Added the keyboard handling modification to the OSRExternalPumpBrowser demo requested by mterrisse in issue #378
Fixed the wrong form icon in TinyBrowser demo.
Added TinyBrowser demo for Linux.
Added AppHelperRenamer tool for MacOS.
Disabled 3 event in TCefViewDelegateRef in 32 bits as a workaround for the issue #278
Added GlobalCEFApp.ApiHashUniversal
Added GlobalCEFApp.ApiHashPlatform
Added GlobalCEFApp.ApiHashCommit
Added a menu option to the MiniBrowser demo to show the CEF version info and API hashes.
- Added TCEFWorkSchedulerQueueThread as an experimental way to handle the external message pump events for all platforms.
- Fixed backwards compatibility issues with Delphi 7.
- Fixed issue #255
- Changed GlobalCEFApp.DefaultEncoding property type to ustring
- Changed GlobalCEFApp.OverrideSpellCheckLang property type to ustring
- Added GlobalCEFApp.DisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout property
- Removed remaining TCEFSentinel from all the demos.
- Fixed mouse coordinates in FMX demos with OSR browsers before sending a mouse wheel event.
- Added groups to the demos with a secondary subprocess project
- Added some conditional directives for MacOS (MACOS IS NOT SUPPORTED YET!)
- Removed some Windows dependencies in the FMXExternalPumpBrowser demo
- Added TChromium.ParentFormHandle property
- Added TChromium.IncZoomPct procedure to increase the zoom percent value
- Added TChromium.DecZoomPct procedure to decrease the zoom percent value
- Added TChromium.ResetZoomLevel procedure to reset the zoom level value
- Added TChromium.ResetZoomPct procedure to reset the zoom percent value
- Added TChromium.ReadZoom procedure to trigger the TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event with the current zoom percent value.
- Added TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event.
- Added the new TChromium.OnZoomPctAvailable event to the MiniBrowser demo.
- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
TCefApplication.CheckCEFLibrary now shows the binaries version and it also checks that the DLL and the application are compiled for the same architecture.
- Added more parameter checks in CefRegisterExtension
- Minor change registering the extension in JSExtension demo. The TempHandler reference is valid until it reaches the "finally".
- Chromium 64.0.3282.119 which should include partial MP3 support.
- Fixed stability issues when you closed the browser due to circular interface references.
- Fixed TCefRTTIExtension thanks to Pier.
- Added the JSRTTIExtension demo to test TCefRTTIExtension.
- Added the TCustomResponseFilter class to filter the resource contents.
- Added the ResponseFilterBrowser demo to test the new TCustomResponseFilter class.