This adds range select ability in two ways:
1) Sticky: like what we already have with the staging view i.e. press v then use arrow keys
2) Non-sticky: where you just use shift+up/down to expand the range
The state machine works like this:
(no range, press 'v') -> sticky range
(no range, press arrow) -> no range
(no range, press shift+arrow) -> nonsticky range
(sticky range, press 'v') -> no range
(sticky range, press arrow) -> sticky range
(sticky range, press shift+arrow) -> nonsticky range
(nonsticky range, press 'v') -> no range
(nonsticky range, press arrow) -> no range
(nonsticky range, press shift+arrow) -> nonsticky range
A new gui config flag 'portraitMode':<string> is added to influence when
LazyGit stacks its UI components on top of one another.
The accepted values are 'auto', 'always', 'never'.
'auto': enter portrait mode when terminal becomes narrow enough
'always': always use portrait mode unconditional of the terminal
'never': never use portraid mode
Signed-off-by: Louis DeLosSantos <>
Looking online I can't find any consensus about whether soft or hard wrap is better.
This post goes into the pros/cons:
I find that editing hard-wrapped text is a pain in the ass, and it's hard to enforce
consistency. So I'm switching to soft-wrapping for this doc.
This allows us to jump back to the parent neovim process when we want to edit a file, rather than opening a new neovim
process within lazygit.
Arguably this should be the default, but I'm not familiar with the various ways people use lazygit with neovim.
I've been thinking about this for a while: I think it looks really cool if nuking your working tree
actually results in a nuke animation.
So I've added an opt-out config for it
As discussed in, it
makes more sense to have the user specify whether they want verbose
commits from their own git config, rather than lazygit config.
This means that we can remove all the code (including test coverage)
associated with the custom verbose flag, and lazygit will just inherit
the .gitconfig settings automatically.
Given that we now persist search/filter states even after a side context loses focus, we need to make it really
clear to the user that the context is currently being searched/filtered
The title was saying "Unstage lines", which was just wrong. The text said
"Delete lines", which can be seen as a bit misleading; we are only discarding
the changes to the selected lines, not deleting the lines themselves.
For consistency, rename the config variable skipUnstageLineWarning accordingly.
It defaults to {"master", "main"}, but can be set to whatever branch names
are used as base branches, e.g. {"master", "devel", "v1.0-hotfixes"}. It is
used for color-coding the shas in the commit list, i.e. to decide whether
commits are green or yellow.
When we use the one panel for the entire commit message, its tricky to have a keybinding both for adding a newline and submitting.
By having two panels: one for the summary line and one for the description, we allow for 'enter' to submit the message when done from the summary panel,
and 'enter' to add a newline when done from the description panel. Alt-enter, for those who can use that key combo, also works for submitting the message
from the description panel. For those who can't use that key combo, and don't want to remap the keybinding, they can hit tab to go back to the summary panel
and then 'enter' to submit the message.
We have some awkwardness in that both contexts (i.e. panels) need to appear and disappear in tandem and we don't have a great way of handling that concept,
so we just push both contexts one after the other, and likewise remove both contexts when we escape.