mirror of https://github.com/SAP/jenkins-library.git synced 2024-12-14 11:03:09 +02:00
2019-01-18 08:57:54 +01:00

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Checks if a Change Document in SAP Solution Manager is in status 'in development'. The change document id is retrieved from the git commit history. The change document id can also be provided via parameter changeDocumentId. Any value provided as parameter has a higher precedence than a value from the commit history.

By default the git commit messages between origin/master and HEAD are scanned for a line like ChangeDocument : <changeDocumentId>. The commit range and the pattern can be configured. For details see 'parameters' table.

In case the change is not in status 'in development' an hudson.AbortException is thrown. In case failIfStatusIsNotInDevelopment is set to false, no hudson.AbortException will be thrown. In this case there is only a message in the log stating the change is not in status 'in development'.



Content here is generated from corresponnding step, see vars.

Step configuration

Content here is generated from corresponnding step, see vars.


  • AbortException:
    • If the change id is not provided via parameter and if the change document id cannot be retrieved from the commit history.
    • If the change is not in status in development. In this case no exception will be thrown when failIfStatusIsNotInDevelopment is set to false.
  • IllegalArgumentException:
    • If a mandatory property is not provided.


The step is configured using a customer configuration file provided as resource in an custom shared library.

@Library('piper-lib-os@master') _

// the shared lib containing the additional configuration
// needs to be configured in Jenkins
@Library('foo@master') __

// inside the shared lib denoted by 'foo' the additional configuration file
// needs to be located under 'resources' ('resoures/myConfig.yml')
prepareDefaultValues script: this,
                             customDefaults: 'myConfig.yml'

Example content of 'resources/myConfig.yml' in branch 'master' of the repository denoted by 'foo':

    changeDocumentLabel: 'ChangeDocument\s?:'
    cmClientOpts: '-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<path to truststore>'
    credentialsId: 'CM'
    endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'
      from: 'HEAD~1'
      to: 'HEAD'
      format: '%b'

The properties configured in section 'general/changeManagement' are shared between all change managment related steps.

The properties can also be configured on a per-step basis:

        endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'
      failIfStatusIsNotInDevelopment: true

The parameters can also be provided when the step is invoked:

    // simple case. All mandatory parameters provided via
    // configuration, changeDocumentId provided via commit
    // history
    checkChangeInDevelopment script:this
    // explict endpoint provided, we search for changeDocumentId
    // starting at the previous commit (HEAD~1) rather than on
    // 'origin/master' (the default).
    checkChangeInDevelopment script:this
                             changeManagement: [
                               endpoint: 'https:example.org/cm'
                               git: [
                                 from: 'HEAD~1'