mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
Merge branch 'master' into smaller-ui
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<kbd>A</kbd>: wijzig laatste commit
<kbd>C</kbd>: commit veranderingen met de git editor
<kbd>space</kbd>: toggle staged
<kbd>d</kbd>: view 'discard changes' options
<kbd>d</kbd>: bekijk 'ongedaan maken' opties
<kbd>e</kbd>: verander bestand
<kbd>o</kbd>: open bestand
<kbd>i</kbd>: voeg toe aan .gitignore
@ -57,55 +57,55 @@
<kbd>s</kbd>: squash beneden
<kbd>r</kbd>: hernoem commit
<kbd>R</kbd>: rename commit with editor
<kbd>R</kbd>: hernoem commit met editor
<kbd>g</kbd>: reset naar deze commit
<kbd>f</kbd>: Fixup commit
<kbd>d</kbd>: delete commit
<kbd>J</kbd>: move commit down one
<kbd>K</kbd>: move commit up one
<kbd>e</kbd>: edit commit
<kbd>A</kbd>: amend commit with staged changes
<kbd>d</kbd>: verwijder commit
<kbd>J</kbd>: verplaats commit 1 omlaag
<kbd>K</kbd>: verplaats commit 1 omhoog
<kbd>e</kbd>: wijzig commit
<kbd>A</kbd>: Wijzig commit met opgeslagen verandering
<kbd>p</kbd>: pick commit (when mid-rebase)
<kbd>t</kbd>: revert commit
<kbd>c</kbd>: copy commit (cherry-pick)
<kbd>C</kbd>: copy commit range (cherry-pick)
<kbd>v</kbd>: paste commits (cherry-pick)
<kbd>enter</kbd>: view commit's files
<kbd>space</kbd>: diff specific commits
<kbd>t</kbd>: Maak commit ongedaan
<kbd>c</kbd>: kopiëer commit (cherry-pick)
<kbd>C</kbd>: kopiëer commit range (cherry-pick)
<kbd>v</kbd>: plak commits (cherry-pick)
<kbd>enter</kbd>: bekijk gecommite bestanden
<kbd>space</kbd>: Bekijk verschillen tussen specifieke commits
## Stash
<kbd>space</kbd>: toepassen
<kbd>g</kbd>: pop
<kbd>g</kbd>: poppen
<kbd>d</kbd>: drop
## Commit files
<kbd>esc</kbd>: go back
<kbd>c</kbd>: checkout file
<kbd>d</kbd>: discard this commit's changes to this file
<kbd>esc</kbd>: ga terug
<kbd>c</kbd>: checkout bestand
<kbd>d</kbd>: Verwijder wijzigingen van dit bestand
<kbd>o</kbd>: open bestand
## Main (Normal)
<kbd>PgDn</kbd>: scroll down
<kbd>PgUp</kbd>: scroll up
<kbd>PgDn</kbd>: scroll omlaag
<kbd>PgUp</kbd>: scroll omhoog
## Main (Stage Lines/Hunks)
<kbd>esc</kbd>: ga terug naar het bestanden paneel
<kbd>▲</kbd>: select previous line
<kbd>▼</kbd>: select next line
<kbd>◄</kbd>: select previous hunk
<kbd>►</kbd>: select next hunk
<kbd>▲</kbd>: selecteer vorige line
<kbd>▼</kbd>: selecteer volgende line
<kbd>◄</kbd>: selecteer vorige hunk
<kbd>►</kbd>: selecteer volgende hunk
<kbd>space</kbd>: stage lijn
<kbd>a</kbd>: stage hunk
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
<kbd>esc</kbd>: ga terug naar het bestanden paneel
<kbd>space</kbd>: pick hunk
<kbd>b</kbd>: pick both hunks
<kbd>◄</kbd>: select previous conflict
<kbd>►</kbd>: select next conflict
<kbd>▲</kbd>: select top hunk
<kbd>▼</kbd>: select bottom hunk
<kbd>z</kbd>: undo
<kbd>b</kbd>: pick beide hunks
<kbd>◄</kbd>: selecteer vorige conflict
<kbd>►</kbd>: selecteer volgende conflict
<kbd>▲</kbd>: selecteer bovenste hunk
<kbd>▼</kbd>: selecteer laatste hunk
<kbd>z</kbd>: ongedaan maken
@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ func addDutch(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: `fetch`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle",
Other: `Geen automatiese git fetch`,
Other: `Geen automatische git fetch`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NoAutomaticGitFetchBody",
Other: `Lazygit kan niet "git fetch" uitvoeren in een privé repository, gebruik f in het branches paneel om "git fetch" manueel uit te voeren`,
@ -453,34 +453,34 @@ func addDutch(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: "Merging",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ConfirmRebase",
Other: "Are you sure you want to rebase {{.checkedOutBranch}} onto {{.selectedBranch}}?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je {{.checkedOutBranch}} op {{.selectedBranch}} wil rebasen?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ConfirmMerge",
Other: "Are you sure you want to merge {{.selectedBranch}} into {{.checkedOutBranch}}?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je {{.selectedBranch}} in {{.checkedOutBranch}} wil mergen?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FwdNoUpstream",
Other: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with no upstream",
Other: "Kan niet de branch vooruitspoelen zonder upstream",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ErrorOccurred",
Other: "An error occurred! Please create an issue at https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues",
Other: "Er is iets fout gegaan! Zou je hier een issue aan willen maken: https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FwdCommitsToPush",
Other: "Cannot fast-forward a branch with commits to push",
Other: "Je kan niet vooruitspoelen als de branch geen nieuwe commits heeft",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "MainTitle",
Other: "Main",
Other: "Hoofd",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NormalTitle",
Other: "Normal",
Other: "Normaal",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "softReset",
Other: "soft reset",
Other: "zacht reset",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CantRebaseOntoSelf",
Other: "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
Other: "Je kan niet een branch rebasen op zichzelf",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SureSquashThisCommit",
Other: "Are you sure you want to squash this commit into the commit below?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je deze commit wil samenvoegen met de commit hieronder?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "Squash",
Other: "Squash",
@ -489,130 +489,130 @@ func addDutch(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: "pick commit (when mid-rebase)",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "revertCommit",
Other: "revert commit",
Other: "commit omgedaan maken",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "deleteCommit",
Other: "delete commit",
Other: "verwijder commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "moveDownCommit",
Other: "move commit down one",
Other: "verplaats commit 1 omlaag",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "moveUpCommit",
Other: "move commit up one",
Other: "verplaats commit 1 omhoog",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "editCommit",
Other: "edit commit",
Other: "verander commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "amendToCommit",
Other: "amend commit with staged changes",
Other: "wijzig commit met staged veranderingen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflicts",
Other: "Damn, conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
Other: "Conflicten!, Om af te breken druk 'esc', anders druk op 'enter'",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflictsTitle",
Other: "Auto-merge failed",
Other: "Auto-merge mislukt",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "Undo",
Other: "undo",
Other: "ongedaan maken",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "PickHunk",
Other: "pick hunk",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "PickBothHunks",
Other: "pick both hunks",
Other: "pick beide hunks",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ViewMergeRebaseOptions",
Other: "view merge/rebase options",
Other: "bekijk merge/rebase opties",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NotMergingOrRebasing",
Other: "You are currently neither rebasing nor merging",
Other: "Je bent momenteel niet aan het rebasen of mergen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "RecentRepos",
Other: "recent repositories",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "MergeOptionsTitle",
Other: "Merge Options",
Other: "Merge Opties",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "RebaseOptionsTitle",
Other: "Rebase Options",
Other: "Rebase Opties",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ConflictsResolved",
Other: "all merge conflicts resolved. Continue?",
Other: "alle merge conflicten zijn opgelost. Wilt je verder gaan?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NoRoom",
Other: "Not enough room",
Other: "Niet genoeg ruimte",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "YouAreHere",
Other: "YOU ARE HERE",
Other: "JE BENT HIER",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "rewordNotSupported",
Other: "rewording commits while interactively rebasing is not currently supported",
Other: "herformatteren van commits in interactief rebasen is nog niet ondersteund",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "cherryPickCopy",
Other: "copy commit (cherry-pick)",
Other: "kopiëer commit (cherry-pick)",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "cherryPickCopyRange",
Other: "copy commit range (cherry-pick)",
Other: "kopiëer commit reeks (cherry-pick)",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "pasteCommits",
Other: "paste commits (cherry-pick)",
Other: "plak commits (cherry-pick)",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SureCherryPick",
Other: "Are you sure you want to cherry-pick the copied commits onto this branch?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je de gekopieerde commits naar deze branch wil cherry-picken?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CherryPick",
Other: "Cherry-Pick",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CannotRebaseOntoFirstCommit",
Other: "You cannot interactive rebase onto the first commit",
Other: "Je kan niet interactief rebasen naar de eerste commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CannotSquashOntoSecondCommit",
Other: "You cannot squash/fixup onto the second commit",
Other: "Je kan niet een squash/fixup doen naar de 2de commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "Donate",
Other: "Donate",
Other: "Doneer",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "PrevLine",
Other: "select previous line",
Other: "selecteer de vorige lijn",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NextLine",
Other: "select next line",
Other: "selecteer de volgende lijn",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "PrevHunk",
Other: "select previous hunk",
Other: "selecteer de vorige hunk",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NextHunk",
Other: "select next hunk",
Other: "selecteer de volgende hunk",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "PrevConflict",
Other: "select previous conflict",
Other: "selecteer voorgaand conflict",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NextConflict",
Other: "select next conflict",
Other: "selecteer volgende conflict",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SelectTop",
Other: "select top hunk",
Other: "selecteer bovenste hunk",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SelectBottom",
Other: "select bottom hunk",
Other: "selecteer onderste hunk",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ScrollDown",
Other: "scroll down",
Other: "scroll omlaag",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "ScrollUp",
Other: "scroll up",
Other: "scroll omhoog",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AmendCommitTitle",
Other: "Amend Commit",
Other: "Commit wijzigen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AmendCommitPrompt",
Other: "Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je deze commit wil wijzigen met de vorige staged bestanden?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DeleteCommitTitle",
Other: "Delete Commit",
Other: "Verwijder Commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DeleteCommitPrompt",
Other: "Are you sure you want to delete this commit?",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je deze commit wil verwijderen?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SquashingStatus",
Other: "squashing",
@ -621,118 +621,118 @@ func addDutch(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: "fixing up",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DeletingStatus",
Other: "deleting",
Other: "verwijderen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "MovingStatus",
Other: "moving",
Other: "verplaatsen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "RebasingStatus",
Other: "rebasing",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AmendingStatus",
Other: "amending",
Other: "wijzigen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CherryPickingStatus",
Other: "cherry-picking",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CommitFiles",
Other: "Commit files",
Other: "Commit bestanden",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "viewCommitFiles",
Other: "view commit's files",
Other: "bekijk gecommite bestanden",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CommitFilesTitle",
Other: "Commit files",
Other: "Commit bestanden",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "goBack",
Other: "go back",
Other: "ga terug",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "NoCommiteFiles",
Other: "No files for this commit",
Other: "Geen bestanden voor deze commit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "checkoutCommitFile",
Other: "checkout file",
Other: "bestand uitchecken",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardOldFileChange",
Other: "discard this commit's changes to this file",
Other: "uitsluit deze commit zijn veranderingen aan dit bestand",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DiscardFileChangesTitle",
Other: "Discard file changes",
Other: "uitsluit bestand zijn veranderingen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DiscardFileChangesPrompt",
Other: "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? If this file was created in this commit, it will be deleted",
Other: "Weet je zeker dat je de wijzigingen van deze commit in dit bestand wilt weggooien? Als dit bestand is gecreëerd in deze commit dan zal dit bestand worden verwijdert",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "DisabledForGPG",
Other: "Feature not available for users using GPG",
Other: "Onderdelen niet beschikbaar voor gebruikers die GPG gebruiken",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CreateRepo",
Other: "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): ",
Other: "Niet in een git repository. Creëer een nieuwe git repository? (y/n): ",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AutoStashTitle",
Other: "Autostash?",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "AutoStashPrompt",
Other: "You must stash and pop your changes to bring them across. Do this automatically? (enter/esc)",
Other: "Je moet je veranderingen stashen en poppen om ze over te bregen. Dit automatisch doen? (enter/esc)",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "StashPrefix",
Other: "Auto-stashing changes for ",
Other: "Auto-stashing veranderingen voor ",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "viewDiscardOptions",
Other: "view 'discard changes' options",
Other: "bekijk 'veranderingen ongedaan maken' opties",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "cancel",
Other: "cancel",
Other: "anuleren",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardAllChanges",
Other: "discard all changes",
Other: "negeer alle wijzigingen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardUnstagedChanges",
Other: "discard unstaged changes",
Other: "negeer unstaged wijzigingen",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardAllChangesToAllFiles",
Other: "nuke working tree",
Other: "verwijder werkende tree",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardAnyUnstagedChanges",
Other: "discard unstaged changes",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "discardUntrackedFiles",
Other: "discard untracked files",
Other: "negeer niet-gevonden bestanden",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "viewResetOptions",
Other: `view reset options`,
Other: `bekijk reset opties`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "hardReset",
Other: "hard reset",
Other: "harde reset",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "createFixupCommit",
Other: `create fixup commit for this commit`,
Other: `creëer fixup commit voor deze commit`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "squashAboveCommits",
Other: `squash above commits`,
Other: `squash bovenstaande commits`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SquashAboveCommits",
Other: `Squash above commits`,
Other: `Squash bovenstaande commits`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SureSquashAboveCommits",
Other: `Are you sure you want to squash all fixup! commits above {{.commit}}?`,
Other: `Weet je zeker dat je alles wil squash/fixup! voor de bovenstaand commits {{.commit}}?`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CreateFixupCommit",
Other: `Create fixup commit`,
Other: `Creëer fixup commit`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SureCreateFixupCommit",
Other: `Are you sure you want to create a fixup! commit for commit {{.commit}}?`,
Other: `Weet je zeker dat je een fixup wil maken! commit voor commit {{.commit}}?`,
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "executeCustomCommand",
Other: "execute custom command",
Other: "voor aangepast commando uit",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "CustomCommand",
Other: "Custom Command:",
Other: "Aangepast commando:",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "commitChangesWithoutHook",
Other: "commit changes without pre-commit hook",
Other: "commit veranderingen zonder pre-commit hook",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured",
Other: "You have not configured a commit message prefix for skipping hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in your config",
Other: "Je hebt nog niet een commit bericht voorvoegsel ingesteld voor het overslaan van hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in je config",
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ func addEnglish(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: "fetching and fast-forwarding {{.from}} -> {{.to}} ...",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflicts",
Other: "Damn, conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
Other: "Conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflictsTitle",
Other: "Auto-merge failed",
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ func addPolish(i18nObject *i18n.Bundle) error {
Other: "amend commit with staged changes",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflicts",
Other: "Damn, conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
Other: "Conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
}, &i18n.Message{
ID: "FoundConflictsTitle",
Other: "Auto-merge failed",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user