mirror of https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy.git synced 2025-03-03 15:02:27 +02:00
Alexander Overvoorde 4de49983fb Rework GitLab provider (#231)
* Initial version of OIDC based GitLab provider

* Add support for email domain check to GitLab provider

* Add gitlab.com as default issuer for GitLab provider

* Update documentation for GitLab provider

* Update unit tests for new GitLab provider implementation

* Update CHANGELOG for GitLab provider

* Rename GitLab test access token as response to linter
2019-08-06 12:20:54 +01:00

12 KiB

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default Auth Configuration /auth-configuration 2

OAuth Provider Configuration

You will need to register an OAuth application with a Provider (Google, GitHub or another provider), and configure it with Redirect URI(s) for the domain you intend to run oauth2_proxy on.

Valid providers are :

The provider can be selected using the provider configuration value.

Google Auth Provider

For Google, the registration steps are:

  1. Create a new project: https://console.developers.google.com/project
  2. Choose the new project from the top right project dropdown (only if another project is selected)
  3. In the project Dashboard center pane, choose "API Manager"
  4. In the left Nav pane, choose "Credentials"
  5. In the center pane, choose "OAuth consent screen" tab. Fill in "Product name shown to users" and hit save.
  6. In the center pane, choose "Credentials" tab.
    • Open the "New credentials" drop down
    • Choose "OAuth client ID"
    • Choose "Web application"
    • Application name is freeform, choose something appropriate
    • Authorized JavaScript origins is your domain ex: https://internal.yourcompany.com
    • Authorized redirect URIs is the location of oauth2/callback ex: https://internal.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback
    • Choose "Create"
  7. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret

It's recommended to refresh sessions on a short interval (1h) with cookie-refresh setting which validates that the account is still authorized.

Restrict auth to specific Google groups on your domain. (optional)

  1. Create a service account: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount and make sure to download the json file.
  2. Make note of the Client ID for a future step.
  3. Under "APIs & Auth", choose APIs.
  4. Click on Admin SDK and then Enable API.
  5. Follow the steps on https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/guides/delegation#delegate_domain-wide_authority_to_your_service_account and give the client id from step 2 the following oauth scopes:
  1. Follow the steps on https://support.google.com/a/answer/60757 to enable Admin API access.
  2. Create or choose an existing administrative email address on the Gmail domain to assign to the google-admin-email flag. This email will be impersonated by this client to make calls to the Admin SDK. See the note on the link from step 5 for the reason why.
  3. Create or choose an existing email group and set that email to the google-group flag. You can pass multiple instances of this flag with different groups and the user will be checked against all the provided groups.
  4. Lock down the permissions on the json file downloaded from step 1 so only oauth2_proxy is able to read the file and set the path to the file in the google-service-account-json flag.
  5. Restart oauth2_proxy.

Note: The user is checked against the group members list on initial authentication and every time the token is refreshed ( about once an hour ).

Azure Auth Provider

  1. Add an application: go to https://portal.azure.com, choose "Azure Active Directory" in the left menu, select "App registrations" and then click on "New app registration".
  2. Pick a name and choose "Webapp / API" as application type. Use https://internal.yourcompany.com as Sign-on URL. Click "Create".
  3. On the "Settings" / "Properties" page of the app, pick a logo and select "Multi-tenanted" if you want to allow users from multiple organizations to access your app. Note down the application ID. Click "Save".
  4. On the "Settings" / "Required Permissions" page of the app, click on "Windows Azure Active Directory" and then on "Access the directory as the signed in user". Hit "Save" and then then on "Grant permissions" (you might need another admin to do this).
  5. On the "Settings" / "Reply URLs" page of the app, add https://internal.yourcompanycom/oauth2/callback for each host that you want to protect by the oauth2 proxy. Click "Save".
  6. On the "Settings" / "Keys" page of the app, add a new key and note down the value after hitting "Save".
  7. Configure the proxy with
   --client-id=<application ID from step 3>
   --client-secret=<value from step 6>

Facebook Auth Provider

  1. Create a new FB App from https://developers.facebook.com/
  2. Under FB Login, set your Valid OAuth redirect URIs to https://internal.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback

GitHub Auth Provider

  1. Create a new project: https://github.com/settings/developers
  2. Under Authorization callback URL enter the correct url ie https://internal.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback

The GitHub auth provider supports two additional parameters to restrict authentication to Organization or Team level access. Restricting by org and team is normally accompanied with --email-domain=*

-github-org="": restrict logins to members of this organisation
-github-team="": restrict logins to members of any of these teams (slug), separated by a comma

If you are using GitHub enterprise, make sure you set the following to the appropriate url:

-login-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/authorize"
-redeem-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/login/oauth/access_token"
-validate-url="http(s)://<enterprise github host>/api/v3"

GitLab Auth Provider

Whether you are using GitLab.com or self-hosting GitLab, follow these steps to add an application. Make sure to enable at least the openid, profile and email scopes.

Restricting by group membership is possible with the following option:

-gitlab-group="": restrict logins to members of any of these groups (slug), separated by a comma

If you are using self-hosted GitLab, make sure you set the following to the appropriate URL:

-oidc-issuer-url="<your gitlab url>"

LinkedIn Auth Provider

For LinkedIn, the registration steps are:

  1. Create a new project: https://www.linkedin.com/secure/developer
  2. In the OAuth User Agreement section:
    • In default scope, select r_basicprofile and r_emailaddress.
    • In "OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs", enter https://internal.yourcompany.com/oauth2/callback
  3. Fill in the remaining required fields and Save.
  4. Take note of the Consumer Key / API Key and Consumer Secret / Secret Key

Microsoft Azure AD Provider

For adding an application to the Microsoft Azure AD follow these steps to add an application.

Take note of your TenantId if applicable for your situation. The TenantId can be used to override the default common authorization server with a tenant specific server.

OpenID Connect Provider

OpenID Connect is a spec for OAUTH 2.0 + identity that is implemented by many major providers and several open source projects. This provider was originally built against CoreOS Dex and we will use it as an example.

  1. Launch a Dex instance using the getting started guide.

  2. Setup oauth2_proxy with the correct provider and using the default ports and callbacks.

  3. Login with the fixture use in the dex guide and run the oauth2_proxy with the following args:

    -provider oidc -client-id oauth2_proxy -client-secret proxy -redirect-url -oidc-issuer-url -cookie-secure=false -email-domain example.com

login.gov Provider

login.gov is an OIDC provider for the US Government. If you are a US Government agency, you can contact the login.gov team through the contact information that you can find on https://login.gov/developers/ and work with them to understand how to get login.gov accounts for integration/test and production access.

A developer guide is available here: https://developers.login.gov/, though this proxy handles everything but the data you need to create to register your application in the login.gov dashboard.

As a demo, we will assume that you are running your application that you want to secure locally on http://localhost:3000/, that you will be starting your proxy up on http://localhost:4180/, and that you have an agency integration account for testing.

First, register your application in the dashboard. The important bits are:

  • Identity protocol: make this Openid connect
  • Issuer: do what they say for OpenID Connect. We will refer to this string as ${LOGINGOV_ISSUER}.
  • Public key: This is a self-signed certificate in .pem format generated from a 2048 bit RSA private key. A quick way to do this is openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=Washington/L=DC/O=GSA/OU=18F/CN=localhost', The contents of the key.pem shall be referred to as ${OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY}.
  • Return to App URL: Make this be http://localhost:4180/
  • Redirect URIs: Make this be http://localhost:4180/oauth2/callback.
  • Attribute Bundle: Make sure that email is selected.

Now start the proxy up with the following options:

./oauth2_proxy -provider login.gov \
  -client-id=${LOGINGOV_ISSUER} \
  -redirect-url=http://localhost:4180/oauth2/callback \
  -oidc-issuer-url=https://idp.int.identitysandbox.gov/ \
  -cookie-secure=false \
  -email-domain=gsa.gov \
  -upstream=http://localhost:3000/ \
  -cookie-secret=somerandomstring12341234567890AB \
  -cookie-domain=localhost \
  -skip-provider-button=true \
  -pubjwk-url=https://idp.int.identitysandbox.gov/api/openid_connect/certs \
  -profile-url=https://idp.int.identitysandbox.gov/api/openid_connect/userinfo \

You can also set all these options with environment variables, for use in cloud/docker environments. One tricky thing that you may encounter is that some cloud environments will pass in environment variables in a docker env-file, which does not allow multiline variables like a PEM file. If you encounter this, then you can create a jwt_signing_key.pem file in the top level directory of the repo which contains the key in PEM format and then do your docker build. The docker build process will copy that file into your image which you can then access by setting the OAUTH2_PROXY_JWT_KEY_FILE=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem environment variable, or by setting -jwt-key-file=/etc/ssl/private/jwt_signing_key.pem on the commandline.

Once it is running, you should be able to go to http://localhost:4180/ in your browser, get authenticated by the login.gov integration server, and then get proxied on to your application running on http://localhost:3000/. In a real deployment, you would secure your application with a firewall or something so that it was only accessible from the proxy, and you would use real hostnames everywhere.

Skip OIDC discovery

Some providers do not support OIDC discovery via their issuer URL, so oauth2_proxy cannot simply grab the authorization, token and jwks URI endpoints from the provider's metadata.

In this case, you can set the -skip-oidc-discovery option, and supply those required endpoints manually:

    -provider oidc
    -client-id oauth2_proxy
    -client-secret proxy
    -email-domain example.com

Email Authentication

To authorize by email domain use --email-domain=yourcompany.com. To authorize individual email addresses use --authenticated-emails-file=/path/to/file with one email per line. To authorize all email addresses use --email-domain=*.

Adding a new Provider

Follow the examples in the providers package to define a new Provider instance. Add a new case to providers.New() to allow oauth2_proxy to use the new Provider.