is correctly detected as corrupted by new version,
and is accepted (changed into offset==1) by older version.
updated documentation accordingly, with an hexadecimal representation.
The sequence section starts with a number, which tells how sequences are present in the section.
If this number if 0, the section automatically ends.
The number 0 can be represented using the 1 byte or the 2 bytes formats.
That's because the 2-bytes formats fully overlaps the 1 byte format.
However, when 0 is represented using the 2-bytes format,
the decoder was expecting the sequence section to continue,
and was looking for FSE tables, which is incorrect.
Fixed this behavior, in both the reference decoder and the educational behavior.
In practice, this behavior never happens,
because the encoder will always select the 1-byte format to represent 0,
since this is more efficient.
Completed the fix with a new golden sample for tests,
a clarification of the specification,
and a decoder errata paragraph.
and in `decodecorpus`:
the specific case `nbSeq=127` can be represented using the 1-byte format.
Note that both the 1-byte and the 2-bytes formats are valid to represent this case,
so there was no "error", produced data remains valid,
it's just that the 1-byte format is more efficient.
Credit to @ip7z for finding this issue.
for compressed blocks of size exactly 128 KB
which used to be disallowed by the spec
but have become allowed in more recent version of the spec.
While this limitation is fixed in decoders v1.5.4+,
implementers should refrain from generating such block with their custom encoder
as they could be misclassified as corrupted by older decoder versions.
Reported by @shulib :
the specification for 4-streams mode
doesn't work when the amount of literals to compress is 5 bytes.
Extending it, it also doesn't work for sizes 1 or 2.
This patch updates the specification and the implementation
to require a minimum of 6 literals to trigger or accept the 4-streams mode.
The impact is expected to be a no-op :
the 4-streams mode is never triggered for such small quantity of literals anyway,
since it would be wasteful (it costs ~7.3 bytes more than single-stream mode).
An informal lower limit is set at ~256 bytes,
so the technical minimum is very far from this limit.
This is just meant for completeness of the specification.
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora -o -path ./tests/regression/data-cache -o -path ./tests/regression/cache \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/\-2021/-present/' $f;
g co HEAD -- .github/workflows/dev-short-tests.yml # fix bad match
for f in $(find . \( -path ./.git -o -path ./tests/fuzz/corpora \) -prune -o -type f);
sed -i 's/Facebook, Inc\./Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates./' $f;