Installing a metric or tracing bridge will cause OpenCensus telemetry to be exported by OpenTelemetry exporters. Since OpenCensus telemetry uses globals, installing a bridge will result in telemetry collection from _all_ libraries that use OpenCensus, including some you may not expect. For example ([#1928](, if a client library generates traces with OpenCensus, installing the bridge will cause those traces to be exported by OpenTelemetry.
In a perfect world, one would simply migrate their entire go application --including custom instrumentation, libraries, and exporters-- from OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry all at once. In the real world, dependency constraints, third-party ownership of libraries, or other reasons may require mixing OpenCensus and OpenTelemetry libraries in a single application.
However, if you create the following spans in a go application:
Instead, I would prefer (to a single set of exporters):
### The bridge solution
The bridge implements the OpenCensus trace API using OpenTelemetry. This would cause, for example, a span recorded with OpenCensus' `StartSpan()` method to be equivalent to recording a span using OpenTelemetry's `tracer.Start()` method. Funneling all tracing API calls to OpenTelemetry APIs results in the desired unified span hierarchy.