mirror of https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit.git synced 2025-03-19 21:28:28 +02:00
Jesse Duffield 0e0458f355 More compact and flexible date format
You can now configure both a time format and a short time format, where the short format kicks in
when the time is within the last day
2023-05-26 17:31:39 +10:00

541 lines
16 KiB

# User Config
Default path for the config file:
- Linux: `~/.config/lazygit/config.yml`
- MacOS: `~/Library/Application Support/lazygit/config.yml`
- Windows: `%APPDATA%\lazygit\config.yml`
For old installations (slightly embarrassing: I didn't realise at the time that you didn't need to supply a vendor name to the path so I just used my name):
- Linux: `~/.config/jesseduffield/lazygit/config.yml`
- MacOS: `~/Library/Application\ Support/jesseduffield/lazygit/config.yml`
- Windows: `%APPDATA%\jesseduffield\lazygit\config.yml`
If you want to change the config directory:
- MacOS: `export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="$HOME/.config"`
## Default
# stuff relating to the UI
windowSize: 'normal' # one of 'normal' | 'half' | 'full' default is 'normal'
scrollHeight: 2 # how many lines you scroll by
scrollPastBottom: true # enable scrolling past the bottom
sidePanelWidth: 0.3333 # number from 0 to 1
expandFocusedSidePanel: false
mainPanelSplitMode: 'flexible' # one of 'horizontal' | 'flexible' | 'vertical'
language: 'auto' # one of 'auto' | 'en' | 'zh' | 'pl' | 'nl' | 'ja' | 'ko'
timeFormat: '02 Jan 06' # https://pkg.go.dev/time#Time.Format
shortTimeFormat: '3:04PM'
- green
- bold
- white
- blue
- blue # set to `default` to have no background colour
- blue
- cyan
- blue
- red
- default
show: true
mouseEvents: true
skipUnstageLineWarning: false
skipStashWarning: false
showFileTree: true # for rendering changes files in a tree format
showListFooter: true # for seeing the '5 of 20' message in list panels
showRandomTip: true
experimentalShowBranchHeads: false # visualize branch heads with (*) in commits list
showBottomLine: true # for hiding the bottom information line (unless it has important information to tell you)
showCommandLog: true
showIcons: false
commandLogSize: 8
splitDiff: 'auto' # one of 'auto' | 'always'
skipRewordInEditorWarning: false # for skipping the confirmation before launching the reword editor
border: 'single' # one of 'single' | 'double' | 'rounded' | 'hidden'
colorArg: always
useConfig: false
signOff: false
verbose: default # one of 'default' | 'always' | 'never'
# only applicable to unix users
manualCommit: false
# extra args passed to `git merge`, e.g. --no-ff
args: ''
# one of date-order, author-date-order, topo-order or default.
# topo-order makes it easier to read the git log graph, but commits may not
# appear chronologically. See https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#_commit_ordering
order: 'topo-order'
# one of always, never, when-maximised
# this determines whether the git graph is rendered in the commits panel
showGraph: 'when-maximised'
# displays the whole git graph by default in the commits panel (equivalent to passing the `--all` argument to `git log`)
showWholeGraph: false
skipHookPrefix: WIP
# The main branches. We colour commits green if they belong to one of these branches,
# so that you can easily see which commits are unique to your branch (coloured in yellow)
mainBranches: [master, main]
autoFetch: true
autoRefresh: true
branchLogCmd: 'git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium {{branchName}} --'
allBranchesLogCmd: 'git log --graph --all --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium'
overrideGpg: false # prevents lazygit from spawning a separate process when using GPG
disableForcePushing: false
parseEmoji: false
diffContextSize: 3 # how many lines of context are shown around a change in diffs
editPreset: '' # see 'Configuring File Editing' section
edit: ''
editAtLine: ''
editAtLineAndWait: ''
open: ''
openLink: ''
refreshInterval: 10 # File/submodule refresh interval in seconds. Auto-refresh can be disabled via option 'git.autoRefresh'.
fetchInterval: 60 # Re-fetch interval in seconds. Auto-fetch can be disabled via option 'git.autoFetch'.
method: prompt # can be: prompt | background | never
days: 14 # how often an update is checked for
confirmOnQuit: false
# determines whether hitting 'esc' will quit the application when there is nothing to cancel/close
quitOnTopLevelReturn: false
disableStartupPopups: false
notARepository: 'prompt' # one of: 'prompt' | 'create' | 'skip' | 'quit'
promptToReturnFromSubprocess: true # display confirmation when subprocess terminates
quit: 'q'
quit-alt1: '<c-c>' # alternative/alias of quit
return: '<esc>' # return to previous menu, will quit if there's nowhere to return
quitWithoutChangingDirectory: 'Q'
togglePanel: '<tab>' # goto the next panel
prevItem: '<up>' # go one line up
nextItem: '<down>' # go one line down
prevItem-alt: 'k' # go one line up
nextItem-alt: 'j' # go one line down
prevPage: ',' # go to next page in list
nextPage: '.' # go to previous page in list
gotoTop: '<' # go to top of list
gotoBottom: '>' # go to bottom of list
scrollLeft: 'H' # scroll left within list view
scrollRight: 'L' # scroll right within list view
prevBlock: '<left>' # goto the previous block / panel
nextBlock: '<right>' # goto the next block / panel
prevBlock-alt: 'h' # goto the previous block / panel
nextBlock-alt: 'l' # goto the next block / panel
jumpToBlock: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'] # goto the Nth block / panel
nextMatch: 'n'
prevMatch: 'N'
optionMenu: null # show help menu
optionMenu-alt1: '?' # show help menu
select: '<space>'
goInto: '<enter>'
openRecentRepos: '<c-r>'
confirm: '<enter>'
remove: 'd'
new: 'n'
edit: 'e'
openFile: 'o'
scrollUpMain: '<pgup>' # main panel scroll up
scrollDownMain: '<pgdown>' # main panel scroll down
scrollUpMain-alt1: 'K' # main panel scroll up
scrollDownMain-alt1: 'J' # main panel scroll down
scrollUpMain-alt2: '<c-u>' # main panel scroll up
scrollDownMain-alt2: '<c-d>' # main panel scroll down
executeCustomCommand: ':'
createRebaseOptionsMenu: 'm'
pushFiles: 'P'
pullFiles: 'p'
refresh: 'R'
createPatchOptionsMenu: '<c-p>'
nextTab: ']'
prevTab: '['
nextScreenMode: '+'
prevScreenMode: '_'
undo: 'z'
redo: '<c-z>'
filteringMenu: '<c-s>'
diffingMenu: 'W'
diffingMenu-alt: '<c-e>' # deprecated
copyToClipboard: '<c-o>'
submitEditorText: '<enter>'
extrasMenu: '@'
toggleWhitespaceInDiffView: '<c-w>'
increaseContextInDiffView: '}'
decreaseContextInDiffView: '{'
checkForUpdate: 'u'
recentRepos: '<enter>'
commitChanges: 'c'
commitChangesWithoutHook: 'w' # commit changes without pre-commit hook
amendLastCommit: 'A'
commitChangesWithEditor: 'C'
ignoreFile: 'i'
refreshFiles: 'r'
stashAllChanges: 's'
viewStashOptions: 'S'
toggleStagedAll: 'a' # stage/unstage all
viewResetOptions: 'D'
fetch: 'f'
toggleTreeView: '`'
openMergeTool: 'M'
openStatusFilter: '<c-b>'
createPullRequest: 'o'
viewPullRequestOptions: 'O'
checkoutBranchByName: 'c'
forceCheckoutBranch: 'F'
rebaseBranch: 'r'
renameBranch: 'R'
mergeIntoCurrentBranch: 'M'
viewGitFlowOptions: 'i'
fastForward: 'f' # fast-forward this branch from its upstream
createTag: 'T'
pushTag: 'P'
setUpstream: 'u' # set as upstream of checked-out branch
fetchRemote: 'f'
squashDown: 's'
renameCommit: 'r'
renameCommitWithEditor: 'R'
viewResetOptions: 'g'
markCommitAsFixup: 'f'
createFixupCommit: 'F' # create fixup commit for this commit
squashAboveCommits: 'S'
moveDownCommit: '<c-j>' # move commit down one
moveUpCommit: '<c-k>' # move commit up one
amendToCommit: 'A'
pickCommit: 'p' # pick commit (when mid-rebase)
revertCommit: 't'
cherryPickCopy: 'c'
cherryPickCopyRange: 'C'
pasteCommits: 'v'
tagCommit: 'T'
checkoutCommit: '<space>'
resetCherryPick: '<c-R>'
copyCommitMessageToClipboard: '<c-y>'
openLogMenu: '<c-l>'
viewBisectOptions: 'b'
popStash: 'g'
renameStash: 'r'
checkoutCommitFile: 'c'
toggleDragSelect: 'v'
toggleDragSelect-alt: 'V'
toggleSelectHunk: 'a'
pickBothHunks: 'b'
init: 'i'
update: 'u'
bulkMenu: 'b'
## Platform Defaults
### Windows
open: 'start "" {{filename}}'
### Linux
open: 'xdg-open {{filename}} >/dev/null'
### OSX
open: 'open {{filename}}'
### Configuring File Editing
There are two commands for opening files, `o` for "open" and `e` for "edit". `o`
acts as if the file was double-clicked in the Finder/Explorer, so it also works
for non-text files, whereas `e` opens the file in an editor. `e` can also jump
to the right line in the file if you invoke it from the staging panel, for
To tell lazygit which editor to use for the `e` command, the easiest way to do
that is to provide an editPreset config, e.g.
editPreset: 'vscode'
Supported presets are `vim`, `nvim`, `emacs`, `nano`, `vscode`, `sublime`, `bbedit`,
`kakoune`, `helix`, and `xcode`. In many cases lazygit will be able to guess the right preset
from your $(git config core.editor), or an environment variable such as $VISUAL or $EDITOR.
If for some reason you are not happy with the default commands from a preset, or
there simply is no preset for your editor, you can customize the commands by
setting the `edit`, `editAtLine`, and `editAtLineAndWait` options, e.g.:
edit: 'myeditor {{filename}}'
editAtLine: 'myeditor --line={{line}} {{filename}}'
editAtLineAndWait: 'myeditor --block --line={{line}} {{filename}}'
editInTerminal: true
The `editInTerminal` option is used to decide whether lazygit needs to suspend
itself to the background before calling the editor.
Contributions of new editor presets are welcome; see the `getPreset` function in
### Overriding default config file location
To override the default config directory, use `CONFIG_DIR="$HOME/.config/lazygit"`. This directory contains the config file in addition to some other files lazygit uses to keep track of state across sessions.
To override the individual config file used, use the `--use-config-file` arg or the `LG_CONFIG_FILE` env var.
If you want to merge a specific config file into a more general config file, perhaps for the sake of setting some theme-specific options, you can supply a list of comma-separated config file paths, like so:
lazygit --use-config-file="$HOME/.base_lg_conf,$HOME/.light_theme_lg_conf"
LG_CONFIG_FILE="$HOME/.base_lg_conf,$HOME/.light_theme_lg_conf" lazygit
## Color Attributes
For color attributes you can choose an array of attributes (with max one color attribute)
The available attributes are:
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta
- cyan
- white
- '#ff00ff'
- bold
- default
- reverse # useful for high-contrast
- underline
- strikethrough
## Highlighting the selected line
If you don't like the default behaviour of highlighting the selected line with a blue background, you can use the `selectedLineBgColor` and `selectedRangeBgColor` keys to customise the behaviour. If you just want to embolden the selected line (this was the original default), you can do the following:
- default
- default
You can also use the reverse attribute like so:
- reverse
- reverse
## Custom Author Color
Lazygit will assign a random color for every commit author in the commits pane by default.
You can customize the color in case you're not happy with the randomly assigned one:
'John Smith': 'red' # use red for John Smith
'Alan Smithee': '#00ff00' # use green for Alan Smithee
You can use wildcard to set a unified color in case your are lazy to customize the color for every author or you just want a single color for all/other authors:
# use red for John Smith
'John Smith': 'red'
# use blue for other authors
'*': '#0000ff'
## Custom Branch Color
You can customize the color of branches based on the branch prefix:
'docs': '#11aaff' # use a light blue for branches beginning with 'docs/'
## Example Coloring
![border example](../../assets/colored-border-example.png)
## Display Nerd Fonts Icons
If you are using [Nerd Fonts](https://www.nerdfonts.com), you can display icons.
showIcons: true
## Keybindings
For all possible keybinding options, check [Custom_Keybindings.md](https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/blob/master/docs/keybindings/Custom_Keybindings.md)
You can disable certain key bindings by specifying `null`.
edit: null # disable 'edit file'
### Example Keybindings For Colemak Users
prevItem-alt: 'u'
nextItem-alt: 'e'
prevBlock-alt: 'n'
nextBlock-alt: 'i'
nextMatch: '='
prevMatch: '-'
new: 'k'
edit: 'o'
openFile: 'O'
scrollUpMain-alt1: 'U'
scrollDownMain-alt1: 'E'
scrollUpMain-alt2: '<c-u>'
scrollDownMain-alt2: '<c-e>'
undo: 'l'
redo: '<c-r>'
diffingMenu: 'M'
filteringMenu: '<c-f>'
ignoreFile: 'I'
moveDownCommit: '<c-e>'
moveUpCommit: '<c-u>'
viewGitFlowOptions: 'I'
setUpstream: 'U'
## Custom pull request URLs
Some git provider setups (e.g. on-premises GitLab) can have distinct URLs for git-related calls and
the web interface/API itself. To work with those, Lazygit needs to know where it needs to create
the pull request. You can do so on your `config.yml` file using the following syntax:
'<gitDomain>': '<provider>:<webDomain>'
- `gitDomain` stands for the domain used by git itself (i.e. the one present on clone URLs), e.g. `git.work.com`
- `provider` is one of `github`, `bitbucket`, `bitbucketServer`, `azuredevops`, `gitlab` or `gitea`
- `webDomain` is the URL where your git service exposes a web interface and APIs, e.g. `gitservice.work.com`
## Predefined commit message prefix
In situations where certain naming pattern is used for branches and commits, pattern can be used to populate
commit message with prefix that is parsed from the branch name.
- Branch name: feature/AB-123
- Commit message: [AB-123] Adding feature
my_project: # This is repository folder name
pattern: "^\\w+\\/(\\w+-\\w+).*"
replace: '[$1] '
## Custom git log command
You can override the `git log` command that's used to render the log of the selected branch like so:
branchLogCmd: "git log --graph --color=always --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --pretty=medium --oneline {{branchName}} --"
## Launching not in a repository behaviour
By default, when launching lazygit from a directory that is not a repository,
you will be prompted to choose if you would like to initialize a repo. You can
override this behaviour in the config with one of the following:
# for default prompting behaviour
notARepository: 'prompt'
# to skip and initialize a new repo
notARepository: 'create'
# to skip without creating a new repo
notARepository: 'skip'
# to exit immediately if run outside of the Git repository
notARepository: 'quit'