- Update to CEF 3.3202.1690.gcd6b88f
- Bug fix#71
- Added the TCEFWorkScheduler class to handle the cef_do_message_loop_work calls when you use an external message pump.
- Added 2 demos using the "external message pump" mode.
- Added a TakeSnapshot function to the TChromium and TCEFWindowParent to take snapshots in non-OSR mode.
Added a custom BrowserProcessHandler to GlobalCEFApp to know when the global context is initialized and it's allowed to set the custom cookies directory and to create browsers.
- Fixed the functions to get the certificate issuer chains :
TCEFX509CertificateRef.GetDEREncodedIssuerChain and
- Replaced FmtStr by a custom function for backwards compatibility.
- Added the property TCEFApplication.EnableGPU.
- Updated cef.inc to include the latest Delphi versions.
- Bug fix#33 : Drag and drop is now supported in OSR mode.
- Improved keyboard handling in OSR mode.
- MiniBrowser demo : The DOM visitor and the Javascript extensions now
send customized results to the main form
- Fixed some CEF3 variable definitions.
Faster browser destruction. All timers have been removed from the demos.
Removed unnecessary client handler class in TChromium. Now there's only
an interface.
Fixed an old memory leak in popup windows.
* New properties in TCEFApplication : SmoothScrolling, FastUnload,
* Bug fix in CefResponseFilter. Thanks to Zdravko Gabrovski!
* MiniBrowser now has a context menu option to visit the DOM.