mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2024-12-04 10:34:55 +02:00

vastly improve the logic for undo and redo

This commit is contained in:
Jesse Duffield 2020-03-24 21:57:53 +11:00
parent 32d3e497c3
commit d105e2690a
3 changed files with 128 additions and 91 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package gui
import (
// Quick summary of how this all works:
@ -18,110 +17,136 @@ import (
// two user actions, meaning we end up undoing reflog entry C. Redoing works in a similar way.
const (
type reflogAction struct {
regexStr string
action func(match []string, commitSha string, waitingStatus string, envVars []string, isUndo bool) error
kind int
kind int // one of CHECKOUT, REBASE, and COMMIT
from string
to string
func (gui *Gui) reflogActions() []reflogAction {
return []reflogAction{
regexStr: `^checkout: moving from ([\S]+) to ([\S]+)`,
action: func(match []string, commitSha string, waitingStatus string, envVars []string, isUndo bool) error {
branchName := match[2]
if isUndo {
branchName = match[1]
return gui.handleCheckoutRef(branchName, handleCheckoutRefOptions{
WaitingStatus: waitingStatus,
EnvVars: envVars,
regexStr: `^commit|^rebase -i \(start\)|^reset: moving to|^pull`,
action: func(match []string, commitSha string, waitingStatus string, envVars []string, isUndo bool) error {
return gui.handleHardResetWithAutoStash(commitSha, handleHardResetWithAutoStashOptions{EnvVars: envVars, WaitingStatus: waitingStatus})
regexStr: `^\[lazygit undo\]`,
kind: UNDO,
regexStr: `^\[lazygit redo\]`,
kind: REDO,
func (gui *Gui) reflogUndo(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.iterateUserActions(func(match []string, reflogCommits []*commands.Commit, reflogIdx int, action reflogAction, counter int) (bool, error) {
if counter == -1 {
prevCommitSha := ""
if len(reflogCommits)-1 >= reflogIdx+1 {
prevCommitSha = reflogCommits[reflogIdx+1].Sha
return true, action.action(match, prevCommitSha, gui.Tr.SLocalize("UndoingStatus"), []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit undo]"}, true)
} else {
return false, nil
func (gui *Gui) reflogRedo(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.iterateUserActions(func(match []string, reflogCommits []*commands.Commit, reflogIdx int, action reflogAction, counter int) (bool, error) {
if counter == 0 {
return true, action.action(match, reflogCommits[reflogIdx].Sha, gui.Tr.SLocalize("RedoingStatus"), []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit redo]"}, false)
} else if counter < 0 {
return true, nil
} else {
return false, nil
func (gui *Gui) iterateUserActions(onUserAction func(match []string, reflogCommits []*commands.Commit, reflogIdx int, action reflogAction, counter int) (bool, error)) error {
reflogCommits := gui.State.ReflogCommits
// Here we're going through the reflog and maintaining a counter that represents how many
// undos/redos/user actions we've seen. when we hit a user action we call the callback specifying
// what the counter is up to and the nature of the action.
// We can't take you from a non-interactive rebase state into an interactive rebase state, so if we hit
// a 'finish' or an 'abort' entry, we ignore everything else until we find the corresponding 'start' entry.
// If we find ourselves already in an interactive rebase and we've hit the start entry,
// we can't really do an undo because there's no way to redo back into the rebase.
// instead we just ask the user if they want to abort the rebase instead.
func (gui *Gui) parseReflogForActions(onUserAction func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error)) error {
counter := 0
for i, reflogCommit := range reflogCommits {
for _, action := range gui.reflogActions() {
re := regexp.MustCompile(action.regexStr)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name)
if len(match) == 0 {
reflogCommits := gui.State.ReflogCommits
rebaseFinishCommitSha := ""
var action *reflogAction
for reflogCommitIdx, reflogCommit := range reflogCommits {
action = nil
switch action.kind {
case UNDO:
prevCommitSha := ""
if len(reflogCommits)-1 >= reflogCommitIdx+1 {
prevCommitSha = reflogCommits[reflogCommitIdx+1].Sha
if rebaseFinishCommitSha == "" {
if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^\[lazygit undo\]`); ok {
case REDO:
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^\[lazygit redo\]`); ok {
shouldReturn, err := onUserAction(match, reflogCommits, i, action, counter)
if err != nil {
return err
if shouldReturn {
return nil
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase -i \(abort\)|^rebase -i \(finish\)`); ok {
rebaseFinishCommitSha = reflogCommit.Sha
} else if ok, match := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^checkout: moving from ([\S]+) to ([\S]+)`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: CHECKOUT, from: match[1], to: match[2]}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^commit|^reset: moving to|^pull`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: COMMIT, from: prevCommitSha, to: reflogCommit.Sha}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase -i \(start\)`); ok {
// if we're here then we must be currently inside an interactive rebase
action = &reflogAction{kind: CURRENT_REBASE}
} else if ok, _ := utils.FindStringSubmatch(reflogCommit.Name, `^rebase -i \(start\)`); ok {
action = &reflogAction{kind: REBASE, from: prevCommitSha, to: rebaseFinishCommitSha}
if action != nil {
ok, err := onUserAction(counter, *action)
if ok {
return err
if action.kind == REBASE {
rebaseFinishCommitSha = ""
return nil
func (gui *Gui) reflogUndo(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
undoEnvVars := []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit undo]"}
undoingStatus := gui.Tr.SLocalize("UndoingStatus")
return gui.parseReflogForActions(func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error) {
if counter != 0 {
return false, nil
switch action.kind {
return true, gui.handleHardResetWithAutoStash(action.from, handleHardResetWithAutoStashOptions{
EnvVars: undoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: undoingStatus,
return true, gui.createConfirmationPanel(g, v, true, gui.Tr.SLocalize("AbortRebase"), gui.Tr.SLocalize("UndoOutOfRebaseWarning"), func(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
return gui.genericMergeCommand("abort")
}, nil)
return true, gui.handleCheckoutRef(action.from, handleCheckoutRefOptions{
EnvVars: undoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: undoingStatus,
gui.Log.Error("didn't match on the user action when trying to undo")
return true, nil
func (gui *Gui) reflogRedo(g *gocui.Gui, v *gocui.View) error {
redoEnvVars := []string{"GIT_REFLOG_ACTION=[lazygit redo]"}
redoingStatus := gui.Tr.SLocalize("RedoingStatus")
return gui.parseReflogForActions(func(counter int, action reflogAction) (bool, error) {
// if we're redoing and the counter is zero, we just return
if counter == 0 {
return true, nil
} else if counter > 1 {
return false, nil
switch action.kind {
return true, gui.handleHardResetWithAutoStash(action.to, handleHardResetWithAutoStashOptions{
EnvVars: redoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: redoingStatus,
// no idea if this is even possible but you certainly can't redo into the end of a rebase if you're still in the rebase
return true, nil
return true, gui.handleCheckoutRef(action.to, handleCheckoutRefOptions{
EnvVars: redoEnvVars,
WaitingStatus: redoingStatus,
gui.Log.Error("didn't match on the user action when trying to redo")
return true, nil
type handleHardResetWithAutoStashOptions struct {
WaitingStatus string
EnvVars []string

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@ -1056,6 +1056,12 @@ func addEnglish(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "prevTab",
Other: "previous tab",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AbortRebase",
Other: "Abort rebase",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "UndoOutOfRebaseWarning",
Other: "If you undo at this point, you won't be able to re-enter this rebase by pressing redo. Abort rebase?",

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@ -316,3 +316,9 @@ func TruncateWithEllipsis(str string, limit int) string {
remainingLength := limit - len(ellipsis)
return str[0:remainingLength] + "..."
func FindStringSubmatch(str string, regexpStr string) (bool, []string) {
re := regexp.MustCompile(regexpStr)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(str)
return len(match) > 0, match