- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
- Chromium 64.0.3282.119 which should include partial MP3 support.
- Fixed stability issues when you closed the browser due to circular interface references.
- Fixed TCefRTTIExtension thanks to Pier.
- Added the JSRTTIExtension demo to test TCefRTTIExtension.
- Added the TCustomResponseFilter class to filter the resource contents.
- Added the ResponseFilterBrowser demo to test the new TCustomResponseFilter class.
- New Delphi package called CEF4Delphi_FMX.dpk that includes VCL and FMX components.
- New FMX comopnents : TFMXChromium, TFMXBufferPanel and TFMXWorkScheduler.
- New FMX demo : FMXExternalPumpBrowser
- Improved WorkScheduler for VCL too.
- New GlobalCEFApp.DisableWebSecurity property.
- New MDIExternalPumpBrowser demo.
- New JSWindowBindingSubProcess demo.
- Added more comments and checks in some initialization functions of TCEFApplication.
* New properties in TCEFApplication : SmoothScrolling, FastUnload,
* Bug fix in CefResponseFilter. Thanks to Zdravko Gabrovski!
* MiniBrowser now has a context menu option to visit the DOM.
MiniBrowser : Addition of a preferences form, replacement of URLEdt by
URLCbx, addition of a custom scheme
TCEFApplication : Addition of 3 new properties : EnableSpellingService,
EnableMediaStream, EnableSpeechInput
TCEFChromium : Renamed internal procedures, addition of
UppdatePreferences and SavePreferences procedures, more checks in
doOnBeforeClose and doOnClose.
TCefChromiumWindow : WebBrowser_OnClose returns False by default