2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
// Code generated by piper's step-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
package cmd
import (
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
type golangBuildOptions struct {
BuildFlags [ ] string ` json:"buildFlags,omitempty" `
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
BuildSettingsInfo string ` json:"buildSettingsInfo,omitempty" `
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
CgoEnabled bool ` json:"cgoEnabled,omitempty" `
CoverageFormat string ` json:"coverageFormat,omitempty" validate:"possible-values=cobertura html" `
CreateBOM bool ` json:"createBOM,omitempty" `
CustomTLSCertificateLinks [ ] string ` json:"customTlsCertificateLinks,omitempty" `
ExcludeGeneratedFromCoverage bool ` json:"excludeGeneratedFromCoverage,omitempty" `
LdflagsTemplate string ` json:"ldflagsTemplate,omitempty" `
Output string ` json:"output,omitempty" `
Packages [ ] string ` json:"packages,omitempty" `
Publish bool ` json:"publish,omitempty" `
2022-02-02 15:44:51 +01:00
TargetRepositoryPassword string ` json:"targetRepositoryPassword,omitempty" `
TargetRepositoryUser string ` json:"targetRepositoryUser,omitempty" `
TargetRepositoryURL string ` json:"targetRepositoryURL,omitempty" `
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
ReportCoverage bool ` json:"reportCoverage,omitempty" `
RunTests bool ` json:"runTests,omitempty" `
RunIntegrationTests bool ` json:"runIntegrationTests,omitempty" `
TargetArchitectures [ ] string ` json:"targetArchitectures,omitempty" `
TestOptions [ ] string ` json:"testOptions,omitempty" `
TestResultFormat string ` json:"testResultFormat,omitempty" validate:"possible-values=junit standard" `
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00
PrivateModules string ` json:"privateModules,omitempty" `
PrivateModulesGitToken string ` json:"privateModulesGitToken,omitempty" `
2022-02-04 15:22:57 +01:00
ArtifactVersion string ` json:"artifactVersion,omitempty" `
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
type golangBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment struct {
custom struct {
buildSettingsInfo string
func ( p * golangBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment ) persist ( path , resourceName string ) {
content := [ ] struct {
category string
name string
value interface { }
} {
{ category : "custom" , name : "buildSettingsInfo" , value : p . custom . buildSettingsInfo } ,
errCount := 0
for _ , param := range content {
err := piperenv . SetResourceParameter ( path , resourceName , filepath . Join ( param . category , param . name ) , param . value )
if err != nil {
log . Entry ( ) . WithError ( err ) . Error ( "Error persisting piper environment." )
errCount ++
if errCount > 0 {
log . Entry ( ) . Error ( "failed to persist Piper environment" )
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
type golangBuildReports struct {
func ( p * golangBuildReports ) persist ( stepConfig golangBuildOptions , gcpJsonKeyFilePath string , gcsBucketId string , gcsFolderPath string , gcsSubFolder string ) {
if gcsBucketId == "" {
log . Entry ( ) . Info ( "persisting reports to GCS is disabled, because gcsBucketId is empty" )
log . Entry ( ) . Info ( "Uploading reports to Google Cloud Storage..." )
content := [ ] gcs . ReportOutputParam {
{ FilePattern : "**/bom.xml" , ParamRef : "" , StepResultType : "sbom" } ,
{ FilePattern : "**/TEST-*.xml" , ParamRef : "" , StepResultType : "junit" } ,
{ FilePattern : "**/cobertura-coverage.xml" , ParamRef : "" , StepResultType : "cobertura-coverage" } ,
envVars := [ ] gcs . EnvVar {
{ Name : "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" , Value : gcpJsonKeyFilePath , Modified : false } ,
gcsClient , err := gcs . NewClient ( gcs . WithEnvVars ( envVars ) )
if err != nil {
log . Entry ( ) . Errorf ( "creation of GCS client failed: %v" , err )
2022-02-22 18:32:09 +01:00
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
defer gcsClient . Close ( )
structVal := reflect . ValueOf ( & stepConfig ) . Elem ( )
inputParameters := map [ string ] string { }
for i := 0 ; i < structVal . NumField ( ) ; i ++ {
field := structVal . Type ( ) . Field ( i )
if field . Type . String ( ) == "string" {
paramName := strings . Split ( field . Tag . Get ( "json" ) , "," )
paramValue , _ := structVal . Field ( i ) . Interface ( ) . ( string )
inputParameters [ paramName [ 0 ] ] = paramValue
if err := gcs . PersistReportsToGCS ( gcsClient , content , inputParameters , gcsFolderPath , gcsBucketId , gcsSubFolder , doublestar . Glob , os . Stat ) ; err != nil {
log . Entry ( ) . Errorf ( "failed to persist reports: %v" , err )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
// GolangBuildCommand This step will execute a golang build.
func GolangBuildCommand ( ) * cobra . Command {
const STEP_NAME = "golangBuild"
metadata := golangBuildMetadata ( )
var stepConfig golangBuildOptions
var startTime time . Time
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
var commonPipelineEnvironment golangBuildCommonPipelineEnvironment
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
var reports golangBuildReports
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
var logCollector * log . CollectorHook
var splunkClient * splunk . Splunk
telemetryClient := & telemetry . Telemetry { }
var createGolangBuildCmd = & cobra . Command {
Short : "This step will execute a golang build." ,
Long : ` This step will build a golang project .
It will also execute golang - based tests using [ gotestsum ] ( https : //github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum) and with that allows for reporting test results and test coverage.
Besides execution of the default tests the step allows for running an additional integration test run using ` + " ` " + `-tags=integration` + " ` " + ` using pattern ` + " ` " + `./...` + " ` " + `
If the build is successful the resulting artifact can be uploaded to e . g . a binary repository automatically . ` ,
PreRunE : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , _ [ ] string ) error {
startTime = time . Now ( )
log . SetStepName ( STEP_NAME )
log . SetVerbose ( GeneralConfig . Verbose )
GeneralConfig . GitHubAccessTokens = ResolveAccessTokens ( GeneralConfig . GitHubTokens )
path , _ := os . Getwd ( )
fatalHook := & log . FatalHook { CorrelationID : GeneralConfig . CorrelationID , Path : path }
log . RegisterHook ( fatalHook )
err := PrepareConfig ( cmd , & metadata , STEP_NAME , & stepConfig , config . OpenPiperFile )
if err != nil {
log . SetErrorCategory ( log . ErrorConfiguration )
return err
2022-02-02 15:44:51 +01:00
log . RegisterSecret ( stepConfig . TargetRepositoryPassword )
log . RegisterSecret ( stepConfig . TargetRepositoryUser )
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00
log . RegisterSecret ( stepConfig . PrivateModulesGitToken )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
if len ( GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SentryConfig . Dsn ) > 0 {
sentryHook := log . NewSentryHook ( GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SentryConfig . Dsn , GeneralConfig . CorrelationID )
log . RegisterHook ( & sentryHook )
if len ( GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Dsn ) > 0 {
splunkClient = & splunk . Splunk { }
logCollector = & log . CollectorHook { CorrelationID : GeneralConfig . CorrelationID }
log . RegisterHook ( logCollector )
validation , err := validation . New ( validation . WithJSONNamesForStructFields ( ) , validation . WithPredefinedErrorMessages ( ) )
if err != nil {
return err
if err = validation . ValidateStruct ( stepConfig ) ; err != nil {
log . SetErrorCategory ( log . ErrorConfiguration )
return err
return nil
} ,
Run : func ( _ * cobra . Command , _ [ ] string ) {
stepTelemetryData := telemetry . CustomData { }
stepTelemetryData . ErrorCode = "1"
handler := func ( ) {
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
commonPipelineEnvironment . persist ( GeneralConfig . EnvRootPath , "commonPipelineEnvironment" )
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
reports . persist ( stepConfig , GeneralConfig . GCPJsonKeyFilePath , GeneralConfig . GCSBucketId , GeneralConfig . GCSFolderPath , GeneralConfig . GCSSubFolder )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
config . RemoveVaultSecretFiles ( )
stepTelemetryData . Duration = fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , time . Since ( startTime ) . Milliseconds ( ) )
stepTelemetryData . ErrorCategory = log . GetErrorCategory ( ) . String ( )
stepTelemetryData . PiperCommitHash = GitCommit
telemetryClient . SetData ( & stepTelemetryData )
telemetryClient . Send ( )
if len ( GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Dsn ) > 0 {
splunkClient . Send ( telemetryClient . GetData ( ) , logCollector )
log . DeferExitHandler ( handler )
defer handler ( )
telemetryClient . Initialize ( GeneralConfig . NoTelemetry , STEP_NAME )
if len ( GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Dsn ) > 0 {
splunkClient . Initialize ( GeneralConfig . CorrelationID ,
GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Dsn ,
GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Token ,
GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . Index ,
GeneralConfig . HookConfig . SplunkConfig . SendLogs )
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
golangBuild ( stepConfig , & stepTelemetryData , & commonPipelineEnvironment )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
stepTelemetryData . ErrorCode = "0"
log . Entry ( ) . Info ( "SUCCESS" )
} ,
addGolangBuildFlags ( createGolangBuildCmd , & stepConfig )
return createGolangBuildCmd
func addGolangBuildFlags ( cmd * cobra . Command , stepConfig * golangBuildOptions ) {
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & stepConfig . BuildFlags , "buildFlags" , [ ] string { } , "Defines list of build flags to be used." )
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . BuildSettingsInfo , "buildSettingsInfo" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_buildSettingsInfo" ) , "build settings info is typically filled by the step automatically to create information about the build settings that were used during the maven build . This information is typically used for compliance related processes." )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . CgoEnabled , "cgoEnabled" , false , "If active: enables the creation of Go packages that call C code." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . CoverageFormat , "coverageFormat" , ` html ` , "Defines the format of the coverage repository." )
2022-02-08 11:23:33 +03:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . CreateBOM , "createBOM" , false , "Creates the bill of materials (BOM) using CycloneDX plugin. It requires Go 1.17 or newer." )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & stepConfig . CustomTLSCertificateLinks , "customTlsCertificateLinks" , [ ] string { } , "List of download links to custom TLS certificates. This is required to ensure trusted connections to instances with repositories (like nexus) when publish flag is set to true." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . ExcludeGeneratedFromCoverage , "excludeGeneratedFromCoverage" , true , "Defines if generated files should be excluded, according to [https://golang.org/s/generatedcode](https://golang.org/s/generatedcode)." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . LdflagsTemplate , "ldflagsTemplate" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_ldflagsTemplate" ) , "Defines the content of -ldflags option in a golang template format." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . Output , "output" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_output" ) , "Defines the build result or output directory as per `go build` documentation." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & stepConfig . Packages , "packages" , [ ] string { } , "List of packages to be build as per `go build` documentation." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . Publish , "publish" , false , "Configures the build to publish artifacts to a repository." )
2022-02-02 15:44:51 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . TargetRepositoryPassword , "targetRepositoryPassword" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryPassword" ) , "Password for the target repository where the compiled binaries shall be uploaded - typically provided by the CI/CD environment." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . TargetRepositoryUser , "targetRepositoryUser" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryUser" ) , "Username for the target repository where the compiled binaries shall be uploaded - typically provided by the CI/CD environment." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . TargetRepositoryURL , "targetRepositoryURL" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryURL" ) , "URL of the target repository where the compiled binaries shall be uploaded - typically provided by the CI/CD environment." )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . ReportCoverage , "reportCoverage" , true , "Defines if a coverage report should be created." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . RunTests , "runTests" , true , "Activates execution of tests using [gotestsum](https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum)." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & stepConfig . RunIntegrationTests , "runIntegrationTests" , false , "Activates execution of a second test run using tag `integration`." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & stepConfig . TargetArchitectures , "targetArchitectures" , [ ] string { ` linux,amd64 ` } , "Defines the target architectures for which the build should run using OS and architecture separated by a comma." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & stepConfig . TestOptions , "testOptions" , [ ] string { } , "Options to pass to test as per `go test` documentation (comprises e.g. flags, packages)." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . TestResultFormat , "testResultFormat" , ` junit ` , "Defines the output format of the test results." )
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . PrivateModules , "privateModules" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_privateModules" ) , "Tells go which modules shall be considered to be private (by setting [GOPRIVATE](https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/go#hdr-Configuration_for_downloading_non_public_code))." )
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . PrivateModulesGitToken , "privateModulesGitToken" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_privateModulesGitToken" ) , "GitHub personal access token as per https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line." )
2022-02-04 15:22:57 +01:00
cmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & stepConfig . ArtifactVersion , "artifactVersion" , os . Getenv ( "PIPER_artifactVersion" ) , "Version of the artifact to be built." )
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
cmd . MarkFlagRequired ( "targetArchitectures" )
// retrieve step metadata
func golangBuildMetadata ( ) config . StepData {
var theMetaData = config . StepData {
Metadata : config . StepMetadata {
Name : "golangBuild" ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Description : "This step will execute a golang build." ,
} ,
Spec : config . StepSpec {
Inputs : config . StepInputs {
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00
Secrets : [ ] config . StepSecrets {
{ Name : "golangPrivateModulesGitTokenCredentialsId" , Description : "Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing username/password for http access to your git repos where your go private modules are stored." , Type : "jenkins" } ,
} ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
Parameters : [ ] config . StepParameters {
Name : "buildFlags" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "[]string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
Name : "buildSettingsInfo" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
Param : "custom/buildSettingsInfo" ,
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_buildSettingsInfo" ) ,
} ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
Name : "cgoEnabled" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : false ,
} ,
Name : "coverageFormat" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : ` html ` ,
} ,
Name : "createBOM" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "GENERAL" , "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : false ,
} ,
Name : "customTlsCertificateLinks" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "GENERAL" , "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "[]string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
Name : "excludeGeneratedFromCoverage" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : true ,
} ,
Name : "ldflagsTemplate" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_ldflagsTemplate" ) ,
} ,
Name : "output" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_output" ) ,
} ,
Name : "packages" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "[]string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
Name : "publish" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : false ,
} ,
2022-02-02 15:44:51 +01:00
Name : "targetRepositoryPassword" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
Param : "custom/repositoryPassword" ,
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryPassword" ) ,
} ,
Name : "targetRepositoryUser" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
Param : "custom/repositoryUsername" ,
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryUser" ) ,
} ,
Name : "targetRepositoryURL" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
2022-02-04 12:18:35 +01:00
Param : "custom/repositoryUrl" ,
2022-02-02 15:44:51 +01:00
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_targetRepositoryURL" ) ,
} ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
Name : "reportCoverage" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : true ,
} ,
Name : "runTests" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : true ,
} ,
Name : "runIntegrationTests" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "bool" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : false ,
} ,
Name : "targetArchitectures" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
2022-02-09 10:17:34 +01:00
Scope : [ ] string { "GENERAL" , "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
Type : "[]string" ,
Mandatory : true ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : [ ] string { ` linux,amd64 ` } ,
} ,
Name : "testOptions" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "[]string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
Name : "testResultFormat" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : ` junit ` ,
} ,
2022-01-31 10:45:40 +01:00
Name : "privateModules" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference { } ,
Scope : [ ] string { "STEPS" , "STAGES" , "PARAMETERS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_privateModules" ) ,
} ,
Name : "privateModulesGitToken" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "golangPrivateModulesGitTokenCredentialsId" ,
Type : "secret" ,
} ,
Name : "golangPrivateModulesGitTokenVaultSecret" ,
Type : "vaultSecret" ,
Default : "golang" ,
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "GENERAL" , "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_privateModulesGitToken" ) ,
} ,
2022-02-04 15:22:57 +01:00
Name : "artifactVersion" ,
ResourceRef : [ ] config . ResourceReference {
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
Param : "artifactVersion" ,
} ,
} ,
Scope : [ ] string { "GENERAL" , "PARAMETERS" , "STAGES" , "STEPS" } ,
Type : "string" ,
Mandatory : false ,
Aliases : [ ] config . Alias { } ,
Default : os . Getenv ( "PIPER_artifactVersion" ) ,
} ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
} ,
} ,
Containers : [ ] config . Container {
{ Name : "golang" , Image : "golang:1" , Options : [ ] config . Option { { Name : "-u" , Value : "0" } } } ,
} ,
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
Outputs : config . StepOutputs {
Resources : [ ] config . StepResources {
2022-02-21 09:16:48 +01:00
Name : "commonPipelineEnvironment" ,
Type : "piperEnvironment" ,
Parameters : [ ] map [ string ] interface { } {
{ "name" : "custom/buildSettingsInfo" } ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-17 17:56:45 +01:00
Name : "reports" ,
Type : "reports" ,
Parameters : [ ] map [ string ] interface { } {
{ "filePattern" : "**/bom.xml" , "type" : "sbom" } ,
{ "filePattern" : "**/TEST-*.xml" , "type" : "junit" } ,
{ "filePattern" : "**/cobertura-coverage.xml" , "type" : "cobertura-coverage" } ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
2021-12-06 16:17:59 +01:00
} ,
return theMetaData