are the last subcommand
// indicates we should skip the next argument, like when parsing a flag
// that separates key and value by space
var skipNext bool
// endArgfound indicates that a -- was found and everything
// remaining should be added to the trailing arguments slices
var endArgFound bool
// find all the normal flags (not positional) and parse them out
for i, a := range args {
debugPrint("parsing arg", 1, a)
// evaluate if there is a following arg to avoid panics
var nextArgExists bool
var nextArg string
if len(args)-1 >= i+1 {
nextArgExists = true
nextArg = args[i+1]
// if end arg -- has been found, just add everything to TrailingArguments
if endArgFound {
if !p.trailingArgumentsExtracted {
p.TrailingArguments = append(p.TrailingArguments, a)
// skip this run if specified
if skipNext {
skipNext = false
debugPrint("skipping flag because it is an arg:", a)
// parse the flag into its name for consideration without dashes
flagName := parseFlagToName(a)
// if the flag being passed is version or v and the option to display
// version with version flags, then display version
if p.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag {
if flagName == versionFlagLongName {
// if the show Help on h flag option is set, then show Help when h or Help
// is passed as an option
if p.ShowHelpWithHFlag {
if flagName == helpFlagShortName || flagName == helpFlagLongName {
// Ensure this is the last subcommand passed so we give the correct
// help output
helpRequested = true
// determine what kind of flag this is
argType := determineArgType(a)
// strip flags from arg
// debugPrint("Parsing flag named", a, "of type", argType)
// depending on the flag type, parse the key and value out, then apply it
switch argType {
case argIsFinal:
// debugPrint("Arg", i, "is final:", a)
endArgFound = true
case argIsPositional:
// debugPrint("Arg is positional or subcommand:", a)
// this positional argument into a slice of their own, so that
// we can determine if its a subcommand or positional value later
positionalOnlyArguments = append(positionalOnlyArguments, a)
case argIsFlagWithSpace:
a = parseFlagToName(a)
// debugPrint("Arg", i, "is flag with space:", a)
// parse next arg as value to this flag and apply to subcommand flags
// if the flag is a bool flag, then we check for a following positional
// and skip it if necessary
if flagIsBool(sc, p, a) {
debugPrint(sc.Name, "bool flag", a, "next var is:", nextArg)
_, err = setValueForParsers(a, "true", p, sc)
// if an error occurs, just return it and quit parsing
if err != nil {
return []string{}, false, err
// by default, we just assign the next argument to the value and continue
skipNext = true
debugPrint(sc.Name, "NOT bool flag", a)
// if the next arg was not found, then show a Help message
if !nextArgExists {
p.ShowHelpWithMessage("Expected a following arg for flag " + a + ", but it did not exist.")
_, err = setValueForParsers(a, nextArg, p, sc)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, false, err
case argIsFlagWithValue:
// debugPrint("Arg", i, "is flag with value:", a)
a = parseFlagToName(a)
// parse flag into key and value and apply to subcommand flags
key, val := parseArgWithValue(a)
_, err = setValueForParsers(key, val, p, sc)
if err != nil {
return []string{}, false, err
// if this flag type was found and not set, and the parser is set to show
// Help when an unknown flag is found, then show Help and exit.
return positionalOnlyArguments, helpRequested, nil
// Parse causes the argument parser to parse based on the supplied []string.
// depth specifies the non-flag subcommand positional depth
func (sc *Subcommand) parse(p *Parser, args []string, depth int) error {
debugPrint("- Parsing subcommand", sc.Name, "with depth of", depth, "and args", args)
// if a command is parsed, its used
sc.Used = true
// as subcommands are used, they become the context of the parser. This helps
// us understand how to display help based on which subcommand is being used
p.subcommandContext = sc
// ensure that help and version flags are not used if the parser has the
// built-in help and version flags enabled
if p.ShowHelpWithHFlag {
if p.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag {
// Parse the normal flags out of the argument list and retain the positionals.
// Apply the flags to the parent parser and the current subcommand context.
// ./command -f -z subcommand someVar -b becomes ./command subcommand somevar
positionalOnlyArguments, helpRequested, err := sc.parseAllFlagsFromArgs(p, args)
if err != nil {
return err
// indicate that trailing arguments have been extracted, so that they aren't
// appended a second time
p.trailingArgumentsExtracted = true
// loop over positional values and look for their matching positional
// parameter, or their positional command. If neither are found, then
// we throw an error
var parsedArgCount int
for pos, v := range positionalOnlyArguments {
// the first relative positional argument will be human natural at position 1
// but offset for the depth of relative commands being parsed for currently.
relativeDepth := pos - depth + 1
// debugPrint("Parsing positional only position", relativeDepth, "with value", v)
if relativeDepth < 1 {
// debugPrint(sc.Name, "skipped value:", v)
// determine subcommands and parse them by positional value and name
for _, cmd := range sc.Subcommands {
// debugPrint("Subcommand being compared", relativeDepth, "==", cmd.Position, "and", v, "==", cmd.Name, "==", cmd.ShortName)
if relativeDepth == cmd.Position && (v == cmd.Name || v == cmd.ShortName) {
debugPrint("Decending into positional subcommand", cmd.Name, "at relativeDepth", relativeDepth, "and absolute depth", depth+1)
return cmd.parse(p, args, depth+parsedArgCount) // continue recursive positional parsing
// determine positional args and parse them by positional value and name
var foundPositional bool
for _, val := range sc.PositionalFlags {
if relativeDepth == val.Position {
debugPrint("Found a positional value at relativePos:", relativeDepth, "value:", v)
// set original value for help output
val.defaultValue = *val.AssignmentVar
// defrerence the struct pointer, then set the pointer property within it
*val.AssignmentVar = v
// debugPrint("set positional to value", *val.AssignmentVar)
foundPositional = true
val.Found = true
// if there aren't any positional flags but there are subcommands that
// were not used, display a useful message with subcommand options.
if !foundPositional && p.ShowHelpOnUnexpected {
debugPrint("No positional at position", relativeDepth)
var foundSubcommandAtDepth bool
for _, cmd := range sc.Subcommands {
if cmd.Position == relativeDepth {
foundSubcommandAtDepth = true
// if there is a subcommand here but it was not specified, display them all
// as a suggestion to the user before exiting.
if foundSubcommandAtDepth {
// determine which name to use in upcoming help output
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, sc.Name+":", "No subcommand or positional value found at position", strconv.Itoa(relativeDepth)+".")
var output string
for _, cmd := range sc.Subcommands {
if cmd.Hidden {
output = output + " " + cmd.Name
// if there are available subcommands, let the user know
if len(output) > 0 {
output = strings.TrimLeft(output, " ")
fmt.Println("Available subcommands:", output)
// if there were not any flags or subcommands at this position at all, then
// throw an error (display Help if necessary)
p.ShowHelpWithMessage("Unexpected argument: " + v)
// if help was requested and we should show help when h is passed,
if helpRequested && p.ShowHelpWithHFlag {
// find any positionals that were not used on subcommands that were
// found and throw help (unknown argument)
for _, pv := range p.PositionalFlags {
if pv.Required && !pv.Found {
p.ShowHelpWithMessage("Required global positional variable " + pv.Name + " not found at position " + strconv.Itoa(pv.Position))
for _, pv := range sc.PositionalFlags {
if pv.Required && !pv.Found {
p.ShowHelpWithMessage("Required positional of subcommand " + sc.Name + " named " + pv.Name + " not found at position " + strconv.Itoa(pv.Position))
return nil
// FlagExists lets you know if the flag name exists as either a short or long
// name in the (sub)command
func (sc *Subcommand) FlagExists(name string) bool {
for _, f := range sc.Flags {
if f.HasName(name) {
return true
return false
// AttachSubcommand adds a possible subcommand to the Parser.
func (sc *Subcommand) AttachSubcommand(newSC *Subcommand, relativePosition int) {
// assign the depth of the subcommand when its attached
newSC.Position = relativePosition
// ensure no subcommands at this depth with this name
for _, other := range sc.Subcommands {
if newSC.Position == other.Position {
if newSC.Name != "" {
if newSC.Name == other.Name {
log.Panicln("Unable to add subcommand because one already exists at position" + strconv.Itoa(newSC.Position) + " with name " + other.Name)
if newSC.ShortName != "" {
if newSC.ShortName == other.ShortName {
log.Panicln("Unable to add subcommand because one already exists at position" + strconv.Itoa(newSC.Position) + " with name " + other.ShortName)
// ensure no positionals at this depth
for _, other := range sc.PositionalFlags {
if newSC.Position == other.Position {
log.Panicln("Unable to add subcommand because a positional value already exists at position " + strconv.Itoa(newSC.Position) + ": " + other.Name)
sc.Subcommands = append(sc.Subcommands, newSC)
// add is a "generic" to add flags of any type. Checks the supplied parent
// parser to ensure that the user isn't setting version or help flags that
// conflict with the built-in help and version flag behavior.
func (sc *Subcommand) add(assignmentVar interface{}, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
// if the flag is already used, throw an error
for _, existingFlag := range sc.Flags {
if longName != "" && existingFlag.LongName == longName {
log.Panicln("Flag " + longName + " added to subcommand " + sc.Name + " but the name is already assigned.")
if shortName != "" && existingFlag.ShortName == shortName {
log.Panicln("Flag " + shortName + " added to subcommand " + sc.Name + " but the short name is already assigned.")
newFlag := Flag{
AssignmentVar: assignmentVar,
ShortName: shortName,
LongName: longName,
Description: description,
sc.Flags = append(sc.Flags, &newFlag)
// String adds a new string flag
func (sc *Subcommand) String(assignmentVar *string, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// StringSlice adds a new slice of strings flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice
func (sc *Subcommand) StringSlice(assignmentVar *[]string, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Bool adds a new bool flag
func (sc *Subcommand) Bool(assignmentVar *bool, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// BoolSlice adds a new slice of bools flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice
func (sc *Subcommand) BoolSlice(assignmentVar *[]bool, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// ByteSlice adds a new slice of bytes flag
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice. Takes hex as input.
func (sc *Subcommand) ByteSlice(assignmentVar *[]byte, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Duration adds a new time.Duration flag.
// Input format is described in time.ParseDuration().
// Example values: 1h, 1h50m, 32s
func (sc *Subcommand) Duration(assignmentVar *time.Duration, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// DurationSlice adds a new time.Duration flag.
// Input format is described in time.ParseDuration().
// Example values: 1h, 1h50m, 32s
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) DurationSlice(assignmentVar *[]time.Duration, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float32 adds a new float32 flag.
func (sc *Subcommand) Float32(assignmentVar *float32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float32Slice adds a new float32 flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Float32Slice(assignmentVar *[]float32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float64 adds a new float64 flag.
func (sc *Subcommand) Float64(assignmentVar *float64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Float64Slice adds a new float64 flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Float64Slice(assignmentVar *[]float64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int adds a new int flag
func (sc *Subcommand) Int(assignmentVar *int, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IntSlice adds a new int slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) IntSlice(assignmentVar *[]int, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt adds a new uint flag
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt(assignmentVar *uint, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UIntSlice adds a new uint slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) UIntSlice(assignmentVar *[]uint, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt64 adds a new uint64 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt64(assignmentVar *uint64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt64Slice adds a new uint64 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt64Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt32 adds a new uint32 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt32(assignmentVar *uint32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt32Slice adds a new uint32 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt32Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt16 adds a new uint16 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt16(assignmentVar *uint16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt16Slice adds a new uint16 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt16Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt8 adds a new uint8 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt8(assignmentVar *uint8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// UInt8Slice adds a new uint8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) UInt8Slice(assignmentVar *[]uint8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int64 adds a new int64 flag.
func (sc *Subcommand) Int64(assignmentVar *int64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int64Slice adds a new int64 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Int64Slice(assignmentVar *[]int64, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int32 adds a new int32 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) Int32(assignmentVar *int32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int32Slice adds a new int32 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Int32Slice(assignmentVar *[]int32, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int16 adds a new int16 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) Int16(assignmentVar *int16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int16Slice adds a new int16 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Int16Slice(assignmentVar *[]int16, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int8 adds a new int8 flag
func (sc *Subcommand) Int8(assignmentVar *int8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// Int8Slice adds a new int8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) Int8Slice(assignmentVar *[]int8, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IP adds a new net.IP flag.
func (sc *Subcommand) IP(assignmentVar *net.IP, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPSlice adds a new int8 slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) IPSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.IP, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// HardwareAddr adds a new net.HardwareAddr flag.
func (sc *Subcommand) HardwareAddr(assignmentVar *net.HardwareAddr, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// HardwareAddrSlice adds a new net.HardwareAddr slice flag.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) HardwareAddrSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.HardwareAddr, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPMask adds a new net.IPMask flag. IPv4 Only.
func (sc *Subcommand) IPMask(assignmentVar *net.IPMask, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// IPMaskSlice adds a new net.HardwareAddr slice flag. IPv4 only.
// Specify the flag multiple times to fill the slice.
func (sc *Subcommand) IPMaskSlice(assignmentVar *[]net.IPMask, shortName string, longName string, description string) {
sc.add(assignmentVar, shortName, longName, description)
// AddPositionalValue adds a positional value to the subcommand. the
// relativePosition starts at 1 and is relative to the subcommand it belongs to
func (sc *Subcommand) AddPositionalValue(assignmentVar *string, name string, relativePosition int, required bool, description string) {
// ensure no other positionals are at this depth
for _, other := range sc.PositionalFlags {
if relativePosition == other.Position {
log.Panicln("Unable to add positional value because one already exists at position: " + strconv.Itoa(relativePosition))
// ensure no subcommands at this depth
for _, other := range sc.Subcommands {
if relativePosition == other.Position {
log.Panicln("Unable to add positional value a subcommand already exists at position: " + strconv.Itoa(relativePosition))
newPositionalValue := PositionalValue{
Name: name,
Position: relativePosition,
AssignmentVar: assignmentVar,
Required: required,
Description: description,
sc.PositionalFlags = append(sc.PositionalFlags, &newPositionalValue)
// SetValueForKey sets the value for the specified key. If setting a bool
// value, then send "true" or "false" as strings. The returned bool indicates
// that a value was set.
func (sc *Subcommand) SetValueForKey(key string, value string) (bool, error) {
// debugPrint("Looking to set key", key, "to value", value)
// check for and assign flags that match the key
for _, f := range sc.Flags {
// debugPrint("Evaluating string flag", f.ShortName, "==", key, "||", f.LongName, "==", key)
if f.ShortName == key || f.LongName == key {
// debugPrint("Setting string value for", key, "to", value)
return true, nil
// debugPrint(sc.Name, "was unable to find a key named", key, "to set to value", value)
return false, nil
// ensureNoConflictWithBuiltinHelp ensures that the flags on this subcommand do
// not conflict with the builtin help flags (-h or --help). Exits the program
// if a conflict is found.
func (sc *Subcommand) ensureNoConflictWithBuiltinHelp() {
for _, f := range sc.Flags {
if f.LongName == helpFlagLongName {
if f.LongName == helpFlagShortName {
if f.ShortName == helpFlagLongName {
if f.ShortName == helpFlagShortName {
// ensureNoConflictWithBuiltinVersion ensures that the flags on this subcommand do
// not conflict with the builtin version flag (--version). Exits the program
// if a conflict is found.
func (sc *Subcommand) ensureNoConflictWithBuiltinVersion() {
for _, f := range sc.Flags {
if f.LongName == versionFlagLongName {
if f.ShortName == versionFlagLongName {
// exitBecauseOfVersionFlagConflict exits the program with a message about how to prevent
// flags being defined from conflicting with the builtin flags.
func (sc *Subcommand) exitBecauseOfVersionFlagConflict(flagName string) {
fmt.Println(`Flag with name '` + flagName + `' conflicts with the internal --version flag in flaggy.
You must either change the flag's name, or disable flaggy's internal version
flag with 'flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag = false'. If you are using
a custom parser, you must instead set '.ShowVersionWithVersionFlag = false' on it.`)
// exitBecauseOfHelpFlagConflict exits the program with a message about how to prevent
// flags being defined from conflicting with the builtin flags.
func (sc *Subcommand) exitBecauseOfHelpFlagConflict(flagName string) {
fmt.Println(`Flag with name '` + flagName + `' conflicts with the internal --help or -h flag in flaggy.
You must either change the flag's name, or disable flaggy's internal help
flag with 'flaggy.DefaultParser.ShowHelpWithHFlag = false'. If you are using
a custom parser, you must instead set '.ShowHelpWithHFlag = false' on it.`)

vendor/modules.txt vendored
View File

@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ github.com/hashicorp/hcl/hcl/scanner
# github.com/integrii/flaggy v1.2.2
# github.com/jbenet/go-context v0.0.0-20150711004518-d14ea06fba99
# github.com/jesseduffield/go-getter v0.0.0-20180822080847-906e15686e63