mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 21:50:48 +02:00
Use OIDC as base of Gitlab provider
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,194 +6,196 @@ import (
// GitLabProvider represents a GitLab based Identity Provider
type GitLabProvider struct {
Groups []string
Projects []*GitlabProject
// GitlabProject represents a Gitlab project constraint entity
type GitlabProject struct {
Name string
AccessLevel int
// newGitlabProject Creates a new GitlabProject struct from project string formatted as namespace/project=accesslevel
// if no accesslevel provided, use the default one
func newGitlabproject(project string) (*GitlabProject, error) {
// default access level is 20
defaultAccessLevel := 20
// see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/members.html#valid-access-levels
validAccessLevel := [4]int{10, 20, 30, 40}
parts := strings.SplitN(project, "=", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
lvl, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, valid := range validAccessLevel {
if lvl == valid {
return &GitlabProject{
Name: parts[0],
AccessLevel: lvl},
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid gitlab project access level specified (%s)", parts[0])
return &GitlabProject{
Name: project,
AccessLevel: defaultAccessLevel},
var _ Provider = (*GitLabProvider)(nil)
const (
gitlabProviderName = "GitLab"
gitlabDefaultScope = "openid email"
// GitLabProvider represents a GitLab based Identity Provider
type GitLabProvider struct {
allowedProjects []*gitlabProject
var _ Provider = (*GitLabProvider)(nil)
// NewGitLabProvider initiates a new GitLabProvider
func NewGitLabProvider(p *ProviderData) *GitLabProvider {
p.ProviderName = gitlabProviderName
if p.Scope == "" {
p.Scope = gitlabDefaultScope
return &GitLabProvider{ProviderData: p}
// Redeem exchanges the OAuth2 authentication token for an ID token
func (p *GitLabProvider) Redeem(ctx context.Context, redirectURL, code string) (s *sessions.SessionState, err error) {
clientSecret, err := p.GetClientSecret()
if err != nil {
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
ClientSecret: clientSecret,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
TokenURL: p.RedeemURL.String(),
return &GitLabProvider{
OIDCProvider: &OIDCProvider{
ProviderData: p,
SkipNonce: false,
RedirectURL: redirectURL,
token, err := c.Exchange(ctx, code)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token exchange: %v", err)
s, err = p.createSession(ctx, token)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
// SetProjectScope ensure read_api is added to scope when filtering on projects
func (p *GitLabProvider) SetProjectScope() {
if len(p.Projects) > 0 {
for _, val := range strings.Split(p.Scope, " ") {
if val == "read_api" {
// SetAllowedProjects adds Gitlab projects to the AllowedGroups list
// and tracks them to do a project API lookup during `EnrichSession`.
func (p *GitLabProvider) SetAllowedProjects(projects []string) error {
for _, project := range projects {
gp, err := newGitlabProject(project)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Scope += " read_api"
p.allowedProjects = append(p.allowedProjects, gp)
p.AllowedGroups[formatProject(gp)] = struct{}{}
if len(p.allowedProjects) > 0 {
return nil
// RefreshSession uses the RefreshToken to fetch new Access and ID Tokens
func (p *GitLabProvider) RefreshSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) (bool, error) {
if s == nil || s.RefreshToken == "" {
return false, nil
origExpiration := s.ExpiresOn
err := p.redeemRefreshToken(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unable to redeem refresh token: %v", err)
logger.Printf("refreshed id token %s (expired on %s)\n", s, origExpiration)
return true, nil
// gitlabProject represents a Gitlab project constraint entity
type gitlabProject struct {
Name string
AccessLevel int
func (p *GitLabProvider) redeemRefreshToken(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) error {
clientSecret, err := p.GetClientSecret()
if err != nil {
return err
// newGitlabProject Creates a new GitlabProject struct from project string
// formatted as `namespace/project=accesslevel`
// if no accesslevel provided, use the default one
func newGitlabProject(project string) (*gitlabProject, error) {
const defaultAccessLevel = 20
// see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/members.html#valid-access-levels
validAccessLevel := [4]int{10, 20, 30, 40}
parts := strings.SplitN(project, "=", 2)
if len(parts) == 2 {
lvl, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, valid := range validAccessLevel {
if lvl == valid {
return &gitlabProject{
Name: parts[0],
AccessLevel: lvl,
}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid gitlab project access level specified (%s)", parts[0])
c := oauth2.Config{
ClientID: p.ClientID,
ClientSecret: clientSecret,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
TokenURL: p.RedeemURL.String(),
return &gitlabProject{
Name: project,
AccessLevel: defaultAccessLevel,
}, nil
// setProjectScope ensures read_api is added to scope when filtering on projects
func (p *GitLabProvider) setProjectScope() {
for _, val := range strings.Split(p.Scope, " ") {
if val == "read_api" {
t := &oauth2.Token{
RefreshToken: s.RefreshToken,
Expiry: time.Now().Add(-time.Hour),
token, err := c.TokenSource(ctx, t).Token()
p.Scope += " read_api"
// EnrichSession enriches the session with the response from the userinfo API
// endpoint & projects API endpoint for allowed projects.
func (p *GitLabProvider) EnrichSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) error {
// Retrieve user info
userinfo, err := p.getUserinfo(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get token: %v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve user info: %v", err)
newSession, err := p.createSession(ctx, token)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to update session: %v", err)
// Check if email is verified
if !p.AllowUnverifiedEmail && !userinfo.EmailVerified {
return fmt.Errorf("user email is not verified")
*s = *newSession
s.User = userinfo.Username
s.Email = userinfo.Email
s.Groups = append(s.Groups, userinfo.Groups...)
p.addProjectsToSession(ctx, s)
return nil
type gitlabUserInfo struct {
type gitlabUserinfo struct {
Username string `json:"nickname"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVerified bool `json:"email_verified"`
Groups []string `json:"groups"`
func (p *GitLabProvider) getUserInfo(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) (*gitlabUserInfo, error) {
func (p *GitLabProvider) getUserinfo(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) (*gitlabUserinfo, error) {
// Retrieve user info JSON
// https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/integration/openid_connect_provider.html#shared-information
// Build user info url from login url of GitLab instance
userInfoURL := *p.LoginURL
userInfoURL.Path = "/oauth/userinfo"
userinfoURL := *p.LoginURL
userinfoURL.Path = "/oauth/userinfo"
var userInfo gitlabUserInfo
err := requests.New(userInfoURL.String()).
var userinfo gitlabUserinfo
err := requests.New(userinfoURL.String()).
SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+s.AccessToken).
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting user info: %v", err)
return &userInfo, nil
return &userinfo, nil
// addProjectsToSession adds projects matching user access requirements into
// the session state groups list.
// This method prefixes projects names with `project:` to specify group kind.
func (p *GitLabProvider) addProjectsToSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) {
// Iterate over projects, check if oauth2-proxy can get project information on behalf of the user
for _, project := range p.allowedProjects {
projectInfo, err := p.getProjectInfo(ctx, s, project.Name)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Warning: project info request failed: %v", err)
if projectInfo.Archived {
logger.Errorf("Warning: project %s is archived", project.Name)
perms := projectInfo.Permissions.ProjectAccess
if perms == nil {
// use group project access as fallback
perms = projectInfo.Permissions.GroupAccess
// group project access is not set for this user then we give up
if perms == nil {
logger.Errorf("Warning: user %q has no project level access to %s",
s.Email, project.Name)
if perms.AccessLevel < project.AccessLevel {
"Warning: user %q does not have the minimum required access level for project %q",
s.Groups = append(s.Groups, formatProject(project))
type gitlabPermissionAccess struct {
@ -226,7 +228,6 @@ func (p *GitLabProvider) getProjectInfo(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.Session
SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+s.AccessToken).
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get project info: %v", err)
@ -234,116 +235,6 @@ func (p *GitLabProvider) getProjectInfo(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.Session
return &projectInfo, nil
// AddProjects adds Gitlab projects from options to GitlabProvider struct
func (p *GitLabProvider) AddProjects(projects []string) error {
for _, project := range projects {
gp, err := newGitlabproject(project)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Projects = append(p.Projects, gp)
return nil
func (p *GitLabProvider) createSession(ctx context.Context, token *oauth2.Token) (*sessions.SessionState, error) {
idToken, err := p.verifyIDToken(ctx, token)
if err != nil {
switch err {
case ErrMissingIDToken:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token response did not contain an id_token")
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not verify id_token: %v", err)
ss := &sessions.SessionState{
AccessToken: token.AccessToken,
IDToken: getIDToken(token),
RefreshToken: token.RefreshToken,
return ss, nil
// ValidateSession checks that the session's IDToken is still valid
func (p *GitLabProvider) ValidateSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) bool {
_, err := p.Verifier.Verify(ctx, s.IDToken)
return err == nil
// EnrichSession adds values and data from the Gitlab endpoint to current session
func (p *GitLabProvider) EnrichSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) error {
// Retrieve user info
userInfo, err := p.getUserInfo(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve user info: %v", err)
// Check if email is verified
if !p.AllowUnverifiedEmail && !userInfo.EmailVerified {
return fmt.Errorf("user email is not verified")
s.User = userInfo.Username
s.Email = userInfo.Email
for _, group := range userInfo.Groups {
s.Groups = append(s.Groups, fmt.Sprintf("group:%s", group))
p.addProjectsToSession(ctx, s)
return nil
// addProjectsToSession adds projects matching user access requirements into the session state groups list
// This method prefix projects names with `project` to specify group kind
func (p *GitLabProvider) addProjectsToSession(ctx context.Context, s *sessions.SessionState) {
// Iterate over projects, check if oauth2-proxy can get project information on behalf of the user
for _, project := range p.Projects {
projectInfo, err := p.getProjectInfo(ctx, s, project.Name)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Warning: project info request failed: %v", err)
if !projectInfo.Archived {
perms := projectInfo.Permissions.ProjectAccess
if perms == nil {
// use group project access as fallback
perms = projectInfo.Permissions.GroupAccess
// group project access is not set for this user then we give up
if perms == nil {
logger.Errorf("Warning: user %q has no project level access to %s", s.Email, project.Name)
if perms != nil && perms.AccessLevel >= project.AccessLevel {
s.Groups = append(s.Groups, fmt.Sprintf("project:%s", project.Name))
} else {
logger.Errorf("Warning: user %q does not have the minimum required access level for project %q", s.Email, project.Name)
logger.Errorf("Warning: project %s is archived", project.Name)
// PrefixAllowedGroups returns a list of allowed groups, prefixed by their `kind` value
func (p *GitLabProvider) PrefixAllowedGroups() (groups []string) {
for _, val := range p.Groups {
groups = append(groups, fmt.Sprintf("group:%s", val))
for _, val := range p.Projects {
groups = append(groups, fmt.Sprintf("project:%s", val.Name))
return groups
func formatProject(project *gitlabProject) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("project:%s", project.Name)
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ var _ = Describe("Gitlab Provider Tests", func() {
err := p.EnrichSession(context.Background(), session)
if in.expectedError != nil {
} else {
@ -208,97 +208,102 @@ var _ = Describe("Gitlab Provider Tests", func() {
Context("when filtering on gitlab entities (groups and projects)", func() {
type entitiesTableInput struct {
expectedValue []string
projects []string
groups []string
allowedProjects []string
allowedGroups []string
scope string
expectedAuthz bool
expectedError error
expectedGroups []string
expectedScope string
DescribeTable("should return expected results",
func(in entitiesTableInput) {
p.AllowUnverifiedEmail = true
if in.scope != "" {
p.Scope = in.scope
session := &sessions.SessionState{AccessToken: "gitlab_access_token"}
err := p.AddProjects(in.projects)
if len(in.groups) > 0 {
p.Groups = in.groups
err := p.SetAllowedProjects(in.allowedProjects)
if err == nil {
} else {
err = p.EnrichSession(context.Background(), session)
authorized, err := p.Authorize(context.Background(), session)
Entry("project membership valid on group project", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar", "project:my_group/my_project"},
projects: []string{"my_group/my_project"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_project"},
expectedAuthz: true,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar", "project:my_group/my_project"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("project membership invalid on group project, insufficient access level level", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
projects: []string{"my_group/my_project=40"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_project=40"},
expectedAuthz: false,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("project membership invalid on group project, no access at all", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
projects: []string{"no_access_group/no_access_project=30"},
allowedProjects: []string{"no_access_group/no_access_project=30"},
expectedAuthz: false,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("project membership valid on personnal project", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar", "project:my_profile/my_personal_project"},
projects: []string{"my_profile/my_personal_project"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_profile/my_personal_project"},
scope: "openid email read_api profile",
expectedAuthz: true,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar", "project:my_profile/my_personal_project"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api profile",
Entry("project membership invalid on personnal project, insufficient access level", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
projects: []string{"my_profile/my_personal_project=40"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_profile/my_personal_project=40"},
expectedAuthz: false,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("project membership invalid", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
projects: []string{"my_group/my_bad_project"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_bad_project"},
expectedAuthz: false,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("group membership valid", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
groups: []string{"foo"},
allowedGroups: []string{"foo"},
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedAuthz: true,
expectedScope: "openid email",
Entry("groups and projects", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar", "project:my_group/my_project", "project:my_profile/my_personal_project"},
groups: []string{"foo", "baz"},
projects: []string{"my_group/my_project", "my_profile/my_personal_project"},
allowedGroups: []string{"foo", "baz"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_project", "my_profile/my_personal_project"},
expectedAuthz: true,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar", "project:my_group/my_project", "project:my_profile/my_personal_project"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Entry("archived projects", entitiesTableInput{
expectedValue: []string{"group:foo", "group:bar"},
groups: []string{},
projects: []string{"my_group/my_archived_project"},
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_archived_project"},
expectedAuthz: false,
expectedGroups: []string{"foo", "bar"},
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Context("when generating group list from multiple kind", func() {
type entitiesTableInput struct {
projects []string
groups []string
DescribeTable("should prefix entities with group kind", func(in entitiesTableInput) {
p.Groups = in.groups
err := p.AddProjects(in.projects)
all := p.PrefixAllowedGroups()
Expect(len(all)).To(Equal(len(in.projects) + len(in.groups)))
Entry("simple test case", entitiesTableInput{
projects: []string{"my_group/my_project", "my_group/my_other_project"},
groups: []string{"mygroup", "myothergroup"},
Entry("projects only", entitiesTableInput{
projects: []string{"my_group/my_project", "my_group/my_other_project"},
groups: []string{},
Entry("groups only", entitiesTableInput{
projects: []string{},
groups: []string{"mygroup", "myothergroup"},
Entry("invalid project format", entitiesTableInput{
allowedProjects: []string{"my_group/my_invalid_project=123"},
expectedError: errors.New("invalid gitlab project access level specified (my_group/my_invalid_project)"),
expectedScope: "openid email read_api",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user