This begins a big refactor of moving more code out of the Gui struct into contexts, controllers, and helpers. We also move some code into structs in the
gui package purely for the sake of better encapsulation
and more
move rebase commit refreshing into existing abstraction
and more
and more
and more
handling clicks
properly fix merge conflicts
update cheatsheet
lots more preparation to start moving things into controllers
better typing
expand on remotes controller
moving more code into controllers
There has got to be a better way around this but if we're returning a Context
from a function (Context is an interface, not a concrete type), even if we
return nil, on the calling end it won't be equal to nil because an interface
value is a tuple of the type and the value meaning it's never itself nil,
unless both values in the tuple are nil.
So we're explicitly returning whether or not the underlying concrete type is nil.
When a user is not entering text into a prompt, the 'q' key should immediately
quit the application. On the other hand, the 'esc' key should cancel/close/go-back
to the previous context.
If we're at the surface level (nothing to cancel/close) and the user hits the
escape key, the default behaviour is to close the app, however we now have a
`quitOnTopLevelReturn` config key to override this.
I actually think from the beginning we should have made this config option
default to false rather than true which is the default this PR gives it,
but I don't want to anger too many people familiar with the existing behaviour.
For this to work you'll need to put this in your ~/.zshrc (or equivalent rc file):
export LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE=/Users/jesseduffieldduffield/Library/Application\ Support/jesseduffield/lazygit/.lastd
lazygit "$@"
if [ -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE ]; then
rm -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE > /dev/null