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  • a Transport Request for a Change Document on the Solution Manager (type SOLMAN) or
  • a Transport Request inside an ABAP system (typeCTS)

The id of the transport request is availabe via commonPipelineEnvironment.getTransportRequestId()



parameter mandatory default possible values
script yes
changeDocumentId for SOLMAN
transportType for CTS no
targetSystem for CTS no
description for CTS no
changeManagement/credentialsId yes
changeManagement/endpoint yes
changeManagement/clientOpts no
changeManagement/git/from no origin/master
changeManagement/git/to no HEAD
changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel no ChangeDocument\s?: regex pattern
changeManagement/git/format no %b see git log --help
changeManagement/type no SOLMAN SOLMAN, CTS
developmentSystemId for SOLMAN
  • script - The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this parameter, as in script: this. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, for example, configuration parameters.
  • changeDocumentId - for SOLMAN only. The id of the change document to that the transport request is bound to. Typically this value is provided via commit message in the commit history.
  • changeManagement/type Where/how the transport request is created (via SAP Solution Manager, ABAP).
  • changeManagement/credentialsId - The credentials to connect to the service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
  • changeManagement/endpoint - The service endpoint (Solution Manager, ABAP System).
  • changeManagement/clientOpts- Options forwarded to JVM used by the CM client, like JAVA_OPTS
  • changeManagement/git/from - The starting point for retrieving the change document id
  • changeManagement/git/to - The end point for retrieving the change document id
  • changeManagement/changeDocumentLabel - For type SOLMAN only. A pattern used for identifying lines holding the change document id.
  • changeManagement/git/format - Specifies what part of the commit is scanned. By default the body of the commit message is scanned.
  • description - for CTS only. The description of the transport request.
  • targetSystem - for CTS only. The system receiving the transport request.
  • transportType - for type CTS only. Typically W (workbench) or C customizing.
  • developmentSystemId- for SOLMAN only. The logical system id for which the transport request is created. The format is <SID>~<TYPE>(/<CLIENT>)?. For ABAP Systems the developmentSystemId looks like DEV~ABAP/100. For non-ABAP systems the developmentSystemId looks like e.g. L21~EXT_SRV or J01~JAVA. In case the system type is not known (in the examples provided here: EXT_SRV or JAVA) the information can be retrieved from the Solution Manager instance.

Step configuration

The step is configured using a customer configuration file provided as resource in an custom shared library.

@Library('piper-lib-os@master') _

// the shared lib containing the additional configuration
// needs to be configured in Jenkins
@Library('foo@master') __

// inside the shared lib denoted by 'foo' the additional configuration file
// needs to be located under 'resources' ('resoures/myConfig.yml')
prepareDefaultValues script: this,
                             customDefaults: 'myConfig.yml'

Example content of 'resources/myConfig.yml' in branch 'master' of the repository denoted by 'foo':

    changeDocumentLabel: 'ChangeDocument\s?:'
    cmClientOpts: '-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=<path to truststore>'
    credentialsId: 'CM'
    type: 'SOLMAN'
    endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'
      from: 'HEAD~1'
      to: 'HEAD'
      format: '%b'

The properties configured in section 'general/changeManagement' are shared between all change managment related steps.

The properties can also be configured on a per-step basis:

        type: 'SOLMAN'
        endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'

The parameters can also be provided when the step is invoked. For examples see below.

Return value



  • AbortException:
    • If the creation of the transport request fails.
  • IllegalStateException:
    • If the change id is not provided.


def transportRequestId = transportRequestCreate script:this,
                                                changeDocumentId: '001,'
                                                changeManagement: [
                                                  type: 'SOLMAN'
                                                  endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'
// CTS
def transportRequestId = transportRequestCreate script:this,
                                                transportType: 'W',
                                                targetSystem: 'XYZ',
                                                description: 'the description',
                                                changeManagement: [
                                                  type: 'CTS'
                                                  endpoint: 'https://example.org/cm'